TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Manuiti, the only prob with IVF is my ins doesn't cover it and it is very expensive

Yeah, tell me about it!!! :wacko: I got my bill for my d&c the other day. Got stung for £2k for the pleasure. Ouch!

Nessaw - I got so used to having internal scans doing that IVF cycle that I actually prefer them to the belly ones. I look at it as only a really short time of mild discomfort (and I think a much better view of what's going on inside) as opposed to being really uncomfortable for way too long with an over full bladder - I can never seem to get that bit just right. :haha:

Thanks for the advice about the CoQ10 ladies! I've now asked my RE for his opinion and he said yes and there are a few things that can help the old eggs a little. So I've asked him if he's got any other suggestions and that I'm willing to try anything if it'll help a bit. So in the morning I will be popping down to go and buy myself some CoQ. :haha: And I re-started taking my 5mg of folic acid again today. :flower:

Ouch-£2k! It's not a cheap business is it?

What dosage of CoQ10 did your RE recommend? Always useful to have medical advice on here!!!

Good to hear you're back to your folic acid. Onwards and upwards hun, and other such cliches!

drs-fabulous.hoping for a sticky bean.

manuiti-i agree.the internal was way better than any smear or colposcopy i've had before.the only bit that hurt was when he pressed on my tummy a bit.showed a great lack of dignity trying to get up on the bed tho-am only 5'3!!

have a great weekend everyone xx
drs-fabulous.hoping for a sticky bean.

manuiti-i agree.the internal was way better than any smear or colposcopy i've had before.the only bit that hurt was when he pressed on my tummy a bit.showed a great lack of dignity trying to get up on the bed tho-am only 5'3!!

have a great weekend everyone xx

You too, Ness!
Hey Jules my HSG that I had done in Bahrain was horrid too but the one I had done in London by my specialist was completely fine. I think it can vary so much on who performs it. I did not have a blocked tube but I did have a polyp which I then had removed which was not too bad at all.

The polyp should not harm your TTC chances if it is small they only removed mine as I was doing IVF and they say they want everything as perfect as they can get it if you are paying all that money for treatment.

I hope the rest of your tests go smoothly but just try not too pin too much on tests as they are only guides for Dr's to help them figure out their best treatment plan they are not set in stone and they do not dictate your chances of getting pregnant. You never know what lies just around the corner I am living proof of that.

Thanks Carol! The dr did say my uterus could've been having a spasm. Also the polyp is very small (about the size of a pea). Im thinking they will probably do something about it because it is right by the part of the uterus where it meets the left tube. I go back to the dr next month and I guess he will tell me what they will do. I would prefer he goes in and gets it out cause that will ease my mind. I'm not giving up any hope, so I am still doing my opk's and going for it this month!!! Hearing your story gives me a lot of hope!!!!
Hi ladies,
thanks for all your support ladies - one more post before I take a break for a few days..:flower:

Bearlake – nice to hear from you…. hope things calm down a bit for you….:flower:

Chicken – is your LP always 10 days? if so –you may want to try to lengthen it … Mine was always 12 days for years and the past 6 months I’ve been able to get it to 13 and now past 2 months it was 14 days…. I’ve been using natural progesterone cream (by Fertilica) 2X/day and also past couple of months been taking B-Complex (Orti-B by Genestra – 1x/day with breakfast)…. I think they have helped tons to lengthen it. I also take a prenatal vitamin 3x/day with each meal and tons of other supplements but those are more for egg quality (CoQ10, Royal Jelly, High dose EPA Fish Oil etc..) (also I always thought I was ovulating on Day 12 before but since I started using FF 3 months ago – I’ve noticed it’s always on CD11 according to FF). Hope that helps a little..:hugs:

Dwrgi – yes you are doing a wonderful job hun with this thread!! :thumbup::hugs:Thank you so much. You are so sweet..:kiss: Good luck on those next exam scripts coming! Yes extra $ never hurts!:hugs:

Manu – :hugs:yes CoQ10 – I’ve been taking it now for about 6-7 months..I take about 200-300mg/day (in 2 doses)… If you only remember once /day that’s ok too…. My ND recommended it highly for egg quality more than any other anti-oxidant. Many of her patients are going through IVF too…. I would just check with your RE as to when you should stop it before meds? It is also good for men to take too – great for sperm count/ motility!:thumbup:

Dr. S – I agree with Carole – if there are 2 you will definitely find a way and get twice as much love back!! GL!!:hugs:

Butterfly - fingers crossed for you hun!:thumbup::hugs:

Carole – you rock!! :thumbup:Thanks for your constant voice of encouragement! :hugs:It really means so much to us. Oh bed linen shopping how fun!:winkwink:

Asry – how are you doing my little Finnish mama?:winkwink::kiss:

Froliky – hope you are ok??:hugs:

Purple – don’t overdo it …. Seems you have got so much done already!:hugs:

HTJ – Oh no! I hate the 8-9DPO phase…. Seems all PMA goes out the door then for me..(prob. Hormones)…:hugs: I really hope you are wrong though…. So sorry to hear your vacay got cancelled – that sucks!!!:hugs:

Dr. H – I think you want your follicular phase (AF to ovulation) to be 12-14 days to give the egg enough time to mature – that said I have been ovulating on Day 11 most of the time and I think many people get preggers earlier – so not set in stone.. :wacko:. For one of my IUIs years ago I ovulated on Day 10 that one time they told me there was little chance as sometimes it can indicate ‘an egg from a previous cycle’ that didn’t mature the last time or something like that???? :wacko:I may be remembering it wrong… :wacko::winkwink:But anyway – the luteal phase (Ovulation to AF) ideally should be 12-14 days too I think according to my ND.. See my note to Chicken above re: B-Complex vitamins… (important to take with food though as you can get nauseous with high B’s on empty stomach….and take in the morning as will give you more energy (don’t take at night):thumbup:

Jules – so sorry about the blocked tube –:hugs: I had the same thing happen to me about 8 years ago… they said my right tube was either blocked or it spasmed (as can often happen on the 2nd tube they do because the body protects itself)… but it was painful…. I will probably be going for another shortly after my RE app’t in July. Technically you should be able to get preggers with one tube (if they are alternating month to month) and if you don’t have any other issues.) GL to you!

Nessaw – glad the u/s went well!:thumbup: Oh I’m very familiar with the ‘internal’ ….not nice…. You many to try using Natural progesterone cream (I use Fertilica) Is your luteal phase short?… I would also recommend getting more blood supply to the area…. (ie. massage, Acupuncture, exercise)… Here is a link re: eating for good uterine lining….

Lils - I miss you already... but I know we'll still chat... you take your time hun.:kiss::hugs:

AFM - well AF arrived full force today... Been a quiet afternoon at work so had time to post a long one... but as mentioned will be away for 3 day weekend at SIL's cottage.. so hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

take care and hello and hugs to anyone I didn't mention!! :hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:

Hi Dashka! I hope yours goes well next month. Honestly it was soooo painful that I am unsure if I can ever do that test again....well, without being knocked out lol. My Dr did say it could have been a spasm and he really didn't seem too concerned about it, so after the initial shock I am still very hopeful (or trying to be). I am just anxious to go back to him next month to see what his next step is for me. I wish you allllll the luck and loads of baby dust!!!!!!
Hi Ladies!! Sorry for MIA. My DH is on the computer at night and my phone just sucks for posting and is so small it hurts my eyes. Work has been crazy busy too and I need to get back as I am speaking...but..wanted to touch base.

Dwrgi - Ahh, picnic sounds great! You SIL could also be misdirecting her anger (at her situation) to you etc. Psychology is strange and us humans don't always know how best to deal with our negative emotions and they end up being put on innocent bystanders who just care and want to help. :hugs:
Good Luck with the meds! I hope you get the one you want. Yeah for July!!

Purple - I hope your dad's consultant review next week is good news. :hugs: I am glad things are going well otherwise.

Butterfly - FX'd for you!! :hugs:

Lil - :hugs: Enjoy your time off BnB. I know I need it too. I had another bad dream last Saturday night. Ugh!! I hope your BIL recovers and work is kinder to you.

HTJP - Sending :baby: vibes. Sorry about cancelled trip and your symptoms. I will continue to hope for the best. :hugs: The finish line is so hard!!

DrS - Yeah!! :happydance: :thumbup: You must feel pretty good! Enjoy!!

Neesaw - Thanks for the update about HeartTree. She is such a lovely person. I am glad baby and her are doing well. :hugs: to her and baby!!

Neesaw - How was your ultrasound?

Honey - I hope you ovulate late. Thanks for reading and supporting in your own way even though you feel like your situation is not as difficult, TTC later in life has it's challenges.

Mirium - :hugs: :hugs: I was also very naive about TTC later in life.

Manuiti - :hugs: :hugs: How is everything?

Pad - :hugs: :hugs: F**cking :witch: So sorry!!

Arsy - :hi:

Dashka - Sorry about :witch: but I am glad to hear you have two appointments scheduled for July and Sept. Good Luck with MIL coming back and trying to work out the logistics. I am sure it will all be fine. Try not to worry. I am glad you had such a great dream, I think those meditation DVDs etc. are working great for your PMA.

FlyFlorida - :hugs: As far as diet I will say this. The donor I used had a much better and mean significantly better SA after he ate well and reduced alcohol (he does not drink much caffeine except what's in ice tea). So, from that tiny experiment, I would say a good diet can't hurt.

LadyH - :hugs:

Chicken - :hugs:

Owl - Enjoy your time off!! :hugs:

Grkprn - I hope you join DrS soon!!! :baby:~~~

DrHouse - Enjoy vacation!! Yeah for Skype!!

HA - :hugs: FX'd for July 16 (or around there!!)

Dragon - Welcome & Good Luck!!

MissForsdyke - Wow!! Sailing sounds absolutely amazing!! Enjoy every minute! Welcome & Good Luck!! Are you sailing anywhere in particular?

Foreveryoung - Welcome Back & Good Luck!! I don't have any fibroid experience though, sorry.

Bearlake - :hugs: :hugs:

Carol - Rest!! Rest!! Rest!! I am so glad you and Zara are healthy!! :hugs:

Viccat - Sorry about your FIL. Good Luck & Welcome!!

Hi to everyone else, Twinks, Tiger, Justwantsone, Agape, Coastdreams, and anyone else I missed.

Oh, to Dwrgi - my situation, is DH - azoospermatazoa, Me - OK, I think. Chemical mc in Aug. 2011, MC in Feb. 2012, using Known Donor. TTC since July 2011 but took 3.5 years or so to figure out logistics first, so the road of TTC felt more like a 4 year ordeal (long!!)

Afm - I am keeping distant too, as I had another bad dream on Saturday night. I think I need to start doing different visualizations.
However, I do have an official bump and am showing already. Doctor actually moved my due date to Dec. 18, so I am now 15 weeks and 3 days now or something. Leggings are my new best friend. :)
Hi girls... Frolicky, that was a great post! thanks for the effort you put forth for that! :D It makes us all feel so loved! :hugs: So many of the wonderful ladies here put up those wonderful posts! I feel the love! :hugs::hugs:

As for me, the air conditioning is out in our building today and it is approaching 90 degrees F in here, and I have about had it. My mood has been crap lately and the heat is just adding to it :cry:

This 4th month in a row on Clomid is causing worse PMS than I have experienced in many years... I haven't had acne this bad since I was 16 years old. As much as I don't want to take a break, I think my body needs time to just rest and detox from the meds. Looks like we will be taking July and August off to recouperate financially, emotionally and physically.

Trying to look at the positive... this break will give me a chance to get back to where I need to be mentally to try again, and it will give me a chance to detox my body in a dramatic fashion. I also plan on losing some weight... between 2005 and 2007 I had lost 120 lbs and gone from a size 28 to a 12... and in the last two years I have put 60 back on. I know I can't lose 60 in those 2 months, but I can sure lose some of it. :shrug: and since weight can affect conception... well, guess it can't hurt all around. Better gird my loins for all the excercising I'll be doing!

Anyways, thanks for letting me get that stuff off my chest - my apologies for the selfish post! Maybe now I can actually try to get some work done and perhaps keep my mind off of the fact that it is rapidly approaching "sweltering" in here.

To those of you who are stuck in this heat wave, stay safe and cool... and keep hydrated!

Sending love and snoggles to each of you!
Hi ladies...
ok so I don't know why when I was posting yesterday I thought it was Friday... so I am posting again today before my 3-day weekend at the cottage... Boss is out today and I get to leave work at 2pm today...:happydance: Feeling a lot better... I can smell freedom in the air....:yipee:

Dr. S- that is awesome...:happydance: congrats on the 2nd beta.... Stick beany stick!:thumbup:

Manu - CoQ10 - I forgot to mention if you can afford it the Ubiquinol form of it is better absorbed so you can take less... but if you can't then try to get 300-400mg I think that is what my ND told me.... I started out taking the Ubiquinol (200mg) for 4-5 months and now I'm taking the regular one - but around 300mg/day... you can take more of that if you can afford it!:kiss::hugs:

Asry - yay 14 weeks mama!!!! :happydance:Interesting info on the wine!:hugs::kiss:

Froliky - yay 15 weeks mama!!! :happydance:Hope the bad dreams stop soon.:hugs::kiss:

HTJ - hope it gets cooler in there.... and GL on the weight loss... wow and bravo for losing that much weight before!! I hope you get a surprise BFP this cycle though!:hugs::thumbup:

Hope everyone is doing ok and sending loves and hugs to you all!
have a FAB weekend all!

Updates so far! Thanks to those who have posted!

Please post your details, as you would like them to appear, so that I can add to this list (e.g. your age, your DH's age, how long TTC, any AC, etc.)! If you're not here, please blame my amnesia, and don't take it personally, but just post your deets so they can be added. xxx


Asryellah-me 35, OH 30 TTC 09/2010, unexplained, 2nd IUI BFP 04/2012 using Puregon and Pregnyl shot (other "alternative meds": Solgar Prenatal nutrients, fishoil, Royal Jelly + reflexology)

Bearlake-come back! We're here for you!

Butterfly-Me 44, ttc with ex (42) since April 2011, 1 mc at 8 weeks, feb 2012


Chickenchaser-Me 36, DH 43. TTC since May 2012.

Dr H-37, oh 37. TTC since May 2012, planning for IVF in Sept due to low amh. Stepmum to two great kids

Dr. S-me 39 single, trying theoretically since Dec '11 (but missed ov in Dec then 4 rounds of iui with dud sperm). IVF 1 June 2012.

Dashka-40, DH: 42 -TTC since 2002- unexplained-2 failed IUIs with Clomid in 2004 -1 beautiful Adopted daughter 3yrs. Currently trying TTC naturally.... App't for RE in July 2012 to investigate immune issues or perhaps taking meds


Dwrgi-me 40, OH 47. TTC since 2007. 2 x ICSI. ICSI 3 (IMSI)-July 2012.



Frolicky-DH - azoospermatazoa, Me - OK, I think. Chemical mc in Aug. 2011, MC in Feb. 2012, using Known Donor. TTC since July 2011 but took 3.5 years or so to figure out logistics first, so the road of TTC felt more like a 4 year ordeal.

GrkPrn-Me, 38; DH, 38. TTC for 9 months, NTNP for 5 years. 1st round of Clomid 5/2012-

HA-38 w/ no problems, DH is 38 with 1% morphology, ttc #1 since Jan. 2009, 4 mcs, 5 failed IUIs with injectables, 2 failed IVFs, FET in July.

Honeybee-I'm 39 on 4th July, OH is 41. TTC since march but don't get to see oh enough to have much success so waiting on a little miracle.

Hitthejackpot-Me 36, DP 45, TTC since March 2012, 4 IUI attempts, 3 BFNs so far

JulesWantsOne-Me: 36, Hsg (left blocked tube and small uterine polyp). All blood work and test otherwise very good for my age. DH: 31 (scheduled S/A next week fx'd) no health probs etc.

Lady H- Me 40 DH 54 ttc naturally since May 2011, no BFP's so far....

LilSluz-Me: 39, DH: 42, TTC since Jan 2011, 4 mc's, Compound Hetero MTHFR, inherited Thrombophilia, AMH .84 (waiting for new tests..)


Manuiti-Me 37 (low responder), DH 35 (perfect), TTC for 23 months, 1 IVF (ICSI) - 1st ever BFP, both eggs stuck, both MMC (6 & 11 wks). Stepmum to 2 krazy kids (6 & 8yrs).

Mirium-38, dh - 43. TTC since 2010, 1 mmc/loss, removed fibroids, another mmc/loss. Trying to conceive again for 10 months since.

Miss Fosdyke-Me 45, DH 46. Suddenly decided last week to TTC after 26 years together.

MissyT- (are you there? Come back!)

Nessaw-me and boyf 36, ttc since nov 11 cd21 tests show no ov ultrasound showed ov but thin uterine lining waiting to see gp.

Neversaynever-Me 36..DH 41 three first tri losses currently pregnant EDD 25/8/12


Owl35-Me 35, DH 37, TTC since August 2010, early miscarriage Dec. 2010 - no more luck ever since, unexplained infertility.

Padbrat-Me 40, Hubby 39. TTC since 2005. Translocation in X chromosome. 6 baby boys (1 set of twins) .... all MMC at 11-12 weeks (X deletion is lethal to males). 1 failed ED 2011.


Purple Lou-me 40, dh 35, ttc for 12 months, 2 mcs August, Sept 2011, now PAL - due 26/10/12 -using cbfm, C0q10, prenatals/folic acid and conceive plus

Twinks-I'm 37, DH is 31. Trying for almost 3 years. DH has lazy swimmers & I've got a blocked right tube & I'm really fat! (Love you Twinks!).

Viccat-Me 37, OH 38, TTC since Feb '12. No BFNs, BFPs or medical intervention thus far.
Ladies, I wish you all a wonderful weekend

Huge loves to you all

And dwrgi ..thank you so much for all the work you doing on the thread! You are a complete star! Xxxx
Thank you Purps, you're a star too! Have a lovely weekend hun, Axxxxxxx

I have just opened the new batch of scripts, and 'A View from the Bridge' I can do blindfolded, but the novel is Silage, oops, Silas Marner. I know very little about this. Bugger and bums. Will have to do mass revision this weekend.

Norethisterone making me feel like sh&t, too. Sorry for me me me. Very tearful, and so off Al, loads of quarreling here too cos of it. :nope::nope:

Lovely to hear from you Frolicky-can't believe you're almost 4 months gone!!! OMG! Where does the time go??? Hope those nightmares don't plague you this weekend.

HTJ-sometimes, a break is a very good idea. You're trying to do everything, all at the same time. Take it easy dude. Have a lovely weekend, despite not going away. I am sure that your DP will take care of you,

Love to everybody! Enjoy your weekend!
Thanks Dashka! I think I can only get it from GNC here but don't know what type it is. :shrug:
hi dwrgi would it be to change mine to me and boyf 36 ttc since nov 11 cd21 tests show no ov ultrasound showed ov but thin uterine lining waiting to see gp.

sorry bit of a mouthful poss to be continued!!thanks for all ur hard work on this thread.xx
I love my RE but he can be so confusing sometimes. He just randomly texted me to say he'll see me this coming Friday. So I replied saying are you sure that was for me. And the reply was yes, so we can see what we can do with your eggs. Looks like I created an appointment for myself by asking for his suggestions about what else I could do to improve quality. So I said, I need to have a look at flights (every time I go to see him, I'm at least £250 poorer thanks to flight, taxi and of course his fee). And then he replies to say let's coordinate on Sunday so we can have a look at the lab results - call me in the afternoon.

But he said my results would take 28 days from my d&c, which wouldn't be until next Saturday. :shrug: I'm hoping that as long as he's not wanting to give me a scan of some sort that I can convince him to have my appointment over the phone...

Dwrgi - sorry - I forgot to say, I didn't ask him what dose of CoQ10 nor did he say. It was all via text. But I will ask him when I see him/ speak to him on the phone and I'll report back. And big :hugs::hugs::hugs: too - hope you feel cheerier soon!

HTJ - sounds like you could do with a break really. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Fro - I'm actually doing okay, thanks. I think I'm accepting what happened now and am now just determined to get preggers again and get this next one to hang around. That said, I had a nap during the day yesterday and had a dream that I was having a good ol' sob about it all again. So maybe I'm not crying consciously, but still am subconsciously. I dunno. But what I do know is that I am getting there. And I also have to remember that DH and I made a plan and we just have to keep going with it - 3 tries at IVF, 1 at donor and if still no luck, we will adopt. So one way or another we will have our little family. If we get to the donor stage, which I hope we don't, I know I'm going to have issues that I'll need to work through. But we're not there and hopefully we'll never need to get there and for now I'm just focussing on IVF #2. Ooops - that reply turned into a bit of an essay - sorry about that. Anyway, hope those dreams ease off and you start having nice happy ones soon. :hugs::hugs::hugs: Oh and enjoy those leggings!!! :thumbup:

Hope everyone has a good weekend. Big :hugs: all round!
I love my RE but he can be so confusing sometimes. He just randomly texted me to say he'll see me this coming Friday. So I replied saying are you sure that was for me. And the reply was yes, so we can see what we can do with your eggs. Looks like I created an appointment for myself by asking for his suggestions about what else I could do to improve quality. So I said, I need to have a look at flights (every time I go to see him, I'm at least £250 poorer thanks to flight, taxi and of course his fee). And then he replies to say let's coordinate on Sunday so we can have a look at the lab results - call me in the afternoon.

But he said my results would take 28 days from my d&c, which wouldn't be until next Saturday. :shrug: I'm hoping that as long as he's not wanting to give me a scan of some sort that I can convince him to have my appointment over the phone...

Dwrgi - sorry - I forgot to say, I didn't ask him what dose of CoQ10 nor did he say. It was all via text. But I will ask him when I see him/ speak to him on the phone and I'll report back. And big :hugs::hugs::hugs: too - hope you feel cheerier soon!

HTJ - sounds like you could do with a break really. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Fro - I'm actually doing okay, thanks. I think I'm accepting what happened now and am now just determined to get preggers again and get this next one to hang around. That said, I had a nap during the day yesterday and had a dream that I was having a good ol' sob about it all again. So maybe I'm not crying consciously, but still am subconsciously. I dunno. But what I do know is that I am getting there. And I also have to remember that DH and I made a plan and we just have to keep going with it - 3 tries at IVF, 1 at donor and if still no luck, we will adopt. So one way or another we will have our little family. If we get to the donor stage, which I hope we don't, I know I'm going to have issues that I'll need to work through. But we're not there and hopefully we'll never need to get there and for now I'm just focussing on IVF #2. Ooops - that reply turned into a bit of an essay - sorry about that. Anyway, hope those dreams ease off and you start having nice happy ones soon. :hugs::hugs::hugs: Oh and enjoy those leggings!!! :thumbup:

Hope everyone has a good weekend. Big :hugs: all round!

I love your plan and pragmatism Man-you most certainly WILL have your own family, one way or another! Take care of yourself hun, Axxxx :hugs::hugs:

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