TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

dear Sunny, first - congratulations xxxx that's wonderful news :D second, welcome back :D and third, I can't pretend to know how you are feeling. but I would say tell your DH, because what happens you need each other. Big :hugs: and sending you tons of sticky :dust:

Hi Anorak - and welcome to the thread :) I was on cerezette till about jan or Feb of this year. I hope your stay here is short and sweet :) oh and if that is a picture of you in your siggy - you have fab hair!

Ohhhh well spotted Asryella :) - congratulations Jdonn :)

HA - hope your journey home was safe and pleasent :)

Missy - your "looking after yourself" sounds exactly right!! more of it, I say :hugs:

Butterfly, Pad and Omm and wooly - big :hugs: in case you are lurking

Hi never - how are you doing, I am quietly stalking your journal, you have soooo many supporters. we should all form a fan club :haha:

Dodger - I am so sorry that you've had to come back, but I am pleased to see you :hugs:

FM - :hugs: to you hun - how're you doing??

and constance - :hi: hope you are doing good??

now who am I missing?? Oh yes - Twinkle - How was your Christmas, I am imagining you collapsed somewhere with complete exhaustion after all your festive activites

and Northstar :hi: how are you doing??

Dwrgi - hope your ok?? haven't seen you for a bit, thinking of you and missing you xx

and big mommy :hugs: to lava, skye and carole

ok, I am sure Im forgetting someone - Im so sorry, my head is a sieve!! Big :hugs: if i've forgetton you.

afm - AF is gone and Im POAS again for the cbfm and back to temping again and now I am really looking forwards to the 3 day weekend :D and tomorrow is the last day of 2011!! I can't really believe what has happened so far this year, but Ill be glad to put it all behind me. Except for one thing.....if I didn't start this journey, I would never have met all you amazing, wonderful, compassionate ladies, I feel so lucky that I stumbled across this forum and "met" you all.

now - whoever is listening..... I demand a BFP for us all in 2012!!
Well, well, well. What a difference a day brings!!

Asryellah- are QUICK!!

After this horrible 18 month emotional roller coaster that finally came to a humungous head this week.....I took not one test but 8 in total. I had talked myself into believing there was a spot on my eye making the 2nd line on the pregnancy test so I ventured out for the 8th and final digital one that spelled it our for me. P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T.

I am scared to death to get too excited (in case I cannot read now along with the "spot" I have myself believing that formed on my eye) until it is confirmed by the Dr office but that's not until Tuesday morning so it's only 4 more days of torture.

PS I called the Dr ofc this morning to "advise" them of their counting error in my DPO. I was blown off again and I have spent most of the day researching new OBs in my area.
Hello girls! I hope that you have all had a marvellous Christmas, and have had safe journeys if you had to travel. I can't believe how quickly time goes, and we are now gearing up to New Year! Well, personally, I can't wait to see the back of 2011 and am looking forward to a fresh approach and a new beginning for 2012! Lots and lots of love to you all!

Butterfly, I am sorry that you had had a BFN, but at this stage, that doesn't mean anything. Wait until at least 14 DPO or AF-it's not over until the fat hag sings, is what I always say, and IF she does make a very unwelcome appearance, we are here for you, come what may. I am thinking of you and willing some magic to happen over there in Suffolk, where the locals eat their turkey sarnies on the beach!!! A month in the sun in February, I am very jealous!!! Big :hugs: to you hun! Axx

FM-what is it with the witch arriving to torment us all on Xmas Day??? It is just such a cruel twist of fate, that I've decided that fat hag bag is not going to upset me ever again. I'm inspired by your positive attitude, and know that you will get through whatever crap life throws at you. Big :hugs: to you too, Axxxxxx

Missy-I too was all over the place on Clomid. So glad to hear that others act 'irrationally' too! How are you my sweet? Glad that the old hag has gone, I am sure that you will get your BFP sooner rather than later, so let's keep up with the positive thinking! Lots of love to you, Axxx

Pad-oh you sound just like me. Any animal cruelty advert and I am in bits. How can people be so cruel??? And how insensitive to have that friend tell everybody that she is 4 weeks preggers-FFS!!!! These things are sent to try us and I just have a feeling that your TTC journey is not over yet, so you just hang on in there, hun, and don't give up on yourself. HUGE hugs to you! I think of you often and am sending you a truckload of :dust:! Lots of love,Axxx

Purple-I am so glad to hear that you've had a lovely and indulgent Xmas-exactly what you needed! I hope your parents are settled and that you have a fab New Year's celebration at home. Sending you huge hugs for always being there for us all, Axxxx

Dodger-am sooooooo sorry to hear your news, I did suspect it when you wrote that numbers were doubling every 90 hours, as the exact same thing happened to me two years ago. It is heartbreaking as you hope and hope that it will come good. But take comfort from the fact that you got pregnant so soon into your treatment, so hopefully the same will happen again. Am sending you huge hugs and be super super kind to yourself, you've been through a dreadful experience, and I can only sympathise, and say that we are all here for you. Take it easy hun, and huge :hugs: to you. xx

JDonn-HA is completely right in saying that not ovulating is one of the easiest things to fix, so hang on in there, and at least now, you have something to go on, so let's get the treatment started for you. Big :hugs:, Ax

Skyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye!! What are you up to???? I hope you are RESTING UP GOOD AND PROPER young lady as you will need all the reserves you can get once January 5th comes and says hello to us! You must be sooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited, and if you're not, then I am being super excited for you, so you'd better keep us all informed of EVERY development!!! Lots and lots of love to you, Axxxxxx (Talgarth Bakery mince pies are the BEST ever!). :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Carole-what a lovely name Zara is and how gorgeous to know what you're having. Am so excited for you. Hope you had a safe journey home. Take it easy and remember to rest up!! :flower::flower:

Never-please update!!! That is an order!!! xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi to Twinkle, North Star, Titi, Nikki Leigh, HA, OMM, Macwooly, Lava, Manuiti, Asryellah, JDonn, Sunny (TAKE THE TEST!), and anybody that I may have foolishly forgotten to mention! Hope you're all okay and enjoying the holidays. xx

AFM, met up with an old friend yesterday, who has been TTC for over two years after taking two years to conceive her first child. Well, of course, she is now pregnant, thirteen weeks gone. She reckons it's after I told her to take a cocktail of vits, but I just think it was the right time for her. Feel a bit like the eternal bridesmaid, if you know what I mean! But, am soooo pleased for her as she has been through hell to get to this point.

My OH had his step daughter to visit on Tuesday (I made myself scarce as she has a 4 month old baby-I CANNOT cope with babies, I just cry and cry and cry), and a gorgeous 5 year old. Anyway, it proved enlightening for my OH who interacted really well with the little boy and he realised that he risked never having one of his own to interact with and woke the next day buoyed with enthusiasm for how to tackle this problem of ours. So, girls, I believe the expression I'm looking for is, A RESULT!!!!!! Acupuncture for me on Tuesday and then ICSI no. 2 in Feb. Bring it bloody well on!

Here we celebrate NYE by going to the local pub, where there is always a party. This year I have bought myself a slinky sequin dress from ebay and am getting dressed up-this girl sure needs to party!!!!

I hope you ALL have an amazing 2012 and I know that together we can ALL crack this infertility nonsense!! Let's join together and face this rubbish squarely in the face-WE CAN DO IT girls!!!!!!

Well, well, well. What a difference a day brings!!

Asryellah- are QUICK!!

After this horrible 18 month emotional roller coaster that finally came to a humungous head this week.....I took not one test but 8 in total. I had talked myself into believing there was a spot on my eye making the 2nd line on the pregnancy test so I ventured out for the 8th and final digital one that spelled it our for me. P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T.

I am scared to death to get too excited (in case I cannot read now along with the "spot" I have myself believing that formed on my eye) until it is confirmed by the Dr office but that's not until Tuesday morning so it's only 4 more days of torture.

PS I called the Dr ofc this morning to "advise" them of their counting error in my DPO. I was blown off again and I have spent most of the day researching new OBs in my area.

Congrats! I'm hoping for a happy healthy sticky bean for you. :flower:
JDonn-flippin eck, that is a development! Congratulations!
JDonn-flippin eck, that is a development! Congratulations!

No kidding. I'm still in shock. I am a 28 day cycle to the minute...and :witch: wasn't there when I got up this morning so I peed on the stick. Good Lord was I floored when 2 lines appeared. I had to re-read the directions on the test again...even though I've been doing them FOREVA!

Funny how it can make you second guess yourself on something so simple.

It's soooooo early so I'm trying to contain myself. It's not working. I've happy cried more times than I care to admit today.
jdonn thats just awesome news!!! :cloud9: Wish all of us could follow you soon :flower:
So this was your first clomid cycle, did you do anything else different this cycle?

I wish you happy and healty nine months :yipee:
Jdonn...congrats and take each day as it comes :flower: sorry for your sad kind to yourself and give yourself time. Having a loss will take you on an emotional roller coaster where there are ups and downs when you least expect it :hugs:

Dwrgi....I am SO glad that hubby has realised how much he wants this too and he is on board...makes it SO much easier and you go knock em all out with your posh frock you sexy lady and roll on February :hugs: are you finding having your parents so close? Happy POAS for CBFM :hugs: and you don't have to quietly stalk my journal :winkwink:

:hi: to all:

still pregnant...will be 6 weeks tomorrow. I have a scan on he 11th when I should be 7+3. Obviously I won't be having the testing done for RPL as the tests can't be done whilst pregnant so I am hoping this is the sticky one. I also feel a bit awkward posting about me...I don't people to think I'm being insensitive because I've been lucky enough to get pregnant again.

jdonn thats just awesome news!!! :cloud9: Wish all of us could follow you soon :flower:
So this was your first clomid cycle, did you do anything else different this cycle?

I wish you happy and healty nine months :yipee:

Thank you so much. It's 7:00 am here and I've been awake since 3 with cramps. Who knows what's going on.......

You are correct, this was my 1st Clomid cycle and thankfully my last. That stuff is a beast! In addition to Clomid this month I added some supplements. Let me preface this by saying I have never "believed" in herbal remedies and never thought I would find myself taking them. But up to this point nothing was worked so I decided to give it a go. I did some research and found The owner, Mama Kath, does consultations at no cost. So I set one up. Why not, right? I explained my story from the beginning and she made some recommendations to me. I was under no obligation to buy anything and could have walked away. But I honestly I didn't feel I had anything to lose so after checking prices, I bought what she recommended and began them as instructed as soon as they arrived.

We also tried Pre-Seed Lubricant as "instructed" with the syringe. I never used it like that before because I didn't think it was necessary but I was worried about having "good" CM so I gave that a whirl, too. Not really great when your in the "moment" but let's be real here, at this point it was all clinical for us so it just went with the territory.

That was it. Seems like a lot but in the scheme of things, it was a few more pills and some lube.

Been praying this sticks. These cramps make me worry but I've had no bleeding as of yet.
Jdonn...congrats and take each day as it comes :flower:

still pregnant...will be 6 weeks tomorrow. I have a scan on he 11th when I should be 7+3. Obviously I won't be having the testing done for RPL as the tests can't be done whilst pregnant so I am hoping this is the sticky one. I also feel a bit awkward posting about me...I don't people to think I'm being insensitive because I've been lucky enough to get pregnant again.


1st of all CONGRATS TO YOU!!! 2nd, Thank you! And 3rd- I know how you feel about talking about it. I've been TTC for so long that I still feel like we still trying and I really don't want to seem insensitive, either. I KNOW how we all feel.

Hoping and praying for BFPs for everyone and a health 9 months.
Jdonn, wow! Congrats! Here's to a healthy 9 months.

Purple, you are so sweet. And yes, I'm also ready to put 2011 behind me. I'm anticipating this to be a BFP year for all of us.

Dwrgi, so happy to hear that DH is on board now. I know you've struggled with him buying into taking responsibility himself. I'm glad he's starting to realize it takes two. I hope you have a fabulous time at the pub. You deserve it!

AFM, we are going to the in-laws for NYE. Since I decided to quit drinking, that is a good thing, I guess. Luckily we're only staying overnight. The house is usually chaos when we go there with kids and animals running around and we take our pugs to add to the chaos. I'm off on Monday so I will continue to pamper myself as I vowed to do as one of my new year's resolutions.
Jdonn, wow! Congrats! Here's to a healthy 9 months.

Purple, you are so sweet. And yes, I'm also ready to put 2011 behind me. I'm anticipating this to be a BFP year for all of us.

Dwrgi, so happy to hear that DH is on board now. I know you've struggled with him buying into taking responsibility himself. I'm glad he's starting to realize it takes two. I hope you have a fabulous time at the pub. You deserve it!

AFM, we are going to the in-laws for NYE. Since I decided to quit drinking, that is a good thing, I guess. Luckily we're only staying overnight. The house is usually chaos when we go there with kids and animals running around and we take our pugs to add to the chaos. I'm off on Monday so I will continue to pamper myself as I vowed to do as one of my new year's resolutions.

Missy, thanks for this! I wanted to add too, that I think at 37 you are far too young to be giving up on your own eggs, simply for the sake of a clinic's success rate ratio! The friend I mentioned is two years younger than me, so she is 38 and tried for two years for her first baby and the second has taken them two and a half years. Her DH's sperm were ample but not swimming anywhere (you got to love those swimmers......!). You must also not forget that on your first IVF you had ten eggs, and yielded four good embryos, which is a fantastic tally, so there is no way that you can deem yourself to be into donor eggsville just yet! So, hang in there girl and let's get IVF no. 2 rolling for you!

We can do it hun, lots and lots of love, and enjoy your NYE-sounds like great fun!!!! I've just seen pics of my brother in Sydney on FB-fireworks looked amazing! So weird to think they are 11 hours ahead. Miss him so, too. But thank God for FB I say, in these circumstances. As it goes, he and his fiancee have been trying for four years to conceive. It is a problem everywhere, and we must take heart from the fact that we are not alone!!

Anyway, lots of love to you, and let's make 2012 our year!

Happy New Year Ladies, I am hoping and praying that 2012 will be the year for you all to get your sticky BFP's. I have never met such a fab group of ladies that offer unconditional support and can't think of anyone else that would make better Mamma's than all of you.:hugs:
never - you are sooooo not insensitive, you are part of our little family and we care about what's happening with you! :hugs:

Jdonn - I am delighted for you!! Now Im interested in the preseed, because I never have ewcm...I heard it's really messy but I might now order some and give it a go :hugs:

To all the wonderful Ladies here... Happy New Year!!May you all have a wonderful night tonight and may 2012 bring us all a super sticky BFP and a healthy baby/babies, and may it be the year where all of us know only happiness (No sadness or blinking AF allowed!!)
never - you are sooooo not insensitive, you are part of our little family and we care about what's happening with you! :hugs:

Jdonn - I am delighted for you!! Now Im interested in the preseed, because I never have ewcm...I heard it's really messy but I might now order some and give it a go :hugs:

To all the wonderful Ladies here... Happy New Year!!May you all have a wonderful night tonight and may 2012 bring us all a super sticky BFP and a healthy baby/babies, and may it be the year where all of us know only happiness (No sadness or blinking AF allowed!!)

Thanks Purple-you deserve every happiness for being such a kind and lovely person!!! Bring on that BFP girl!!!

I use Preseed and have no problems with it (obviously no BFP, but who knows what's going on with me....). As you know, I only have EWCM if I've seen the gorgeous JT in concert, so Preseed is a must. I generally squirt loads up there before :sex: and am going to squirt some up there every day of ovulation this time too, just to keep those (bast&rd) swimmers going.... Sorry for TMI. But, don't be put off by it-give it a go!

Enjoy your evening hun, and muchos love to you for 2012!
Hello everyone!

Just to chime in about preseed ... we used it TTCing. A little goes a long way, but it is very natural feeling so I recommend it.

I just wanted to thank you all for your friendship and support this year. I sincerely hope and pray that 2012 brings you all healthy pregnancies and little bundles of joy. Bring on the new year!
Happy New Year Ladies :yipee:
This is the year that will bring us BFP's !!!

Purplelou, we've been using preseed for last 6mo now, and it is good. I do have some ewcm but pre seed is still a good + to it. And it's not messy,well it depends on the user how much you put it. I don't use much, but totally love it - and dh also :winkwink: though he doesnt even know when I've used it. Sometimes I do it secretly and he's all whooaaa :winkwink::haha:

:hugs: to you all!!
Good morning lovies!

Let me explain my chronic misspellings.... I got a new Ipad for Christmas and like my Iphone, the damn thing thinks it's smarter than me and likes to change my words around. I know it seems like I'm some illiterate hick from SC, but I can assure you that until I figure out the possessed beast, it's NOT ME & out of my control. Now back to business.

I slept like a freaking ROCK last night. I have set my alarm to get up so I can get back in my work schedule. 14 days off can do a number on ya. I'm sure I'll find a few moments to steal a nap or two later on.

About the Pre-Seed. We bought that tube about 6 months ago. (***WARNING: TMI*** I'm like a desert and VERY RARELY get any CM...much less EWCM. And the thought of using Egg Whites totally wigged me out) When I opened the box, I was a little skeptical since I thought it was a lube of the KY sorts and not a lube to be used on ME, persay. I wish I would have figured that out months ago but, like usual, I don't read instructions and therefore FAILED at my usage for awhile. Using it as a KY type lube was AWFUL!!! It's thick (or thicker and stickier than KY) and likes to dry out in the air. I had decided I hated it...until I ran across someone else talking about it on a website or BLOG and realized I was going about it's use all wrong. On top of that, it was a bit pricey. About $20 per tube here in the US (it's not like it's an over-sized tube, either.) I don't know if it really "worked". I have to believe it played some part since I needed some sort of CM aid. And I didn't load the syringe with a lot, either. Just to about a 1/2 of a fingers worth.

I also want to take a moment and sincerely THANK ALL OF YOU for the support I found here. I felt so alone in my situation until I finally joined the board. This is a wonderful group of women with more love and support and encouragement than I ever could have imagined to find on a TTC forum. Just knowing I wasn't alone or crazy or unnaturally obsessed relieved a lot of my anxiety and allowed me to talk with other women who knew EXACTLY what I was dealing with. Until you go thru it yourself, you just have NO IDEA!! So...Thank you. All of you. I wish for you your baby dreams come true.

:dust: :dust: :dust:

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