TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Awww Lils.... still poorly... not too poorly for some steamy bathroom action eh? Nudge nudge wink wink! or were you still high on cold meds and didn't feel a thing hahahaha!

Dash sometimes family can really shock you with their reactions... I know that mine sure can... it is disappointing that they can't just be happy and supportive isn't it. Regardless of them we are still happy for you and support you all we can chick xxxx

Lils and Dash... I hate the smell of lavender... always have done... what else can I sniff?? Really want to sniff some great red wine...hmmmm I am going to light my merlot yankee candle and hope that does the trick!

Have just had my nails painted... a lovely sparkly black! Love it!!!

Grk are you OK?
You ladies are fantastic! Crazy. But fantastic!

Glad to hear so many of you are doing so well, and I'm hoping some of you in the TWW will have good news soon.

I definitely hear that families can be less than supportive. I love my mother, but she really blew it when I had my m/c. She made it all about HER, and tried (still trying) to guilt trip me for not wanting to talk about it for a couple of weeks. TOTAL MELT DOWN.

On an unrelated note, I want you non-drinkers to know that I have been more than picking up your slack recently. Many a glass of wine has passed my lips!

Still waiting to stop spotting over here. Hoping it won't interfere with a normal O, but not optimistic for this month.

In the meantime, thinking of much dust, stickiness, and pinkness.


PS. Can I be Pebble instead of Peanut Butter and Jelly?
Funnily enough my Mum also threw a gasket when she found out about out third loss... most unlike Mum but she went mental... hence we no longer tell family aside from my Sis who is a nurse when I am pregnant.

Pebble it is!
thanks Pad - yes weird about family - they just don't know how to react or something :shrug::shrug::dohh: They have candles that smell like Merlot???? really???:winkwink::hugs:

Pebble - I like that new name! Sorry to hear you are still spotting - sending you :hugs::hugs:

Grkprn - how are you doing hun??:hugs:
Pad :hugs: Oh honey you are going through so much at the moment. Hang in there, I really hope everything turns out to be OK and your Dr is just being over protective, after all it is better that way than the other.

Pad - I'm still thinking PINK and sending positive thoughts your way. I think you may need to send me evidence of the 'best chicken dance' :haha:

Dash - I love you Reiki ideas. I could do with working by them at the moment. Will be popping over to stalk your journal.
You can use Lavender oil in pregnancy, it is perfectly safe but I would recommend that any essential oil you use in pregnancy, to be organic. Happy to guide any of you ladies with essential oil use :thumbup: I treated my sister all through her pregnancy and labour and she was totally drug free.

Moondust - Thanks for that my DH has just given me the funniest look. I also like this one but you do have to watch to the end. It's not the chicken dance but the duck song.

Happy Auntie Lovely to see you here honey :hugs:

Dr H sending you loads of dust and crossing my fingers you have got that egg after you wonderful weekend:hugs:

Purps You are so close honey, so excited for you:hugs:

Mirium Hi Honey how you doing?

Lils as always I'm sending you loads of love and hugs and thanks for your support. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Pebble - Hi honey :hugs:

Grkprn - How are you doing :hugs:

Dwrgi - I hope you are out there keeping an eye on us all and you are doing OK :hugs:

All the engineer wives - I'm one too. DH is an electronics engineer and is the programme leader for the Bachelor of engineering at our local university. He is very hot with his leather elbow pads and briefcase :haha: but he can't dance and wont even try. :dohh:

Love and hugs to all I have missed :hugs:

AFM - My Crosshairs are back :wacko: and my cold has gone :wacko: I think something strange was going on yesterday, but I'm pleased it has all sorted itself out. I still going to have my blood done on Monday and if they come back normal then great, if they don't then we can sort it out. Feeling more positive today but cross with DH after he said he was glad we weren't pregnant yet because we would never get the house finished otherwise and thinks it would have been better if we were still on contraception because then I would be more motivated to get it finished. So I just told him he was talking a load of crap and if we hadn't started to TTC when we did and we are having problems it would just increase the delay. If he doesn't want a baby yet then he will just have to start using condoms wont he (Yer right thats going to happen)
Dash - :hugs::hugs::hugs: So sorry about MIL. :growlmad: I will visit your journal for more deets :nope:. Got 2 Rescue remedies, one is just pastilles vs liquid (which sounded like candy to me so of course I got it - candy that relaxes you? :happydance:). The 3rd thing was the book, but I did eyeball the sleep remedy. If rescue works, will get sleep one... Yeah, when I was pg Jan 2011, all the sites I checked said lavender is fine, too. I guess there is a "spike lavender" that s/b avoided, but not true lavendar. The link I had even suggests mixing w/veg oil prior to skin contact for preggos & offers safest methods for use. Very relaxing during TTC too! :sleep::thumbup: But it sounds like we can also ask Chicken if we get into that predicament (I hope we do!) :D

Pad - Merlot candle it is! If I get better, I'll have a Merlot for you tomorrow night! Why did your mom throw a gasket on 3rd mc (like got mad?)??? :nope::hugs:

Pebble - Of course you can be called Pebble! Sounds very Zen, actually - like a gently flowing stream :sleep:... I'm a drinker but not during cold, so thanks for taking up my slack too! (Geez, how many bottles did you drink?! :shock: :haha:)

Chickie-Poo - loads of love & :hugs: back at you! That was not very nice of DH to say :nope: How about you would be way more motivated if you had a :baby: on the way? :winkwink: I like the condom threat :haha: & yay for crosshairs! Lucky sis you have - I'm curious what brands of oils do you recommend? I get mine from out of BC, Canada (100% pure) which I'm told is excellent, but always open to new brands!

I'm in training right now... Can you tell how much I am learning? Puhlease...:sleep::sleep::sleep:

What's going on w/all these Engineers - seeing a pattern up in this place?!
Ladies you must always dilute your essential oils with a carrier oil before you put them on your skin, pregnant or not. If you put oils in your bath mix them with milk or vodka first this will help disperse the oil in the water (as oil and water don't mix).

I use a little supplier called Aladdin, he is the partner of one of the ladies I trained with but he is only small and doesn't have a website unfortunately. I'm always pestering him to expand as he does some lovely oils that he get from all over the world. He is very particular and I like that.

Always happy to give advice, all you ladies have helped me so much if this is a way I can help in return ask away. I'm also reflexology trained but that is harder to do online LOL.
So lovely ladies.... experts, Dash, Lils and Chicken... so I hate the smell of lavender, so what else do you recommend.... something to encourage pinkness please!!

Yes Dash they do merlot candles... lit mine yesterday and although it smelt lovely (love love love yankee candles) it really didn't do the trick.... was demanding Hubby have a glass of pinotage (cos it is really fragrant) so I could sniff it... miserable git said no!

Lils I have no idea why my Mum went nuts at me, we were in Germany at the time of my third loss and I phoned and told her and she just went nuts... said I should stop putting myself through this and I was only hurting everyone by getting pregnant and then losing the baby blah blah blah... was so out of character for her and I was so shocked. We have never mentioned it since.... and she gets very touchy when anyone talks about babies and pregnancy...

Hence why we don't tell anyone...

There does seem to be a lot of Engineers and Engineer Wives don't there.... mine is an electrical engineer.
Hi lovely ladies,
Sorry I've not been on, cheering you all... Not been so well the last day or two. Anyways....I had read everything and just wanted to send you all loves and hugs and plenty of :dust: and some pink for pad!
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend xxxx
Hi Ladies!

Chicken - thanks for the aromatherapy tips.... Are you an aromatherapist? Your sister is very lucky. I keep forgetting what you do for a living.... I used to use essential oils a lot about 8 years ago and then when we were having trouble conceiving I stopped with a lot of things because I thought something was the cause but didn't know what. I like to use lavender when I have a headache -will put a few drops on a tissue and just inhale at my desk every so often...and it usually helps to calm me down and relax (and help with headache). What do you think about Orange Flower Essential Oil ?- I sometimes dilute that in a little apricot kernel oil (light for skin) and then mix in my hand and use that instead of body moisturizer.... Is that ok??? I find it very uplifting especially in the winter.

Glad your crosshairs are back!:thumbup: and cold is gone.... But sorry DH made you mad :grr: that's awful to say! You tell him girl!! :hugs::hugs:

Lils - yay -re: Rescue Remedy.... wow they have candy too??? I've only tried the drops (think they have a mouth spray too) wow... Let me know what you think! And thanks re: lavender too... (I have some in my desk at work at all times - it's awesome so I'll use it more now):hugs: Yes I do hope we get into that "predicament" soon too!!:haha::hugs::kiss: Hope you are getting better hun!:hugs:

Pad - Hope you are doing ok today hun.... I'm so sorry that your mom flipped out like that....:hugs::hugs: Must have been so hard.... Re: Yankee Candles - are those petroleum oil based? I love those great smelling scents -but I stopped using the petroleum based ones (most candles are) cause they create a lot of 'soot' in the air and aren't great for you or children/pets... I DO love the natural plant based ones (soy,veggie candles)... but my FAVOURITE are the pure BEESWAX candles.... they smell HEAVENLY when burning... and they are sooo good for you...

This explains the benefits of them:

"Only pure beeswax candles emit negative ions into the air that destroy toxins which produce allergies, asthma attacks and other environmental sensitivities. Pure beeswax candles produce golden halos which are actually visual ‘heat balls' that act similar to a catalytic converter on a car absorbing its own carbons, as well as burning airborne toxins, viruses, dust, odours, etc. The negative ions combined with a natural aromatic vibratory essence, amalgamate to provide a unifying energy effecting consciousness and well-being."

You have to get good quality ones though - that is the trick... this is a company I really like - they seem pricey but they last way way longer than petroleum based ones and burn really clean....

I used to use them all the time before AD - now I'm a little scared to leave candles burning... but soooo miss them.

Hello to everyone and have a great weekend!!! :hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:
Hi lovely ladies,
Sorry I've not been on, cheering you all... Not been so well the last day or two. Anyways....I had read everything and just wanted to send you all loves and hugs and plenty of :dust: and some pink for pad!
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend xxxx

Oh sorry to hear you're not feeling great Purps... I hope you are back to your peppy self soon! :hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:
Lils - thanks for the ecents -website- that is so cool (and right here in Canada!)... I love it!!! think I may be ordering soon! I like the stress-relief combo with the inhaler and roll on... (i have a similar roll-on I put on my wrists and it's heavenly)

Chicken - what do you think about essential oil stress-relief inhalers like this one??

Do you approve for TTC??? Is it safe to put inhaler in nose -it says it works faster as it goes straight to the brain?
Hi Ladies! Friday!! Finally! I can't wait for the end of the day. Lots of engineer-husbands here!! LOL Mine is an engineer too (we're both aerospace). The sad thing is that when we started TTC, we spent like an hour talking about the probably and statistics of getting pregnant. :haha: Lame.

Chicken - LOL!! So your husband gave you some funny looks when you pulled up the chicken dance? LOL... it's so much fun to do. The duck song was hilarious! I was singing the chicken dance song in my head all night!!! Good luck with your blood work Monday... and LOVE how you pulled out the big guns with the DH (using condoms)!! Guys just don't know what they're saying sometimes... he probably didn't really think through what he said... I'm glad you're feeling more positive today. :flower:

Dash - :hugs: I just started reading your journal :flower: I'm so sorry about your MIL and the IVF conversation. Mothers can be so upsetting when it comes to TTC. Things are so different now (with science, meds, IVF etc.) than they were in their day, and unless they've been through it too, I don't think they really understand. I hope the time for it to sink in helps her to be more understanding. And in any case, we're all super excited for you here!!! IVF is an exciting journey!!

Pad - so glad you put your banner back up!! Enjoy all of the pink-a-licious goodness this weekend. I'll be sending lots of thoughts and prayers your way this weekend! :hugs: And a husband in uniform.... ohhhh how nice. And I'm so sorry you went through that with your mother - I just don't get why family acts that way (mothers especially). I haven't told my family I'm TTC and I won't - my mom just makes too many hurtful comments (and has been for years).

DrHouse - lots and lots of :dust: All of my best friends from high school all have 1-2 kids, and one is pregnant now... hoping for one for you and me soon too!!!!! It's our turn now!!! LOL - my husband is definitely hot!! Although I always thought being an MD would be such an amazing job. You help so many people... you are so lucky to have a job where you know that what you're doing makes a difference!!! I wish I felt that way!!! Oh and I watched the great sperm race... LOL I loved it!! Thanks for posting about that.

Mirium -Very lucky lady that your engineering hubby likes to dance!!! I am trying to get mine to go salsa dancing sometime. It is SO much fun!!

Lils - yes you are definitely right. I really do need to drink more water. I think I am getting better than I was a year ago (I NEVER want to have a bladder infection again... it was horrible!!!!) but I still don't get enough. The 32-oz. water jug is a great idea. I have a 24-oz. one so I'll start bringing that into work and filling it up at least 3 times a day. There's really no excuse either!! Thanks for the tips :flower: And you'd think I'd be smart but I've got to be an idiot for not taking the dr's advice to drink more!!! So glad you're feeling better today. So some shower action eh?? :happydance::haha: sounds like the perfect cold remedy!!! LOL- I do the same thing in my training classes (and meetings....).

Pebble - Hope that spotting goes away soon. I'm sorry about your mother's reaction... she would probably get along well with mine!!! Everything is always about her too... it drives me up the wall!! I don't even talk to her about TTC b/c she has pushed me to the point where I can't stand discussing the subject with her. I haven't told her we're trying b/c I am so tired of her hurtful comments. Hopefully we'll be better with our children in the future :flower: On a different note... try to keep some optimism for this month... you never know until the next AF, so I'll send you lots and lots of :dust:

Purps - feel better soon :flower:

Hi HappyAuntie, Butterfly, Owl, GrkPrn and everyone else!

AFM - I started the OPK Wednesday night. I wasn't expecting a line to start showing until today, and just did one an hour ago... and nothing. Just kindof irritated it isn't there yet. I don't expect that I'd O until Sat. or Sun., but I usually start to see a light line in the test section a day or so before. On top of that, I've been kindof dry so far this month. No amazing EWCM like I had last month. I'm still taking the EPO, drinking 1-2 glasses of green tea a day and having about 2 cups of whole milk, so I just hope that does it. I guess I'll just try to relax about it and hope for the best... maybe O will happen a little later and the CM will be on its game again this month.
hi ladies.

uk ladies-do any of u watch coronation st?the couple who r trying to have a surrogacy are getting fertility appts for the next day!!!i am waiting 9 bl***y weeks!grrrrrrrrrr.

have a good mind to email them and complain.or just move to manchester!:)

rant over.hope every one is well.

love vx
Hi Lovelies, are we half way throught the weekend already?! Big healing hugs to those of you under the weather, big loving dust hugs to the rest of you. :hugs::hugs:

Told my parents our news today. Full story in my journal (see siggy for link) just shed a few tears as so happy and if you read the story there is a family connection with the due month that is seriously making me believe that I have guardian angels!
Hey ladies!

Dash I had no idea about the candles... have had a look at my yankee candle and it doesn't say if it is a paraffin or not... I think I will look for beeswax ones from now on. Thanks for the info chick, it is nice to know I am being looked after xx

Moon my Ov dates were all over the place .... some months it was cd 12 and others were cd 18-19... it was so frustrating! Was convinced I was heading to the menopause! Yay for engineers and engineer Hubby's!

Purps I hope all is OK with you... you are worrying me! x

Nee... bloody TV is never the same as reality is it!

awww LadyH so sweet!
Hi ladies - hope you are having a nice Sunday....:flower::hugs:

Pad - if there is no mention on the candles -it's probably parrafin (petroleum)... I'm glad the candle conversation came up -cause it reminded me I need to start burning the beeswax ones I have (just burning a tea-lite size right now) and it is lovely:sleep::sleep::sleep: Hope you had a great time at the wedding???:hugs::kiss: still thinking PINK for you!!

Purps - how are you feeling today hun?:hugs::kiss:

Nessaw - sorry it is taking so freakin' long for your appointment - if it makes you feel any better - it takes 6 months here to get an appointment with an RE!!

Lady H - aww so sweet - glad telling your parents went well....need to check out your journal soon:hugs::hugs:

Moon -yay for drinking more water! (I need to do that myself :blush:) I hope the EWCM shows up soon and your +opk -maybe just a bit delayed - what cycle day are you on now?:hugs::hugs:

Lils - how are you doing hun???? hope you are busy trying to catch that eggy?????:thumbup::hugs::hugs::kiss:

Hello to everyone I didn't mention - hope you all had a nice weekend... :hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:

AFM - we went apple picking today but not many left (today last day) as the season is over 3-4 weeks earlier than normal because of the very early heat this spring and then frost. We had a nice time anyway... My temps have really shot up last 2 days - but it's because different time and was up many times during the night :wacko::wacko: so don't get excited anyone :haha:
I just tested and got a BFN so I'm thinking about what I will do differently in October.

I am thinking I will try Mucinex and maybe even EPO - although I'm worried it might push my O date out a bit further - have any of you had any negative experiences with EPO?

Moondust I need to drink more water too

So on that I'm unofficially calling October EWCM month :) because we want LOTS of it :) hehehehe

Dasha your chart looks good!
Hi ladies,

Dashka - I checked out your journal. You are a strong woman! Fingers crossed that IVF is the answer or that you get a little miracle before!

Moon - Hope you catch the eggy!! By the way, my DH studied aerospace too, not aeronautical (that was typo that I caught after I posted but did not think it important to change). I don't recall meeting anyone else who did aerospace so I had to mention... :). I am in IT - not an engineer. Hearing you mention your talk about probability/statistics of TTC... :) made me remember that my DH once told me that 'Everything not forbidden is compulsory'. We were talking about the likelihood of me having a :baby: after my 2 miscarriages. He chuckled when he said it but said that's some physicist's theory/principle in the world of quantum mechanics. If only things were as absolute in our world. I remember thinking 'really?' but somehow I felt a tiny bit of reassurance... :)

Lils - Hope you catch that eggy too. I think I will start FF next month. I started checking my temps too late this month. By the way - does insurance cover your intralipids?

Chicken - Hope you catch the eggy too!

GrkPrn - Fingers crossed for you!

DrH - All the best in the 2ww!

LadyH - All the best!

Pad - Pink vibes to you!

Purple - Countdowns are fun!

Firebaby - I have heard of EPO possibly delaying ovulation too so I thought that I would use it - starting only 2 days before ovulation because I find it so effective. It def. stimulates EWCM so I'm thinking it will do the same in 2 days... :)

Pebble - Hope you can start TTC pronto again.

Owl - How are you?

Nessaw - your apointment is probably soon?

Butterfly - :hi:

Asry - :hi:

Fro - :hi:

Hello to anyone I missed.

AFM - My RE's appt. is today. He will brief me on the findings of surgery. I hope today is not a downer. Also, I am very sore & in slight pain in surgery area, all because I decided to start exercising again on Friday gone (2 weeks after surgery, as recommended). I really wanted to get back to losing some weight because I need to. I messed up though because I went to a group cardio/dance class in the gym and I worked out too hard. In retrospect, I should have known - the class is called 'Body Attack'. When I got home, my body told me so... :) I was scared too. Then it hit me that they had to mean - really light exercise. I hope the doc reassures me today that this workout would not have caused harm. I will advise on the results of my appt. Have a great week everyone!

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