TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

hey Dwrgi I was just about to email you to see how your scan had gone and then thought it was a good idea to look on here first :haha:

Sounds excellent about the follies then, I'm keeping everything crossed that they all turn into a good bunch of eggies for you. :thumbup: Egg collection seems to come round so quickly! :hugs::hugs:
Hey Ladies,

Just dropping by at the end of a very long day at work, things seem to be getting even busier when I should be slowing down hahaha.

Purple I completely understand you wanting to stay on this thread and not as comfortable yet on the Grads. To be honest it has only been recently that I have posted on there regularly, earlier in my pregnancy I really did feel like I did not have much in common with them as they had all delivered and talked about baby stuff not pregnancy and I wasn't at that stage yet. I still LOVE this thread as still feel close to what all the ladies on here are going through and think I always will. I have been a member on here for so long that I have seen many come and go and although I am now in the late stage of pregnancy I still do not feel ready to leave you guys.

Dwrgi so pleased about your scan results YAY for fab follies, keep imagining those follies growing and flourishing and I am sure your EC will be a great result :hugs:

Nikki happy birthday honey and you are so nearly out of the first tri and able to share your fantastic news YAY

Twinks how are you doing honey ?

Daksha I hope you get that egg this month and all the others currently waiting to O grab those men and make it happen.

Off home now to have a snooze on the sofa as I am exhausted today :hugs:
Hello all you wonderful ladies!!! hope you're having a great day....

Dwrgi - great - your app't sounds like it went nicely.... GROW GROW FOLLIES! FX AND TOES CROSSED FOR YOUR EC NEXT WEEK!!!! XOXO

Purple - you relax girl!! you deserve it! I posted in your journal as well.... xo

Frolicky and Asry & Lilsluz - hope you are cookin' up something that smells like a BFP!!

Nikki - hope you have a great (surprise) event on the weekend!

Big hello to Ipen, Missy, Heavenly, Dr. S , Butterfly, HA, Carole, Never, Twinks and anyone I missed!!! hope you are all well...

AFM - ... I don't know now if I'm 1 DPO or 2 DPO - as I had cramping more on Monday and very little yesterday morning... I had dark line on OPK on Sunday and lighter still on Monday. My ND says that you ovulate 12-48 hrs after the surge -but don't know exactly when the "high point" of the surge was. I don't do temps - got tired of that years ago and my poor hubby having to listen to that beeping noise... My dog also sleeps in our room and sometimes it was freaking her out.. :) So for now I'll say I'm 1/2 DPO..

Good luck and have a great day ladies!!
lining is 8.3mm (or so) got two 2.something eggs on the right, two small and unlikely to mature ones on the left.. so overall not as good however last time there was one giant one and 4 small, this time both are likely to go. trigger tonight for friday.. i think im totally doing us tomorrow at work cause if i see fluid around the cyst or it collapses, im so going over there to do the iui tomorrow..
DrS - good luck with the iui - I'll keep all limbs crossed for you xxx

Dashka - You are very precise 1/2 DPO :haha: I hope that eggy got caught!!
Hi Ladies...I have missed my 35+ TTC #1 thread so much! I love all you ladies even you prego ladies! In fact, it gets my mind thinking about when I will be where you are at and does not make me feel bad at all but only makes me feel good.

I have been away, I bought a new (well a 2010) car and have been crazy busy.

Nikki - Happy 40th!! What a wonderful birthday present at the end of your 12 weeks. Awe!! So happy for you! Enjoy every moment of pregnancy!

LilSluz - How are you doing? Sorry about the bacme, I have some and am not on meds and think it's from hormonal changes later in life. :( What day are you going to test?

Dashka - You turn 40 in May too! Wow! We are all like fine wine and only getting better with age. As for cramps, I don't do that stuff because my doctor does an us after my IUIs to see if egg is gone. On Sunday my egg was gone and I can tell you I don't recall any noticeable cramps between Saturday and Sunday. We're in the TWW now together.... :dust: :dust: l

Dwrgi - Sounds like you have a very promising month!! You produced some great follicles and had a wonderful lining!! You are joining the rest of us soon in the TWW!! :hugs: Yeah!!

Carol - Like the others said..I love having you prego ladies around. It give me hope and makes me feel joy for you all.

Purple - See message to Carol. :) :hugs: I hope all is well and beany is sticking like super glue.

Arsyellah - My acupuncturist always says "Breathe and Believe" and to Trust. She's right, so I have been doing a little visualization with that instead of the negative stuff. I don't think "Oh it's this cycle" but rather "it will happen" type stuff. The headaches have to do with hormonal changes (unless it's something else). It's also a typical sign in early pregnancy as the hormones adjust etc. :dust: :dust:

Butterfly - When did your HCG reach zero? Are you going in for an us soon. :hugs: :hugs: I am hoping that yoga instructor is a good sign for us. ;)

Ipen - Glad the storm missed you and you are enjoying some wine. That sounds wonderful!! :)

LadyH - :dust: When do you have your beta?

Twinkle - Burlesque show? I missed that. I don't have the guts to do that for my DH. I wish I did. I am a bit shy sometimes when it comes to that stuff. Maybe one day I will surprise him. I tell him my fantasies and he likes that though. :)

DrSquid - I had two follicles last month and I got a BFP. Why did you say it was not good?

HA - I hope you are doing better and am thinking about you. :hugs: :hugs: I hope your doctors answer all your questions so you and your team can plan for a better strategy for you all. :hugs: again.

Missy - I hope you are OK. I am not too familiar with you but hope you are OK nonetheless.

AFM - I have acupuncture tonight (I call it my heroine session...since it involves needles and makes me feel so good ;) ) I am doing pretty good. Staying busy and figure if I get a :bfn: at least I have a new car to make the news a little less unbearable. I am doing my routine..grapefruit juice in a.m., red rasberry leaf tea during day, iron supplements, prenatal vitams and yoga. Oh, well, at least I am taking good care of myself and feel good. Thanks for being there. I feel a little tired today. I have my beta on March 19th but will most likely test at home before then. <3~~~~ vibes to you all.
not that it isnt good, just not as good as last month. if this month doesnt work im def doing injectibles.
Going through the threads I've realized how impatient I am, although I do like reading everyones stories. I don't go back to the fert doctor till the 16th, How does everyone deal with the stress of waiting?
Dashka - I've been meaning to catch up, sorry! But you are getting your own post b/c its sort-of a lot :winkwink:

As far as AD, you should do whatever you think is right given your circumstances. I guess it also depends on how close the friends are, when you think you may broach the subject w/AD (I know she’s only 3 but...) & other such factors. Some people might tell people, some might just tell a few & others don't say a thing to anyone until they're 18+ - it's what you feel is best for you & her. If you want be very open about it w/her, then you may want your good/close friends to know, but if you wanted to wait until she gets olders, then I'd prob keep to myself as much as you could. But either way, she is your precious daughter & you love her immensely & that is all that matters in life.

Also, as far as cramps, I was trying to look that up for you & got this:
Mittelschmerz is characterized by lower abdominal and pelvic pain that occurs roughly midway through a woman's menstrual cycle. The pain can appear suddenly and usually subsides within hours, although it may sometimes last two or three days. In some cases it can last up to the following cycle. (yikes! :-k) & also: "this monthly reminder of fertility is thought to be the result of the maturation or release of an egg from an ovary"... I guess that’s a tough one b/c you can't really pinpoint it if you get it 2-3 days & it could be "maturing" or could be "releasing"? (they don't know, either is what I got).

But, if you ever did want to go back to temping, I will admit I don’t temp same time every day :shrug::shhh:, but its within an hour or 2 – you still usually get the general changes in temps either way, even if not perfect. But thats just if you really need to know the day & want to confirm (I have to confirm b/c have had late & annov cycles before. that, and I'm a control freak:wacko:)

Keeping FX for you & lots & lots of :dust: whether 1/2 DPO or 2DPO! :winkwink:
Hi all, a flying visit to say I am still here and Reading the thread daily but am trying to avoid the crazies. Think I finally ovulated today so will catch up this weekend once we stop dtd!! Love to you all xx

edit-crazies means me going it, not you guys!!
Hi my TTC#1>35 sisters! I’ve only been able to pop in here & there lately – so busy, but have been keeping up w/everyone:

Nikki - Happy 40th :cake:!! you gonna go out & paint the town purple? (prune juice) Let us know how that final “hump” goes! (the 12-wk one, that is – you can leave out any other ones you have in between, thanks:blush:). :haha: How exciting!

Frolicky – I’m going to “try” to hold out until AF, but sometimes I’ll test on 12DPO. You? Thank you for the reminder to think positive & expect the unexpected! O:) So, you DID go 2 days IUI then (I knew about the car crash one, but…) - yay! I’m on edge for you – FX!:flower: (oh yeah - enjoy that heroine tonight; I'll be getting my energy fix too!):haha:

Dwrgi – YAY :happydance: for lots of big follies AND triple 8.2mm lining – you must be ecstatic! :yipee: Even if you feel like “poo-pants”.:loo: :haha: Time is really moving along for you now (all the bacne & spots are behind you now). Thanks for the bacne encouragement & tips, too :haha:

DrS – Yay for your 2 follies vs 1!:happydance: And good lining too! GL on Friday (or tomorrow) IUI!:thumbup:

Asry – I was googling the IUI thing & there were a lot of ladies complaining about headaches after IUI. Some would take the next day off work, even, so I suppose it’s due to your IUI. But that’s ok, maybe that means “its working”?! :winkwink:

Butterfly – how you doin, darlin? :flower: Are we ready to rock-n-roll yet? ;)Hope so!

Dashka – btw, I like ½ DPO vs 2DPO – better follie time! :winkwink: FX -

Purple – big :hugs: to you today, momma

HA – I hope you are doing OK & on vacation by now… :?: :hugs:

LadyH - yeah, we know what you meant...:wacko: :haha: Hope you come back to sanity soon! & hope you caught the eggy!

:wave: to Twinks, Ipen, Carole & anyone else I forgot!

AFM – I now hold a record at the local Quest diagnostics for “most tubes in 1 sitting” – was 22 tubes, but most of them were “fill to the top” ones. I was there 2 hours & now I look like a junkie w/bruises bc veins kept giving out – ewww! :sick: Apparently my Dr. is VERY thorough - thats ok, I'll take that over incompetent anyday! :thumbup:

Keep getting fevers & have had continuous 5-day cramp on lower left side but Dr said they haven't heard of creams causing a fever - just a "little" fluctuation in temps maybe. I guess I'll keep taking creams & hopef it'll go away soon (just don't like the idea of any fever when TTC)...:shrug: I'm sure all will be fine soon.

Big HUGS & LOVES to everyone & lots of :dust: We all need to believe in Miracle March as a group! :hugs: :hugs::hugs: Have a great night -
hopobopo - a lot of us do diff things. Some keep busy, some try to focus on getting ourselves healthy by trying new/recommended things, some both, maybe plan some "fun stuff" to give yourself that "pat on the back" etc. I just saw an article about how to pass the time during 2WW - maybe it will help you, too:

We're still figuring it out too ;)
hopobopo - I keep busy and have a very active life and for me the acupuncture and yoga has really helped me deal with the anxiety and stress. I still have challenging days but it seems like I have calmed down quite a bit since beginning this journey. Patience is definitely a must and I started reading the book "Bringing up BeBe" which I really like (reading is a great escape for me too). It really depends on your personality and what you enjoy. I would say do things you enjoy and things that bring you serenity. Good Luck on cooking the egg(s)! May they be big and genetically perfect!
LilSluz - Wait? No way hosay! I don't wait. If I get a :bfn: so be it. I would rather know then wait. My beta is not until March 19th (after AF is due) because my 14 dpo falls on the weekend. I am definitely testing by St. Patrick's Day. :) We did do two IUIs, yes. After Saturday's IUI the egg was still there but after Sunday's IUI the egg was gone. Lets hope those sperm were resilient and lived to fertilize the egg. FX'd. FX'd for you too! Glad you are getting your 'fix' tonight too! Enjoy.

I did buy a car. My DH was not so happy about it. Maybe it was a little impulsive because of the TWW thingy? Not sure. However, my car had 160,000 miles on it and I travel about 100 miles round trip to work and back so I wanted something reliable that was a hybrid so I was not spending so much a month on gas. It's a really nice ride and now I get to go in the HOV lane during the high traffic times!
LilSluz - Wait? No way hosay! I don't wait. If I get a :bfn: so be it. I would rather know then wait. My beta is not until March 19th (after AF is due) because my 14 dpo falls on the weekend. I am definitely testing by St. Patrick's Day. :) We did do two IUIs, yes. After Saturday's IUI the egg was still there but after Sunday's IUI the egg was gone. Lets hope those sperm were resilient and lived to fertilize the egg. FX'd. FX'd for you too! Glad you are getting your 'fix' tonight too! Enjoy.

I did buy a car. My DH was not so happy about it. Maybe it was a little impulsive because of the TWW thingy? Not sure. However, my car had 160,000 miles on it and I travel about 100 miles round trip to work and back so I wanted something reliable that was a hybrid so I was not spending so much a month on gas. It's a really nice ride and now I get to go in the HOV lane during the high traffic times!

Really? You get to go in HOV bc Hybrid? I didn't know that - my next car will also be a hybrid, then (what kind?):thumbup: So, what you got bored, went to go look at cars, bought one & DH just kinda found out by pulling up the the driveway? :haha::haha: How funny is that! Yeah, it was prob just a teeny-tiny-bit impulsive, but just blame it on the 2ww :winkwink::haha:

Aahhhhhhh :cloud9: - I feel so AWESOME! O:) Isn't life wonderful? :rain: Hey - "I love you, man!" :rofl: :hugs: I need to do this on a daily basis from now on. (haven't had it in 2 weeks due to "obligations" & I can def tell...)

Was it good for you too? :haha::flower:
Froliky - congrats on the new car!!! How great is that :thumbup::loopy: I've been dreaming of changing my car also..but for now I'll just keep on dreaming. But the smell of a new car...:smug: you kinda get a "high" from driving your new car for months :thumbup: good for you!
Dunno about the headaches being anything related to IUI, as I did not have any meds before it was done. Prob just a coinsidence. But now I started progesterone suppositories yesterday, ewww dont like them at all :nope:
But sending you some :dust: you do look like you have everything up for this one to work!!!
My FF actually is saying my odds are low :bike: I guess they are, but still I'm hopeful.
Lilsluz- I really start to wonder now if your fever is up to a starting pregnancy??!!!:dust: It's been on you quite a while now. My prog. does get me higher temps but not feverish..Hope you don't feel sick cause of it :hugs:
Dwirgi - yay, grow follies grow :thumbup::thumbup::hugs: take it easy girl !
DrSquid - good luck with IUI :thumbup: and welcome to the "agony" of tww :happydance:
Dashka- hope you catch those eggies :thumbup::yellow:

HA& Missy - I really miss you :hugs: hope you are feeling better :hugs:
And yes, you hot mamacitas do stay here and keep us posted how you are doing!!!!! :hugs:

All of you ladies have a great thursday :hugs:
HI Asry-I hope that those headaches lead to a :bfp:! How great would that be! Sit tight hun, and fingers crossed! :hugs:

Frolicky-I love the image. Yup, you got to believe and remember to 'expect a miracle'!! You obviously love your car!! Good to have something new to focus on outside of TTC!! I love driving too, and always wanted to do a rally driving course! That would be me to a T!!!! :happydance:

Lil-I love the positive affirmations! Let's keep em coming! :flower:

Lady-I think we all go a bit crazy with this! I love the expression-I am going crazies!!!! Simples!! :kiss:

Carole-hope you feel better today. I bet you can't wait for the next 8 weeks to be over and done with. Take it easy hun, and Zara will be with you before you know it!! Thanks SOOOOO much for your support with the IVF-it really is something else!!! :hugs::hugs:

Butterfly-is AF all over and done with now? How are you feeling hun? Thinking of you loads! :hugs::hugs:

Purps-how are you hun? Bet you're getting a teeny weeny bit excited!! Whoop whooo! So happy for you! :flower:

Missy-come baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!! :hugs:

HA-hello, hun! How are you? Thinking of you every day! xxxxx

Dashka, Hobobopo-hello!!!

I think about Macwooly and OMM, and Pad too-and if you're stalking, hello!!!! I also know that Ginger stalks and doesn't post, the naughty girl, so big howdy to you too, my chum!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Well, they have announced they are looking for redundancies in work, and also my tenant has forfeited her last two month's rent!!! There is a mix up at the bank with the standing order "apparently." As flies are we to the gods, they play with us for their sport! (Yes, guess who's teaching Lear today!).

Love to you all and a good day to every single person on here! :hugs::hugs:
I get the feeling that we might get a few bfps in the next week or 2 so :dust: to everyone who is in the TWW :happydance:

So, my HCG levels are playing silly bu66ers with me and are still not at zero. In fact yesterday the tests were darker so I may have to go back to the doc :grr:

A, I don't know whether to class the m/c as AF really :flower: It was mostly a one night horrendous expelling of all the stuff that was in there (sorry maybe TMI :blush:) but I don't know if I would call that AF. Maybe it is a technicality lol :shrug: Anyway, after that it was just mainly spotting for a week or so, which has now finished :thumbup: I guess the real first AF will show her face in a few weeks or so but I'm not sure when :shrug: :hugs::hugs:

Just fed up now of playing the waiting game :growlmad:

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