TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Purple, Carol, and Never--I am going to start a "keep the preggos" campaign. We love hearing how things are going. When you go though all of this, you don't know what land to live in. I still feel like it is a covert operation to purchase pregnancy and OPK tests. I am just sure the clerk is thinking "this lady can't have babies".

Dwigi--IUI sounds really rough. I think a day off is well spent.

I have never thought of using the 2ww to get away with stuff, but I think that is a swell idea. It sounds like you had good reason to get a new car anyways--I have to support you--I just did the same.

LadyH--I have a pretty big temp drop at ovulation. It looks good.

Lil--If they took that many vials, I would be on the floor for sure! I pass out when they take 4.

afm--nothing. ha--very relaxing too. i just realized that tomorrow is CD12. i guess i better do some OPKs if i plan to. the only goal is to be able to give the doctor better info when we get started again. who knows--maybe DHs 4 million sperm can get the job done naturally.
Thanks ladies, I guess I just :coffee: for a few more days at least :sigh:!

Lady H - that looks like a good O dip to me - I don't see why it can't be that good! I have a completely unsubstantiated theory that a bigger dip means a bigger and better egg that is being released!! :dust::dust:

I hope it is at least good coffee and an entertaining news article you are enjoying :thumbup:
Lil - So sorry about the infections! Oh, man that sucks! Listen to Dashka, she has great advice. My prenatal is a probiotic and I really think it's helped me stay healthy this winter.

DrS - Sorry to you too about the yeast infection. I had one around o last time and just took the pill and then got a :bfp: the same month. Good Luck with IUI. It sounds like timing is great! I hope the count is good too.

Dwrgi - I read a quote too that said "You make plans and God laughs...Wing it!" :) I hope you have great eggs and all goes smooth and you get lots of embies.

Butterfly - :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Oh, I hope you can get a massage or something. My heart aches for your situation. Being in limbo and waiting sucks. I had to do it but not nearly as long as you. I started to make an egg as soon as my HCG levels reached zero. Then, I ovulated and we did IUI again before AF. My doctor said the mc is the AF because instead of you shedding the lining etc. from unfertilized egg, you are shedding the fertilized egg etc. Then, the body starts all over again.

Dashka - Give your AD lots of love!! It sounds like you have a great outlook on it all. Let your AD know that she means as much to you as any biological child. They all just need lots of love. :hugs: You are now joining the TWW too, right? :happydance:

Never - Thanks for your support. Congratulations on getting to 15 weeks. What a blessing! :)

Purple - :hugs: I hope you are doing well. I am looking forward to hearing about your us results. Exciting stuff coming up.

LadyH - Good Luck! I hope the :spermy: catch the egg(s)!!! :happydance:

Ipenn - Hi! :hugs:

TGIF eve! Oh, I really want a glass of vin tonight. :)
Lil & DrS - infections suck don't they - hope you're feeling better very soon.

Butterfly - big cuddles to you a massage sounds like a good idea.

Hello - pregnant ladies - you're our friends - post whenever you want! xx

Frolicky - I like that quote - thanks!

Dwrgi - hello honey - sorry work & tenants are being rubbish - is there a chance that the redundancies will become compulsary?

hello to everyone else I've missed - I'm feeling a bit delicate today - missed the chance to TTC this month as I was away on a conference & now have the down that comes when you've spent 4 days with 140 people and then are at home on your own!
Hello ladies!!!

Well hubby's gone back to work so I'm back again. :flower: Hope everyone's been doing okay. This thread moves so fast, I'm not even going to try and go through all that I've missed. So just a big congrats to anyone who's got a bfp and big hugs to the rest of us!

Hubby and I had a lovely 3 weeks and even were in with a chance as I ovulated while he was home... but as usual nothing. But we've been to see our RE and he's diagnosed me as a low responder. So with my first FSH test coming back sky high, he's said that we're ideal candidates to go straight to ICSI IVF. I've got a knot in my stomach just thinking about what this is going to do to our bank account but he said there's no time to waste and no point in mucking about trying anything else. Thankfully my second FSH test came back well within normal levels so all hope is not lost. DH had his sperm analysis and all with him is just fine and working great, so we've had his sperm frozen so we don't have to wait for him to be around at the right time.

So the RE's got me on the pill so he can control when everything happens and apparently it will force my body to push my best eggs to the front of the queue and I'm now on 5mg of folic acid. I'm off to get my pingogram thing on Tuesday - now just to check that I don't have any fluid in my tubes as apparently that can lower pregnancy success rates - and then on Wednesday the RE is going to do a baseline ultrasound of my ovaries to see what they're up to and then he'll decide on what cocktail of drugs I'm going to be stabbing myself with. I just wish we lived in the same city as him now as I can see that flights and hotels are going to really start to add up too. Ah well, hopefully this is the start of finally getting pregnant.

Hubby and I have also decided that we will give IVF a maximum of four tries, though obviously we'll see how we go emotionally and obviously we'll be hoping we only need the one go. But failing that, we will go down the donor egg route and failing that we will look to adopt. DH is adopted himself so he's got no problem whatsoever with the idea. So I'm pretty chilled out about the whole thing for now, we've got a plan of action and one way or another we will have our own family. Obviously I'd really like it if my genes were involved in it, but if they can't be, then they can't be.

Okay, I'll stop waffling now. :blush: Looking forward to catching up with you all.
Skyyyyyyyyyyyye! You are a completr angel and I miss you on here! Hope ur okay hun and that Shirin is doing fine! Where are the photos you promised young lady? All ok here-scan this morning. loads of follies in rt ovary-6 biggish and about 8 small, probs too small.Fout in left and loads of smalls. Much better result this time. Perfect triple lining-10.2 today. Anyway, EC on Monday. Of course, am not getting excited cos of what happened last summer, but using pregnyl this time, so FX! Thx so much for checking on me- love to you both!
Manuiti- good to have you back. ICSI/IVF sounds like a good idea. Glad that you've already goy started. Any questions, please ask! Xx
Welcome back, Manuiti. I always feel better with a plan in place - it's the times when we're floundering about that are hardest for me. IVF/ICSI is completely mind-blowingly intimidating at first, but if you just take it one shot at a time, one day at a time, it's not nearly as bad as you fear. I'm confused by the huge difference in your FSH results - did they do the first on the wrong CD or something?

Dwrgi, how are those follies doing?? I'm sorry I haven't been around much but I'm cheering for you in lurkdom. :hugs: (Edited because of the cross-posting - just read your update - yay!! I know it's hard to be excited because of last time, but remember that this is a new cycle. I'm excited for you!)

And Twinkle, you aren't alone - you're with US! :hugs:

I'm sorry I haven't been around for a while. I've been lurking, but having a hard time putting pen to paper lately (yes I know I'm typing, but fingers to keyboard just sounds weird!). But I'm always here. :hugs: I haven't been sleeping well for the last week (normal for me after a mc) and last night I only slept from about 3:30-7:30 - I am a MESS today. But I've just gotten the sweetest email from DH, who wants to take me out to a fancy restaurant and a movie tonight! I am so torn - after so little sleep I really just want to nap on the couch all day, but I'd be crazy to turn down such a date offer! I guess I'll try and get some rest today and take him up on it. Apparently he was quite pleased with what we did last night before my insomnia struck and now he wants to show me his appreciation! :winkwink:
Twinks, glad conference went well! Sorry house seems so empty. Always bit of an anti climax after s big event. Yeah they're looking at comp redundancies. I'm just not thinkin about it, trying to focus on this. Also getting nowhere with tenant! It never rains! Love to uouAx
Twinks, glad conference went well! Sorry house seems so empty. Always bit of an anti climax after s big event. Yeah they're looking at comp redundancies. I'm just not thinkin about it, trying to focus on this. Also getting nowhere with tenant! It never rains! Love to you, Ax
Am on my phone and its driving me cuckoo but wanted to say hi to you all! Axx
:hi: hi manuiti, that sounds like a great plan of action - it does really help when you know what is going on :thumbup:

Dwrgiiiii, great news on the follies, I'm sending vibes for them all to keep growing well and you get lots of eggs on Monday. Damn about the possible redundancies and the annoying tenant :growlmad:

Twinks :hugs::hugs:

HA date night sounds like it would be a lovely tonic if you can get a bit of rest in first. :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Yeah, much happier now that we've got a plan, up until now it's been really pants what with only getting to try once every 12 weeks and basically just floundering, but at least now we know why.

Dwrgi - FXd for those follies!!!

I'm confused by the huge difference in your FSH results - did they do the first on the wrong CD or something?

Nope, both tests were done on CD3. According to the RE it's because I'm in an oscillating phase, so on my way to always having high FSH results but while I transition over my results will go up and down... hence why there's no time to waste. Also he told me this afternoon that I could do my HSG the same day as my appointment with him which is great as I've been able to take a day off my hotel reservation and save some money! :thumbup:

And hun, I'm sending you big huge :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
:hugs::hugs::hugs: Twinks

HA I'm sorry hon, didn't know you had a recent mc. :cry: Sleepless nights is tough. :hugs::hugs: You are a lucky girl to have such a sweet hubby. Did you have an IVF than? Maybe a bit early to ask but would you consider again? Lot's of love :dust::dust:

Amandaaa, I missed you too hon. I'm sorry I don't have too much time anymore to come see you all. I'm sorry I don't know many of the ladies here. I wish all a :dust::dust:

Amanda the eggs are looking very promising indeed. There seems to be a lot more than before. The small ones still have time to catch up. You are keeping the water and the protein intake no? And no sweating exercise? I am soo wishing that this time will be a sweet end to your IVF journey. Mb a little bb girl :))) Wouldn't that be wonderful :)))))) xxxx Pls keep updating cause I will be checking up on you. Loads of love hon and a massive good luck. :kiss::kiss:

By the way any news from FM at all?
Missy where are you hon?
Take care girls xxx
Hi to Man and Sky! More lovely support is always good and glad you know the other ladies.

HA - :hugs: I am so glad DH is being so sweet! Good for the both of you! Enjoy! Be naughty ;)

Hugs to the rest! I am going to :sleep: zzzz~~~
Just popping in to wish everyone a great weekend :yipee: hope you get to do whatever you wish to do, excercise, clean:dishes:, cook or just chill and relax with some good :pizza::icecream: :wine:

I've already cleaned up the house, did laundry and d.washing machine is on :dishes: our little puppy woke me up at 6.30...:sleep:](*,) well I'm used to it, tomorrow he'll sleep little later. But hey, I get extra hours for the day and now I'm off to meet up with a friend and my god daughter :happydance:

:hugs: to you all!!
Just a quick post as I will catch up properly later. Glad it's the weekend but am confused as my temp is not going up enough to indicate I ovulated. I need to chill but feel really stressed about it today. Hope you all have good weekends xx
ok, lets see if I can remember all this.....

LadyH - you temps look fine (the two after ov) I don't think they need to keep going up,just stay up after ov :hugs:

Twinkle - glad you had fun at the conference and Im sorry the house seems empty on return, it's horrible when youve come back from an event and then whee - back to reality! hugs:

Skyeeeee - lovely to see you chick, how is lovely baby Shirin? and how are you doing?? keep in touch if you can! no scan news yet - have to see the midwife first in a couple of weeks. :hugs:

HA - Hun I am so sorry that you are not sleeping, it makes everything seem so much more difficult!! I have suffered from bouts of insomnia - usually when Im worried about something or stressed (but not always) =and its so debilitating. it sounds like you DH is being a star though - you should definitely go and have a wonderful date night, maybe it'll clear you head and you might get a few extra hours sleep tonight. big loves to you :hugs:

Dwrgi - all is sounding so good on the US front - I am so excited for you!! and Ill be holding my breath for you for EC - do you know what time it'll be done?? - so I can make sure and think of you at that time xxx :hugs:

manuiti - welcome back hun, It sounds like you have a great plan there and it seems like your doctor was very honest with you, do you feel happy with him, if so - then YAY!! and great news that dh's sperm got frozen so you are all ready to go whenever time is right. Ill be rooting for you! :hugs:

Asry - I am impressed by your very productive day! I feel so lazy in comparison!! I hope you have some nice things planned for the rest of the weekend :) :hugs:

Butterfly - how are you doing lovely?? I hope you are ok :hugs: where is that picture of in your avatar??

huge squishy :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: to fm, never, frolicky, DrS, Lilsluz (hope you ladies are feeling better) Missy - special missing in action :hugs: tigerlily and anyone I am missing....

afm - today we took mum and dad out for lunch and then afterwards went to the garden center for coffee and cake and then mum picked out some plants for her new garden and we got them as an early mother's day present. It was such a lovely day :) my dad is quite uncomfortable thou because - and this is TMI!! he has radiation burns on his bum from the radiotherapy, bless him. we don't know if any of the tumours have shrank at all yet, so still keeping fingers crossed.

big loves to you all xxxx

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
░░░░░░░░░▀▀███░▀▀▀░░ Bear hugs to my lovely Ladies :hugs:

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