TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Missy - That's the one I am reading "Fertile Female". :)

Sorry ladies, quick post because I only have my phone. I miss you all. I went to yoga this morning and two pregnant women were there. I congratulated the one I knew and asked that she send me some of that fertility luck and she said "I will. It happens when you least expect it." Yikes. So, I am trying to figure out how to not let that hurt too much. I will always know when to possibly expect it because I am not using my DH's sperm. I am realizing from this, the less I say the better. I do not want ignorant seeds planted. Xoxo .
Hoping for all of us!! Dreaming for all of us!! Believing for all of us!!
Hi ecoops! Welcome to TTC#1 35+. Hopefully your stay here isn't as long as some of ours. You have been thru the ringer :nope:. While a few of us have had a few mc's, I'm not sure if there's been an ectopic (?) - soooo sorry for that & tube removal :nope:. That had to be a very scary experience.... :(

You have come to the right place, tho. We all try to help each other out & have all learned so, so much from each other (natural remedies, supplements, tips like using mucinex & gf juice for CM, what to stay away from, how much alcohol/caffeine & when is ok in 2WW, etc.). We have natural TTC, IUI's, IVF & ICSI's. Do they know why you can't stay pregnant (low progesterone, or ?). I have fallen preg 2x, but can't seem to stay that way either & my friend said that they could give me some meds if I tend to not be able to hang onto it...?

Well, before, after, during TTC, we're here :flower:

Hi everyone else - just pooped in quickly to say :hi:!!!
Lilsluz - thanks for the giggle... and the welcome!

They haven't said anything yet about why they think I'm just not 'sticking...' We are trying to get referred to a specialist by our GP, but it's a long road.
sigh,. as always my lack of attention to detail is biting me.. only order the 1050 vial of gonal f. doc didnt drop my dose.. and i dont have enough for tomorrows shot.. bah. i should be able to get close (with overfill etc). but..
Lilsluz - thanks for the giggle... and the welcome!

They haven't said anything yet about why they think I'm just not 'sticking...' We are trying to get referred to a specialist by our GP, but it's a long road.

Welcome ecoops! So sorry to hear about your losses, hope you get that sticky bud soon!!!!!

If you have the means, I would STRONGLY recommend that you seek private assistance for tests, etc. as the NHS waiting lists are so long and it is such a slow process. At this age, we just don't have the luxury of time on our side to waste. That is my top tip of the day!

Incidentally, do you take baby aspirin-the 70mg type (think it's mg-not a scientist). One of these a day CAN stave off miscarriages, although some believe otherwise. I know people who swear by it.

Good luck! :hugs::hugs:
Just done some fascinating (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) research into low amh and IVF on Fertility Friends website. People with amhs of lower than 0.5 getting preggers naturally.

Feel good comments: people only know they have a low amh if they cannot conceive.

Finding it difficult to conceive may be to do with underlying immune issues rather than low amh. Low amh comes to light when bloods are drawn and more useful for clinics to know which protocol to follow, than for us low amhers to go into huge panic over.

We can still get pregnant naturally with low amh, it might just take us a bit longer as we have fewer high quality eggs. The best are ovulated in our late teens and twenties (great).

Anyway, it has inspired me and I now feel quite buoyed. Had a bit of a glum day today-also massive stinking headache.

And now, girls, as I am sitting down-wind from Gwydion's stinky bum and he has just let off the most startlingly disgusting fart known to dog, I am shutting my laptop and going to find myself some cider. Because I'm worth it!!!! :haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

Love to you all,

P.S. Where the flippin eck is everybody? Out and about, gadding about, I don't know! :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:
Hi Lovely ladies :hugs:
Hope everyone is having a good weekend?

welcome to ecoops - I am so sorry for your losses :hugs: it's worth seeing your GP sooner rather than later, as Dwrgi said, waiting lists can be Loooong!!

Dwrgi - big loves chick, enjoy the cider and yes!! you are soooooo worth it! :hugs: you sound like are you doing pretty good, you are amazing!!

Butterfly = good luck with catching that eggy hun :hugs:

HA - big :hugs: hope you are doing ok lovely xx

Manuiti - thinking about you and hoping all is going well xxx

Lils - brilliant news about your trip - when will you be coming to the UK??? Im so excited for you !!

LadyH - yay for the cbfm - beware - the first month it gave perfect results and then the second month it was bit confused - however Ive read this happens because it takes a couple of months to get to "know" you :hugs:

Frolicky - hun, ignore that comment! although I know it;s hard :hugs: and it's nobodies business how your baby arrives except you and your DH :hugs:

Missy -hope you are doing ok lovely ? :hugs: your patio with firepit sounnds fab!!

Dashka - glad you are feeling better hun, lunch sounds lovely and a bit of fresh air always makes a person feel better xx

Big loves to Twinkle - Love your swears !! :haha: , Nikki, Never, Carole - hope your knee is feeling better, madaleine and ..... I know Im missing someone - so sorry :(

afm - doing ok, but have a rotton cold !! which is pooh mostly because I can't visit mum and dad, because dad is in the middle of a chemo cycle so his immune system aint great :( and I can't risk infecting mum either for the same reason. so DH and I have been out for a curry, which was delicious but made me sniff a lot :haha: UK ladies - it's definitely colder than in the week eh??!

Big huge squishy loves to you all xxx
and Dwrgi - I had to laugh at your doggies farts!! :rofl: our littliest one does the most horrendous smells - we call them "tummy shames" :haha: but the funny thing is, he'll be sitting on your lap all snuggly, then you'll hear a little "parp", he'll smell it and jump off and run away!!
and Dwrgi - I had to laugh at your doggies farts!! :rofl: our littliest one does the most horrendous smells - we call them "tummy shames" :haha: but the funny thing is, he'll be sitting on your lap all snuggly, then you'll hear a little "parp", he'll smell it and jump off and run away!![/QUOTE

Little bugger! It's fine for you to have to sit through the torture though!!! Gwydion looks at his bum when he lets one off, it is sooo funny. And Ruby does really disgusting burps after eating. They crack me up!

Sorry to hear about your cold-hope it clears soon and you can get back to seeing your mum and dad. I've missed your posts, young lady, and I think you're trying to leave us! :nope::nope::nope:

Yes, it is MUCH colder! Bring back Spring!

Off to the pub now, f**k it!.
Hi ladies!
I have to run out quickly soon- but just wanted to say hello to everyone!!

Dwrgi - You go girl!!! Out to the pub! awesome.... enjoy and just take it day by day -doing whatever your heart leads you to... xoxox

Purple - hope you feel better soon! and happy 10 weeks!

Frolicky - how awful the ignorant comments..... just ignore.... I hope the IUI went well!

Missy - hope the patio is coming along well!

Lils - you make me laugh every day! thank you for that! Hope ov. is here soon!!
So exciting that you booked your trip!!! awesome! Monday is not a stat holiday - just taking the day off... hee hee.

Ecoops - welcome and I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I hope you get your BFP soon.... I have been trying for 10 years and we have one AD (adopted daughter).
The ladies on here are all wonderful!!

AFM - today is CD14 - not sure if I ovulated yesterday or today.... I had EWCM on Thursday and the OPK strips were almost the same colour (darkness) on Thursday evening and Friday mid-day - so I'm thinking it must have gotten the same darkness between those 2 times... (perhaps early early AM Friday morn??) I hate it when that happens -you can't pinpoint it exactly....Usually I can with the dark lines by testing 2x/day.. Today it was was too light so I know it's passed. Usually I have ov. pains - but nothing this time..... Does that mean I didn't ovulate if I don't get the pains/twinges??? Oh well.... not holding my breath this month.

Hello to all the other wonderful ladies and hope you are having a great weekend....

Sorry for the short post!! xoxoxo
Lil, that's great news that you got accepted in the reiki program and doubly awsome that flights went down! That has to mean its meant to be!

Frolicky, I hate when people make comments that you aren't sure how to take. And I also hate that TTC makes us so sensitive to the littlest remarks. I wish there was so magic button we could press in our brains that makes us erase stupid comments from our minds.

dwrgi, I'm so glad you found that article. In my research I've found a lot of women that have conceived naturally with low AMH. Even women on here. I was PMing one of them a couple months ago. Like I've mentioned before, its just another test to make women feel bad about themselves.

dashka, pinpointing ovulation is tricky. Some months I don't even want to deal with it and I just BD a lot from CD10 - CD16. LOL. When I use the OPKs I'm usually always a dead ringer for getting the positive on CD12 so I think I always ov on CD14.
Just done some fascinating (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) research into low amh and IVF on Fertility Friends website. People with amhs of lower than 0.5 getting preggers naturally.

Feel good comments: people only know they have a low amh if they cannot conceive.

Finding it difficult to conceive may be to do with underlying immune issues rather than low amh. Low amh comes to light when bloods are drawn and more useful for clinics to know which protocol to follow, than for us low amhers to go into huge panic over.

We can still get pregnant naturally with low amh, it might just take us a bit longer as we have fewer high quality eggs. The best are ovulated in our late teens and twenties (great).

Anyway, it has inspired me and I now feel quite buoyed. Had a bit of a glum day today-also massive stinking headache.

And now, girls, as I am sitting down-wind from Gwydion's stinky bum and he has just let off the most startlingly disgusting fart known to dog, I am shutting my laptop and going to find myself some cider. Because I'm worth it!!!! :haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

Love to you all,

P.S. Where the flippin eck is everybody? Out and about, gadding about, I don't know! :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:

Hey Dwrgi,

Glad you are feeling a little better about it all and I am now determined to find my treatment file at home and dig out my AMH results. Mine were considered really low for my age and that is why the Drs were glad I chose to skip IUI and go straight to IVF. It just goes to show that these tests are just numbers and cannot be relied on as the definitive answer as look at me fat and round now and achieved without the slightest bit of science. There was also a lady called Rottpaw on this thread with me before who tried for 18 months and had the worst AMH results was near on menopausal and she now has an adorable son who just turned 1 and is pregnant with her second after the first month of TTC. You see miracles do happen.

The test result for me scared me sensless and made me think I have to do IVF immediately otherwise my chances are getting slimmer and slimmer. I think the issue is that Dr's are not always great at delivering info to normal people like us, they are very scientific/factual without emotion and don't always consider what reaction that will provoke in us. We are so used to being told how useless our bodies are that we forget actually that they can still be utterly amazing but like you have mentioned we don't get as many of those amazing moments as younger ladies but hey we already knew that.

Our bodies can still work for us and give us a sticky BFP wether it be naturally or with the use of science. Don't give up hope.:hugs:
Carole - thank you for your post to Dwrgi - it even made me feel better! xoxo
thanks Missy - yeah we just BD every other day this week so hopefully was okay - but does everyone feel something when they ovulate (ie.twinges/pain)? I didn't this time and I almost always do at least for a few seconds...

Any thoughts/comments out there?
OK so I just googled -- and it looks like only 20% (or 1 in 5) women get the cramps/twinges at ovulation.... Hmm.... interesting.... I do hope that the other 80% were ovulating though. :)
Dashka, I always get cramps when I ovulate. They last for about a day, on and off, and can sometimes be quite a 'pinch'. Does this help? Read somewhere recently that you ovulate 40 hrs after the LH surge. Not at all difficult to work out then!!! Good luck! xx

FX that you'll catch that eggy this month! :hugs::hugs:

Carole-thank you so much for your post. You always cheer me up-I do not know where you get your endless positivity from, but I loves it!!!! Please don't ever leave us! xxxx

Frolicky-I missed your post about those women's comments. The thing is, despite everybody being aware that 1 in 6 couples struggle to conceive, it is clear that everybody assumes the problem does not exist. Yeah, if I'd got pregnant after this recent ICSI, I would have been really shocked, doh! Stupid women and their stupid comments. The world is full of them!

Love to you all, hope you all have a great week, and also some good results from this month's cycles. :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

Dashka I don't feel anything when I ovulate, not that I have noticed.

Day 6 on CBFM and first day to poas got a high first off so BD just in case! My cycles have been a bit wonky so I suspect it will take a few months for the monitor to work me out.

Have a great week all, I have today off and Friday is bank hol so short week for me yay!
Morning Ladies

I hope you all had a totally fab weekend and are not too down about the start of the working week. Just countdown to the next weekend and think about all the fun stuff you will do.

I may not always get time to post as much as I used to as work is crazy and I just get so tired these days but I am always here to support all you ladies with your battle against fertility. I maybe in the home straight now but I remember the pain of this cruel journey like it was yesterday and I know how much this thread kept me going in my darkest days so I will always continue to be here for you as much as I can. It may take us a whole lot longer than most 20 somethings but we do get there in the end.

Believe me there were times that I really wasn't this positive and felt so hopeless but tbh the only people that suffered was DH and I so I took a pledge to myself to try and make sure that I had far more good days than bad and took care of myself. Yes you will have days where you cry like a banshee and that is fine as long as you have more days where you think right this is gonna be a good day and this is gonna be our month and enjoy life. TTC is all consuming and it literally takes over everything as life is centred around it but my advice would be to try and have special non TTC moments in there too otherwise you really will go insane.

Love and hugs to you all x x

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