TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hi lovely ladies, hope you are all having a good Tuesday, especially Dwrgi - I hope you are resting hun! xxxx

and huge cuddles to you HTJ xxxxx

big loves to you all.

I can't remember (old brain lol) if I said welcome to 2have4kids yesterday :dohh: so welcome lovely! I am sorry about your dad! my dad is also poorly and its so hard!! I guess we should expect these things (being more mature ladies) but still its hard

in other news - Im going to add something about Neversaynever in a spoiler which you may want to read or not...

Andrea is in hospital at the moment as her BP is high and she has protein in her urine, because of this, her doctors are inducing her so she will get to meet her oopsie sooner that she thought/planned. Im sure she will update when she can but in case she doesn't get the chance I thought I'd let you know here :flower:

UPDATE - she is now not being induced today but will have to stay in hospital to be looked after and monitored until oospie is born, although it is likely he/she will make an early appearance as it's likely they may induce her at some point soon.
Morning girls, how are we all??

HTJ-thinking of you, Axxx

Lils-how did the official testing go??

Mirium-thanks for all your info yesterday, really helpful.

Asry-good to hear from you! OH and I got a 'bonus' You Know What in last night, same day as IUI. Do I also need to DTD today??? (Oh, such a chore! :haha:).

Love to everybody! Got to be brief as today's focus is the f%%%%ng biatch from H7ll tenant, and need to see my solicitor! Oh ay, avoid stress if you can!! Ha bloody ha!!

Am zonked today, is that normal, pretty please???? With IVF, you're laid up after EC cos of anaesthetic, so can't do much anyway, but with this no anaesthetic, but I am sooooooo tired.

Got to run, love to you all, Axxx
Chicken-good luck with your test too! FX!! xxx

Dashka, hope the HSG goes well! Thinking of you, Axxx
P.S. Hope you can catch that eggy! :hugs:
Dwrgi - I hope you are not too stressed by your tennant!! big loves xxxx I hope karma bites her right on the bum!!
Hi ladies,

I got a :bfn: again! I am trying to stay calm. I can see that I have a tough road ahead of me! Good day to all!
Hi Ladies!

Dwrgi - you try not to get too stressed ok!!! that's an order! :thumbup: Give me that tenant's phone number - I'll tell her not to mess with our Dwrgi :grr::grr::ninja::ninja: I've heard you can be tired after IUI - but not sure why... Mine were so long ago (8 years) I can't remember if I was - but probably was! Get yourself to the couch now hun....:kiss:

Mirium - I'm so sorry for your BFN....:hugs: Were you 13 DPO today? Sorry I can't remember....

Lils - how are you today hun ?:hugs::kiss:

Asry - good to hear from you! Are you still on vacation?:hugs::kiss:

Purple - thanks for the update on Never.... hope she is ok :hugs:

Tigerlily - hope your meds are going ok.... I'm am really sorry about your Dad too....(actually losing both parents).... :hugs::hugs: Yes they are certainly your guardian angels...:hugs:

Hello and hugs and loves to everyone and hope all have a great day!:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:

AFM - I am only at work for another hour and leaving at 1pm for my HSG at 2pm (or sometime thereafter). I need to vent about something - So you know how I said I called the clinic yesterday to find out if ok to go if ovulating today - well I was playing phone tag with Doc's assistant....and finally when I got home I tried again... SHE WAS THE RUDEST woman I have ever met!! She has a heavy Russian/Eastern Europe accent and was totally misunderstanding me - She kept saying 'well how do you know you are ovulating tomorrow' - 'why are you calling if you don't want to cancel' - and at one point as I was trying to explain to her for the tenth time she said in the worst tone - 'STOP INTERUPTING ME - LET ME TALK AS I CAN'T TALK'... I was shocked and couldn't believe my ears :saywhat::saywhat::trouble::trouble:- I was the one being nice here and I finally said 'listen - I don't mean to make a big deal out of this - just wanted to call and check if it was ok for me to come'....she said she'd get the doc to call me.....
Why was she making such a big deal out of this (plus she lied and said she left me another voicemail - which she did not)

Then the doc (RE) called me at 8:00pm - I was shocked! He was sweet as pie! :winkwink:He reassured me all was fine to come in and that I wouldn't be turned away and that HE himself would be performing the test.... So I feel better now... Maybe he is used to working with such a b$##h of a woman (she is only the afternoon assistant I think) that he feels he has to make up for her rudeness.

Sorry that took me too long to explain! OK end of vent....
Big hugs and commands for lots of chocolate for Mirium and Chicken. It is just so cruel, but you'll get there!! :hugs::hugs:

Purps-thanks for info on Andrea. FX all will go well, Axxx

Bumble-hia lovely! How lovely to meet you!!! :winkwink::winkwink:

Dashka-my God, I would have gone through the roof. How dare that ignorant woman speak to you like that? I wouldn't be satisfied until I'd written a letter of complaint to her boss, but that's me. There is just no excuse as this is a really stressful time for you. Anyway, good to get it off your chest, and HUGE FX for the HSG (probably all over now, UK time 8pm? ) Get to it, young lady, to try and catch that egg! :hugs:

AFM, sorted everything re. tenant and all my info on her is now in the hands of the solicitor. I did go to my house and deliver a letter to her, and she was there, so OH 'met' her for the first time. I did manage to point out how inethical her behaviour is to her, and I also pointed out how much money she owes me (would cover my half of the IVF treatment :nope::growlmad:) and I hope that the entire street heard, as she is a low life piece of dog poop. So, see you in court, missy-always wanted to say that! :haha: (She also held on tight to her dog, so she obviously knew I had the potential to be a dog kidnapper :haha::haha:). Anyway, sorry for non-TTC related post.

Love to everybody, Axxxxx:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
:pop:ing in for a quickie...

Bumble - welcome to our humble thread :winkwink: :shhh: :thumbup:

Dwrgi - Looks like you're o'ing today!!! Perfect timing :dust::dust::dust: Please :spermy: meet eggies!!!! I know you have to take care of biz, but afterwards, you need some serious chillaxation time to offset it!!! Don't forget there are some great meditation tunes/or guided ones on YouTube. Actually, there may even be one for fertility??? :hugs:

Oh -yes, I got all my hormones checked & they are normal except they are all going Mexican on me (heading for the border! :haha:). :nope: May need a recheck one of these days, but awfully odd it was war just when I added that progesterone...? :shrug:

Dashka - :hugs: Good luck & let us know how it went! You should totally tell your Dr how Russian nurse treated you as that is unacceptable. Especially when you are dealing with such high sensitivities & emotions that come with infertility?!?! :grr::trouble: :bike: :hugs:

Mirium & Chicken - :hugs::hugs::hugs: Jeez, what did we ever do to her?! The :witch: took all 3 of us out at once, that frackin ugly green pimply nosed biatch! Bring on August! :thumbup: :hugs: (chick - how was festival?)

Purps - thank you for the news - so exciting! :hugs:

Tiger - :hugs: so sorry about your parents, that's so sad. :nope: Where are you in yoru cycle?

Twinks - thanks for the explanation! :thumbup: :haha: Glad you are so relaxed, but if :witch: comes, a taser could come in handy. Just sayin...

:hi: everyone else & :hugs:

afm - :witch: got me & its all clots (sorry TMI!!!) but I am now a blood-thinner junkie, so wondering why? :shrug: But I am actually (pleasantly) surprised progesterone seemingly didn't mess w/early morning temps (just afternoon/night ones) & it didn't delay AF at all :thumbup:. (hated the side effects, tho). For some reason I'm actually totally ok, relaxed & happy today (wth is wrong w/me? :haha:). And my foot is much better this week, so very happy about that. Got to exercise Mon morning w/loose-fitting shoe, so doing every other day until its totally healed. (Thanks for asking!)

Have a great day ladies :hugs:
we cross-posted... (or rather i took too long to post mine! :haha:)

I did manage to point out how inethical her behaviour is to her, and I also pointed out how much money she owes me (would cover my half of the IVF treatment :nope::growlmad:) and I hope that the entire street heard, as she is a low life piece of dog poop. So, see you in court, missy-always wanted to say that! :haha: (She also held on tight to her dog, so she obviously knew I had the potential to be a dog kidnapper :haha::haha:).

:haha::haha::haha: You GO GIRL! What did she do/say? In all seriousness, I think you should make a huge sign & post it in the front yard


Hey Lils-big :hugs::hugs::hugs: to my lovely Flo Ridan!

Good to hear the foot is better, so one positive thing ticked.

Booh, bah, ssssssssssssss, to the evil cow that is AF. :devil::devil: How bizarre that it is all clotty. I know I had a really clotty period last year and somebody on here (now left) said that I wasn't drinking enough water :saywhat::saywhat:, so I don't really know if that was true or not...? Have you been keeping up to your 2 litre a day target, young lady???? :winkwink: Perhaps the blood thinners thickens before thinning??? OMG, I talk complete bullcoughsh&t...:dohh:

Really good that those hormone levels are all okay-another tick on your list, so that's another positive in your favour and, thankfully, one less thing to worry about? If hormone levels are good, may I ask why you're taking extra progesterone? If it can't harm, then not a prob, obvs., just wondering is all.

Any more thoughts on IUI? I'd go for it-nothing to lose, and you can say that you tried it and....... it might work!!!! Who knows!!! Gotta be worth a shot??? :wohoo::wohoo:

As for me, the deadbeat loser stood there with her gob wide open and didn't dare say a word. When she did mutter something she said she'd been told by the Council (who will be getting a letter from moi shortly) not to speak to me! The urge to slap her smug face was very overwhelming but I contented myself on being calm and spelling it out to her that her behaviour was completely inethical. She probably doesn't give a rat's ar^e, but I felt better. :trouble::trouble::trouble::trouble:

Anyway, big Welsh loves and cwtches to you lovely, Axxxxxx :friends::friends::friends:

P.S. What do you think about this? Hormones?? (Please say 'Yes'!). Just spent £55 on a pair of Hunter wellies. Is that outrageous, or what???? And scoffed my weight in chocolate today, and OH treated me to a fish and chip lunch (there was some needle pulling with a tractor first, obviously!!). OMG is all I can say, Fat Dwrgi!!!
Actually, I had to look up the math, but I drink almost 5 litres a day! :wacko: (162 oz) - (and I am still thirsty usually?) Perhaps that is why IVF Dr is having me take a glucose tolerance test again (dad is also diabetic). DH having his bloods drawn Thurs & then I schedule to go in & get all my results (including new AMH :blush:. Not looking fwd to it...)

Well, my hormones are nearing the high/low ranges (pretty much all of them), so even if progesterone's fine, it's just for some reason IVF patients do well with extra & since it "doesn't hurt", it fits in my "All-In" plan :haha: Although I just learned form RMC thread that I am missing prednisolone :shock: I must add that one too! (Dr's gonna love me adding yet another drug/protocol...) :haha: Called them yesterday about IUI & they never called back (some new girl in front-office really sucks :growlmad: I'll call back tomorrow...)

Your tenant probably doesn't know what unethical means!!! :haha: Cow! :bike: (guess who I got that from?) :winkwink: I meant to tell you I'm impressed you found a way to work pooper into your post! :rofl:

:hugs::hugs::hugs: & :dust::dust::dust:
P.S. What do you think about this? Hormones?? (Please say 'Yes'!). Just spent £55 on a pair of Hunter wellies. Is that outrageous, or what???? And scoffed my weight in chocolate today, and OH treated me to a fish and chip lunch (there was some needle pulling with a tractor first, obviously!!). OMG is all I can say, Fat Dwrgi!!!

I don't know what Hunter wellies are but if the correct answer is Yes, then YES!

:haha: (you so deserve a pig-out, so enjoy!!!)
Sorry - not to serial-post, but I just caught something someone didn't tell us about:


:drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk: (I'll do this part, but you can do this: )

:flasher::flasher::flasher: (it's the male-strippers I got you - lol)

Enjoy honey!!!! :hug:
Purple thanks much for the big welcome :hugs: You're pretty pregnant right now, how you feeling?
DWR we have bad tenants in common, ours was booted Jan 2011 for damages & non-payment and was charged for harassment/stalking us Oct 2011: she's a cheat & a whacko! We've got a sweet crown prosecutor lady & an excellent lady cop who laid the charges. Hasn't helped the stress levels in ttc but trying to staying positive and happy! Don't let those thugs bother you, it will pass. Do what you can to get them out and know every inch of the law to help you deal with them. GL!

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