TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

sorry chicken and miriam

dash- tell him. ive complained about front desk staff before to my doc

dwrgi- did she say anything? yummy chocolate
Chicken & Mirium - sorry that the witch got you.

Dash - hope the HSG has gone well - despite the rude woman!!

Dwrgi - we seriously need some some of posse for your tenant - I for one would kick her butt!

Asry - happy birthday!
Girls, girls, girls, urgent post. Is it normal to have excruciating period like pain two days after IUI, type of pain where you are doubled over and almost can't type??????? OMG, I am in agony. What painnkillers can I take???

Anybody out there???
Oh Dwrgi - so sorry you're having pain - I don't know myself, I just googled it & another thread came up with someone asking about the same thing - only suggestion from people was to ring the doctor. Hope someone else can help xxxxxxx
Thanks Twinks, you are an angel. Subsided a bit now, but from what I can gather it's common after IUI. Phew. Bl**dy horrible they were, could barely stand up straight. I guess it's paracetemol that's fine to take at this juncture?

Yes, a posse would be flippin' amazing :gun::gun::gun::grr::grr::grr::grr::argh::argh::argh:. The old bag face deserves all that she's getting!

Thanks so much for super quick response, good to know you're there. For now, I'm staying put (bed, with cat sleeping on the bottom. Sod it, I CAN!).

Good Morning ladies!

Dwrgi – I’m sorry you were having bad pain!:hugs: Didn’t HTJ experience something like that too? I really can’t remember that far back for mine.... it’s all a big blur.:dohh: Glad to hear that it’s better now.:thumbup: I am also glad you went over and gave that b#$ch a piece of your mind! :thumbup::gun::ninja: And I love Lils idea about the sign on the front yard! :haha::haha: Now you relax and let the solicitor do the work now.... Chillax now girlie:hugs::hugs::kiss::sleep::sleep::sleep:

P.S – just googled Hunter Wellies – are they rain boots? If so.... no absolute necessity!!:thumbup::thumbup::kiss:

Lils – so sorry that AF came....:hugs::hugs: I’m glad your hormones were ok.... Hmm 5 litres of water sounds way too much. Are you peeing clear white? It should have a tinge of yellow but probably does if you’re taking vitamins. I am the opposite – don’t drink enough. Is it supposed to be half your body weight in ounces that you drink I think right? I don’t get nearly enough.... Think I would get more EWCM if I drank more. Re: the clotting – that is odd....Have you changed anything with your diet? When I was not eating healthy years ago I noticed I got more clots (not to say that you are not eating healthy chickie :kiss:)... but I don’t get now. Another thing I noticed is when my cycles were longer there were clots. I think Chinese Medicine helps with that too – your ‘chi’ – have you thought about acupuncture? I would definitely go if you go for IUI – at least once before ovulation and once after to help implantation. Hope you hear back re: IUI soon! Glad to hear the foot is getting better too :hugs::hugs::kiss:

Asry – i know I said on FB already – but HOPE YOU HAD A GREAT BIRTHDAY!!!!:hugs::hugs::kiss::cake::cake::friends::hug:

Chicken – so sorry AF arrived for you too.... take it easy:hugs::hugs:

Mirium – has AF arrived for you too? Sorry again about the BFN...:hugs::hugs:

Purps, Lady H, Dr S and everyone out there - hope you are well and have a fantastic day! :hugs::kiss:

AFM - well I had the HSG yesterday - I got totally soaked walking over to hospital in torrential rain... and then when I got there 5 min early receptionist tells me that they don't have my paperwork! I said :saywhat: It was then my blood started to boil - because I knew it was 'russian ass't' that gave me heck night before who was most likely to blame for not sending the paperwork. I told them I had even talked to Doctor night before etc. So they made me wait for 15 min until the paperwork was faxed over before I could go in the waiting room (at this point 10 ladies were ahead of me now).. I was fuming and then started getting emotional - as I thought I had taken a 1/2 day off for nothing. Finally went in and waited a long time and I was the last person almost 2 hrs later. So procedure took about 5 min. - I saw everything on the screen it was pretty cool.... and left tube clear, then right tube took a while but then he said - both tubes clear!:happydance: I said -really? 8 yrs ago they told me that right was either blocked or spasmed... he said the test I had wasn't as good - it was the sono-type (not with xray)... so not as accurate. Anyway didn't see as much stuff gushing out of the right tube - but if he says it's clear then it's clear! It was quite uncomfortable while doing it -but I started to breathe (like I was giving birth or something :haha:) and it seemed to help... I didn't get the stabbing pain like last time... just menstrual type cramps (very mild) afterward.

So now next step - DH to get DNA fragmentation test on sperm hopefully next week (his last SA was ok though but never did this part)

Hey - we went and BD'd last night (and glad I did cause looks like I ov. yesterday).... but when I read some stuff it says not to BD for several days after HSG.... ooops!!!! The doc didn't mention - but I didn't ask either. And then I noticed that the paper he gave me / article attached to app't sheet says some doctors recommend to wait a few days... I didn't get antibiotics too (as some docs give)... so I really hope I don't get an infection now :dohh::dohh::wacko:

Sorry I'm so long-winded.... have to make my posts shorter....
Hi All - new to the site - was doing some googling yesterday and came across the forum. I got totally distracted and read almost the entire thread here - feel like i know you all already.

I haven't ever posted in a site like this, never left questions for others to help me answer - mainly because i really didn't want to beleive in what was happening....or really, what wasn't.... Like most of you, it never crossed my mind for a minute that when i wanted a baby - it would propose a challenge. I guess fertility is one of those 'taken for granted things'.

Anyways - I just wanted to say thank you all for the (not to me but still appreciated) advice, facts and thoughts.

Me and the DH have been trying for 6 months, with no lasting luck (CP 2 months ago) - but i have a question for you all - my DH had a reversal back in Dec, i was doing some reading and it said that it came take up to 100 days for sperm to regenerate/mature - is this true? You'd think I would know this already, but i get mixed info on the web. So if that is true, does that mean that between Jan - March, any trying we did was just for fun?

2nd question - Sperm anti-bodies - are these just alive in females, or do men who have had reversals also expierence this too? I ask bc in some of the googling ive done, i read that male bodies start to produce anti-bodies after a vasectomy to help reduce the amount of testosterone produced. Any thoughts on this - and if its true, is this something they would test for in an SA?

Appreciate any thoughts....
Oh, and i guess i should add -

Our story is at the point where we are dealing with specialists mainly because i wouldn't stop bugging my doc every month asking to send me off for a referal, thinking it would take months...on month 6, she sent the referal. I was upset bc she flat out told me it would take another 6 months to get into see the new doc. However, fortunately, i got a call literally 2 days later, and had an appointment the next week!!!

So last wednesday, i went for the consult - did the history discussion, the evalution of our day to day life, and the propsect of what we would be like as parents to see if the doc would help us (strange - haven't seen any of you go through that but whatever....). Then the physical, you know, the internal scope (YAY lol) - which, i had to say couldn't have been better timing - i was about 3 days from the big O and doc measured lining and egg - BOTH above target for healthy levels.

Got dressed, returned to room - the doc's opinion of what to do next??? GO HAVE S&* - lol - right, bc that's what i was forgetting all these months... She told me that i was too close to O for them to do anything this month but that it all looked wonderful. She did however get me registered for next month if stupid AF comes this month - and now i am scared...and HSG!! I know i shouldn't be - you all have been through it and most claim its easy - but, i have to drive to a new city and get the proceedure done, ALONE. (My DH just got a new full time job and won't be able to take the day off, and we just moved 6 hours away from all our friends, and we are about 2 hours from any of our family - not that i really want any of them knowing that we are having to resort to this....)

So, words of advice for the HSG? Should i book a hotel room for after? Or do you think that if i wait a bit in the city that i could make the 45 min drive home? Thoughts?

And sorry for the mass posts....
Chicken and Mirium - so sorry the :witch: got you :hugs:

Dashka - can't believe how rude the nurse/tech was to you. I'd definitely mention it to the doctor; however, he might already know about how crass she is! :shrug: Hope your HSG went well!

Dwgri - ugh! cramps! so sorry you're having them :hugs: The only pain reliever I take in the 2ww is Tylenol. Maybe a warm bath would help too? And a big, fat YES to the Hunter Wellies!

Lilsluz - have you had your AMH level checked before? I just had mine checked -- it's 4.4 ng/mL. And FYI, there are 2 scales for measuring AMH - 1) ng/mL and 2) pmoL/mL. The pmoL/mL range is much higher than the ng/mL range. If anyone is interested, I have a website where the ranges are posted - would be happy to post it!

AFM - strange thing....had a temp drop yesterday, but a temp rise this AM. A bit a dark, brown/red spotting when I wiped, but that's it for now. It sort of feels like AF is coming, but I'm holding out! I really want to test, but won't until I'm at least 13 DPO.

And if the :witch: comes, then I still will be having a wonderful birthday, only it will be with a bit 'o :wine:!!

hey all.

welcome newbies/returnees.

mrium,chicken and lils-sorry about af.

dwrgi-yes to hunters.i'm partial to a joules wellibob myself!

asry-happy birthday.

thanks for answers re sa results.i need to ring this week about swab results tho i assume they'reclear as the nurse said they wd call if not.also in a return to waiting for u/s appt,my referral to infertility clinic hasnt shown in the time span the doctor it just a case of always having to chase up the nhs?grrrrr!

love to everyone.vx
Hi ladies,

Asry - Happy, happy birthday!!!

Chicken - sorry about BFN :hugs: :hugs:

Dashka - :thumbup: on the HSG! You can still ask your doc to prescribe an antibiotic if you want. It's not too late because it's not so much if bacteria get into the tubes but if it stays there and develops into an infection. My doc did not prescribe too and I asked for it and was given a one time dose/one pill. Getting an infection doesn't seem like something to worry about though.

Dwrgi - the cramping seems to be common. I had it once too but it was about a week after IUI. It was unbearable. I almost went to the ER. It doesn't seem like anything to worry about.

Lils - You had asked if I got preggo symptoms within 2ww before. Answer is - not that I can recall so of course, I was being silly to expect symptoms in 2ww. Hearing women stating that they had all of a sudden felt really tired and got weird symptom like metallic taste in mouth etc...blah, blah, blah makes one want to symptom spot though... :). So, would you try IUI next?

BDownMommie - Welcome!! I wish you all the best on your TTC journey! I know nothing about vasectomy reversal but I remembering reading somewhere that it does take approx 3 months to start creating the normal volume of sperm again. Regarding the HSG - it's not that bad. I doubt that you'll need a hotel room. Just take some painkillers about 45 mins before (of course, not anything to strong that would impair your driving) - about 600 mg, probably 3 200 mg pills or something in that ballpark. All the best!

Owl, Grkprn, Lady H - Fingers crossed for success for you all (still in 2ww)

Bumble, Butterfly, Tiger, Purple, Froliky, manu, HTJP, twinks, nessaw, foreveryoung, wants4, ksluice, and anyone I missed - :wave:

AFM - (I still don't know what that abbreviation means.. :). When I had just joined the site, I remember thinking 'which one of the ladies is AFM' lol.) I stopped taking progesterone yesterday but no sign of AF yet. I am scheduled to do the laparoscopy on Sept. 7th, a Friday. I thought that was good so I can recover over the weekend. That also means that I can TTC again in Aug/this month. I might still go to see the doc to discuss how effective the lap would possibly be because I still have concerns as to whether it's really necessary. The nurse said that in the process, the doc would also use some sort of 'hystoscope' to check uterus again too. I feel a bit drained after this last BFN but I am trudging on... :). Have a great day ladies!
Bdownmommie - welcome! I really enjoy this a matter of fact, this is the primary group I post to :) The ladies here are all wonderful. I had a HSG in April and it really wasn't that bad. I took 600mg of motrin before and had mild cramping (period like cramping) during the procedure and shortly after.

And Asryellah -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :cake:
good afternon lovely ladies and huge :hugs: to you all xxxx

I meant to come on earlier but stalked the journals etc and then got so busy at work I didn't get two minutes...... :dohh:

BDownmommie :hi: and welcome. I hope your stay here is short and sweet. Its good that got to see a specialist. I think so GPs fob people off and then we wait too long!! lots of ladies here have had the hsg so can advise you (much better than me) is you hubby having a SA done?? I would think the results would be a good indication because if killer cells were there the sample would be poor - just thinking aloud here.

ladies - sorry about that damned :witch: she is an evil old hag!!!! :hugs:

Dwrgi - ouchie - sorry about the pain chick. has it gone off a bit now?? and hunter wellies - omg you NEED them!!!!! :hugs:

Dashka - you should ost definitely complain about the rude woman at your clinic, how dare she get away with speaking to people to like that!!?? :grr:

2have4kids - thank you for asking Im doing pretty good :D - I shouldn't really be on this thread, but the ladies here are too lovely to leave and I just cannot tear myself away.

huge loves to everyone else - hope your days are less frantic than mine xxxx

or some one asked about AFM - it stands for As For Me..... took me ages to work that one out too :haha:

Happy Birthday Asry
Have a fab day!!

I think I would like a piece of that!!​
Hello lovelies, hope you've all had a good day! :flower::flower:

Ness-you need to chase the NHS on everything! They are a pain in the a%se (sorry Purps, you're exempt from that charge!!!). If I were you, I would pester and pester about yoru referral, you never know, they may have a cancellation that they can offer. Good luck and hope you're enjoying your hols!! :hugs::hugs:

Twinks-thanks for being there for me earlier on. You are a "super trooper"!! :thumbup::thumbup:

Purps-lovely to read your post and DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT LEAVING, young lady!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Mirium, if you know that the old hag is coming, then I hope she doesn't play with you and just gets on with it. Nasty evil old witch.... :nope::nope:
May be worth getting the lap done just to check there aren't any cysts, or blockages that may have recently appeared. Can't harm, right (as Lils would say???). :hugs:

Grk-thanks for the :thumbup: re. wellies (and painkiller)! They should arrive tomorrow! The Joules wellies will then have to go back!! (Sorry Ness!). I am turning into a wellies snob but you HAVE to have them in this country (and I take the dogs out in the rain too!). My excuse!! I really hope that the hag bag doesn't come knocking for you hun, Axxx :hugs:

Dashka-you and I sound so similar. I would have been so frustrated at that delay at your doc's office too, and would have got upset/emotional. It's like you do everything in your power to satisfy your part of the bargain, and they don't, and then everything goes wrong. :growlmad: But at least you had your test done and brilliant news that everything is okay. I hope that your DH can have his test done quickly so you can move on apace! Go Dash go!!! (P.S. How do you work out your body weight in water??? :dohh:).

Lils-hello lovely! xxx

Welcome BDM! I hope your stay is short and sweet! Very encouraging news that egg and lining levels were above what they should be, which is promising for you. It sounds, from the others, like you could take a painkiller after the HSG and drive home. Might be worth playing it by ear? Am sure it will be okay... I don't know very much about vasectomy reversals, so can't help. I HAD read about body creating anti-sperm antibodies. Immunes would be your thing then. Are you going to put a time limit on things and then go for more aggressive assisted conception (ICSI will pick out live, healthy sperm, for instance; IMSI will go for the VERY best of the healthy sperm)? Alas, time is not on our side. Good luck anyhow!

Never news:
I had an email from Never and I'm sure she won't mind me saying that she is holding out till Friday. They're checking her levels again today. Very exciting but FX everything goes well, :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Butterfly-hope you're enjoying Kerdiff, and the back is better! We're going on Saturday to the Quarter Finals. :hugs:

Hia Chicken, how are you lovely? :hugs:

Ksluice-how are you too? Where are you at with your treatment? Can't remember whether you've started stimming! Updates please!! :hugs:

Tiger-huge good luck with your treatment (and for ksluice, too)-let us know what happens, so we can help you through it! :hugs::hugs:


Asry-hope you had a great birthday! :hugs:

Fro-hello! How are you?

Dr S-:thumbup::thumbup:

Dr H-how are the travels going? Am sooooooooooo jealous of you! xxx


2have4kids-how are you? :hugs:

As For Me (!!!)-period like pains have subsided, but I'm just so tired. Fell asleep on the sofa just now, and we'd only gone out for an hour. It must be: the coming off the stimms, the progesterone and oestrogen that I'm on. I am zonked. Can't wait for my wellies to arrive though, and then to get a pair of fancy socks to go with them. Small things please me, clearly!

Love to everybody, and huge apologies if I've left anybody out. :hugs::hugs:
Hi ladies again...

Bumble - :hi:welcome to the best thread....:winkwink:

Dwrgi - glad you are feeling better.....:hugs::kiss: and glad you got the rain boots - ofcourse you need them there!! Yes maybe your hormones are just regulating and causing the fatigue.... I don't know... Re: the drinking water thing - you take your weight and divide by 2 and that is the ounces you should drink in one day - ie. if you're 130 lbs..= 65 ounces (divide that by 8 ounces - = 8.1 glasses /day (assuming your glasses are 8 ounces) Correct me if I'm wrong !!:winkwink:

BDownMommie - welcome again.... I think it would be worth it to do the HSG - and 45 min is fine... Takes me much longer to go downtown - I drove 1/2 way home - DH surprised me and drove me to my car which was 1/2 hr from home. The doc gave me 2 Ponstan pills (can't remember what the generic name for the drug is - but it's an NSAID) 'anti-inflammatory'... Re: the SA/antibodies - I don't think they test that in the standard one - but I think my RE mentioned that will be done when they do the DNA fragmentation test for him - or was it the blood test they did on him???:dohh: Sorry I can't remember!

Grkprn - I see a temp dip there - perhaps implantation?? then wait 3 days after the dip to test!:thumbup: GL:hugs:

Nessaw - GL with the app'ts!!:thumbup::hugs:

Mirium - hope the witch stays away :thumbup:.... that's great that you have a Laparoscopy scheduled .... Have my FX for you for August ..:hugs: I may be going in a few months too. Re: the antibiotics - was worried about the fact that we BD'd more than anything as I just read can increase risk of infection.:dohh: I hate taking antibiotics though.

Purps - we are so happy you are still around here !!! don't go anywhere!!:thumbup::hugs::kiss:
P.S - I want some chocolate cake now....:wacko::winkwink:

I would complain about 'russian assistant' -but the health system here is weird in that you wait and wait forever to get into doctor's and feel almost grateful to them or that you owe them something (we don't pay for app'ts or scans but will have to pay for certain blood tests/tests/IUI/IVFs etc...
The good specialists know they are few and far between... so they have an almighty God attitude and so do their assistants.... so for me to complain puts me in a weird position - as I don't want stuff to be tampered with if I go ahead with things... (I almost felt like she did it on purpose not to send the paperwork yesterday - but then I asked the imaging dept if this happens often with this office and she said yes - the paperwork is often missing for them!)

:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss: hugs and loves to all!
okay I'm kinda freakin' out now girls... :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:I was Googling (bad me) :dohh:and read that some say not only to not BD for 24-48 after HSG (as it may increase risk of infection)...but that it is recommended not to BD for several days before.... I never thought of the consequences - this one woman (who tried for over 20 yrs to get preggers) Ov early on CD 10 and the HSG blew the fertilized egg into the abdomen where it implanted :wacko:and she had major major complications for over a year....surgeries, cancer and what not.... I am freaking out - as we BD'd on CD8 and I had the HSG on CD10....And I know that I may have ovulated on DAY 10 only because of temps and other signs- but it may have been before as HSG wasn't until 3:45pm.... OMG... what if this happens to me??? Why didn't I Google this before???? and why didn't my Doc say anything to me??? :nope:ARGH!!:dohh::dohh::wacko::wacko::wacko:
Why do I always have to be worried about something?
I should also mention that the doc didn't check to see if I ovulated before he did the HSG... he only asked what CD I was on....
okay I'm kinda freakin' out now girls... :wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko:I was Googling (bad me) :dohh:and read that some say not only to not BD for 24-48 after HSG (as it may increase risk of infection)...but that it is recommended not to BD for several days before.... I never thought of the consequences - this one woman (who tried for over 20 yrs to get preggers) Ov early on CD 10 and the HSG blew the fertilized egg into the abdomen where it implanted :wacko:and she had major major complications for over a year....surgeries, cancer and what not.... I am freaking out - as we BD'd on CD8 and I had the HSG on CD10....And I know that I may have ovulated on DAY 10 only because of temps - but it may have been before as HSG wasn't until 3:45pm.... OMG... what if this happens to me??? Why didn't I Google this before???? and why didn't my Doc say anything to me??? :nope:ARGH!!:dohh::dohh::wacko::wacko::wacko:

I should also mention that the doc didn't check to see if I ovulated before he did the HSG... he only asked what CD I was on....
Dashka lovely, try and stay calm. You will ALWAYS find stories for worst case scenarios on the Web, but they are that, worst case and the chances of anything happening to you is probably like a million to one. If it was that much of a danger to your health, your doc would've mentioned it, which he didn't. So, try not to worry, you will be fine, I'm certain of it. Axxx
dashka- the chances of that are so infinitesimally small that you might as well also worry about getting hit by a meteor on the way home from the hsg =) you biggest risk is infection and even that is extremely unlikely. *hugs* itll all be all right. this stuff is all so stressful adding Dr google to the mix is rarely a good idea. you can always find someone who had some sort of extremely rare and weird event happen to them (maybe... there is a lot of lies and attention seeking out there). your dr didnt warn you about it just like they didnt warn about all the millions of other extremely unlikely things that could happen. we warn you about the unlikely but possible stuff- ie allergic reaction, infection, cramps etc
Meant to send squishy :hugs::hugs: to you and stupid phone was being ridiculous so I had to post again, but lots of cwtches and xx
xx to you, Axxx

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