TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

DrS you are a strong woman and I totally stand behind you with your decision, I would do the exact same :thumbup: I really hope this IUI will bring you your dream come true :thumbup: oh and we are having same day IUI - if my eggs grow..

As for you....GROW FOLLIE GROW!!!!!!!!! SENDING LOTS OF GROWTH HORMONE YOUR WAY! :) Is the office closed on Friday? Ugh? Stupid holidays.

thanks for that!! :hugs: And yes clinic is closed from fri-mon...:dohh: so hopefully my easter EGG will grow fast. Keep yourself busy for tww and I'm keeping my fingers crossed you'll come here to tell us good news soon!!!:cloud9:

Dwirgi - thanks for the tip, I guess I get that "warming up" everyday when I hold my laptop in my tummy when I'm surfing the net in evenings :haha:
anyhow, yes follys should grow 2mm/day but mine have only 1mm/day. Usually it does speed up closer to O, so..I still hope they will :thumbup:
Asry-FX that they grow by Thursday! I am so hoping that this is THE one for you!! Big :hugs:, Axxx

Dr S-I think it takes a lot of guts to do what you're doing, but it's better to get on with it than to have a lifetime of regrets! Keep at it, and let's WILL those follies to grow! xx

Frolicky-good luck with the cycle. What stage are you at?? xxx

HA-thanks for asking. I have good days and bad. This morning, I came to work with a stinking headache (more a mirgraine really) and am so exhausted. First thing I saw was a colleague's bump, enhanced by the lycra top she was wearing. I didn't even know she was pregnant. I really had to fight back the tears. This whole process makes me soooooooo angry and so frustrated. Why is it never me??????? It really really really pi%%es me off. I can't wait until Thursday as we break up for Easter.

I am going to write to my consultant, as our follow-up is three weeks away (my decision to delay it), and ask her about immunes testing. Don't want to wait another second. Low amh is not a CAUSE of infertility, and, like I said to Butterfly in my email to her, I didn't have an amh of 2.9 when we first started trying in 2007. So, I just need some answers and a plan.

I am so glad that you are getting some emotional support from that book, emotional enlightenment perhaps? I might have a look to see if I can get it on my kindle. I bet you can't wait to start your 2nd IVF either! I have a VERY good feeling about this one for you! :hugs:

Agape-hang on in there. Slow and steady is better than ripening too fast! Are you eating loads of protein and drinking loads of water? Good luck! xx

Twinkle, Missy, Butterfly, Purple, FM, Lil, Lady H, Dashka, and everybody: :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
good morning lovely ladies :)

It's a bit chillier in the Uk today that the last few days...and we may be having snow!!! :shock: (although I hope not!)

Asry - I am sending growing thoughts to your follies and willing them to get big and juicy!!

Frolicky - wow - that does sound complicated but brilliant that you have managed to get past all the problems and make an arrangement!

HA - big :hugs: for you hun. I am so sorry that AF arrived, however it does mean that body is doing what it is supposed to and you know we are all here for you as your approach ivf #2 - how is your dh doing??

DrS - It sounds like you have a great plan in place for your child. In current times, the traditional man/woman family with children is not the only way and as Frolicky (i think) said - kids are resiliant and so accepting of their situation. if you were to meet Mr Right down the line then Yay!! but if not... you'll still have the family you want :hugs:

Dashka - are you completely recovered now hun?

LadyH - hows that cbfm treating you?? I hope you are doing ok with it!

Agape - I am thinking of you! and I agree - why does this have to be soooo hard!? It really isn't fair :hugs:

Dwrgi - how are you feeling Chick?? I have been thinking about you :hugs: and how is dh doing now?

Lils - hope you are ok?? big loves xx

Manuiti - I know you're probably not looking here, but just in case - hope everything is ok xxx

Missy - how's the patio coming along?? I'd love to see a picture when it's all done! I absolutely love my garden! - it keeps me sane sometimes :)

Carole - how is your knee?? I hope its healing nicely!

Twinks - big loves xxx how are you doing??

and lovely big squeezes to never and north and anyone Im forgetting - it's early and brain is not quite with it yet! - sorry

afm - the cold is settling yay!! and I am remaining hopeful....
and thank you all for asking about dad - he's had chemo yesterday and now has a couple weeks off - with an mri and then a review with the consultant. so fingers and everything crossed - maybe the tumours have shrunk [-o<
Dwrgi - I crossed posted with you again (it take me a while to write those big messages) it's good to have a plan of action and to feel like every avenue has been explored! the immune testing - is that looking for the NK cells? (or maybe that's something different) would it be blood tests needed? at least with a few weeks to go, you have time to formulate your questions and prepare yourself
Dwrgi - I crossed posted with you again (it take me a while to write those big messages) it's good to have a plan of action and to feel like every avenue has been explored! the immune testing - is that looking for the NK cells? (or maybe that's something different) would it be blood tests needed? at least with a few weeks to go, you have time to formulate your questions and prepare yourself

Thanks for asking hun! Alun is doing okay-I think he kept hoping right to the last minute, but I just KNEW that it wasn't meant to be. He has been amazingly supportive and I feel it is so true that if you can get through IVF and infertility together, you can get through anything. He has been really fab!

Yup, it is a seris of blood tests, with the bill coming to £1500, excluding consults! But we've alread spent £10000 on treatment, and God knows how much on vits, acupunture, etc. Seems a sensible thing to do.

Hope you and Little Bean are doing well-I am so chuffed that this PG is going well for you, Axxxxx
it is a LOT of money! but as you say when you consider what you have speant already and the emotional investment, it would be awful down the road to think "what if"

and thank you :hugs:
I am not going on about the bean here because it's not right, but I just can't keep away. plus to be honest, I am still very worried and a bit disbelieving for now.
it is a LOT of money! but as you say when you consider what you have speant already and the emotional investment, it would be awful down the road to think "what if"

and thank you :hugs:
I am not going on about the bean here because it's not right, but I just can't keep away. plus to be honest, I am still very worried and a bit disbelieving for now.

Why would you be worried, hun? Are you having any strange symtoms? I have a VERY good feeling about this little bean, and I know that he/she will stick around! Try and enjoy it as much as you can!

Very glad that you're still here-I miss your cheery posts! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hello ladies, I feel like I have so many comments and I'm sure I'll miss a few.

Asry, I did say a prayer for you already that those follies grow. Please keep us posted.

Frolicky, my SS considers himself very lucky that he has 2 moms, 2 dads and 8 grandparents. Not to mention all the aunts, uncles and cousins. That child gets unindated with presents for his birthday and Christmas. I do make him write thank you cards so he knows what he got from who and so he knows what its like to appreciate things.

DrS, I'd do the same thing if I were you. If I didn't have DH, I'd be doing this on my own. That's how strong my longing is.

Dwrgi, that is really interesting about the autoimmune issues and it makes a lot of sense. I mentioned it to my GP and she said because I don't have symptoms, they wouldn't test. I just switched to a new gyno that I see on May 10. I've heard so many good things about her and wasn't happy with my other one. I'm going to ask her about it too. I'm really intersted to see what your results are. Do you think you have any symptoms? My GP mentioned joint pain, digestive problems. I know you said you were diagnosed with celiac disease. That is considered an autoimmune disorder. I'm just wondering if it isn't as widely accepted in the US that autoimmune disorders can cause infertility.

HA, I'm going to have to look into that book. Thanks!

Purple, so glad your cold is going away. The patio is coming along. I can't wait to post some pics. I'm so excited!

AFM, still in the 2WW with AF due around the 9th. Oh great, that's one day before my birthday. Well I'm still holding out hope that I may get the best birthday present ever and get a BFP! I decided that this year I'm going to celebrate my birthday and say f*ck you to the biological clock. Last birthday I stayed holed up inside and painted my dining room.
Just done some fascinating (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) research into low amh and IVF on Fertility Friends website. People with amhs of lower than 0.5 getting preggers naturally.

Feel good comments: people only know they have a low amh if they cannot conceive.

Finding it difficult to conceive may be to do with underlying immune issues rather than low amh. Low amh comes to light when bloods are drawn and more useful for clinics to know which protocol to follow, than for us low amhers to go into huge panic over.

We can still get pregnant naturally with low amh, it might just take us a bit longer as we have fewer high quality eggs. The best are ovulated in our late teens and twenties (great).

Anyway, it has inspired me and I now feel quite buoyed. Had a bit of a glum day today-also massive stinking headache.

And now, girls, as I am sitting down-wind from Gwydion's stinky bum and he has just let off the most startlingly disgusting fart known to dog, I am shutting my laptop and going to find myself some cider. Because I'm worth it!!!! :haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

Love to you all,

P.S. Where the flippin eck is everybody? Out and about, gadding about, I don't know! :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:

Hey Dwrgi,

Glad you are feeling a little better about it all and I am now determined to find my treatment file at home and dig out my AMH results. Mine were considered really low for my age and that is why the Drs were glad I chose to skip IUI and go straight to IVF. It just goes to show that these tests are just numbers and cannot be relied on as the definitive answer as look at me fat and round now and achieved without the slightest bit of science. There was also a lady called Rottpaw on this thread with me before who tried for 18 months and had the worst AMH results was near on menopausal and she now has an adorable son who just turned 1 and is pregnant with her second after the first month of TTC. You see miracles do happen.

The test result for me scared me sensless and made me think I have to do IVF immediately otherwise my chances are getting slimmer and slimmer. I think the issue is that Dr's are not always great at delivering info to normal people like us, they are very scientific/factual without emotion and don't always consider what reaction that will provoke in us. We are so used to being told how useless our bodies are that we forget actually that they can still be utterly amazing but like you have mentioned we don't get as many of those amazing moments as younger ladies but hey we already knew that.

Our bodies can still work for us and give us a sticky BFP wether it be naturally or with the use of science. Don't give up hope.:hugs:

Good morning ladies! :hugs:

As Carole mentioned, I am a grad of this thread and want you all to know that I still pray and believe that EACH of you will get your sticky beans!

I don't post here much any longer as I don't wish to upset anyone, but i still follow this thread and I do like to share anything I can that i believe might be helpful. I know a number of you are struggling with low AMH diagnosis and wondering how that may be impacting your fertility picture. As Dwrgi has mentioned, certainly it is a piece of the puzzle and can have an impact, but PLEASE do not feel like low AMH is the end of the story. As Carole noted, my numbers are ridiculously low, and I now have one healthy son and another (i pray) healthy little one on the way. For anyone that may find this helpful, I wanted to follow up on Carole's post and share my actual numbers, to give you hope that it IS possible even when it looks (or your dr. makes it sound) very grim. My AMH, two years ago at age 35, was 0.3, where 0 is menopause. I would be afraid to even find out what it is now, two years later, but there you have it - it's definitely possible and God works all kinds of miracles! :hugs:

Please know I pray for ALL of you and this group of women is so close to my heart!

DrS - Your family may not live close, but they will love and support that child too. If I were in your shoes I would definitely find a donor (either known or unknown) or who knows what to get pregnant. You are following your heart and that is so important for true happiness.

Hi to all you lovely ladies! Just wanted to quickly stop in and say "hi".
Hi Ladies!
sorry I am heading into the craziest time of year at work - so I apologize in advance if I don't post as much in the next 6 weeks.

thanks for all the input about whether you feel pain/twinges at ovulation... Interesting!

Just quickly tried to catch up - and wanted to say:

Angela - thank you for posting that !! so nice to hear those real stories! I think my AMH last year was about 2.4 or something like that (and I've been trying for 10 years) Good luck on this next pregnancy!! :)

Frolicky - you are so brave and I admire you and DH for going this route - Glad that you are working all this stuff out before baby comes! Good luck! xoxo

Asry - good luck - I am praying that follies continue to GROW!!

Dr S - good luck - and I would also do the same thing if I were in your shoes.... Don't worry about the Dad thing for now... I'm sure when the time is right and you are content with yourself and where you are in life that Mr.Right will be around the corner.... Hard to make sense of why things happen the way they do in life. Good luck I hope this is your month!

Purple - Believe believe believe that this is your sticky bean! xoxo
Good to hear your Dad gets a few weeks off now... xo

Missy - Big hugs and hope all is okay - I hope you get a BFP for your b-day too!

Lils - HI!!!!! how did your test results go?? I'm sending big hugs your way.

Dwrgi - argh.... hate it when the colleagues at work are preggo - it's like a contanst reminder isn't it??? It's one thing when you pass a stranger who is preggo -but when you actually know them it's worse. Big hugss.....

And hi to everyone else out there!!! sorry have to run!

Love you all!

Good morning ladies! :hugs:

As Carole mentioned, I am a grad of this thread and want you all to know that I still pray and believe that EACH of you will get your sticky beans!

I don't post here much any longer as I don't wish to upset anyone, but i still follow this thread and I do like to share anything I can that i believe might be helpful. I know a number of you are struggling with low AMH diagnosis and wondering how that may be impacting your fertility picture. As Dwrgi has mentioned, certainly it is a piece of the puzzle and can have an impact, but PLEASE do not feel like low AMH is the end of the story. As Carole noted, my numbers are ridiculously low, and I now have one healthy son and another (i pray) healthy little one on the way. For anyone that may find this helpful, I wanted to follow up on Carole's post and share my actual numbers, to give you hope that it IS possible even when it looks (or your dr. makes it sound) very grim. My AMH, two years ago at age 35, was 0.3, where 0 is menopause. I would be afraid to even find out what it is now, two years later, but there you have it - it's definitely possible and God works all kinds of miracles! :hugs:

Please know I pray for ALL of you and this group of women is so close to my heart!


Angela, thank you so much for taking the time to comment. Every woman that comments about their success story with low AMH, high FSH, diminished ovarian reserve or whatever gives each of us so much hope. I know it does for me. Those talks from the RE about donor egg are like death sentences. Especially when you get an RE with no bedside manner. I really appreciate that you commented and shared your AMH number with everyone. Like dwrgi said, when she first started trying she didn't have low AMH so to me it just seems like they want to close the loop on all their unexplained infertility diagnoses without realizing the emotional damage they are causing. The power of suggestion is very strong so for women to go into a downward spiral after the low AMH/donor egg speech is to be expected. Thank you so much for your encouragement. I'm sure this baby will be super healthy and Congrats!
frolicky- yeah they will. i know they will be sad to be far away and so will i . my sister made some comment about how it is sad she will missout on being an aunt or something like that which pissed me off because she doesnt work or do anything but mooch off my parents, she could come out here if she wanted to.

dashka- thanks = )

dwrgi- my coworker wife is pregnant and he has spent the day looking for a pediatrician. my other coworker stopped by with his two gorgeous little kids.. oh and ive been reading fetal us all day for 2 days.. one of which was super sad. dont know which bugs me more, all the happy ones (which i dont have) or all the sad ones (which im gladi dont have).

purple- fingers crossed and hugs
Hello lovelies, can I pick your brains? I have COQ10. Should I take it all cycle or stop after Ovulation, and what mg is considered useful? I know one of you will have the answer, thanks in advance xxxx
The big Canadian study that actually got cancelled because they couldn't recruit enough participants because no one was willing to take the chance of being assigned to the placebo group called for 600 mg/day. That's a LOT - the dosage for heart issues is about 60mg/day. I started at 100/day and slowly ramped up to 600/day over the course of about 6 weeks (adding 100mg/day each week) in case of any adverse side effects - some women get diarrhea at high doses, so I didn't want to start at 600. I spread my 600mg over the course of the day - 200 in the am, 200 with lunch, 200 in the pm.

As for when to stop, that's one I don't know the answer to. I take it throughout, and my dr was ok with that.... Plus, the cycle of egg "recruitment" and maturation prior to ovulation takes roughly 90 days. If you take it for two weeks then stop for two weeks then take it for two etc, you're never going to get a solid flow of it in your system, iykwim.
Hi ladies! Sorry I haven't been around, but my head needed the break and it's done me good I think. Just popped on to say hi and give you an update.

But first and foremost, Dwrgi - I'm sending you the biggest cuddle. You are just amazing. Your strength is simply inspiring. Hang in there and keep being kind to yourself and your wonderful hubby. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Also welcome to ecoops! Hope your stay here is a short one, but from my own regrets, please don't sit around waiting and wondering, go and pay privately (if you can) for blood tests and an HSG. Trust me, it'll be money very well spent. I've just turned 37, ttc for almost 2 years, wondering why it wasn't happening, got my tests done and it was pretty obvious why not. All of a sudden, no faffing about, straight to IVF/ICSI to give us the best of our slim chances.

afm - today is my last day of injections, and considering my low antral follicle count, I'm responding as well as can be expected. My right ovary is on strike and doing nothing at all but my left started off with 4 follicles and at my last scan yesterday, a magic 5th one appeared. They're all roughly the same size which is good with the dominant one measuring in yesterday at 17mm (my clinic will collect at 16mm). My endometrium was at 10mm and trilaminar which is also good. So my Dr had me go and get an extra day's worth of meds and has me stimming up until tonight and also taking my trigger shot at exactly 9:30pm. The injections have been fine with some days not feeling a thing and other days feeling like I really have stabbed myself - ok, slight exaggeration, but that's within the realms of no pinch to a big pinch - all relative but at the end of the day, still only a pinch. I've had some extremely hormonal moments, and I'm really glad I've rented this apartment as it's been just me with no one else around to accidentally say the wrong thing or look at me the wrong way etc etc. So I've actually been pretty chilled out and happy... that is once I chilled out about the injections and realising they didn't actually hurt and eventually ended my 5 day headache. :haha: I'm am looking forward to tomorrow and not having to do anything IVF related, and then on Thursday I need to be at the clinic at 7:30am! They're not going to need to give me anything to fall asleep, I'll be doing that all by myself! lol

So that's where we are now. Still those worries of will there actually be any eggs collected, will any of them be mature enough or decent enough to work with, will any of them fertilise, will any of them survive, and then of course will any of them implant and stay there. But those worries are kind of out of my hands and the Dr's hands, and pretty much down to Mother Nature and a bit of luck now. So for now it's just fingers crossed that there's something in at least 1 of those 5 follicles that can be collected. And we'll find out on Thursday...

Hope you're all doing as well as you can be! :flower:
Dwrgi thank you and you are right....let's hope they are slow but will do what they must.

Purplelou give us all hope for our BFPs.

Going to bed hope to wake up refreshed.
Agape, I forgot to tell you GL and FXd for you!

Manuiti, keep thinking big, healthy follies. Its not the quality, its the quanity.

AFA CoQ10,like HA, I take it all cycle. I haven't read anywhere that you should not take it at certain times in your cycle, like EPO which you only take until O. I hope that helps.

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