TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Can we just have 2 lunches? :haha: I like both H&W & Firehouse!!! I eat shellfish, so I could also find something on Loch Fyne but seemed pretty pricey £30 - £63... Mmmmm. hungry now too!!!

I'd say either H&W & Firehouse? Thank you Dwrgi for finding out the best places to eat for us!!!!

So excited :happydance:
Good morning, Lovies! :happydance:

Don't have enough time to call each of you wonderful women out by name, but wanted to wish you all a HAPPY WEDNESDAY! :coffee: :hugs: Make it a great day!

Yes they both look yummy :munch::wine: :happydance: so am happy with either - however, it is a Sunday that we are going to be there and H&W have a Sunday Roast, how does that sound? Although, if we are going swimming/bathing after, we might need a bit of a break first! Maybe we should do the thermae spa thing first and then go for a hearty Sunday roast?!
Good day ladies!

I am so sad that I can't join you all in the UK - it sounds like so much fun!

Never - Congrats on the wedding girl!!:thumbup::hugs::flower:

Dwrgi - Men!!! why don't they just understand us and our feelings! argh!:winkwink::dohh: xoxo

Lils - LOL - loved what you wrote about Dwrgi "accidentally" rolling over !! :haha:you are too funny girl.... You had pet snakes? wow - I am SO afraid of snakes....I am a wimp that way... :haha:more of a furry animal lover... xo

Froliky - I also read your post wrong and got a little worried too!! :dohh: Hope you get into the doctor's today and that you aren't too uncomfortable.... xo:hugs:

Lady H - Sorry BFN - but still early my friend!.. you hold on hunny xoxo:hugs:

Purple - oh how exciting a midwife app't and coffee with Never!!! Give her a big hug from all of us! You just ignore that angry house....and enjoy the day.:haha:

Hello to everyone else out there!!! have an awesome day...

AFM - doing ok today... still crazy busy at work but should be better next week. I have my first mammogram tomorrow! OUCH...never had one before but you know I'm turning 40 so doctor says I should get... I wasn't going to but even my ND suggested it's a good idea to get a baseline one and then if I want to do thermography instead next time I can do that. I'm kind of scared ...don't know why...
So I'm turning 40 on Saturday.... yikes.... can't believe it... don't know where the time has gone really. Not doing much just having lunch/dinner out on Sat (with DH/AD) and then on Sunday (mother's day) will probably spend at my mom's and celebrate both with family. I told DH months ago I didn't want to do anything much for my b-day...unless ofcourse I got pregnant and then wouldn't be as sad about it... I know it's just a number ....and I'll probably be fine next week.

Love you all!!:hugs::hugs:
Oh Dashka, I am sending you a big cyber hug, as turning 40 IS just a matter of numbers, it really doesn't mean a thing! I turned 40 last July and I went through the exact same thing, but I soon felt no different than at 39. It is a mental challenge that we set ourselves to get pregnant by 40, but it doesn't matter if we get preggers at 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, etc. It really doesn't matter. I'm glad that you already have plans for your weekend-good to keep busy, but an early :cake::cake::cake::cake: Happy Birthday to you!!! :hugs::hugs:

Butterfly-it makes sense to do thermae spa and then lunch. What about meet for coffee at around 11am ish to break the ice, then head for Spa about 12.30 ish and then lunch??? Just a suggestion! xx

Lil-I wouldn't be able to roll onto my OH as we sleep in separate beds on week nights! That would be quite a roll!!! I have more chance of rolling onto my cat (no pun intended!!! :haha::haha:). My OH is like a jumping Jack and nicks all the bed clothes, and I snore like a sailor from Bootle, apparently!!! :haha::haha::haha:

Purple-hope you had a great meet with Never!!! I'd ignore the angry house too!!! :hugs:

Lots of love to everybody!

i got a mammo done (doc felt late onset childbearing blah blah) i was actually concerned that they didnt do enough compression cause it didnt hurt at all.
Dwrgi - you make me laugh girl!!! thanks so much for that... :haha:I have to aim for that getting preggers early 40's and looking fab thing....:haha::rofl:
Oh dear that would be quite the roll -over then!:haha: You could tell him you were sleep walking perhaps and ended up in his room???:haha::rofl::rofl:

Missus 0 - MissusO – sorry almost forgot!! Welcome!!! :flower:and GL to you! I use Maca everyday… Good for men and women. Good for balancing hormones and egg quality in women… (trick is you have to take enough).
My DH was on it years ago –but he only took the capsules and probably not enough. Every brand is different as some is ‘gelatinized’ –still powder form but they somehow make it more absorbable in the processing of it…If you can get that kind - get it – it’s more expensive but more absorbable. Maca is considered a whole food (not a supplement) so I don’t think you can take too much (within reason of course)… I buy the organic gelatinized powder and I put 1 heaping teaspoon in my smoothies everyday. Now the taste isn’t great (which is why many people buy the capsules-but I don’t like adding many more pills on to my hundreds I take already).. What I do to mask the flavor is –I put 1 tsp. of raw cocao powder in the smoothie (raw cocao powder – is really good for you and super high in antioxidants – and it gives it a chocolately flavor –like dark chocolate/cocoa)

Can you get the “MACASURE” brand where you are ? It’s a good brand if you need to get the capsules. What does your label say on the product you have?
Question - what do you ladies do when you get AF later in the day - do you count it as Day 1 ? My ND (who specializes in fertility) says if RED FLOW comes after 4:00pm that you should not count that day but the next day as Day 1. That's what I did this cycle - mine came at 5:30pm so counted the following day as first day. I hate it when it comes so close to the cut off though… I have had it arrive at 4:00/4:30 before.

What about you ladies??
Question - what do you ladies do when you get AF later in the day - do you count it as Day 1 ? My ND (who specializes in fertility) says if RED FLOW comes after 4:00pm that you should not count that day but the next day as Day 1. That's what I did this cycle - mine came at 5:30pm so counted the following day as first day. I hate it when it comes so close to the cut off though… I have had it arrive at 4:00/4:30 before.

What about you ladies??

Only have time for a quickie, but wanted to answer your Q because I had heard different things, too! Found in FF & it says basically if late night or you are sleeping you can count as the next day:

When should I start a chart?

Your chart starts on the first day of your period. This is the first day that you have red flow (not spotting). This is cycle day one. When you enter "menses" on the data entry page, a new chart will be started for you. If you start charting mid-cycle, make sure your chart still reflects cycle day one as the first day of your period so that your cycle statistics will not be skewed. In this case, you can go back and enter "menses" on the date your period started and cycle day one will be that day. If your period arrives in the night or late in the evening, you can record it for the following day.

Hope this helps!!! I never had to think of it as I just enter the flow when it happens & FF does all the work :haha:


I'll be keeping you & our other BNB sisters in my reiki prayer-vibes tonight! :cloud9::flower:
Got an error pop up when I hit thanks so that update they just did obviously didn't work :growlmad::growlmad:

dashka, yes I was told if it was after 3pm to put it in for the next day :wacko: and yes if mine turns up about that time I am in two minds about what to do (I am easily confused:haha:)

dwrgi, yes let's meet for coffee first (if I can get out of bed early enough to get over there by 11am:blush:) then spa then big fat sunday lunch :happydance:
It's so much easier to keep track of people when they post more often. :) (hint, know who you are ;) )

In any case.

Dashka - Dwrgi is right about 40!!! I say live it up and enjoy!! There is a lot to be grateful for as well!! Mammos are not that bad. I have already had 3 and I am 38. It's a breeze really and prevention is key to taking care of your health and staying on top of everything!! :hugs: :hugs: Happy Early Birthday!!!

Dwrgi - So did OH not get any? Just curious. My DH sometimes thinks I move a lot in my sleep but there have been a few occasions where he almost knocked me out and he has had a recurring dream that he can't move or talk and someone is breaking into the house and on those occasions, I hear this haunting moan come out of him in the middle of night and it scares the crap out of me. :haha:

Butterfly - How are you doing?

LadyH - Hang in there!! :hugs: It's so hard towards the finish line. :hugs:

Lil, Purple, Never, (LadyH?), Dwrgi, Butterfly, and anyone else I missed - Enjoy your meeting. That sounds great!! Way to round the troops Lil!! Have fun!! We'll be there in spirit!! Everyone make sure to touch Purple's belly for good luck!! :)

Manuiti - You coming on here anymore?

HTJP - Thanks for the vibes. When do you have your scan to check the follicle?

Arsy - I don't feel comfortable talking about my infection. I know we all share lots of stuff, but just makes me feel icky. Thanks for asking though. Glad beany is looking good. Do you have a lot of symptoms?

TWW people - :dust: :dust:

DrS - Hi!! Keep us posted on your progress.

HA & Titi - I take it we have to lurk your journals for updates? (sigh)..I know, I need to get my lazy butt on there, just been under the weather, sorry..I will lurk soon and hope all is going well. Keep your head up and be strong!!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Agape - How are things going?

Coastdreams - How are you?

Neesaw - How are you?

Hi to everyone else!! I probably missed someone...I am sorry if I did and feel free to chime in and remind me.

AFM: Well, I got checked out and things are looking pretty good despite the spotting and low heart rate the last few weeks. The heartbeat is now a healthy 160 bpm. I am still spotting brown but some women spot and some don't. I happen to be a spotter. Beany is looking cute though. :) It was a good visit. 7.7 weeks.jpg
Fro....I am doing ok. Still not testing but will have scan on Tuesday to check follicle size. BBs are extra sore and feel crampy like but I am only on cd 12. Thanks for asking. Hoping for some good news this cycle.
Frolicky - LOVE the spoiler! xoxoxo

AFM - Thursday is only cd3 for me, so follie check won't be until May 19, so I have some waiting to do :D
:hi: ladies...

I have kept up to date with you all by reading...I just haven't been posting :wacko:

Thank you for the kind wedding wishes...went perfectly and just as we pics as I look awful with red blotchy face from crying then getting the fit of giggles during the vows plus the heat in the office made me beetroot red :rofl:

Still sending you all lots of :hugs: :dust: and happy stuff :hugs:

:hi: ladies...

I have kept up to date with you all by reading...I just haven't been posting :wacko:

Thank you for the kind wedding wishes...went perfectly and just as we pics as I look awful with red blotchy face from crying then getting the fit of giggles during the vows plus the heat in the office made me beetroot red :rofl:

Still sending you all lots of :hugs: :dust: and happy stuff :hugs:


Massive CONGRATS, Never! I bet you are telling massive fibs and looked gorgeous!

I've seen you posting on a few journals, it's sooooooo good to see everything is ticking along :happydance:


C xx
Hi girls!

Just to add to the confusion, my FS says anything after 12pm is CD0, so count day 1 as the next day!

Coffee, spa, lunch-cool and groovy girls!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Dash-glad to make you laugh! :flower:

Never-PHOTOS WOMAN!!!!!!!! :winkwink::winkwink::winkwink:

Dr. S-at least you've had the test. Am sure all will be okay!

Fro-hope that infection clears up soon!

We eventually got round to nookie last night, but am fairly certain that the egg flew the nest on Tuesday, hence dip in temps, and OV pains. Am hoping that Sunday's morning delight will carry us through, but I ain't holding out much hope! Oh well!!! It occurred to me today that as my OH is 47 (48 in July), he'd be 58 when our child would be 10, and 68 when 20! OMG! Where does the time go? Am I mad in doing this?????

Love to you all,
Just to add to the confusion, my FS says anything after 12pm is CD0, so

We eventually got round to nookie last night, but am fairly certain that the egg flew the nest on Tuesday, hence dip in temps, and OV pains. Am hoping that Sunday's morning delight will carry us through, but I ain't holding out much hope! Oh well!!! It occurred to me today that as my OH is 47 (48 in July), he'd be 58 when our child would be 10, and 68 when 20! OMG! Where does the time go? Am I mad in doing this?????

Love to you all,

Noooo!! The most important thing is the love you will give that child.

I'm not one for stories, but I met the most amazing woman a few weeks ago. Our husbands work together and we all went for lunch with their gorgeous little 4 year old Isabelle.

They met late in life and were both career orientated and didn't even start trying until she was in her early-mid forties. She was incredibly honest and said they went through many miscarriages, but somehow they kept going and here she is now with an adorable little girl.

I'm incredibly cynical, but it does happen and (unfairly) it seems that the more you want it, the bigger the struggle you have to go through to get there, but man, it'll be worth it and those babies will be the most loved and cherished on the planet. Damn, I wish I was as eloquent as HA, but you know what I mean.

I'm rooting for everyone on here and always send you much love and :hugs: :hugs:

C xx
charlotte - massive squishy :hugs: lovely xxx

Dwrgi - you are not mad at all, you just know what you want! big loves xxx

Lils - 2 lunches?? I like that idea!! :haha:

Butterfly - roast lunch sounds yummy!! (although to be fair - so does food in general! :haha:)

Frols - I love your spoiler!!

Dashka - big loves to you sweetie xx

and huge :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: to everyone, I am a bit addled again today so I know Ill forget loads of people if I try and mention everyone (sorry) I woke up, completely wide awake at 3.30 this am, and couldn't get back to sleep - no idea why, it's rubbish!! never mind!
anyway hope everyone has a lovely day xxx
Just to add to the confusion, my FS says anything after 12pm is CD0, so

We eventually got round to nookie last night, but am fairly certain that the egg flew the nest on Tuesday, hence dip in temps, and OV pains. Am hoping that Sunday's morning delight will carry us through, but I ain't holding out much hope! Oh well!!! It occurred to me today that as my OH is 47 (48 in July), he'd be 58 when our child would be 10, and 68 when 20! OMG! Where does the time go? Am I mad in doing this?????

Love to you all,

Noooo!! The most important thing is the love you will give that child.

I'm not one for stories, but I met the most amazing woman a few weeks ago. Our husbands work together and we all went for lunch with their gorgeous little 4 year old Isabelle.

They met late in life and were both career orientated and didn't even start trying until she was in her early-mid forties. She was incredibly honest and said they went through many miscarriages, but somehow they kept going and here she is now with an adorable little girl.

I'm incredibly cynical, but it does happen and (unfairly) it seems that the more you want it, the bigger the struggle you have to go through to get there, but man, it'll be worth it and those babies will be the most loved and cherished on the planet. Damn, I wish I was as eloquent as HA, but you know what I mean.

I'm rooting for everyone on here and always send you much love and :hugs: :hugs:

C xx

Hey Tiger-fab to see in your signature that you are going for ICSI (or IMSI?). I bet you're so excited! It's a long journey, isn't it, and time goes so fast! Huge hugs and lots of luck to you! :hugs:

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