TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hey all...

So I am back from FL... was a great holiday, got to swim with manatees and Hubby bought me a gorgeous Tiffany diamond ring! Lucky me!

However, I reckon I am out for this month... AF was due yesterday according to FF (pah whatever FF).. nothing sign of AF yet... bah and pah to it I say.

So how are we?

Dr S... good job with the eggs! 13 and 11 fertilized that is great!

Hit hope all goes well for the IUI!

Nee crappy AF eh... and Owl... think I will be with ya soon..

Dash and Lils how are ya both... Lils... warm cider is a no no no no! LOL

Hey Dwrgi how you doing hun?

Asry congrats on 12 weeks and the US results!

How is Purps and Bump?

Hi new ladies! Dr H you are right the lingo does take some getting used to on here!

Back to work tomorrow... bah!
Welcome home pad!!!
Sounds like you had a lovely time:yipee:
I hope that witch stays away xxx
owl-sorry about af.

pad-hope the witch stays away.

afm-finished my reports so in the pub now!!
Well Ladies, we have reached that time in the cycle when I need to take a break from BnB for a bit. I will pop back on Thursday if I get a chance as it is my birthday, to say hi. Keep everything crossed I ovulate!

:hug::hug::dust::dust::dust: to you all :flower:
Good luck Lady H don't forget our Birthday drinks........ Have a good one,
Good evening, ladies!! How are you all?? :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Sorry I was absent for the weekend...but had a great time with dp and my extended family at a cousin's grad party in my hometown. Rushed back home late Saturday night - after doing a culinary tour to get a taste of my childhood - and had our follie check this morning. It went great... Total of three follies that could contribute to pregnancy. One big one on left ovary at 25mm, and two on the right 18mm and 15mm. The one that is 15mm could possibly mature in time to release an egg, or it may not. No way to tell, but because it is right on the cusp of being mature, they're counting it as a possibility. Uterine lining was nice and thick, so .... all looks good for the IUI Tuesday morning at 9:45! :happydance:

Our shipment from the sperm bank will arrive tomorrow morning at the lab and will be put in a nice, invigorating jacuzzi bath Tuesday morning to wake up all the little swimmers. Got to get their tails thawed out and in motion for their swim upstream! :happydance:

Preparing to have some downtime with DP tonight before the hectic work week starts tomorrow, so will be sure to catch up with everyone tomorrow while at work.

Sending loves and baby dust!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Morning everybody! And here's to the start of a new week!! Whooopeee!! :flower:

Dr S-that is a fantastic result, and I really hope that you have some left over to freeze! (However, you may not need them!!). GL!!

Dr H-it takes a while to get used to the site, but well done for persevering! xx

Pad-lovely to have you back! Woweeee hubbeeeeee!! You lucky thing, am well jell!!! So, a good omen for Team Pink, lots of girlie bling!! Hope you get lucky hun, Axxxx :flower:

Butterfly-how are you hun? Has the house transfer gone ahead? Thinking of you, Axxx :hugs::hugs:

HTJ-GL for insemination tomorrow. Hope this is your lucky cycle!! :hugs:

Chicken-how are you lovely?? Big :hugs:

Purple-awesome scan pics on FB-I showed OH, amazing! Quite an emotional experience for you, I'm sure! Hope you had a nice weekend! :hugs:

Manuiti-how are you hun? Thinking of you, Axxx

Neesaw-hope your head is okay today!!! We stagger our reports across the year, so we don't have them all together. Would be a killer otherwise, as you've just experienced!! You deserved a good drink after all that! Any sign of BoyFriend going for SA??

Dashka-how are you hun? Hope that Toronto weather continues warm and balmy!! You need to get your money's worth out of that recliner!! Big :hugs:

Lil-are you home safe and sound?? Let us know that you are safe! Thinking of you, Axxxx

Lady H-hope you ovulated too! Is your big party this Saturday??? So exciting!! :hugs:

Mirium-not worrying about it is the best way, but easier said than done! GL with ovulation! :hugs:

Owl-sorry about AF, she is a most unwelcome visitor. But, onto next cycle, and better luck for that!!! You'll get there! :hugs:

To anybody I've missed, sorry, but big :hugs::hugs: to you all,

good morning lovely ladies!

hope your all having a lovely monday!

first - good luck HTJ I hope those swimmers defrost beautifully and are wriggling those tails in eagerness to catch that eggy!

LadyH and Chicken - happy birthday lovelies!!...I am saying it now in case I forget later - I have a brain like a sieve! :cake::cake::cake::wine::wine::wine:

Dwrgi - thank you lovely :hugs: I have to confess and apologise about the scan I told you, I am a bit rubbish at FB, so anyway a couple of my cousins had asked to see the pic, and I fiddled with the settings so that it looked like only people in my family would get that pic.....but obviously it didn't work. and I am so sorry that it obviously appeared on your wall, because I absolutely don't want to one of those people who ram it down other's throat :( I hope it didn't upset you :hugs::hugs:

Butterfly - I was wondering about the house too! everything go to plan??

Lils - are you still in the UK, hope your having a fab time if so!!

Pad - your hubby sounds fab! lucky girlie!! :hugs:

manu - bit squishy loves and :hugs: for you honey xxx

Nessaw - well done on getting the reports done and finished!! :thumbup:

DrS - I am very excited for you!! and keeping fingers crossed for you lovely xxxx

big huge :hugs: to owl and flyflorida and Mirium and Dashka, frols and Asry and anyone else I am missing!
Dwrgi - thank you lovely :hugs: I have to confess and apologise about the scan I told you, I am a bit rubbish at FB, so anyway a couple of my cousins had asked to see the pic, and I fiddled with the settings so that it looked like only people in my family would get that pic.....but obviously it didn't work. and I am so sorry that it obviously appeared on your wall, because I absolutely don't want to one of those people who ram it down other's throat :( I hope it didn't upset you :hugs::hugs:

Purps-it was an incredible picture, and I did feel emotional, but I know that you didn't mean to ram it down anybody's throats, so please don't worry! Such an incredible picture-I hope we ALL get to have our own scan pics to show to people one day!!!

Hope you're okay, hun? Bet you're thinking of names now you know 'it' is a girl!!! Big :hugs::hugs::hugs: to you! xxx
thank you hun - and I am hoping with all my heart that you have that scan pic to show off next month!! I can't wait :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

and yes, I am doing ok too!
Hey lovely ladies....
just a quick note to say congrats for all the exciting news, maturing follicles, some of you at 21/40, thats really exciting. Today I went to the GP at 0700 to have my smear done hopefully pre-pregnancy - (couldn't thanks to AF) and pre preg blood tests... trying to get organised... thats not normal for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Forgot this month we can try - one more cycle till DF2B is in the UK with said 12 year old... so hopefully an early July conception... Am trying to decide where to go on holiday have one week on my own... could be pregnant wink wink... so maybe France cycling holiday? then we want to go to Morocco = is that ok if pregnant??? We aren't sure....

I am so pleased to be here with you lovely ladies as all my friends get pregnant by looking at their other halves over dinner. I am so happy for them, but bl**dy hell where's mine?
OK, I am way overdue for a post. Sorry about MIA. I had some bad dreams and needed some time away.

Row - Good Luck with weight loss!! My sister has been doing and lost 33 pounds so far! Sorry about results. However, lots of ladies with low AMH still manage to get pregnant. :hugs:

HTJP - Congrats on new donor!! G.L. tomorrow! :baby:~~~ Your tomatoes sound great! Any green thumb secrets? I am excited your lining is good and you have 3 follicles! Yeah!! :happydance:

Manuiti - I hope the RE gives you answers tomorrow. :hugs: :hugs:

Mirium - G.L. I hope the meds don't interfere with CM either. :dust:

DrS - Sounds like a very hopeful cycle. Sorry about the challenging decisions. Good Luck!!

DrHouse - Sorry about :witch: I say, the cycling would be great! Yeah! Sounds like a great birthday!!!

Butterfly - I hope the house sold! :hugs: Ugh, the pressure from your ex. Sigh. :hugs: Hopefully you won't need another month.

Dashka - Yeah on the recliner & oasis! I am going to Cape Breton early July for a getaway with DH. I am so excited to bike the trail! I am hoping for good/decent weather.

Dwrgi - I have fingers crossed for you this upcoming cycle!! :hugs:

Lil - Thanks for all the reiki vibes etc. I love that you found that info on the bathhouse and fertility. Very neat!! :hugs: I am so glad you had a great trip!! Well deserved!!!!! xoxo

LadyH - Sending :baby:~~~ even while you're away!! Good Luck Hon!!

Chicken - Sending some :baby:~~ to you too!!!! May you have a fab birthday on the 22nd!!!! :hugs:

Purple - Hi!! I hope all is well!! I hope dad is doing OK too.

HA - :hugs:

Neesaw - I hope your boyf does his SA soon. It's always nice to not be in the 'dark' about stuff when TTC. Glad the reports are done and you can relax!

Pad - Ah, hon!! I have been thinking about you soo much! I am glad Florida was great and you got a beautiful ring!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I am still hoping, but your emote says you feel "dead" so I am worried.

Carole - I hope you are doing well and recovering from L&D. I hope Zara is doing well too. :hugs:

Arsy - Congrats on making it 12 weeks!! :hugs:

Never - Hi!

Twinks - Are you doing IVF this month? Azoo right?

Coastdreams - How are you?

Agape - How are you?

Honeybee - You get to see OH in July too for your birthday!! You and DrHouse will be ovulating and having fun!! Good Luck!!!!

Owl - Welcome and sorry about :witch: :hugs: :hugs:

grkprn - Welcome back from vacation! Good Luck near the 24th!! May the :spermy: get the egg and crack the hell out of it!! :)

FlyFlorida - I don't know much about low AMH. However, I had a uterine polyp removed in Sept. 2011 and had my HSG in Aug. 2011. I was not on BC at all during that entire time. I got pregnant in January and late March/early April. Good Luck!! :hugs: :hugs:

Hi to anyone else I missed!! It's hard when some people only come on a few times a month to remember everyone.

I had a friend call me last week who just got married last Sept. and was gearing up to TTC and found out last week she has endometriosis, low AMH and high testosterone. She was devastated and my heart just broke for her. She said she has nobody to talk to. Her DH is not completely thrilled about having children but will do it for her. In addition, he's not very sympathetic about pain and I think she is having a difficult time. His side of the family also has lots of genetic issues which she recently found out about. We talked about all the stupid stuff people say to her and how ignorant they are about infertility etc. People just assume so much.

Anyway, like I said, I needed a break due to some nightmares which I believe were caused by reading BnB. It's tough. :hugs: to all you lovely ladies!! xoxo
Drhouse, Mirium and Froliky,

Thanks for the replies and the mutual support. Since my doc will be out-of-town, there is another doc, in the same office, that might be able to remove that polyp. Going to get my FSH tested in an hour, so i am going to ask.

Also, they told me I needed to take BC starting after my blood test today so that the lining doesn't build up, in the event they do want to remove the polyp after the HSG (assuming day or two after). This is what i was told June 6th, before the doc was going out-of-town.

What I was trying to ask the Nurse that told me on the phone that the polyp could not be removed until July because the Doc wouldn't be there (not the same nurse that told me to take the BC so that the HSG and polyp could all be removed in the same time frame-few days of each other), is: why am I going to take BC starting today if the polyp can't be removed until the week following the 4th of July? She stated I need to be on BC for 3 weeks before polyp removal which is not what the other nurse stated. The June 6th nurse spoke with the doc and said it's just a couple days of BC.

Hope to get some answers today. I have read a couple blogs where people had been TTC for a while, had a polyp removed, and got PG the following month. I needed that morale booster!

Also, my BF in CA got PG naturally at 42 her 2nd month trying. Docs told her at check-up, good luck ttc without fertility help. She said she wasn't interested in doing IVF, that she was putting it in God's hands, and the next month got a BFP. That BFP just had his 2nd bday last month. So happy for her!

Super happy to have found this blog. Thanks for listening to me vent and the advice. :winkwink:
Hey Fro! I missed you chick!

I remember all those pregnancy nightmares... I used to wake up crying and screaming in cold sweats with my last two... the dreams were so vivid and awful so I completely understand where you are coming from. But hey 13w 4d you are doing soooo well!!.... plus I am mightily impressed you remembered all that stuff!

I am Ok I have been 'dead' since my last loss which was 2nd June last year, yup the day before my wedding anniversary so I was pleased I was away and didn't think about it this year.

Still no AF ladies.... FF is convinced I did not OV.... but TBH I was really crap at temping this month with being away.... no, lets face it I am crap at all things requiring discipline and organisation! hehehee

Dwrgi you know what your charts have settled down beautifully... not like mine, a bloomin mess! Hahaha Girly bling!

Hit am thinking of you!!

DrH.... I see you are in Aus. You know what I would recommend for a tranquil perfect break... Silky Oaks, on the Mossman River... we went there and had the most perfect time!.... Morocco is too far from Aus!!

Lils I hope you are having a good trip back! Send some fertility vibes... pink ones please to me!

hey Dash.. how are ya chick?

Hello Purps and Bump... and clues on the front runners in the name game??
Pad I would guess your temps might be all over the place because of lovely heat and also air conditioning!

And names ....we can't decide! I'm sure we will eventually :haha: for now, it's just 'baby'
hi all.hope everyones had a great monday.

htj-good luck.

chicken and lady h-happy happy birthday for this week.

afm-spoke to the doctor.low progesterone again so clearly not ovulating.she's going to chase up the ultrasound.boyf booked in for sperm analysis on 24th july.has anyone else had to wait that long?

sorry feeling a bit bummed out.think am going to give poas a miss this month and chillax and enjoy a bit on spontaneous bedding for a nice change.

wishing everyone lots and lots of baby dust this month.

love vx
Hi ladies! – sorry weekend was a bit crazy – but back at work today and things back to normal.

Butterfly - stalked your chart – So sorry AF showed up hun….. :hugs::hugs: I hope the house stuff is under control now?

Grkprn – welcome back from vacation – hope it was lovely:hugs:

FlyF – welcome!! :flower:We have been TTC for 10 years now (and in the mean time adopted our daughter which I often refer to as AD)…I still know what you mean about that feeling about letting your DH down and not being able to give him a biological child.. Hang in there… Sorry I don’t have much experience with polyps –but I hope that it all works out for you soon!:hugs:

Dr.S – everything is sounding great for you…..:thumbup: Has the transfer happened yet? Did you decide on Day 3? All limbs crossed for you :happydance:and hope your sciatic is feeling better.:hugs:

Dr. H – so sorry AF showed her ugly face… :hugs::hugs:GL on the next cycle now that you know your DH will be around!

Nessaw – so sorry AF showed up Argh!! :hugs: Glad to hear BF has finally booked the SA!! For my DH I remember they only do on specific days (and certain times) but didn't take that long (I'm in Canada) -He just had to get the requisition form from Doc and then we booked it at the lab. Congrats on finishing the reports! Hope you had a few drinks to celebrate!:hugs:

Owl – so sorry AF showed up for you too…:hugs: Seems that crazy witch was busy this weekend….. argh.:hugs:

Mirium – GL with ov!!! :winkwink::hugs:

Pad – Oh my!!! A Tiffany diamond ring! BLING BLING…. :thumbup:Welcome back from vacation – it sounded sooooo relaxing…:sleep: Are you still in?? are you going to test or wait for AF? Still thinking PINK for you.:hugs::kiss:

Lady H – well have a good break from BnB til you ov! :hugs:Happy birthday in advance! (for Thursday!):flower::flower:

HTJ – great news on your follies!!:thumbup: All limbs crossed for you for tomorrow morning! May your egg be like a magnet to those spermies!:happydance::thumbup:

Dwrgi – hope you are well hun…. :flower::hugs:Are you done your reports? When do you start meds?:kiss:

Lils – Hope you are back safe and sound???:hugs::kiss:

Froliky – glad to hear you are going to Cape Breton! :thumbup:Although I’ve never been – always wanted to go – I hear it’s lovely.. Sad –although it’s in Canada – it’s cheaper for us to fly south and go all-inclusive then to fly out east and pay nightly… (also would take 2 days to drive there if we drove)… Hope you have a wonderful time! My you are quite the active girl!! I wish I was more like you! Hope the nightmares have stopped.:hugs::hugs:

Manu – GL on your app’t tomorrow with RE… :hugs::hugs:Hope you get some answers…

Chicken – happy pre-b-day to you to (for Friday!!):thumbup::flower:

AFM – today I’m 5 DPO I think…. I got a letter in the mail on Friday night from the RE re: my initial app’t with the new RE on July 23 –but in the letter it said he will be doing a FULL abdominal / pelvic/internal ultrasound on my initial visit – HMMM….. :dohh:they never said that when I booked the app’t – and I know I’m going to have my period then (like Day 1 or 2) …. So just got off the phone with them and they said it’s completely fine for them to do on Day 1 or 2 – They are used to that /all women are going in like that… I’ve been going to get them every 5-6 months lately with my own MD anyway (and have had many in the past – but never during a full-on bleed!)…:dohh: TMI… sorry …. Argh… Anyone else done one at that time? I still have one more cycle before – so maybe things will get shifted some how… I hope.

Hello and hugs to everyone I missed!!:hugs::hugs::kiss:
Oh forgot to mention - I had the craziest dream/nightmare on the weekend.... that I had a miscarriage... Went to the Bathroom and saw the tiny fetuses (Twins)... I didn't even know I was pregnant I think in the dream... My mom was there and I was holding something that looked like a tiny sac in my hand crying and she knew right away what had happened and I didn't even have to say a word..... We cried together. I think I had this dream because she told me a long time ago that she had a few m/c's and one of them were twins and she actually went to B/R and miscarried that way - but much further along.... I must have been thinking about that subconsciously that day.

I never remember my dreams ... and don't have many re: this was definitely strange.

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