TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hi all

My goodness there's eggs and blasts everywhere!!! Am so pleased to hear all the news. We are coming to Europe in July maybe worth getting into the roman baths with all the luck abounding!

Fantastic! Am struggling to keep up with all the acronyms it's like a new language!!!! forgive me for any mistakes till I get the hang of this!!!! Good luck lovely ladies
Happy Friday, Ladies! We made it through another work week! Woot Woot!

Lils - Keep up with the fun! Sounds like a wonderful trip so far!

Chicken - Here we go again! :D Hang in there girlie! :hugs:

Purps - You're in my thoughts!!
Asy - You too darlin'! The weather sounds amazing!

You girls hang in there and know we're all cheering for you!!

DrS - That is amazing!! WOW! How absolutely wonderful... will keep our fingers crossed for you! I'm not intimately familiar with the IVF process... when will they actually do the procedure?

Pad - Glad to see you haven't been arrested for Tinkerbell Assult :D Enjoy those adult beverages while you can ;D

Owl - Welcome! We're so glad you found us! Stick around... this is a pretty amazing group of women! :hugs: I'm on my 4th round of Clomid with Trigger and IUI this cycle myself. :hugs:

Dash - Weather there sounds fantastic, too! Nice! Enjoy it!

Manu - Hope you are still being kind and gentle on yourself big :hugs:

Lady - :hugs::hugs::hugs: Checkin' in on ya!

AFM - Had a terrible pain in my right lower abdomen at work Wednesday night... had I not been sitting it would have brought me to my knees. I have never experienced pain like that before and it scared the boogers out of me.... I was terrified that I was having appendix trouble. I called DP in a panic and she talked me down a bit... and reminded me that it could be my ovary/follies etc ... that the Clomid could be doing something a little funky ... that made me laugh, and relax. Pain lasted about three hours and it was terrible! haven't had any problems since, and I'm starting to get pain in both ovaries that is consistent with maturing follices over the last three cycles.

That said, I go in for my follie check on Sunday and if all goes well, trigger shot that night and IUI on Tuesday with the new donor. DP and I just put the order into the sperm bank, so they'll ship today and have it at the lab by Monday. We decided to pay an extra $35 for the bank to "sort through" the donor's vials and pick out the one that has the highest sperm count (I'm pretty angry that we have to PAY for them to do that... shouldn't the highest sperm count be provided for FREE when we're paying SO DANG MUCH for everyhing else??? :grr: :evil: Ohh I better hush. I get fired up re: sperm and associated costs!).

Have a busy weekend coming up, but it should be fun! Saturday, we will be going to my hometown for my youngest cousin's high school graduation party. It is always a good time getting together with my dad's side of the family, so we are looking forward to that. Have to come back home that night (3 hr drive each way) because of Sunday morning's appointment.

Sunday morning, we have our follicle check, then off to church and afterward, will be going to a local outdoor market for a little fresh-food shopping and a nice lunch. Just a relaxing, stress free, wonderful day with the spouse!

Everything else around here is good... dogs are all fine, horses are wonderful but fighting the flies that are so terrible this year. The boa constricor is good. Garden is growing like MAD (I counted **121** tomatoes so far on the 4 plants i have... and there are twice that many blossoms! :dohh: Looks like I better learn to do some canning!! :haha::winkwink::wacko::thumbup: My tomato plants are at least a foot taller than me, and I'm 5'6" ish. Craziness I tell you! CRAZINESS! :wacko:

Sending loves and special hugs to those I missed... because I know there are LOTS of you.

Hang in there ladies! Baby dust and super glue to each and every one of you!
Hi good morning ladies!

Owl 35 – welcome to the best thread ever! Hope your stay is short and sweet..:flower:

Lils – wow sounds like the best trip ever…:thumbup: have fun at the pub tonight and local cider? Hey can too much energy cause headaches??…. Cause I was feeling great up to today – and today have a killer headache :wacko:(don’t usually get them). Do you return on Sunday?:hugs:

Dr. S – WOW!!! 11 fertilized!! :happydance::happydance:That is great – praying that most make it to the 3/5 day! Great news!
Asry – HAPPY 12 weeks hun!:happydance::happydance::thumbup:

Butterfly – the old hag not shown up yet… oh I hope she gets the hell away….:winkwink: Hope the house stuff settles soon:hugs:

Mirium – GL with OPK and catching eggy –:thumbup:Weird about the normal bacteria – don’t you need to have normal bacteria down there to fight off yeast infections? Does normal mean good bacteria? Oh and to change your mood – go to top right corner under your name…where it says “Currently Feeling” –click on it and a menu of different ‘moods’ will show up

AFM – nothing to report –except have a killer headache :wacko:and when I got to work a colleage unloaded all her crap on me –which made the headache worse. Half day for me today thank goodness! Picking up AD and going shopping after that –hope this headache goes away –my patience will be wearing thin if not:dohh::wacko:

Have a great weekend and hugs and love to all!:hugs::hugs:
Hi HTJ - sorry we cross-posted... sounds like a great weekend!! Enjoy!! and FX all goes well on Sunday/Tuesday!
Thanks for the warm welcome! I love it here :flower: Everybody seems to be in good spirits - love the positive vibe!

I'm in my 2ww, 10dp trigger and about 8dpo I guess. Nothing for me to do other than wait and hope the :witch: will stay away. :coffee:

Wishing you all a fantastic weekend! Baby dust and sticky vibes! :dust:
Welcome owl35! I've been hiding out, but recently caught up on this thread tonight.

Went on a little vacation and now I'm back. DH is in Europe til the 24th, so I'm having fun with my new CBFM and POAS! This is a more relaxing month for me with no clomid, but I'm still BBTing and checking out my new clearblue monitor. Maybe I won't ovulate until closer to the 24th...we'll see.

Hope everyone is doing well! :hugs2:

HTJ-great news on the new donor!!! :thumbup:
New to BNB as of last night.
I am 38, TTC #1 with nothing but a bunch of wasted money on OPKs and PG tests, and a huge amount of disappointment. Found out this week my AMH is 0.93, my insurance is all jacked up, my Dr cant remove my polyp this month due to being out-of-town, can't remove it next month because I will be 6,000 mi away for work, so it may have to be Aug which means I will be out for the next 3 cycles when I already have old eggs. With my luck, a good egg will be released. Forgive the cynacism. Between this, and other life events, my fun meter is pegged today. Thinking maybe I need to have a different dr just remove the polyp. I assume it's a simple procedure. After today, I felt like throwing in the fertility testing towel and just letting God do His will without any interference from me. This stuff is mentally exhausting. I saw an old man that bags groceries at the store pushing a cart back inside the store. he looked sad and alone. I immediately thought that could be my husband one day, alone and sad thinking about how he never had kids/family. I'm sad for my hubby.
talked to my doc today about transfer. he is saying likely day 3.. like 80% chance.. no real clear reason.. im going to put back 2. in looking it up it appears pregnancy rates are pretty similar regardless.. he is going to call me at 8 am but i have to be there by 8:45 and it is like 30 min away.
Oooooh, all the best of luck for you DrS!!! I've got a good feeling for you! :happydance:

:wave: to all the newbies.

And much love and :hugs: to everyone.
talked to my doc today about transfer. he is saying likely day 3.. like 80% chance.. no real clear reason.. im going to put back 2. in looking it up it appears pregnancy rates are pretty similar regardless.. he is going to call me at 8 am but i have to be there by 8:45 and it is like 30 min away.

Go Dr Squid Go.... just like a ... MEDICAL EMERGENCY! How exciting for you!!!!!!!!!! Good luck!!!!!:happydance:
hrm except i fell into the dr google rabbit hole.. lots of article say day3 and day 5 are the same. lots say day 5 is much better. some say day 5 increase the risk of identical twins. and day 3 increases the risk of fraternal. i DO NOT want twins but i also dont want to put back less than 2 embryos.. sigh
Hi lovely ladies...

Now I have found the icons! Woo hoo.......

HTJ, good luck on the Danish bean!!! I've got a really good feeling for you..when the right donor is on the scene - bang it will happen!!!!

I reckon there is something in waiting for the "right" thing - the universe sometimes has a plan. Do you guys believe in signs? I really do.. despite the scientific brain that says ....ummmmhhhh. DFTB (dear fiance to be when he has saved for the bling) and I decided to get married on our second date. I rang my dad and said - I've met the guy that I am going to marry and he said when was that!.... I'm the girl that takes a week to make a decision about what to do for a holiday! Very unusual....I had been single for years...... I used to survey happy married couples who said "when it's right, its right" and "you just know" - my personal aggghhhh!!!! but how do you just know.........I was like "Whatever"... "that's bulls**t" and then it happens... So for any of the lovely single ladies that are here.... keep your eyes and mind open - mine came with exwife and kids - not what I was expecting (though it helps to make sure you are waiting on the right corner for when he comes round - I made sure I got a job where the sort of husband I wanted would hang out.. and then bang!!!! as I had been living at a small town surrounded by women for very many single years....)

Manu - I am thinking of you..... I hope you and your hubby are having lots of healing time... hugs hugs hugs:hugs::hugs::hugs: Thanks so much for your advice about your amh... My guy said to ignore it again today!

Today I am

:bfn::bfn::bfn: and the the unwelcome visitor has arrived.... :witch:

Not much luck for me this month or next... DFTB won't even be here during the best time of the month ... therefore no ........ :(

Welcome to all the new ladies... fly florida and owl 35 and the ladies returning from holidays and abroad...

I do have some great news about .......
:coffee: unless recurrent pregnancy loss.... due to

my guy (best in town) reckons two flat whites a day are just fine!!!!

just not eight cups a day!!!!
Buttefly, Miriam and all the lovely ladies good luck...

Dashka.... hope the headache got better - (or you put on earphones and drowned her out!!!):happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
hrm except i fell into the dr google rabbit hole.. lots of article say day3 and day 5 are the same. lots say day 5 is much better. some say day 5 increase the risk of identical twins. and day 3 increases the risk of fraternal. i DO NOT want twins but i also dont want to put back less than 2 embryos.. sigh

Good luck!!!!!!!! What a hard choice!!! A good choice though... friend just had low amh, three eggs, none fertilised... you have a :happydance::happydance::happydance:dozen!
Good luck DrS!!!!! I'm keeping everything crossed for you xxx

:hi: and welcome owl and flyflorida!

Drhouse so sorry about that :witch:

How's everyone's weekend looking?
hi ladies.hope everyone's well.have been lurking for a bit as still finishing reports.on the home straight now!

owl and flyflorida-welcome to the best thread and good luck.

asry-happy 12 weeks.

drs-good luck-fingers crossed.

htj-hope this sperm does the trick!!

drh-sorry about af showing.

to all the other ladies-big hugs and good luck.

afm-af showed this morning.knew it when i had aches last night.still waiting for appt for ultrasound-rang them yest but the comp was down so they couldn't tell me anything.good news was that i didnt have any of the cramping that i had pre period the last 12-14 months so pretty sure thats all a bit pyschological in the 2ww.ho hum onwards and upwards.boyf is dillying dallying about making his appt for sperm analysis.he's had the pot and letter all week-grrrrrr!

have a wonderful weekend folks xx
Oy totally hit my sciatic last night. Didnt sleep cause of pain in my butt. I don't remember what all I wrote before but the doc actually called me back a second time to say he thought it wouldn't be a problem. I told him I never thought it would be. I had 13 follicles. All of them with be producing progesterone so it isn't like there is none. Besides I was only starting 12 hrs late. So this am the stupid shower had no water pressure... Sigh. Doc of course
Called as I was heading across the bay bridge. Turns out I have 8 embryos that have 8-10 cells do they are gonna go to blast. He was saying how unexpected that was at my age , so I said "see I'm special". He got all serious and was like... We need to manage expectations and they won't all go to blast etc. umm duh. I then went and stopped at the clinic that is gonna do the transfer to get more needles and get them to do my shot today cause I just couldn't face it. Also told them when was best for me Monday (doc was all like... We have to work with their schedule etc... Umm dude squeaky wheel and all). So all is good now other than ass pain
Has anyone heard of someone getting a polyp removed and then conceiving the next month? Also, how long do you have to wait to TTC post polyp removal, considering they want to put me in BC on CD4 (Monday) right after my FSH test, and HSG on CD6. Since they are having me take BC CD4 through the HSG, I assume that even though I would cease taking the BC (never taken them before) the day I get the polyp removed (hopefully I can find a doc to do it the next day after the HSG since my doc will be out-of-town for 2 weeks), that the BC would have already prevented ovulation. Is this correct? If I can't get the polyp removed this cycle due to Dr availability, do I even need to take the BC? Also, what happens to egg that might have developed? Since egg reserve is very dependent upon age, does that mean that this could have been a month when a healthy egg could have been released? If so, would that egg then be a gonner, and now I'm Back dealing with starting over with my bad percentages with respect to ... Hey, it may take a year to get pg (get a good egg), and if I miss a month where there would have been a good egg, am I starting over? Huge apologies if these are really stupid questions!
Has anyone heard of someone getting a polyp removed and then conceiving the next month? Also, how long do you have to wait to TTC post polyp removal, considering they want to put me in BC on CD4 (Monday) right after my FSH test, and HSG on CD6. Since they are having me take BC CD4 through the HSG, I assume that even though I would cease taking the BC (never taken them before) the day I get the polyp removed (hopefully I can find a doc to do it the next day after the HSG since my doc will be out-of-town for 2 weeks), that the BC would have already prevented ovulation. Is this correct? If I can't get the polyp removed this cycle due to Dr availability, do I even need to take the BC? Also, what happens to egg that might have developed? Since egg reserve is very dependent upon age, does that mean that this could have been a month when a healthy egg could have been released? If so, would that egg then be a gonner, and now I'm Back dealing with starting over with my bad percentages with respect to ... Hey, it may take a year to get pg (get a good egg), and if I miss a month where there would have been a good egg, am I starting over? Huge apologies if these are really stupid questions!

Hi, I can't really give you any advice, but I would say - decide on one doctor that you trust.... and get more information then follow their advice. If you don't like your doctor change them. Ask them if you should have HSG et al, before the polyp is removed. There are lots of types of polyps e.g Gardener's duct cysts to uterine polyps it depends what you have - I would have thought removing any uterine polyps would be important as they may affect the implantation of any pregnancy. I think you need more information.

My fert specialists says that one or two months generally doesn't matter. I am losing three kilos at the moment. He says most fertility doesn't fall off a cliff. Good luck.
I was hoping I could give my husband a BFP as a father's day present but no no no, the :witch: has arrived instead ](*,) I'm a little bummed that I only made it 12dp trigger and max. 11dpo with all the medication I've taken. For some reason I hoped it would lengthen my lp. Oh well, maybe better luck next month. I hope everybody is having a nice weekend! Happy Sunday :flower:
Hi everyone,

Dr.S - I am happy for you - things are looking great for you. All the best!!

Has anyone heard of someone getting a polyp removed and then conceiving the next month? Also, how long do you have to wait to TTC post polyp removal, considering they want to put me in BC on CD4 (Monday) right after my FSH test, and HSG on CD6. Since they are having me take BC CD4 through the HSG, I assume that even though I would cease taking the BC (never taken them before) the day I get the polyp removed (hopefully I can find a doc to do it the next day after the HSG since my doc will be out-of-town for 2 weeks), that the BC would have already prevented ovulation. Is this correct? If I can't get the polyp removed this cycle due to Dr availability, do I even need to take the BC? Also, what happens to egg that might have developed? Since egg reserve is very dependent upon age, does that mean that this could have been a month when a healthy egg could have been released? If so, would that egg then be a gonner, and now I'm Back dealing with starting over with my bad percentages with respect to ... Hey, it may take a year to get pg (get a good egg), and if I miss a month where there would have been a good egg, am I starting over? Huge apologies if these are really stupid questions!
FlyFlorida - Drhouse gave you great advice. I know how you are feeling though. I am 38 too and I was panicking alot recently but a friend of mines aptly advised that we don't have total control over conceiving so I realized that worry and regret and scrutiny of every single thing would not help. It may actually hurt my chances. Also, age is not all because I miscarried at 36 & 37 while some 42 year olds and older have their babies just fine. Also, younger women miscarry too. Some of this is random. Therefore, I am trying to just do my best and be positive. It's hard sometimes but I am constantly trying. You can't worry about possibly missing a good egg because you have to remove the polyp. I removed fibroids (which I think grows deeper into the uterus) and had to wait for 3 months before trying again. I tried at that time and conceived right away. Sadly, I had a miscarriage. I don't think it was related to trying too soon. I don't think you'll have to wait for as long as 3 months for a polyp.

Regarding the BC - it depends on why you have to take it. If it is to avoid pregnancy and you think you can manage that without birth control, then you can decide not to take it. It will be up to you.

Owl35 - I am sorry about AF!! I tried Femara for a few months too and had BFNs too. I tried injectables and IUI for 2 months and had BFNs too. I am doing a natural cycle this month. I will try injectables again soon. Hopefully, we'll get lucky soon! All the best!

Drhouse - I am trying to lose some weight too. All the best!

AFM - I am still checking for LH surge. My cycle seems weird this month. My uterus feels achy and the test line on my ovulation tests seem light to me. If I remember right, they are usually darker by now. Anyway, I am taking it easy. I am not worrying about it.

Happy Sunday to all the other ladies!

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