TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

:flower:Hi all

Pebble - Oh I'm so sorry :hugs::hugs::hugs: I wish I had something to share, but it sounds like Lils has some insight. I will hope that all goes well and will be sending all my thoughts with you. :flower: Big :hugs:

Lils - You know how hard those +OPKs can be to catch... and with being sick I'm sure it's been harder for you this month. I know how you feel about getting frustrated around O time and trying to BD at the right time, and then having high emotions with DH and dealing with performance anxiety... those have all happened to me (and I'm sure most of us here). I also start freaking out when I don't see the test line start to appear when I think it should. This month I was wondering if I should even use an OPK next cycle b/c of how it amps up my emotions and my DH's anxiety. I try not to tell him when I'm Oing but I think he figures it out and it doesn't help the situation at all. And I'm sure some of your emotions are even more elevated b/c you're not feeling well. Try to get some rest, drink lots of liquids, and if you can, rest on the couch and maybe watch some movies and be lazy. Treat yourself to some TLC. Lots of :hugs::flower:

Purps - LOL sounds like BnB was giving you a hard time with your posts, but hope you got a good night's sleep and are feeling more awake today :)

Pad - Part-time sounds like it would be great for getting all the R&R you want!! Lately I have been wishing I could go part time and I think I might at some point, although right now I don't really have a good enough reason to. Hope you can take it easy at work and feel better by the end of the day :flower: But no more pickle-juice. Even though it's totally delicious and hard not to drink it... :haha: :)

Butterfly - love love love your pumpkin avatar!!

Mirium - hope the appt went well and have a great Tuesday!

Dash - I know this is probably something I'm *not* supposed to say here, but I'm going to say it anyways: aren't PG and PMS symptoms pretty much the same thing?!? I'll keep hoping for you... it's not over yet until AF gets here! But I do know how mad I get when I start getting PMS symptoms, but still hold on to that tiny bit of hope!! Either way though, IVF is so close and for THIS month and NEXT month, here's lots of:dust:for you! :hugs:

Chicken - yes of course those could be positive signs! All of them. Seriously. Keep those positive, hopeful thoughts coming!! It's so much better to be hopeful than not. Hope the bloodwork gives you some good insight!! :dust:!!

AFM - I know this is probably ridiculous, but I really worry about timing. It seems like we BD before O, but then I worry that by the time O occurs, we either have BD'ed too many days in a row - the 3 days before/on the +OPK, and I worry that that makes it ineffective (maybe too low of a sperm count?), or by the time I actually do pop out an egg, I worry that all of the swimmers are dead b/c maybe I O too many hours after the +OPK. Ugh. Whatever. I guess it doesn't matter. And this month I didn't have that crazy, good EWCM like I did last month, so that's frustrating too. I'm considering not using an OPK next month. Last month without all of the stress (b/c we were preventing) I was so much more turned on (and so was DH) and everything seemed so much better, including the EWCM. Maybe that will be my plan next month if no luck this month. In any event, thankfully it's one day closer to the weekend :) It's a 4-day work week for me this week since I'm on the 9-80 schedule and this Friday is my off-Friday. Woot for that!!!!
I like the idea of my belly button going green, anything to make this easier. I have been able to refrain for POAS so far, I'm hoping to make it till Thursday but depending on my results tomorrow. If they are low I can't see the point.
I did have to smile when I went to buy my hpt, the supermarket that I use, randomly prints out vouchers for money off what you buy and it printed me £1 of my next purchase of tampax, I'm hoping it isn't a sign.
Oh Lils honey you really have had a tough time of it recently :cry: And the whole BD/O thing is a catch 22 as you stress about when you will O and if you can catch it and the stress causes issues and the stress can delay O etc etc :hugs::hugs::hugs: Maybe take it easy for a month or so (I know, easy to say :dohh:) and then think about IUI :thumbup:

pebble I'm so sorry hon but also so glad that you have found out now and not later. My friend had an ectopic at a similar stage and she did not need her tube removing so I have everything crossed that you will be fine (physically at least) :hugs::hugs::hugs:

chicken, I like the sounds of your 'symptoms' - although I do frown on symptom spotting :trouble: as like someone said PMS and BFP symptoms are similar :dohh: but I just felt 'stomachy' when I got my BFP and that was it :shrug:

moondust if your OHs SA results are good in terms of numbers then every day should be fine but if the numbers are a little bit lower than normal then it is recommended to let them regroup - you could do every other day or every 36 hours if that is feasible :thumbup:

Sending big :hug: to all those that need it as there seem to be a few :cry:
Ooooo... hello all...

Lils poor hunnie... you have had a rough couple of weeks it is no wonder you are feeling out of sorts and down... plus your Hubby has been poorly too.. guess that doesn't help with the performance issues as well.... first things first chick, you need to feel better... end of story. Once you feel better then everything will come back into focus for you. You know the wierd thing, I did the CB monitor thing and the whole time I did it no bfp.... the month after banishing it to the back of the cupboard in a fit of anger and I get a bfp...... Alternatively try my drunk method... ONLY KIDDING!

Hey Dash... you know I am a FF dufus (as Lils can testify)... but it would be really good if you got lucky just like Carole and fell pregnant before your IVF... and like Carole it was a lovely sticky baby! FXFXFXFXFXFFXFXFXFFXFXFXFXFFXFXFFX

Hello chicken... I had a 21 day test... it came back low.... Dr said do you have a 28 day cycle and I said no.. she said then the test is a load of crap then (her honest words)... and I was pregnant! Here's hoping your results are good!

Pbl... OMG, what a shock. That is the last thing I expected. None of mine have been ectopic... but at least you should now get the help you need. All the best x

Moon... am so trying to stop the pickle juice... did another jar tonight... heavens it like an obsession!! Hubby said to stop as well... it reckons it will rot my kidneys... hell, what he can't see cos he is away won't hurt him I say hahaha! I would recommend every 3 days... that is what my Consultant told me so it gives the lil fella's a chance to regroup!

Hey Chicken.... hmmm the dreaded symptom spotting eh.. well, yes they are all possible signs.. and good ones... however, the only way to know for sure is test... so when is test day?? LOL

Mwah Butterfly!
just a quick one as I'm at work, got my results as 8FSH and 16.5 LH still waiting for progesterone as they weren't able to see that on the resqest sheet they are doing it now. Any ideas, this was day 21 (well just over)
Hiya lovelies.

Pebble - sorry to hear about your ectopic there are lots of medical things that can be done compared with the olden days. It can be resolved and then lots of lovely ladies get pregnant! It must be worrying though - I am thinking of you.:kiss::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Lils and :hugs:the snot sisters - my chart is up the creek too as you can see. So pleased to hear that you had awesome slippery dip EWCM for the little spermies!!!! on the upside of this!

I don't know where I am on ff. Im with Pad in the cant use a naughty adjective about FF - hmmm!!!! Don't know what I am doing either as can't wake up in time, fall back to sleep, get up and pee without thinking or forget to chart. I then have a thermometer which reads - you guessed it 97,70 pretty much all the time. Who knows where I am?

Chicken and Dash - you have good signs dude!!!!!!!!!!!! Exciting times!!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbup:

Chicken who needs a quid off tampax!!! That's rubbish not a sign - bin it bin it bin it.

Pad - pickled onions. Dude OMG. Why??????? Is this pica? Are you just a closet onion lover??????

moon - Im finding the charting and the waiting for the line to go positive hard after one little month. This is hard yakka

purps/dwrgi we miss seeing your lovely selves

all the other lovelies mwah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Moon - thanks honey, I am feeling a bit better today. :hugs: I know you defo understand trying to catch the OPK for us when you only have a 2-hr window (maybe) - its very unusual :wacko:. Really it just gives me that heads-up to get on it for sure, but I've considered just letting these run out & using my other symptoms & temps to rely on now that I've really got all that down. It shoukld be asy - every other day once EWCM starts until temp shifts, right? But when I get that smiley I go into the hard-selling mode on DH - I get crazy about it bc I can O right that day sometimes. Anyway, yeah every day is fine is no sperm issues, but if DH gets tired or its causing issues, you may want to go every other day from EWCM & defo have :sex: upon +OPK - that day & maybe day after. Hopefully you won't need to, but if BFN this month charting can tell you when you actually did O. For some its like 48 hours after, while others its the actual day of! Theoretically, sperm "can live up to 5 days", but that's like getting "up to 50% off" - usually there's only 1 or 2 random items that are like that & they are not even sure that 5-day sperm could actually penetrate an egg. I think avg I read was 1.5-3 days, so if you took the conservative 1.5 day method, defo :sex: at least once after +OPK :thumbup:

Chicken - sometimes people believe the opposite - they stock up on OPK's & tampons & then wham - BFP-ville! So, consider that one too :winkwink:. I'm not sure the FSH & LH are going to tell you much as the FSH is supposed to be done CD3 (actually usually called a Day 3 FSH):

Why do we measure the FSH level on day 3?
By measuring a woman's baseline FSH on day 3 of the cycle (we do it on day 2, 3, or 4), we get an indication as to whether she has normal "ovarian reserve". We are looking at how hard her body needs to "step on the gas" early in the menstrual cycle to get a follicle growing.
Therefore, if the baseline FSH is elevated the ovarian reserve (how many eggs are left) is reduced (sometimes the egg quality is also reduced).

But that being said, I think some of the UK ladies have stressed that Dr's there don't put much stock in it anyway. Maybe your Dr tested it for a particular reason on CD21/22. Also be weary of google as the UK uses a different measurement & scale than US/Canada. GL & let us know what happens :flower:

BF - thanks honey :hugs:. You're right, it's a vicious little cycle we can get into isn't it? Maybe I'll take a break in October... or just can the OPK's altogether. It might be like losing my wooby tho & I might freak out more. :haha: (Mr Mom). Just if I start freaking out next month at the same time, remind me of this month & shoot me :gun:. :winkwink:

Pad - I did your drunk method Friday night when Sis, BIL & I polished off 3 bottles :wine: :haha:. Although that seems forever ago now & those :spermy: are probs long gone... maybe its just delayed this cycle. DH promised to come home for "lunch" today in case it is delayed (actually temps dropped this morning but not down to my famous 96.2 on O day that REALLY tips me off...). How you feeling hun, other than full of piss-n-vinegar (literally!) :haha: As long as you aren't putting the pickled onions atop ice cream, then I'd have to :sick: :winkwink:

DrH - hey lovely! I did notice your chart & you might have an easy fix. I remember in the height of your cold/sickness, you had those higher temps. If you go into the 15th & maybe even the 14th & check the box "discard", you may get crosshairs. :thumbup: i think you defo O'd the 18th its just that those sickness temps threw off your pre-O temps which makes FF think they are your normal temps & so no crosshairs 9post O-temps should be considerably higher than pre-O). I have to do that at times when I know I was sick or took a medicine that raises my temp dramatically bc technically I don't have a "fever" so I don't feel right checking that box, so I just check "discard" (right next to the temp box). Hope you are doing well & :dust:

Mirium - just waiting... :coffee: :haha:

Dashka - your chart is still looking good, hun. :hugs: Wonder why I'm suddenly craving apple cider? :winkwink: Btw, the Bach RR didn't work enough after 4 drops, so tried 8 bc it said "repeat as necessary" but didn't say "do not exceed ____ in a 24 hour period" - do you think there's limit or is it safe to keep going?

Asry & Fro - where are our preggers ladies & how are you?

Purple (you OK?), Dwrgi (if lurking), owl (?), Ness, Pebble, HA, Twinks, FlyFL (?), Viccat (where did she go?), manuiti & any other lurkers :hi: & :hugs:

AFM - FF temps going down some today so maybe it son its way totally down. Had very scant EWCM today but I suspect its bc the double mucinex I took last night :haha:. i'm forcing that damn egg out if I have to! :gun::trouble: :haha: DH will be home for "lunch" today, so we'll see. I realized that today is technically CD21 so I'm, not really past my usual O, its just that my temps also have not plummeted & the abundant EWCM dried up days ago. Maybe tomorrow. At any rate, freak-session over. I'm "normal" now - HAHAHAHAHA! :wacko::fool::loopy:

Lots of love to my sisters :hugs: & :dust: to those in 2WW! OK, & :wine: for all! Its a little early here, but its a perfect time in the UK & even Australia...
Hi ladies,

Pebble - I pray that your issue is resolved quickly and your tubes are left intact. :hugs: and :hugs:

Dashka - You deserve a lovely surprise/rainbow!!

Chicken - Fingers crossed for you!!

Lils - :hugs: and :hugs: This journey is putting us through the wringer. All the best this month. Recently, I stopped telling DH when it's ovulation although he would realize before the period is over. At least, he can't feel like he was pressured. Only recently, I figured I could probably get the job done without telling him. Time will tell. He would ask and I would dodge the question because I know he does not like the scheduled aspect of it so why is he asking? :) I never thought I would see the day when DH did not like the deed... :)

Moon - I absolutely get what you feel regarding both catching the OPK surge and timing BD. I swing on both sides of the pendulum. I worry about annovulation when the line doesn't seem to get progressively darker and sometimes, I get excited about catching the surge and the little pessimist in my mind says ''calm down. catching the surge is only the first step'' ... :) It sucks. Also, checking for the surge everyday gets stressful - too much work. Add to that - checking temps in morning. Anyway, it's what we have to do.. :). Regarding BD timing - I calculate our timing after & there's always that possibility that sperm did not meet egg but no one said it was black & white. Loads of people get pregnant everyday so we shouldn't worry... :)

Pad - Thinking Pink!!

Butterfly - Hello and :hugs: :hugs:

Hello to all the other ladies

AFM - Of course, I met with my RE. He briefed me and showed me pics from surgery. He found some scarring around bladder & removed (I don't even know if that relates to TTC). He found some small cysts on ovaries and removed. He found some scarring in uterus (approx. 20%) and removed. No Endometriosis found. Dye was spilled through fallopian tubes and the dye flowed freely through one tube but flowed quite slowly through the other. In notes he mentioned 'phimosis' of tube. I said ''can this cause an ectopic if egg released from that side''? & he said ''possibly''. I did 2 prior HSGs during the past 16 months & both said that both tubes were open so I was disappointed however this morning, I found this statement in article online about spilling dye through tubes/HSG - ''Commonly one of the tubes fills and spills dye more easily than the other, a phenomenon known as preferential spill''. I am still scared about an ectopic though.

Usually after seeing my RE in a session like that, after all that I've been through - I just don't know what to feel anymore. I know, it was not really bad news but I just felt like waw...there's still no concrete answers. The RE said that he did not find anything major but multiple small things. The pics he showed me was interesting though. I could see how the organ looked better after he 'cleaned up'. I keep racking my brain to see if I missed something but I believe that's all he briefed me on. If there was anything else he found - he didn't mention it (needless to say... :)). I have started to feel fear regarding my uterus and cervical strength/competence. This is the second time I've removed scarring and I think about the D&Cs & HSGs & myomectomy to remove fibroids and this is my 2nd hysteroscopy. I think after a few days, I will just accept everything and forge on as usual. The RE advised me not to TTC this cycle, wait for next cycle - that was a downer because my clock is ticking... :). Anyway ladies, I apologise if my post is not uplifting. Have a great day all!!
Mirium - Yeah, i tried the not-tell-him part but when he flat out refuses to do it (& figures out anyway when its happening), I kinda had to scrap that one & just talk to him calmly, open & honestly. I had another talk w/him this morning while he joined my pwr-walk, hence the lunch date, but who knows how long that will sink in for this time... :wacko:

Oh hun, it never seems like any tests give definitive answers does it? It just sort-of narrows it down to a group of things to worry about, it seems, right? :wacko: But, I would take most of that very positively. The only thing you sound worried about is the partially blocked tube - can Dr open it up somehow? Also, just curious, do you notice a more delayed ovulation every other month (maybe through the slower tube)? If not, I wouldn't place your fears into ectopic pregs since (in my mind) the fertilized egg is still so small???

Thought you might like to know this:

To determine whether hysteroscopic adhesiolysis improves reproductive outcome in women with Asherman's syndrome and pregnancy failure.

Ninety consecutive women who had undergone hysteroscopic adhesiolysis of intrauterine adhesions during a 5-year period. Only women in whom at least two previous pregnancies had ended with either a spontaneous abortion or a premature delivery accompanied by fetal or neonatal mortality and a hysteroscopic diagnosis of intrauterine adhesions were enrolled.

Whereas pregnancy outcome prior to the operation was 18.3% term deliveries, 3.3% premature deliveries, 62.4% first-trimester abortions, and 16.0% late abortions, after hysteroscopic adhesiolysis pregnancy outcome was 68.6% term deliveries, 9.3% premature deliveries, 17.4% first-trimester abortions, and 4.7% late abortions. In women with two previous unsuccessful pregnancies, the operative success rate measured by delivering a healthy newborn improved from 18.3% preoperatively to 64% postoperatively. In women with three or more unsuccessful pregnancies the success rate improved from 18.3% to 75%. Successful outcome of adhesiolysis was observed in 61.9% of mild (stage I) and in 70.6% of moderate to severe cases (stages II and III) of intrauterine adhesions.

Hysteroscopic adhesiolysis in women with Asherman's syndrome and poor reproductive performance contributes significantly to a successful reproductive outcome. (from NIH

I knew that scarring was a good reason for failure of implantation &/or RMC, but couldn't remember the %'s, so this made me smile when I read it so I had to share. 20% seems like a pretty fair amount to me, I might say more on the moderate side of mild-moderate? I know you want to TTC right away, but take it from me, getting immediate BFP after surgery & then mc'ing will make you sink even deeper :nope:. I just didn't know... I say take this break by treating yourself like a queen bc you deserve it! :flower:

And you post as much as you want, don't ever apologize! OCD or not :haha: (says the girl w/the ridiculously long posts!)

Quick post. Hey Lils - thank you so much although I just glossed over your post for now. I so look forward to reading it in it's entirety later. Info/advice is uplifting now. I just noticed that you caught my mention of 'OCD' in post although the same 'OCD' made me edit it out immediately after posting... :). Funny.
Hi ladies, sorry I've been absent! It's flu season in work...and that means busy!!

Anyway I am reading everything!

Pebble how did you get on today Hun? So sorry to hear about your ectopic xxx

Pad omg pickle juice :sick: you mustn't be having any indigestion yet lol!

Lils I agree, I expect with you and dh being so poorly , you are probably both run down and that's why your chat (and body) isn't doing what it normally does xxx rest plenty and get well soon xxx

DrH is the snot better now chick? :hugs:

Miriam glad you got to see you re, it sounds things are being looked it which is great!

Dash I am keeping fingers crossed for that bfp like Carole had before you get to that ivf appointment xx

Huge :hugs: to everyone else twinks, ha, dwrgi, owl, chicken, nessaw Ladyh, asry, frols, Manu and everyone else I haven't mentioned yet xxx
Quick post. Hey Lils - thank you so much although I just glossed over your post for now. I so look forward to reading it in it's entirety later. Info/advice is uplifting now. I just noticed that you caught my mention of 'OCD' in post although the same 'OCD' made me edit it out immediately after posting... :). Funny.

:rofl: You DID, didn't you?! :rofl: Well, I'm type A so that's why I caught your OCD comment! :haha: :loopy: That cracked me up, thanks...

Purps - Flu already wow?! Its barely even fall... I'm sure you get the shot right? I think they say all preggers/TTC should get it, is that your opinion? (Even if just TTC because a fever can be detrimental to blasto/zygote/embie if/when you do get one?). I usually do it because Lord knows i don't need another thing against me... :hugs:
Hey all...

Yes, pickled onion juice... have to confess I have bought and finished another jar tonight... my name is Pad and I am a pickled onion addict....hangs head in shame...

Hubby reckons it will rot my kidneys... is that true?? Purps? DrH??? I truly don't know why... but I just can't get enough of them right now... and they can only be one brand... tried another and they just weren't good enough! LOL

Mirium I think the stuff that Lils has found is really promising! Maybe this was all a blessing in disguise? You will get over the procedure and get well and then bam! It will happen!

Drh.... me and FF were never friends... kept telling me I hadn't OV'd... FF was always a better friend to Lils and Dash lol

Lils hope the lunch time sesh does the trick... nudge nudge wink wink!

hey Purps... how goes the count down to feet up and nesting? Yep.. am getting heart burn, but I just can't quit my addiction lol

hey Dash how are you chick?

Hey Chicken

Pbl hope you are being looked after x
Hi ladies,
sorry haven't read anyone's posts yet today... had to leave work -feeling so sick (think it's flu - very sore throat, dizziness and achy all over....

I will try to catch up soon but just wanted to come on and say hello and hope everyone is doing well....:hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:
Ooo there is loads of it going about chick... my friend I have just seen has a sore throat... hope you feel well soon!
Hi Everyone..

Sorry about MIA. My father passed away unexpectedly. It has been very rough. I will try and catch up this weekend. :hugs:
Hi Ladies, and thanks for sending positive wishes and prayers and vibes my way. I think maybe it worked. I went to the doctor's and the ER's again today. They decided to avoid surgery for now, and to try to go the metho route. They'll monitor my HCG levels to see if the single round is working or if they'll do another and/or surgery later. The doctors said that there can be absolutely no :sex: until my HCG levels are near 0, as you don't want to have a new pregnancy in addition to residual ectopic tissue. They did not say what they used to, which was that you have to wait 3 months to try again. Apparently that is not considered necessary anymore. :shrug:

Both doctors were optimistic about chances for the future. I also talked to a chaplain there (Catholic hospital) who said that his wife had an ectopic and then a still birth followed by two healthy children. That was lovely to hear, although I suspect she was substantially younger than me.

Anyway, much gratitude to all! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Pad, I love all kinds of pickles, and can totally see myself drinking the liquid, although I never have. I do worry that my love of kimchee could eventually ruin my marriage, as my husband can hardly stand to be in the same house as a jar. The fool--he doesn't know how wonderful it is!!!

Dash, I'll keep my FX that this cycle will work for you! If not, then perhaps the big guns of IVF will make it happen. :gun: Have you read up on acupuncture while doing IVF? Sounds like it can make a huge difference in success rates. In the meantime, hope you feel better.

Chicken, FX and :dust: for you!!!

DrH, did you just O? Looks like it!

Purp, you're so close! How exciting! :happydance: I'm sure you've told the crew, but do you know the sex? And are you sharing it? Just curious. :flower:

Mirium, sorry your doctor's visit was so inconclusive. I don't have much to add, although I def get your fears about ectopics. I do not recommend these for a good time. :nope: :hugs: to you.

Lil, it seems like you're gearing up to O. Get thee to the bedroom! :sex: Or wherever seems convenient. :winkwink:

Oh, and I'm still on :wine: duty. I've got you all covered!!!!
Frols - oh hun - I am so sorry to hear about your father.
thinking of you and sending you a ton of :hugs:
pad - I dont think the pickle juice will rot your insides - more likely preserve them lol!
I wonder if you are lacking in something so your body is telling you to have that??
I am thinking Pink for you! xxxx

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