TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

thanks Drwgi and Dr.S - that's helps....:hugs::hugs: I just always feel like I am the one that things like this happen to so I get paranoid... (perhaps it was sitting waiting to get into the HSG with a thunderstorm and MASSIVE scary thunder happening in the background and then they lost the paperwork etc..)...

I know I need to step away from Google - but it's so damn hard!
My doctor didn't even mention chance of infection or antibiotics (I read that on Google too).:dohh:
i wasnt given antibiotics for the hsg. it is no more likely than it is for iui which they also dont give antibiotics for. if anything it is less likely cause they can swab clean your cervix for hsg and they dont for iui (at least mine didnt). honestly the most likely thing that will happen is some cramps. other than that... nothing much. when i perform them i tell the person there is a risk of cramps, that they will get some sticky discharge, and brown discharge (the dye we put in and the betadine swab). some risk of spotting (some cervixes are more irritable than others). i do say if they develop a fever, foul discharge etc then call their doc or go to the er. but that is as far as i go in terms of infection.
Hello Lovelies. Reading and lurking still.

I will no SS, I will not SS....wait....I am SS....bugger!
Thanks Dr S-- I appreciate it! They did clean the cervix before he started so that's good. I am still feeling weird twinges though and it's been over 30hrs ... Is that normal?
The spotting is done I think.

Yeah I guess the chances of the egg actually fertilizing properly this time are one in a million anyway...
i had cramps for a few days that were pretty strong.
Aww..:cry: Thanks lovelies for the b-day wishes :flower::flower::flower:

One year older again, I noticed my ageing from the b-day cards I got from mail - they are almost ALL flower pictures! Whatta :haha: I thought its +50 when flower cards are in place :haha:

Anyway, good to hear Dwirgi that the pains went away. Didn't you have 4 eggs? Maybe it was their progesterone kicking in after o, if there is 4 (can't remember whatitscalled in english) then you might be getting pains later on too from which ever side they were..But :thumbup::thumbup:

Dash- stay away from the google!!! And good to hear you had such good news on hsg :hugs:

And all of you with the :witch: visiting, I'd say go and get you some chockolate and :pizza:+:wine: flush your system well with all the goodies and onwards to the bfp cycle!!!:hugs::hugs:
Dash - how fab that you have ladies here that are WAY better than Dr Google!! (DrS and Dwrgi - you ladies are complete stars!!) big loves, try not to worry chick. I am absolutley convinced that you are not the first person to :sex: around HSG!!

Dwrgi - glad you are feeling better lovely xxx I would imagine that anything that pokes inside the cervix is going to cause some pain, but Im glad its over now!! hopefully those eggies are getting fertilized (actually maybe not all of them :shock:) and snuggled in!!

LadyH - no more symptom spotting!! naughty!! :haha:

hope everyone is having a nice day today (or about to - because some of you should still be in bed!!)

big loves to all of you xxx
am soooo angry.just called the gp and there's no record of a referral to the infertility clinic on the system!waiting for them to call back.wasted a whole month.absolute pants.sorry for rant.vx
Hello everyone :hi:

Thank you for asking after me and passing on such lovely messages of encouragement :hugs:

I had my suppressed scan today - with another new Dr who also didn't feel the need to read my notes. Sheesh.

His first question was "Have you had an operation?" and I thought "here we go again!". Yep, it's the issue with my left ovary, it's very high-up and even with a bit of pushing, it wouldn't co-operate. He was puzzled why it wasn't picked up during my investigation back in September, but that sonographer had pointed this issue out then, but had also managed to manipulate it. He also mentioned something about cysts (our fertility Dr mentioned this, but didn't seem concerned).

Regarding my 'wandering ovary' (as husband and I refer to it), he's said there's not much we can do, but just see what happens. Great. I'm now waiting for a call about my Gonal F - when to start and amounts - and my next test/scan.

Not looking forward to the additional injections, I'm developing a lovely looking low-slung belt of bruises or as I now refer to it as my 'IVF Belt'.

Quick question to all those who have been through this; where's the best place to inject in the thigh?

I'm so sorry for the ME post, I'm so emotional today and my heads not really in it. I'm having to say goodbye to my family home and it feels like I'm losing my parents all over again. I'm sure it's these ruddy hormones... sometimes you just wish you could catch a break, eh?

Enough of my wallowing, I have a pack of chocolate chip cookies to keep me company!

Much love and :hugs: to all,

C xx
am soooo angry.just called the gp and there's no record of a referral to the infertility clinic on the system!waiting for them to call back.wasted a whole month.absolute pants.sorry for rant.vx

Ness-I'm so sorry, but this is completely typical of the NHS in my experience. You have to chase them on everything. If you are concerned about time ticking past and want to get things moving, I would go private. You'll find the money and you will be dealt with immediately, no waiting lists, no queus in the clinic, etc. etc. Me and OH aren't flush with money, but we found it, and boy, am I glad we did. The service we've had from our clinic is a million times better than anything I ever experienced with the NHS. Plus, time is of the essence. I wish I'd gone private sooner, and that is a fact! :hugs::hugs:
Hello everyone :hi:

Thank you for asking after me and passing on such lovely messages of encouragement :hugs:

I had my suppressed scan today - with another new Dr who also didn't feel the need to read my notes. Sheesh.

His first question was "Have you had an operation?" and I thought "here we go again!". Yep, it's the issue with my left ovary, it's very high-up and even with a bit of pushing, it wouldn't co-operate. He was puzzled why it wasn't picked up during my investigation back in September, but that sonographer had pointed this issue out then, but had also managed to manipulate it. He also mentioned something about cysts (our fertility Dr mentioned this, but didn't seem concerned).

Regarding my 'wandering ovary' (as husband and I refer to it), he's said there's not much we can do, but just see what happens. Great. I'm now waiting for a call about my Gonal F - when to start and amounts - and my next test/scan.

Not looking forward to the additional injections, I'm developing a lovely looking low-slung belt of bruises or as I now refer to it as my 'IVF Belt'.

Quick question to all those who have been through this; where's the best place to inject in the thigh?

I'm so sorry for the ME post, I'm so emotional today and my heads not really in it. I'm having to say goodbye to my family home and it feels like I'm losing my parents all over again. I'm sure it's these ruddy hormones... sometimes you just wish you could catch a break, eh?

Enough of my wallowing, I have a pack of chocolate chip cookies to keep me company!

Much love and :hugs: to all,

C xx

Chocolate chip cookies are a girl's best friend at times like these (plus B&B, of course!). I'm sorry you're feeling emotional, it can't be easy losing your family home, and it will have all sorts of associations for you. But nobody can take away your memories, and you'll always have those. :hugs:

I have never injected in my thigh-I always did my tummy (luckily, there was plenty of blubber there to take most of the injections!! :haha:). I always avoided the same area, and it really helps to pinch the skin together too. Hope this helps.

In my clinic, when patients have high ovaries, they recommend star jumps just before egg collection. This came from a partner consultant at the clinic who runs his own successful IVF clinic near Southampton somewhere (sorry for deetails-I am sounding like my mother now... always goes round the mountain..... zzzzzzz...). Anyway, back to the story, ten star jumps before EC should help to 'drop' the ovaries and enable the doc to gain easier access to your follicles. Job done, worry no more, my sweet!!

Is a 'suppressed' scan the baseline scan??? Did they give you any idea of the antral follicles, not that these are foolproof, anyway?

Good luck with your injections, lovely, and lots of R&R for you (remember to aim to drink at least 2 litres of water throughout stimms to counteract the effects of the hormones on your body, and as much protein as you can shake a stick at-at least 65g per day. Try to drink a pint of milk at some stage, and lots of nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, chicken, etc. etc. Also, beetroot is very good at the beginning of the cycle-it is a blood nourisher... Lecture over!).

NESS - i am so sorry to hear that they lost the paper work - there really is no excuse for that, at all. I

And i know how you feel about wasting time - so heres a fun update...when i posted yesterday i asked the question about how long it takes sperm to mature - well, i decided to do some research (my job bores me to no end, so if i am googling i look busy and people leave me alone). In my research i found that post reversal it takes around 100 days to have sperm reach maturity - wowsers!!

Ud think the urologist would have mentioned something like that. So, when i look back on the stressing i have done - Jan - Mar, all in vain bc no mature sperm...April...mature sperm possible, but not really working with the big that means May - July.

But since all this research is just in theory - i called the fertility clinic to make sure - probably the STUPIDEST thing i could do. When i talked to the nurse, she confirmed what i read...and then said that since technically we have only been trying for three months - we arent eligible for their services yet!!! I couldn't beleive it - I also told her that i'd read elsewhere that there is the possibility of pregnancy the first month after the reversal so technically i should still consider this 7 months of trying...she didn't agree, apparently the first three months the likelihood of getting pregnant is around now i am waiting on the doctor to call today to see where i stand...

Isn't it sad to have someone else entirely take control?? I guess i wait....
Dashka - I didn't have antibiotics for my HSG either. My MD said that they haven't recommended antibiotics pre-HSG in quite awhile.

Ladies - I have a question (and I'm trying to stay away from Dr. Google also!). My period was due yesterday and I had some strange spotting yesterday morning (brownish-red with a clot or two) and it was gone after I wiped. It happened again last night and this morning. My BBT dropped a couple of days ago and started rising again. I did test this morning and it was a BFN.

I keep thinking AF is coming, but she's not showing. Which is fine, but make up your mind Ms. Witch!! :winkwink:

Has anyone else has spotting around the time of your period and you feel like AF is coming? My period length and flow have always been pretty normal until now. Maybe the full moon is creating havoc?? :shrug:

If anyone has some words of wisdom, please send them my way!

Thanks a bunch! :hugs:
Dashka - I didn't have antibiotics for my HSG either. My MD said that they haven't recommended antibiotics pre-HSG in quite awhile.

Ladies - I have a question (and I'm trying to stay away from Dr. Google also!). My period was due yesterday and I had some strange spotting yesterday morning (brownish-red with a clot or two) and it was gone after I wiped. It happened again last night and this morning. My BBT dropped a couple of days ago and started rising again. I did test this morning and it was a BFN.

I keep thinking AF is coming, but she's not showing. Which is fine, but make up your mind Ms. Witch!! :winkwink:

Has anyone else has spotting around the time of your period and you feel like AF is coming? My period length and flow have always been pretty normal until now. Maybe the full moon is creating havoc?? :shrug:

If anyone has some words of wisdom, please send them my way!

Thanks a bunch! :hugs:

GrkPrn - Sorry - about AF...:hugs: :hugs:. Re - your period - this is what is happening to me right now too. I stopped temping right after ovulation though. I am feeling mild, mild pain since yesterday morning and even started wearing a pad yesterday and all I saw this morning was a red speck so it seems to be on its way but a little delayed. Tuesday was 14dpo for me and I stopped taking progesterone on Monday so really, there's nothing to be alarmed about. Were you on progesterone?? If so, that alone is enough to cause the delay. Even if you were not on progesterone, it's still normal...:hugs: :hugs: Quick edit - You can also do another test to see if you get a BFN again... :)
Dashka - I didn't have antibiotics for my HSG either. My MD said that they haven't recommended antibiotics pre-HSG in quite awhile.

Ladies - I have a question (and I'm trying to stay away from Dr. Google also!). My period was due yesterday and I had some strange spotting yesterday morning (brownish-red with a clot or two) and it was gone after I wiped. It happened again last night and this morning. My BBT dropped a couple of days ago and started rising again. I did test this morning and it was a BFN.

I keep thinking AF is coming, but she's not showing. Which is fine, but make up your mind Ms. Witch!! :winkwink:

Has anyone else has spotting around the time of your period and you feel like AF is coming? My period length and flow have always been pretty normal until now. Maybe the full moon is creating havoc?? :shrug:

If anyone has some words of wisdom, please send them my way!

Thanks a bunch! :hugs:

GrkPrn - Sorry - about AF...:hugs: :hugs:. Re - your period - this is what is happening to me right now too. I stopped temping right after ovulation though. I am feeling mild, mild pain since yesterday morning and even started wearing a pad yesterday and all I saw this morning was a red speck so it seems to be on its way but a little delayed. Tuesday was 14dpo for me and I stopped taking progesterone on Monday so really, there's nothing to be alarmed about. Were you on progesterone?? If so, that alone is enough to cause the delay. Even if you were not on progesterone, it's still normal...:hugs: :hugs:

Thanks Mirium! :hugs::hugs:

I'm sorry to hear that you're going through the same thing. I wasn't on progesterone this cycle. And I'm waiting to hear from my RE whether or not I start Clomid again this month.

Thank you for putting my mind at ease! :hugs:
Greek porn, i would wait another day or two and then test again..... because you chart looks good and I have heard about implantation taking up to day 12. :hugs:

Tiger - does the injection have to be sub-cutaneous?? (under the skin) - it sounds like it if it's in the tummy. mostly intra muscular injections go into the thigh (into a muscle) and then its the upper outer part where the injection goes. not sure with fertility meds if theye are under the skin, or into a muscles ones.
Hi ladies!!

Dr.S - thanks again for your advice! I feel better...:hugs: Still have cramps today though but nothing major.:winkwink:

Asry - nice to hear from you!! hope you had a great b-day.... are you still on vacation? :kiss:

Dwrgi & Purps - you are always so wonderful with your responses!!! thank you for always being there for us :hugs::kiss:

Nessaw - that totally sucks re: the referral!!! I would be so mad -sounds like something that would happen to me.... I agree with Dwrgi - might be worth your sanity to go private...:hugs:

Tigerlily - have you moved or are you selling your parent's home? That must be so sad - I know I would be a wreck too...:hugs::hugs: You will always have the cherished memories... and they are your guardian angels for sure. Good luck with the meds /IVF belt...I hope the 'vanishing ovary' gets help with the star jumps that Dwrgi recommended!:hugs:

Lils - how are you doing hun ?:hugs::kiss: you are being awfully quiet...:winkwink:

BDownMommie - yes sperm are like our eggs - they need at least 3 months to mature/ improve quality etc... Where do you live? I can't believe the clinic would turn you away?? Isn't age a factor too? They shouldn't do that... Can you try another clinic maybe and just tell them you've been trying longer? GL:hugs:

Grkprn - your chart is looking mighty fine woman!! :thumbup:I don't want to get your hopes up but when I look at it -it may be that you implanted on Day 10 (dip in temp) and then your temp went up - but it takes at least 3 days for the hormone to build up once implanted -so will be BFN until that.... so wait until 14 DPO if you want to be sure.... I hope the witch stays away!!:hugs:

Mirium - I'm sorry the same thing is happening to you.... :hugs:but if you stopped progesterone on Monday - shouldn't you have got AF by now? Do you chart temps?? would be curious to see..... I hope you get answers soon - and she doesn't keep you in limbo too long -(if she's gonna show)...I hate that!!:hugs:

Hello and hugs to everyone I didn't mention!:hugs::kiss::hugs::kiss:

AFM - still having a bit of cramping on my left side (probably from the HSG) It's been 2 days... it's not too painful - just more annoying than anything.
I feel a bit more relaxed today (after my Googling post re: woman who implanted in abdomen because she BD'd before HSG) since I remember that I got up to use the bathroom right away after we BD'd on CD8 cause I knew it wasn't going to 'count' was more for fun....:haha::blush: So hopefully we're safe there Fx....

Going for acupuncture tonight.... should help me relax I hope...:sleep::thumbup:
Hello all...

Sorry this is just a quick one as am surrounded by boxes and packing paper... urghhh is a nightmare...

Dwrgi... got it all crossed for you that this IUI surprises you!

Hit so sorry hun... what awful news (hugs)

Drs... nice piccies xx

Dash good news re: HSG ... I have heard loads of ladies succeed following that procedure!

Hey Purps and Asry!

Hello Lils my FF guru... have been bad and not been temping cos of move... FF will not be happy!

(hugs to all)
Super quick quickie but good luck Pad with the moving! Hope you're okay lovely? :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::hugs:

Hello all...

Sorry this is just a quick one as am surrounded by boxes and packing paper... urghhh is a nightmare...

Dwrgi... got it all crossed for you that this IUI surprises you!

Hit so sorry hun... what awful news (hugs)

Drs... nice piccies xx

Dash good news re: HSG ... I have heard loads of ladies succeed following that procedure!

Hey Purps and Asry!

Hello Lils my FF guru... have been bad and not been temping cos of move... FF will not be happy!

(hugs to all)
Just got off the phone with the Doc from the clinic - and the statistics are confirmed for after a reversal as:

1-3 months - 1% chance of pregnancy
4-6 months - 5% chance of pregnancy

After 6 - if the swimmers are there and healthy, then a bigger problem is evident.

So, that phone call was both good and bad news (above) - but the good news was that i got a verbal briefing of DH's SA:

Quantity 3.5 ml (i think thats the measurment symbol):happydance:
Volume 11 million :thumbup:
Motility 75%:dance:
Quality 49%:shrug:

(I think that's what she said, she fully well said she was paraphrasing the last two)

I guess it wasn't such a bad phone call after all- however, when i asked Dr to tell me then technically how long we had been trying (given the reversal was Dec and O days are beginning of month), he told me that technically speaking he would consider that only 3 months :growlmad:

So, not sure if it was the tone in my voice or the hesitation i had to speak again, but i asked what that meant for our visit in 2 weeks (if the :witch: arrives) - and i have to say, i very much was happy with his response.

NOT MY FAULT we didn't have all the information and since we are good candidates for the procedure (taking SA and my previous trans u/s into account) DOC WILL GLADLY SEE US:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

YAY - won't have to wait. This doc totally blamed 3 docs for the screw up, the urologist for not telling DH, my DR for not telling me about the sperm factor thereby not sending him proper info and then his assistant doc for not acknowledging the time sperm takes to generate.

WOWSERS - even not having it work so far, i must admit, i am a little releived that we are still on track (especially since month 1 of trying it technically worked but end in CP)

And, fingers crossed - big O day was technically on my BD - wouldn't that be wonderful! So now i am in the 2ww - oh my, hopes haven't been this high since.....

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