TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hey beautiful BNB BABES! Hope you all had a wonderful, relaxing &/or fun weekend!

Pad – depending on what Chicken recommends to Dash’s question, that Stress Relief oil doesn’t smell like lavender at all (had it before!), so that may be a good stress reliever if safe for pregs? I’m so sorry your mom reacted like that?! :shock::nope::cry: Moms, or at least dads if not moms, should be there to hug us & tell us it’s going to be OK & that they are there anytime we need them. :hugs: Since I don’t have a mom anymore (she was super-sweet), I tell my dad everything TTC & he has taken over the sympathizing & asking TTC questions, see how I’m doing, etc., so I give him huge kudos for that… Thankfully at least DH seems like a stand-up, sympathetic, nice guy (AND in uniform, lucky you! :haha:). :hugs:

Pebble – I’m sorry your mom made it about her, too. What’s up w/that? MIL makes everything about her & I can’t freakin STAND it – my biggest pet peeve w/her… Hope the spotting has finally ended & can allow you to have a normal O :hugs:. MC’s are hard enough, but when they drag out it’s like turning the knife… :nope::hugs:

Dash – excellent find w/the inhalers, as those must be brand new & I am defo going to order some if Chicken gives the OK! :happydance: Plus, I noticed that Dr. Oz recommends it – very cool! Yeah we found this little place when we were in Whistler, B.C. & I’ve been going there &/or ordering from them online ever since. Their roll-on headache stuff is AWESOME It really works! I’ve given that to my whole family for Xmas before, along w/the lavender for stress/relaxation & they all love it. I’d like to try the Stress Relief in inhaler format & try some of the others now too (Stay Alert, Sleep Well & Breathe Easy maybe?). Oh & beeswax link – thanks, I must try them! Just not the one for $549 – wow! But 10,000 hours is a loooonnnggg time! :winkwink: I used to love the apple mills back hom in the fall w/the fresh cider & apple pies too…:cloud9: Gotta head to your journal after… :hugs:

Chicken – good luck today (bloods) :thumbup: Your chart looks like you O’d, so hoping progesterone comes out nice & high :winkwink:. Oh – so when the bottle of vodka at home mysteriously gets emptied, I can blame it on the bathtub? :haha: na, actually I had never heard of that – that’s a good point w/the oil & water thing! But the roll-ons Dashka pointed out don’t have to be diluted w/veg oil, etc right? Escents usually will tell you on the bottle whether it has to be diluted or not even in the drops & most of their drops say to dilute :thumbup:. So glad to have an Aromatherapist on here! :happydance:

Purps – I really hope you feel better after the weekend & that you got some rest :sleep:. You worried me there sweetie. :hugs: Heading to your journal after this too…

Moon – your mom too? Wow, what’s going on w/the moms on this thread? I’m sure they have other wonderful qualities, its just that during TTC we really need some love & support… :hugs: Hope the DH’s or friends can step in on that one (but of course we are always here too!). Hope O came or is about to? Mine varies from CD18 – CD23, so its just some months are weird & you may start noticing weird cycles even more now that you are TTC. :hugs:

Ness – How frustrating :grr::grr::grr: People on TV will always get the best of everything… Is your appt still in Oct or am I remembering that wrong? Hang in there hun! :hugs:

LadyH – so glad telling the Rents went well! And that story is very heartwarming (guardian angel… :cloud9:) :hugs:

Firebaby – Oh I’m sorry for the BFN honey :hugs:. You know its not over til the :witch: shows her ugly face, but I am glad that you are thinking of some wonderful new things to add next cycle! :thumbup: It seems to help a lot of us to look forward to the next cycle with new hope & health :winkwink:. EWCM-month it is! :happydance: Oh & EPO has never delayed my cycle, if that helps.

:hi: all you other lovely ladies, I hope you are all doing well!

AFM – I covered EVERYONE ON BNB Friday night :wine:! My allegiance was rightly pledged! I probably had a few too many red grapes (3 bottles :drunk:), but we had a great time w/my big sis & her hubby. We always do :cloud9:. Then cold came back Saturday for both DH & I (more of a sinus infection/respiratory thing now :wacko:), so still dealing with this darn thing…may have to do a couple more Theraflu shots. I feel like I’m getting all my sicknesses for the year in this once shot :wacko:. Anyway, still waiting for O :coffee: & waiting… :sleep:. It will get here soon…

Have a great day all :hugs: & :dust:!
Mirium - we cross-posted. MAJOR good luck today with the RE, hun & hope you get good news only! :thumbup: Intralipids weren't covered due to TTC/ART related (even though I'm not doing ART?), although I haven't double-checked that, but the whole thing - meds, supplies & nurse coming out is only $150. You only need it once pre-Ov (about 5-7 days) & then 4-5 weeks gestation if BFP. I also now do 4-days of roids post-Ov (Medrol Dospak) to handle any Immunes issues "just in case" (my NK cells were borderline).

Yes please let us know what happens! :hugs:
Hi ladies!

hope everyone had a nice weekend....:flower:

Firebaby - I'm sorry for BFN.... :hugs: EPO hasn't delayed my cycle either but I did have to take a while before I noticed an increase in EWCM.... GL to you!

Mirium - Listen to your DH's advice!! :thumbup: GL with your RE app't today!! I hope it all good news.... :hugs:Yay for wanting to start FF next month - I recommend it... :thumbup:Hope your soreness leaves you soon!

Lils - so happy that you had a great time with your sis and her hubby.... :thumbup:sounds like you had a blast! What??? your sickness is back? :saywhat: Probably all that vino trying to get out of your system perhaps?? :sick::sick: You need some serious rest girl!:sleep::sleep:May ov arrive soon!:thumbup::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:

Pad- how are you today hun?:hugs:

Purps - feeling ok today hun?:hugs:

Chicken - GL on your bloods today.....:thumbup: fx for you that progesterone is nice and high...:hugs:

Owl - how are you chick?? :hugs:

Grkprn - starting to worry about you??? :shrug:are you ok???:hugs::hugs:

Just a quick one - nothing much to report today....

Hope everyone has a great day and hope the MIL's and (not-so-nice) Mom's are behaving!! :grr::grr:

Luvs and hugs to all!:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss::dust::dust::hug:
Wow, Lil--thanks for taking on wine for the whole team! I've been trying to cut back again, in the hopes that I'm gearing up for O, so it's good that other folks have been taking up the slack. Hope you feel better soon!

Pad, I guess no news is good news from your end!

For you ladies revving up your EWCM, I took Guaifenesin as described in TCOYF the month of my BFP. It worked WONDERS! I really think that was part of what got the BFP for us. We were already using PreSeed, so I think that combination worked well.

Nessaw, I'm beginning to think there are no good portrayals of TTC or early pregnancy anywhere in the popular media! It's really frustrating! FX for good results of your appt when it finally comes!

Dashka, your chart DOES look great! How are you feeling?

Mirium, good luck for your appointment!

Sorry for anyone I'm missing. Still a bit overwhelmed here.

AFM, I got a notification from my phone that today was the appointment for my first scan. I apparently forgot to delete that appt. :cry: Very sad reminder. As it happens, I'm STILL bleeding, so I called this AM to make an appt for tomorrow to find out what's going on. I'm really scared they're going to give me medication that will postpone the TTC process even further. But, I've officially been miscarrying longer than I was technically pregnant, so I probably should take whatever help they will give.

Here's my chart:
My Ovulation Chart
Anyone have any advice on what to expect?

PS. Ignore the cross-hairs. I'm sure that's a bunch of codswallop.
Hi Ladies,

Pad - thinking pink for you :flower:

Nessaw - ugh on long appt wait times... that can be so frustrating....

LadyH - So happy to hear things are going well :flower:

Dash - ohhh apple picking sounds lovely!! What are you going to do with all of the apples? Caramel apples, apple crisp, apple pie? mmm...

Fire - EWCM month sounds like a great idea! I've been taking EPO and haven't noticed late ovulation. Green tea and whole fat milk are also supposed to help with EWCM.

Mirium - ya, sometimes statistics can give us a ray of hope... :flower: Hope your post-op appt goes well today. I know what you mean about exercising too hard when you're not supposed to! It's so hard not to go full force when you just want to get in shape (and I've hurt myself one too many times going strong after a break when I should take it slower!!!). Make sure to take care of yourself and be gentle with those workouts! :)

Lils - LOL the wine sounds lovely!! Hope you can get some more rest this week and kick the cold out where it belongs!! :hugs:

Pebble - Oh I'm so sorry that your calendar reminded you but glad to hear you'll be going to the dr. I hope the bleeding slows down soon. Take some deep breaths. Lots of :hugs:to you.

Hi to all the other ladies here and hope you have a good week.

AFM - Finally got a +OPK on Sunday. Did some BDing this weekend and just hope we caught the egg this time. I'm pretty tired today and really wishing it weren't Monday. Bleh. On a positive note, went shopping for some new clothes (like the clothes, but I really don't like shopping...) and went out to dinner with friends on Saturday so that was nice.
Ladies...I think I am loosing my marbles! I am 100% sure I posted here earlier to you all.... And now the post has gone! Or maybe I didn't post?? Very odd!

Anyway getting myself ready for bed now, so I won't do a massive post now, but I will send you all loves and :hugs: and will catch up tomorrow xx

Oh and ps. Yes I know it's super early but both me and dh were up till god knows when last night as the dogs were playing up...but thats a story for another time, so I am planning an early night and a nice cup of tea in bed xxxxx
Oh and pebble...Hun, I am so sorry you got that reminder, big :hugs:
Definitely see your doctor though, I don't think there would be any reason that you HAD to take any mess which would stop bleeding but might delay O....but he might want to do a little scan to check there everything is ok inside xxxxx
Please please please... ladies... someone remove the haywards silver skin pickled onion jar from me now... I bought them tonight at 6pm and it is now 9pm and i have eaten the whole jar and drunk all the vinegar... bad bad bad me...

Lils feel better soon chickie.... xx Your Dad sounds an absolute love... awww how wonderful x

Dash happy cider drinking! Love the piccies on FB hun xx BTW my Mum is over in Canada at the moment! Hahaha you get her for the time being!!

Mirium good luck at the appt and Chicken hope your bloods come up good for you x

Purps! Nice to hear from you! You had me worried.

Nee... pah to long waiting lists!

Pbl that is crap... what a horrible thing to happen...

Moon it sounds like you had a pretty perfect weekend to me!

Went back to work today and I am absolutely exhausted... feel crappy... work offered me part time hours until everything is OK... I said no at the time, but I am now seriously reconsidering...
Please please please... ladies... someone remove the haywards silver skin pickled onion jar from me now... I bought them tonight at 6pm and it is now 9pm and i have eaten the whole jar and drunk all the vinegar... bad bad bad me...

:sick: :haha::haha:

where's your ticker? :growlmad:
Awww Butterfly... I am still not friends with the ticker! Am refusing to back down to its demands to be put on show! LOL
Dash - yeah, I'd easily blame it on the vino except that DH got it back too - same symptoms & he didn't drink :shrug:. I am not sure what is going on w/O this month. I have dried up (even tho using all the bells/whistles) & FF says I am no longer fertile. No O in sight yet & not sure humpty-dumpty is going to take his usual fall this month...:nope: My temps are prob all messed up from this virus-alien thing I have, too, so I have no frackin clue.:shrug: They are like - steady this month - no roller coaster action? But your chart is lookin good! :winkwink: I did get my Rescue Remedy last night, too - yay! :thumbup:

Pebble - So sorry about the sad reminder...:hugs: The u/s appt got me too last 2 mc's.:nope: good luck at the Dr's & I am really glad you are going. That is way too long of a bleed IMO :nope:. Hope it ends asap! Also, not sure what's going on w/chart but it shows you are pregs - is that supposed to be +OPK instead or were you testing to see if hcg is out of your system? :hugs:

Moon - Dinner w/friends is a nice pick-me-up. I look fwd to it every Fri night :thumbup:. I also hate shopping, how utterly manly of us! :haha: Yay for +OPK & bd sessions! Your timing sounds great so hope you caught it this month!!! :dust:

Purps - aw, you are so tired you are losing your mind!:wacko: Hope you got lots more :sleep: last night & feel better today. :flower:

Pad - ooooh, if your budget allows, I'd take advantage of that PT opportunity! :thumbup: Especially given your past circumstances? :shrug: Yes, my dad is a trooper. He has all girls, so no girlie thing is sacred w/him. :haha: And of course he has to be mom & dad now... Hope you feel better soon - you are probably off by now so get some R&R :hugs:

BF - how's that back feeling chic? Love the avatar! My fav season...

AFM, I am noticing a pattern just these last 3 months. I usually start freaking out around CD19 bc I think that I am not going to O or I'm not going to catch it. Probs bc (a) I don't always get the heads-up from OPK, (b) my O ranges from CD18 - CD23, (c) it is a struggle w/DH every single month despite his promises that he will cooperate, (d) bc of that struggle, DH is now getting perf anx which makes us both work extra, extra hard & puts strain on our relationship :cry:, & (e) it is the only thing that is absolutely required for TTC & that I can actually do something about. :shrug: There it is - in a nutshell. The 2ww is nothing compared to O time (or non-O time :growlmad:). And with us both having high anxieties & anger come up around O time, I feel like we cannot possibly conceive under such conditions & who would want to? (me) :cry:

I should have this down by now being a reiki master & all, but controlling my emotions & fears that come up is not something that has ever come easy for me & probs never will. But, I'm sure even the Dalai Lama has moments... :shrug: I am bummed out today so thanks for letting me rant... I am just feeling like this is not going to happen for me - ever. No matter how hard I try... maybe I should just give up this ridiculous dream. :(

Oh Lils...regarding the stress around ovulation and DH feeling pressure - not you alone hun. I've been there. Also, I've been feeling under the weather too. Don't worry. I will come back to post again. I am at work now.
No, it's a pregnancy test. Apparently the little bugger has clung on as an ectopic! Going in tomorrow to see if I need surgery. No real clue what's going on, but I'm really worried that the fact it's gone on this long means I'll lose that tube. :cry:

Anyone here have ectopic experience?
HI Ladies,

Lils - oh hun....I'm so sorry you are feeling so down :hugs::hugs: It looks like you had lots of EWCM for several days and could it be that you ovulated on CD 17 or 18th and just missed the short window for opk showing? You BD'd around that time it seems so my money is on that :thumbup:.....Plus it looks like your temps weren't taken at the right time those days -so you never know you could already be in the TWW....:hugs::hugs: so hang in there chickie!!:kiss:
I know what you mean about DH feeling too much pressure - performance anxiety when you keep saying ...'i think it's time'... it's natural of course -I have to bite my tongue sometimes as I really would like to say things but I know it's not going to help the situation IYKWIM :blush: I have many cycles where we have BD'd a few days before and then when it's the exact right time - there are 'issues' down there IYKWIM :blush: It's so freakin' hard hun - I wish we didn't have to go through this shit and we could just enjoy things... but sometimes if you leave it to chance - the opportunity is not there and DH almost waits for me to tell him when now.... which I know is awful and I hate being the one to "initiate" it all the time. Just wanted you to know you are not alone. :hugs: You have come so far hun and I hope you don't give up - I know you will get there and if you think it's too hard re: DH - perhaps giving IUI a try will help? Take some of your Bach Flower Remedy now!!! it's a good time...:hugs: Things will work out don't worry ....

P.S - Your Dad sounds fantastic....:hugs::hugs:

Pebble - sorry re: your phone message - must be so hard :hugs::hugs: GL at the doctor's today and hope you get some answers....:hugs::hugs:

Moon - we didn't get too many apples and the ones we got aren't great .. but we'll most likely just eat as and if I can find some time will make an apple crisp (so much easier than making apple pie - no crust!) FX you caught that eggy this month!! :thumbup: Welcome to the TWW and yay for new clothes!:hugs::hugs:

Purps - oh hun - you sound so tired - please get some rest hun....:hugs::kiss:

Pad - pickled onions again ????:sick::saywhat: Oh hun - drinking all that salty vinegar can't be good for anyone.... please STEP AWAY FROM THE VINEGAR!! :haha::haha:you are going to give yourself major candida problems.... (digestively) If you are experiencing any gas problems the vinegar will make it worse.... Yay -re: your mum in Canada now - where is she? Yes the part-time hours sound like a GREAT idea..... I think Padette would agree....:winkwink::winkwink:

Mirium - how was your appointment yesterday? :hugs:

Hello to everyone I didn't mention....:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:

AFM - I'm 9DPO today and feeling like PMS symptoms are definitely here... :nope:started noticing yesterday -a few cramps here and there.... and today my back is aching, and so bloated ... argh.... I think I'm out before I even get to test.... :grr::grr:will hold out until Friday or Sat to test but I'm pretty sure it's going to be the usual crap ..... Holding on to the tiniest bit of hope that I won't have to do IVF as this is my last month trying natural... but it's highly highly unlikely....
No, it's a pregnancy test. Apparently the little bugger has clung on as an ectopic! Going in tomorrow to see if I need surgery. No real clue what's going on, but I'm really worried that the fact it's gone on this long means I'll lose that tube. :cry:

Anyone here have ectopic experience?

oh Pebble - so sorry to hear ..... I hope you won't need surgery... I am praying for you .... and sending lots of :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
No, it's a pregnancy test. Apparently the little bugger has clung on as an ectopic! Going in tomorrow to see if I need surgery. No real clue what's going on, but I'm really worried that the fact it's gone on this long means I'll lose that tube. :cry:

Anyone here have ectopic experience?

Oh no honey! :hugs::hugs::hugs: I have never had one but I know of people who have & my little sis had one (she passed hers in ER). Often they can give you methotrexate (sp?), or they can remove laparoscopically? There are some instances where they have to remove the tube, but I am hoping, hoping, hoping that it can be removed in a conservative way & that all things remain intact.

Ugh & here I am complaining about ovulation...:nope: Please let us know how it goes as we will all worry about you until then. Sending you :flow:'s & big :hug:
Dash - Sorry about the delay. I trained as an aromatherapist about 15 years ago and had my own business for about 4 years but then decided to go back to uni to study occupational therapy. I still bring it into my daily practice though and find it really useful for people with anxiety. You say you use orange flower? On the bottle does it have the latin name? It could be sweet orange, bitter orange, seville or mandarin or tangerine. They are all different. Apricot kernel oil is fantastic for your skin use it as much as you like.
As for the inhaler, personally I wouldn't, the lining of your nose is very delicate and in normal dilution it would be a terrible irritant, so I would say they have diluted the oils so much that they probably would be much use. I'm always very sceptical of premixed oils. Mix the oils yourself, and put them in a spay bottle and spray it onto your wrist. It is more important that the oils get into your blood stream than your brain. I'm happy to help you with measures.

Lils, Essential oils always need to be diluted (well not always but I wouldn't recommend it unless you really know what you are doing. There are only a few oils I don't dilute and that is only is certain circumstances) It should say on the bottle if it is already diluted. It should also say what it is diluted with. (which carrier oil) Hope you feel better soon hun:hugs:

Pebble, Thinking of you honey :hugs:

Pad, really :wacko: You look after yourself honey and don't work to hard. :hugs:

Hi to all :hugs:

AFM I'm 10 DPO and had my bloods done yesterday, Should get the results tomorrow. I had a look on the system today (advantage of working for the NHS) and they were just waiting for the medic to check them, So should be ready tomorrow :wacko: But while I wait I'm doing some serious symptom spotting, I've never had a month like this before. On 8DPO I had what looked like EWCM, then today it is creamy but a little bit yellow. I have also been having some very strange stomach pain, not cramp but like a poking just the the right of my belly button. I have also been suffering with acid indigestion since 7DPO. Is any of this positive?
Mirium - thanks honey. That makes me feel better :flower:. yes, please come back & give us the poop!:thumbup:

Lils - oh hun....I'm so sorry you are feeling so down :hugs::hugs: It looks like you had lots of EWCM for several days and could it be that you ovulated on CD 17 or 18th and just missed the short window for opk showing? You BD'd around that time it seems so my money is on that :thumbup:.....Plus it looks like your temps weren't taken at the right time those days -so you never know you could already be in the TWW....:hugs::hugs: so hang in there chickie!!:kiss:

I know what you mean about DH feeling too much pressure - performance anxiety when you keep saying ...'i think it's time'... it's natural of course -I have to bite my tongue sometimes as I really would like to say things but I know it's not going to help the situation IYKWIM :blush: I have many cycles where we have BD'd a few days before and then when it's the exact right time - there are 'issues' down there IYKWIM :blush: It's so freakin' hard hun - I wish we didn't have to go through this shit and we could just enjoy things... but sometimes if you leave it to chance - the opportunity is not there and DH almost waits for me to tell him when now.... which I know is awful and I hate being the one to "initiate" it all the time. Just wanted you to know you are not alone. :hugs: You have come so far hun and I hope you don't give up - I know you will get there and if you think it's too hard re: DH - perhaps giving IUI a try will help? Take some of your Bach Flower Remedy now!!! it's a good time...:hugs: Things will work out don't worry ....

AFM - I'm 9DPO today and feeling like PMS symptoms are definitely here... :nope:started noticing yesterday -a few cramps here and there.... and today my back is aching, and so bloated ... argh.... I think I'm out before I even get to test.... :grr::grr:will hold out until Friday or Sat to test but I'm pretty sure it's going to be the usual crap ..... Holding on to the tiniest bit of hope that I won't have to do IVF as this is my last month trying natural... but it's highly highly unlikely....

Thanks honey you made me feel better already :flower:. You know, since this cold, and being on meds, I have 2nd-guessed temps many times & sometimes took it 2 or 3x in a day & then just put in the one that made the most sense :blush: (I should be arrested for that! :gun: :haha:). I have also woken up at 4:30am & yadda, yadda :shrug: (hence the circles). I am going to treat it as if I haven't O'd & see what the next couple days bring & go from there. :wacko:. It would be super nice if I O'd earlier as I had mad-EWCM this month! :winkwink:

Yeah I hear you - we don't have the luxury of "chance" at our age! I am going to give all my egg-quality stuff time to sink in (so I can have the best chance) & then I'll do IUI if not pregs by then (maybe after Xmas?). I'm just really tired of it & just feel like what's the point, as I'm sure you (& many others) have felt many times over past 10 yrs!!! :nope:

So sorry you are getting PMS symptoms already :growlmad:. You know me - I'll still hold out hope until the red stuff comes to town, but I know you know your own body really well, too. So, these are for you my Canadian friend: :flower::hugs::kiss::friends:


P.S. - I'll try Bach RR after work & yoga class today... :hugs:
Chick - thanks for advice, re: oils! I think they mix w/veg oil for the products that can go directly on the skin. Otherwise they say not to put it on skin &/or to put it in a diffuser instead...

Your symptoms sound promising :thumbup: & I will keep everything crossed!!! :flower: Its so hard to tell bc so many "symptoms" can be other things, including post-O progesterone. I would even settle for my belly button turning green or something if there was just some way to let us know...

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