TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hiya lovely ladies....

Yes I AM a bit tired this pm... A three am get to sleep will do that but god I hope that :spermy: is a good swimmer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (wink wink)

But I guess you lovely ladies are often in the same situation!!!!!!!!!

Dwargi - great idea on the marking the pennies will come in handy for the baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HTJ - fingers and toes are crossed for you.... so sorry to hear about your trip being cancelled.

Manu the Coq10 stopped me sleeping for about a week - rest good... figured that it worked for purps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so maybe a lucky charm.
:happydance::happydance: maybe just ask your RE.

The thing about doing things e.g charting taking vits is that WE all feel better - the same way a doctor finds it difficult to do nothing..heaps of studies on that - Leaving something to fate/chance/luck/randomnesss just seems - like we aren't in control...Lils - take care as you focus on the ROYL (rest of your life) and you never know when you are least expecting..... I'd just said the words - no time for mr right when........ boom!!!!!

BNB is a bit of a time suck hey .... if I knew how to do a ticker - it would already say that I have spent longer on BNB than trying to get pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know nothing of luteal phases ladies or charting - is short or long good??? I ovulated on day 10 is that good or bad??

Dash/butterfly/pad/purple and all the lovely ladies out there.. I hope the sun is shining and you are having hugs from those near and dear:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Baby dust to you all.

I think CD10 is just about okay, I think Butterfly ovulates on CD11. I think anything less than 10 may be a problem. The average is CD14, but we're people not random stats. I think Dash has been working on getting her ovulation to happen a little later in her cycle. Hopefully you'll get some better advice from one of them?

So, you got the early morning :sex: done then??! Hopefully, those swimmies will meet that egg! Try to relax as much as you can in the next few days and GL!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I think CD10 is just about okay, I think Butterfly ovulates on CD11. I think anything less than 10 may be a problem. The average is CD14, but we're people not random stats. I think Dash has been working on getting her ovulation to happen a little later in her cycle. Hopefully you'll get some better advice from one of them?

So, you got the early morning :sex: done then??! Hopefully, those swimmies will meet that egg! Try to relax as much as you can in the next few days and GL!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi, I hope that I'm ok .I have a twenty six day cycle so I presume that would be ok as proportionally more of a shorter cycle. Am super clockwork like...

Yes, poor DF2B had to put out at 0200 last night.. then he fell asleep immediately - oh to be a boy!!!!!!!!!! while my mind wanders and I end up googling egg transit times and the like...

Dash - whats the B vitamin story????

Am having an implantation glass of wine tonight.. my RE swears by it.. and sitting on the couch.. would love to watch a funny movie.. but its work email.. uggghhh.....
an implantation glass of wine??? now that sounds like a brilliant idea!!! :D
Hi all....It's been a little bit since I posted last...I had my HSG Tuesday and OHHHH the ******PAINNNNN**** was terrible. My left tube is completely blocked and on the left side where my uterus meets my tube there is a small polyp... I guess they say it's a whole lot more painful when there is a tube blocked. I go back to my RE once DH has his SA on Monday, so the RE will tell me then what the next step is. I have no idea what they will do. I am thankful to have the right side open and clear at least. It was just a very hard blow to hear that news and know it's just more of a setback right now. Has anyone has a polyp and or tube issues who can give me some input. I would really appreciate it!!!!!!!!
HTJ - it ain't over till it's over hun. A lot of pregnancy symptoms are soooo the same as those of pms. I've still got my fingers crossed for you! :hugs:

DrH - hope that bding did the trick, & I love the idea of an implantation glass of wine!

Jules - sorry you has a blocked tube & therefore so much pain. Not fun! I've got some adhesions on the tube of my working ovary but as my RE said, as long as you're doing IVF, tube issues aren't an issue. So there's always that option if needed.

:hugs::hugs::hugs: to everyone!!!!
Jules - I've got a blocked right tube - dr told me that in itself wouldn't stop me getting pregnant
HTJ - it ain't over till it's over hun. A lot of pregnancy symptoms are soooo the same as those of pms. I've still got my fingers crossed for you! :hugs:

DrH - hope that bding did the trick, & I love the idea of an implantation glass of wine!

Jules - sorry you has a blocked tube & therefore so much pain. Not fun! I've got some adhesions on the tube of my working ovary but as my RE said, as long as you're doing IVF, tube issues aren't an issue. So there's always that option if needed.

:hugs::hugs::hugs: to everyone!!!!

Jules - I've got a blocked right tube - dr told me that in itself wouldn't stop me getting pregnant

Manuiti, the only prob with IVF is my ins doesn't cover it and it is very expensive....I am just going to pray my working tube does the job [-o< ...

Twinkle, yah there is still hope!!!!
hi all.

drh-fingers crossed.

dashka and lils-don't stay away too long.

htj-fingers crossed as well.

jules-sorry about the hsg.

viccat-welcome back.

hope every one is doing well.

afm ultrasound today (tmi alert-internal as bladder not full enough-eek!) showed normal size ovaries some follicles no signs of polycistic ovaries and normal uterus.good news-the doctor said i'd just ovulated so maybe i only do this every couple of months-we dtd last night so thats good.but he said my lining of my uterus wasn't thick enough for the time of the month.he said that was easily solved with meds.

has anyone else had this?whats the next step (seeing gp next wk).is it a case of meds?was yhinking progesterone from what i've read on here?.

thanks vx
Hey Jules my HSG that I had done in Bahrain was horrid too but the one I had done in London by my specialist was completely fine. I think it can vary so much on who performs it. I did not have a blocked tube but I did have a polyp which I then had removed which was not too bad at all.

The polyp should not harm your TTC chances if it is small they only removed mine as I was doing IVF and they say they want everything as perfect as they can get it if you are paying all that money for treatment.

I hope the rest of your tests go smoothly but just try not too pin too much on tests as they are only guides for Dr's to help them figure out their best treatment plan they are not set in stone and they do not dictate your chances of getting pregnant. You never know what lies just around the corner I am living proof of that.
Hi ladies,
thanks for all your support ladies - one more post before I take a break for a few days..:flower:

Bearlake – nice to hear from you…. hope things calm down a bit for you….:flower:

Chicken – is your LP always 10 days? if so –you may want to try to lengthen it … Mine was always 12 days for years and the past 6 months I’ve been able to get it to 13 and now past 2 months it was 14 days…. I’ve been using natural progesterone cream (by Fertilica) 2X/day and also past couple of months been taking B-Complex (Orti-B by Genestra – 1x/day with breakfast)…. I think they have helped tons to lengthen it. I also take a prenatal vitamin 3x/day with each meal and tons of other supplements but those are more for egg quality (CoQ10, Royal Jelly, High dose EPA Fish Oil etc..) (also I always thought I was ovulating on Day 12 before but since I started using FF 3 months ago – I’ve noticed it’s always on CD11 according to FF). Hope that helps a little..:hugs:

Dwrgi – yes you are doing a wonderful job hun with this thread!! :thumbup::hugs:Thank you so much. You are so sweet..:kiss: Good luck on those next exam scripts coming! Yes extra $ never hurts!:hugs:

Manu – :hugs:yes CoQ10 – I’ve been taking it now for about 6-7 months..I take about 200-300mg/day (in 2 doses)… If you only remember once /day that’s ok too…. My ND recommended it highly for egg quality more than any other anti-oxidant. Many of her patients are going through IVF too…. I would just check with your RE as to when you should stop it before meds? It is also good for men to take too – great for sperm count/ motility!:thumbup:

Dr. S – I agree with Carole – if there are 2 you will definitely find a way and get twice as much love back!! GL!!:hugs:

Butterfly - fingers crossed for you hun!:thumbup::hugs:

Carole – you rock!! :thumbup:Thanks for your constant voice of encouragement! :hugs:It really means so much to us. Oh bed linen shopping how fun!:winkwink:

Asry – how are you doing my little Finnish mama?:winkwink::kiss:

Froliky – hope you are ok??:hugs:

Purple – don’t overdo it …. Seems you have got so much done already!:hugs:

HTJ – Oh no! I hate the 8-9DPO phase…. Seems all PMA goes out the door then for me..(prob. Hormones)…:hugs: I really hope you are wrong though…. So sorry to hear your vacay got cancelled – that sucks!!!:hugs:

Dr. H – I think you want your follicular phase (AF to ovulation) to be 12-14 days to give the egg enough time to mature – that said I have been ovulating on Day 11 most of the time and I think many people get preggers earlier – so not set in stone.. :wacko:. For one of my IUIs years ago I ovulated on Day 10 that one time they told me there was little chance as sometimes it can indicate ‘an egg from a previous cycle’ that didn’t mature the last time or something like that???? :wacko:I may be remembering it wrong… :wacko::winkwink:But anyway – the luteal phase (Ovulation to AF) ideally should be 12-14 days too I think according to my ND.. See my note to Chicken above re: B-Complex vitamins… (important to take with food though as you can get nauseous with high B’s on empty stomach….and take in the morning as will give you more energy (don’t take at night):thumbup:

Jules – so sorry about the blocked tube –:hugs: I had the same thing happen to me about 8 years ago… they said my right tube was either blocked or it spasmed (as can often happen on the 2nd tube they do because the body protects itself)… but it was painful…. I will probably be going for another shortly after my RE app’t in July. Technically you should be able to get preggers with one tube (if they are alternating month to month) and if you don’t have any other issues.) GL to you!

Nessaw – glad the u/s went well!:thumbup: Oh I’m very familiar with the ‘internal’ ….not nice…. You many to try using Natural progesterone cream (I use Fertilica) Is your luteal phase short?… I would also recommend getting more blood supply to the area…. (ie. massage, Acupuncture, exercise)… Here is a link re: eating for good uterine lining….

Lils - I miss you already... but I know we'll still chat... you take your time hun.:kiss::hugs:

AFM - well AF arrived full force today... Been a quiet afternoon at work so had time to post a long one... but as mentioned will be away for 3 day weekend at SIL's cottage.. so hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

take care and hello and hugs to anyone I didn't mention!! :hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:
honey -
yes first beta was 148, 2nd was today at 349.

i was told i could go for us any day after the 12.. my doc goes on vaca the 13th so i have to go to his icky old partner. think i may skip it and switch back to my ob.. rather pay a copay than complete out of pocket anyway.
Manuiti, the only prob with IVF is my ins doesn't cover it and it is very expensive

Yeah, tell me about it!!! :wacko: I got my bill for my d&c the other day. Got stung for £2k for the pleasure. Ouch!

Nessaw - I got so used to having internal scans doing that IVF cycle that I actually prefer them to the belly ones. I look at it as only a really short time of mild discomfort (and I think a much better view of what's going on inside) as opposed to being really uncomfortable for way too long with an over full bladder - I can never seem to get that bit just right. :haha:

Thanks for the advice about the CoQ10 ladies! I've now asked my RE for his opinion and he said yes and there are a few things that can help the old eggs a little. So I've asked him if he's got any other suggestions and that I'm willing to try anything if it'll help a bit. So in the morning I will be popping down to go and buy myself some CoQ. :haha: And I re-started taking my 5mg of folic acid again today. :flower:
Am having an implantation glass of wine tonight.. my RE swears by it.. and sitting on the couch.. would love to watch a funny movie.. but its work email.. uggghhh.....

In here lot's of woman swear by "implantation wine" :haha: it's more of these "old wife stories" orwhatyoucallit..but half glass of red wine every evening after ovulation untill AF is what they say helps implantation.

I guess its just the alcohol what makes your blood flow more (like excersising wouldn't :wacko::haha:)and doesn't redwine have some antioxidants? Well, prob hasn't got any truth into that, but I did not stay away from my red wine either during tww :haha: not everyday though, just weekends a glass.. to be civilized :haha::wine:

Happy Weekend to you all Lovelies :kiss:
honey -
yes first beta was 148, 2nd was today at 349.

i was told i could go for us any day after the 12.. my doc goes on vaca the 13th so i have to go to his icky old partner. think i may skip it and switch back to my ob.. rather pay a copay than complete out of pocket anyway.

Yay stick lil bean! :hugs:
honey -
yes first beta was 148, 2nd was today at 349.

i was told i could go for us any day after the 12.. my doc goes on vaca the 13th so i have to go to his icky old partner. think i may skip it and switch back to my ob.. rather pay a copay than complete out of pocket anyway.

Fab beta results Dr S! I am so envious, but happy for you too! :flower:

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