TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hello Lovelies, I am going to drop off BnB for few days. I am so stressed with ttc and I now don't seem to be ovulating properly so I need to try and switch my brain off a bit. I don't Think it will last long but I need to try! Love you all xxxxxxxx I expect to see at least one BFP when I come back!
Great appointment with re today. I feel so much better. He said he has no concerns about ovarian reserve for me. He said I have the fsh of someone in her 20s and my afc was fine too. He said my response to meds was perfect last cycle. We both believe everything was perfect last time down to the timing but the thing to remember is that 75% of women don't get pregnant. That was my third IUI but it was my first COH cycle. He said that a recent study I pointing to 3 COH cycles having the same pregnancy odds as one IVF. That was promising for me. He said I have time to think and figure out when and how.
HI ladies!
Frolicky – WOW!!!!! Yay Yay Yay for the Betas!!! :happydance:That is so great – I am not offended by it at all…. I love to hear success stories…

Missy – sorry to hear that AF arrived… I think I am right behind you shortly… I hope you had a nice b-day otherwise and are starting to enjoy your garden/patio..

Lils – hope you are feeling a little better…. Coughing sucks and I am so tired of coughing…It’s been over a month and this bronchitis just doesn’t want to go. I hope you can kick it off! I know it’s hard to to when you are busy and can’t take time off. Xo

Lady H – I hope you are feeling better soon…. Good luck this week…. and I understand about needing a break from BnB…I think I am feeling the same.

Asry, Dr.S, Butterfly, Manu – fingers and toes crossed for you…

Dwrgi, Purple, Carole – BIG HELLO!! And hugs

Hello to everyone I missed !!! xoxo

AFM – today is 12 DPO (I think but it may be 11DPO)… I tested this morning and BFN… No sign of AF yet but I have a feeling she will be here in a day or two… If she doesn’t arrive by Fri morning – I’ll test again but really think I’m out this month. I am feeling really down about TTC lately… I don’t know if it’s the sickness and not being able to get rid of this cough or perhaps AD’s behavior lately (don’t want to get into this here –it’s not the place)… but just not feeling it lately. I may have to move on with life and put this TTC thing to rest after 10 long years….:cry: That’s how I feel today…:shrug: I may snap out of it.

Love you all and wish you so much luck on your journeys! xoxo:hugs::hugs:
Purple - yeah I'm doing fine thanks hun, just mooching around passing the time, it's not too bad so far. I do happen to be particularly talented at lazing around! :haha: Oooh, and roll on next week's scan for you!

Froliky - Eeeeeeeeee! :happydance: That's about all I can say to your 2nd beta! :thumbup:

LadyH - you do what's best for you and take time for yourself. we're always here for you.

Nicker - glad you had a good appointment.

Dwrgi - No news yet. I sent a text a few minutes ago and got one back saying she'd call me tomorrow as she had to check the lab records. So I'm assuming it didn't make it otherwise they would have called to say it was being frozen and can I give them more money. lol

Dashka - hope you feel better soon - physically & emotionally. And really hope af stays away - that would certainly cheer you up, wouldn't it?! :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

afm - Finally got my AMH results back today. Glad my RE didn't bother waiting for them because all they do is confirm what we already knew... that I have very little time left - 0.2ng/ml - i.e. in the extremely low ovarian reserve range.
Lady H and dashka, big :hug: (and anyone else who needs them)

Frolicky, great beta :happydance::happydance::thumbup: would love to join you :winkwink:

Dwrgi, good to have a plan with DE and yes, if you have to sell the house so be it :hugs::hugs:

Nicker - sounds like good news :thumbup:

Man - I reckon I could give you a run for your money with lazing around :haha::haha:

:hugs::hugs::hugs: to everyone :kiss:
I forgot to mention his concern is what we don't know and that is my egg quality due to years of methotrexate for the Crohn's. Also, even though I responded well to stimming last time we are going to up doses for next time. If I make more eggs then the odds of having at least one or two of them being good quality is better.

He also said he doesn't know if CoQ10 will help but it won't hurt. He said my lower Dhea-s didn't concern him.
I emailed my AMH results to my RE and he just replied with 'hahahaha - but we got some eggs out of you anyway!' lol The man's barking mad. :)
:dust:Butterfly - I just checked your chart and realised you'll be joining us DrS&Manu&me happyhappyjoyjoy "testing dates" huh?! :haha::thumbup: hopefully that'll be it!!!
Maria- :hugs::hugs: hopefully you are feeling better today, and I really really wish you'll get your BFP on friday :hugs:
Kinerie - you lucky girl in your 20's :winkwink: whats COH cycle? So it means 3x injectible cycle is the same than one IVF?
Dwirgi - yes, I'd love to see my OH's ex also, I havent even asked her last name so I could go& stalk her in FB :haha: but sounds like you have a plan now :thumbup: hopefully wont need to sell the house, that you get there easyer. I've also planned on going to get more loan for my house IF there is a need for ivf.
Lady H - if you need a break then do take one, hopefully your stress will go away :hugs:
Froliky - you stay put here and do tell us your betas, we do not want to let go of you, or Purps :hugs: Hopefully we'll get to jump into that train you guys are on now (soooon!!!) :cloud9:

Ok, I guess we all need some of this :dust:
Hello- Lovely Ladies!

MISSY- a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, even though I'm late in telling you! I missed you! I'm so sorry af showed up!

BUTTERFLY- Thank you! It was so awful! I'm so glad it's over! Yes, we will finally have the money for IVF...which I am so thankful for, if not for selling there would have been no way to pay for it. My husband even asked his employer if they any kind of rider policy for fertility treatments and the answer was no.

PURPLE- I'm so glad to be on here with you girls again! I have missed you all so much! When I was recommended to the surgeon that was 2 hours away...they were all nice and was the beginning of it all at the hospital close to my house, where the nurses and doctors were so awful and uncaring. I feel very fortunate to have had the team I had and my insurance covered almost all of it. Thank goodness. I am getting some hospital/doctor bills but they aren't too awful.
I'm sooooo happy for you that you are pregnant- that it the most wonderful news!

LILSLUZ- Hello and Thank you. It sure was a nightmare. Yes, def. Good news that dh and I can move on now with the IVF. Not sure when yet but soon.

MANUITI- Thank you so much! I'm so glad it's over!!!! I'm also glad to hear that yours are benign also...No, it was not a fun process at all to find out- my world stood still for a little while.

TWINK- Thank you so much! I'm glad to hear that your dh s/a was good. I have to lose weight before I go see my RE because that will be one of the first thing he mentions. I will see how much I can manage before then.

FROLIKY- Thank you! Yes, it was very scary!

DASHKA- Thank you so much! Yes, in the beginning the nurses and doctors seemed so uncaring and snippy. I would cry out right in some of the exams...and no one said anything...I felt so alone.

DWRGI- Hi Sweetie! I'm so glad to be back! I wanted to post before but I wanted to be able to give the good news. We all go through so much with our ttc. Yes, I agree 100%...that lady was a POS..I cried in the car on the way home with my groceries....cursing!


LADYH- Thank you- it is good to be back! Yes, I'm def...on the mend. :)

ASRYELLAH- Thank you! I'm so happy it's over! Yes, we are so happy we finally sold....finally $ for much needed treatment.

Thank you all again for your sincere and kind words! I truly appreciate it.

AFM- Very busy! Looking for a rental, so we can be out of here by the end of the month. Appraiser is coming tomorrow with our real estate agent. I have a dr. appt...he told us we couldn't have our dogs here so they are coming with me and my Mom will stay in the car with them...air conditioning and windows down. Inspector is scheduled to come on Sat. with the buyer and her agent...we can't be here for that either. Feeling a little stressed.....I need to just breathe. I will try to catch up on what I missed all these weeks! Love and hugs to you all.:flower:
Asryella - I think you were talking to me. COH is controlled ovarian hyper stimulation.
Yay Asry I will be joining you, DrS and Manu in testing next week :happydance: and of course I am feeling stupidly optimistic so will probably need picking up after the disappointment :haha:
Butterfly , manu, asry and DrS - I am sending extra positive vibes for the "supertesting" day - I would love if we could have a quadruple celebration with you all!!!

LadyH and Dashka - take all the time you need ladies, know that we are here for you :hugs: when you need us xxx

big loves to Twinks and HA :winkwink:

and to Pad and OMM :hugs:

Dwrgi - haha - I would like to sneak a peak at DH ex, although to be honest noone has ever mentioned her really so I like to think she wasn't all that great! :haha:
your day out sounds fab! and it's good to have a plan in mind for when you see the RE

Nicker - good news from your appointment, Im glad you feel more positive now :)

Luv - it seems like its all moving along for you then. will you be looking at rentals close to where you live now??

Missy - is the patio all done?? I shall stalk your journal later to see if there are more pics :hugs:

huge :hugs: to everyone else xxx

hope your thursday is fab xxx
Dwrgi, I think its a good idea to push for the immune testing. Its good for you to know one way or the other. I'm going to mention it to my new GYN I go to in May. Also, friend of mine just went to a naturopathic doctor and she said they test form autoimmune diseases. I might end up making an appointment and going there.

Lil, I've been taking a break from doctors but not from TTC. Since that debaucle with the POS RE, I want nothing to do with specialists and I honestly don't feel like IVF is for me anymore.

Dash, I'm sorry you are feeling down and you got a BFN. Try to hang in there. I've been feeling that way too the last couple of days. I think its just a bump in the road. Maybe I'm just being selfish and don't want you to give up.

Frolicky, go ahead and post your beta results. I'm fx'd they keep going up.

AFM, I decided I'm going to start running again. 6 months ago POS RE told me I should stop running. Well I didn't get pg in this past 6 months so obviously it wasn't that that stopped me. I do think I should cut back on what I was doing for distance and just have an average goal. It was very hard for me to cut it out considering I was a runner for over 15 years and it really helped with stress relief and energy level. I'm also drinking lots of grapefruite juice and making myself smoothies with grapefruit. Also taking EPO again this month.
missy I think it is great that you are going to start running again. Like you say, you don't have to do the same distances but it will give you something else to focus on :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Holy crappers that woman running a marathon at that time after giving birth!! I run (jogged) 1/2 marathon in 2.20h she ran almost the whole thing in that time:haha::haha:
Hey all.... sorry, have been doing my usual trick of going MIA for days at a time! LOL

All the girls on here will tell you what an absolute dufus I am at all this baby making lark... so I have been busily writing down all the stuff to take lol!

Dwrgi, thanks for the articles! I have now concluded that I need to eat loads of cheese and milk, make my Husband wear Y fronts (yuk), ban him from coffee and have sex either 3 days before OV or exactly on OV.... phew!! Easier said than done when you are a fertility dufus! hahaa

Also, 2 very good friends of mine who had suffered 5 and 9 losses respectively are now happily pregnant after going to Dr Shehata and getting NK cell testing. He has a special protocol as well as steroids. I will be back on the steriods myself in June, 25mg from OV.

Sorry AF got ya Missy, but hope you had a good birthday!

Hey Purps, hows our latest bump doing? And Carole not long now!

Good Betas Frol! YAY

Lil are you the nutritionist? Any foods that could swing us towards a pink one?

Oooooo supertesting day... love it! Come on ladies!!

Butterfly could you help me with the fertility friend thing?... told ya I am a fertility dufus!!!
Missy - The only thing about exercise is that I read somewhere that women who exercise more than 7 hrs. a week are 200% more likely to miscarry. When I miscarried, I was doing ashtanga and went snowboarding right after I found out. I took it easy, but one thing about it, was afterwards your mind does wonder.."could I have prevented it?" I just make sure I monitor my pulse once I am in the TWW because I can tell if something changes because I know my body. For instance, both times I have gotten a BFP my temperature and pulse rise much quicker than when I am not pregant. It's amazing the difference. Listen to your body and trust it. As my pulse rose, I knew to slow down and not push it because once you're pregnant, it's not about you anymore. Everyone is different too. I am not sure how old that runner was in the article (she is 27 yro) but age makes a difference too. Good Luck! Enjoy your runs! I enjoy mine. I used to run a lot but ashtanga is now my prefernce of exercise with some jogging here and there.

Dashka - Sorry about :witch: Ugh. Hopefully now that you are recovering from being under the weather you can produce a fabulous egg and move forward with you next cycle!!

Pad - Glad to hear you're doing what you can to maximize the chance of conception!! FX'd for you & DH!!

Hi to everyone else & thanks for your support!! xoxo

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