TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hi ladies!!

Cala and Pbl - why did you decide to get the HSG test done? I've been thinking about getting one done but my insurance doesn't cover it so I'm weighing up the benefits etc.

Also have any of you ladies used those home FSH tests? How did you interpret or use the results?

:dust: to everyone xxxx
Hi, FH! :hi:

The HSG test is standard, apparently, after an ectopic. Although we know the tubes aren't completely blocked, as a sperm did manage to meet an egg, there's the possibility of partial blockages that would make repeated ectopics more likely. :cry: And there's fibroids and endometriosis scarring, and all sorts of fun things.....

I've wanted an HSG ever since I started TTC and found out what they were. It's like some sort of sixth sense thing..... Or just one element over which I had no control and my chart would tell me nothing!
Hi pbl - so interesting you intuited about getting a HSG test done. So sorry it took your ectopic to actually get one :( but from what I was reading having the test can actually clear things out making it much easier to get your BFP after having it done.
Hi ladies,

I just had my testing done and I only had 2 follicles. 29mm on the right and 24mm on the left. I'm pretty sure that 29mm is too big anyway to kick out a good quality egg. My lining was only 6mm which is borderline too thin for anything to implant. I know I have the other follie with 24mm but I'm so major discouraged. It just doesn't look very promising. I will see what the nurse says later but I've lost hope already. :nope:

I hope you all have a wonderful day :flower:
Hi ladies,

I just had my testing done and I only had 2 follicles. 29mm on the right and 24mm on the left. I'm pretty sure that 29mm is too big anyway to kick out a good quality egg. My lining was only 6mm which is borderline too thin for anything to implant. I know I have the other follie with 24mm but I'm so major discouraged. It just doesn't look very promising. I will see what the nurse says later but I've lost hope already. :nope:

I hope you all have a wonderful day :flower:

Owl - so sorry hun:cry: I hope they can still do the IUI with the 1-2 follicles!
Were you also on Clomid this month?

thanks dash. Yes I was on clomid again. This time I took 100mg on cd 5-9 (as opposed to 50mg cd3-7). My RE didn't't want to put me on injections because I was on them before and I totally overstimulated. And I'm stimming just fine on clomid. Last couple cycles I always had 3-5 follies between 18 and 26. I guess it doesn't really matter anymore because this is my last try before IVF. It's just hard sometimes to have no explanation whatsoever why it's not working.

Ok, I'm sorry for the "me-post" :grr:

:hugs: to you all!
Oh owl..I am so sorry! What did your doctor say about it??
I hope you can stay still go ahead!
Big loves xxxx
Owl you are totally deserving of as many me posts as you want! Can they give you something that will increase the lining? As you know I am a dufus when it comes to this... but when I had my ED I recall taking something to stimulate the lining....:shrug:

Purps... one more day!!!!!! Wahooooooo!!:happydance:

Welcome Cala!:flower:

Dash... hmmm injections in the butt.... tricky...get DH to do it??? LOL

Hey Lils!! Are you back with us? Or is work still haywire? Have been reading about hurricane Sandy... that isn't going to affect you is it? I hope not... looks to me like it is going to head north of FL...:hugs:

Moon... I said it before... there is no timeframe for grieving darling. It take as long as it takes and in my experience each loss is different and I react differently to each one. When you feel ready to come back we will be here xx:hugs:

Hey Chicken... hmmm not having regular cycles can certainly make testing your progesterone trickier... 21 day test is based on those that have 28 day cycles... we all know not all of us have them so it kinda makes a mockery of that test...maybe they will put you on low dose cyclogest from ov? Is worth I ask I reckon...:thumbup:

Hey Pbl how are you doing... you are right about the hsg in what you said to Fire. I know many ladies who have conceived after having that procedure!:winkwink:

My NT scan is Wed.. am crapping myself as I am already high risk.. so I need a nice low measurement please please please! Am now on PTU which is an anti thyroid med... quite high dose 8 x 50mg per day, but apparently my thyroid levels were so high I was toxic according to my GP.. am pleased to finally have it sorted! Will officially be in 2nd tri as of Sunday! Wahoooo!!:happydance:
Oh Owl, I'm so sorry about the 2 follies & only 1 being good :nope:. It's just not fair & there's really no rhyme or reason to this sometimes - why do some cycles produce lots of follies while others don't produce much at all? Is it the luck of the draw, or is there something else to it? It gets so confusing...

Let us know what your nurse says... :hugs:
Hey Pad - we cross-posted! Hurricane Sandy won't hit us, and doesn't even look close at all. But, I guess maybe its so big we are under a Tropical Storm warning today until Saturday. I didn't even know about it until last night, but its getting dark (1pm), storms & wind are rolling in. So, we'll just get a big mess out of it, although they were saying 20-30-ft waves :saywhat: :shock::shock::shock:. Our waves are usually 1-3ft (if that?), they are so pathetic that it baffles me to see surfers still trying... must make for great mocking material for the Californians & Hawaiians! :haha:. I'm just hoping all the baby sea turtles have hatched since they are endangered & the last TS washed most of them away here :growlmad:. (poor babies!) Otherwise it is PRIME scary movie weather! :happydance: I may actually go for The Chernobyl Diaries tonight & torture DH - anybody see it?

So, our next prayers will be for low levels for NT scan! Explain what that is in English, please :blush:? I've heard nuchal scan but have no clue... is it the down's test? :wacko: I just want to understand what I'm praying & sending +++~~~ for! :thumbup: Sooooo glad your meds have been adjusted & you are in better hands, hhun! Whew, I was a bit worried. :hugs:

Will come back & respond to other posts later - gotta get some work down (blah), but yes, it's letting up now :happydance: :coffee: :sleep:
Owl-am so sorry that you've only produced two follicles this time. It is completely typical, I'm afraid, that there will be some cycles that will yield great numbers and others less so. I know that some clinics will scan you for your Antral Follicle Scan at the beginning of the cycle, and if there aren't many antral (resting) follices that time, they'll postpone the treatment. So, it is nothing that you have done-some months there are more resting follicles than others but I do understand your frustration. :nope::nope:

But all is not lost, who is to say that the 24mm follicle isn't a fantastic quality egg? You just have to keep hoping and willing that to be the one. :happydance:

Anyway, good luck and let us know how you get on, Axxxx:kiss::kiss::kiss:

good luck for Wednesday. I've said this before but it looks to me that your little one is digging in for a long stay, so please try not to worry. Good luck anyway! So, you are now Britney-Toxic!!!! :haha::haha:

Purps-thinking of you, Axxxx:hugs:

Lils-oh those ickle turtles. Sooooo sad if they get washed out. :cry::cry: But also stay safe lady and stay indoors and keep away from the windows!!!!! (I think this sounds like sensible hurricane advice????). Lots of love to you there, :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:

Big loves to everybody, Axxxx:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
I sure hope you are right Dwrgi... in a way I have never hoped anyone is so right in my life!! LOL How are you sweety? Looks like you are having good times and good on yer chick!!:happydance:

Lils Dwrgi speaks sense as always... stay safe lady!! :thumbup:
Yes NT is scan is part of the downs testing. They look for fluid at the back of the neck and measure it. Downs babies tend to have a larger amount of fluid at the back of their necks and the measurement is part of the risk assessment for downs...
Owl - I'm so sorry honey XXX

Pad - Good luck for the tests will be sending you big positive vibes. Thanks for the advice I will keep it in mind XXX

Dwrgi - Nice to see you honey XXX

Dash - So close honey, any news XXX

Hi All and hugs all round XXX
Pebble – good luck on the HSG! :thumbup: I had mine done in July...

Cala – GL testing on Nov.1st:thumbup: Sorry can you remind me - did you do IVF/IUI this cycle?

Owl – oh sorry again hun :hugs:– the whole stim meds is tricky so maybe if you overstimulated on them before –they could play with the amounts and give you less? There are sooooo many different protocols I am learning doing IVF… I hope you can still go ahead with the IUI and hope that it works! You only need one good egg!:thumbup::hugs:

Pad –
GL on your NT scan tomorrow!! :thumbup:I think little Padette will show us just how strong of a fighter she is… Glad you have the meds sorted! Yay for 2nd trimester as of Sunday!:happydance: P.S - DH can't do my injections in the butt cause I have to do them in the morning and he leaves at 3:45am for work!

Lils – Oh I’m so glad to hear that the Hurricane isn’t going to hit you guys….:thumbup: I don’t even watch the news anymore (find it depressing) so didn’t hear about it until now….:nope: Oh the poor little baby turtles! Hope the storm doesn’t make too much of a mess for you…. Today the weather is really nice here – but we are supposed to get 5 days straight of rain (and colder weather)– (maybe related to hurricane??) Glad to hear work is getting a bit better….:hugs::kiss:

Chicken – hope you are doing ok ??:hugs:

Purps – one more day ! :thumbup::hugs::kiss:

Dwrgi – hope you are feeling better.. need to check your journal ….:hugs::kiss:

Hello and hugs to all!:hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:

AFM – first day of stims injections where I didn’t have problems…. Going to clinic tomorrow morning for next scan (will be IVF-CD 6) I am running out of excuses to tell my boss why I’ll be late – But don’t I have a great imagination! Yesterday I paid our IVF fees (about 90% of them – the balance of meds will come later depending on how much I use) – yikes!!!! :dohh: Let's just say I'm going to be raking up a few Air Miles points on my credit card this month….
Pad I am thinking about you and hoping hoping hoping for low nt results!! Xxx

Huge loves to everyone else,hope you are all having a good day! Xxxx
Excuse the short post....I am the laziest person on the planet today!
OK, whew - back, as promised!

Maddy – Yeah, my job is stressful, but believe it or not it’s nothing like my old jobs. I’ll take a 50-hr week anytime over an 80 – 110 hr week, more money or not! When you say you got “more” tests, what did you other ones say? Keeping FX for you its all good! :flower:

Ness - glad inspection went well! :thumbup:

Dwrgi – Next week is half-term for you too? :happydance: Aw, thanks for worrying about me - The storm won’t be that bad, so no worries, hun :thumbup: It’s not even hitting us, its just that its so big, the feeder bands are going to side-swipe us & give us Tropical Storm weather vs a Hurricane (its more of one of those dark, ominous feelings w/TS's as they roll in & risk of tornadoes). But its perfect for… TS PARTAY!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: :wine::beer::drunk: :haha: LOL on your comment w/Britney-Toxic. Believe it or not, I was singing Toxic last week pre-colonics :blush::rofl:. Can’t sing it anymore, though! :happydance: Hope you are feeling better hun??? :hugs::kiss:

Dash – I think w/meds & PGD (extra $5k) its about $30k for 2 fresh/2 froz. :wacko: but there may be additional costs for the meds in follow up cycles, I’m not sure. I didn’t really need to get that far hearing about the $30k figure :shock::fool:. BUT, I found something interesting I’ll put in a separate post & may become my “super-secret back-up plan”. You know, I haven’t seen a Cirque gig with needles yet, so I think you would nail the tryouts with that one! :thumbup: (or needle?) Let me know when your show comes to Miami so I can come see you :happydance: :haha: :gun: for writing that check…must have been painful, but maybe now you can collect all those miles for the maybe-someday-Tuscany-trip…? :cloud9: I don’t watch the news either for that same reason – stresses me out, pisses me off, makes me sad, you name it. Your rainy forecast sounds too soon if starting Sat (?) for this storm, but you may get this on top of that rain?! :wacko: Glad tomorrow will be nice for follie-count day :thumbup: I bet you will have loads of follies - I will be stalking tomorrow – good luck!!! :hugs::kiss:

Purps – thanks hun, I really hope I don’t need it either!!! Eat, sleep & be lazy now while you can! I keep checking… :coffee: :coffee::coffee: :winkwink: :hugs:

Pebble – hoping it cleans them out really nice, hun.:flower: I always tell people to follow their intuition – if you hear/feel/see something & it sounds like its something for you, then maybe there’s a reason for that? I just wish intuition would show up more & announce herself a little louder sometimes!!! :wacko: :hugs:

Cala – FX for Nov 1st! :dust: I can usually hold out until 12DPO w/no issues but once its 12DPO, fuhgeddaboudit. If you don’t mind, I’m a little confused, so you are on IUI#2, but only been TTC 3 months? Why are you doing IUI right away (if you don’t mind my asking)?

Owl - :hugs: again

Moon - :hugs:

Fire – Ohhh, I didn’t know those existed! I totally just tried to Amazon it :blush: (I am a 1-Click Addict!), but then I saw some reviews, oh pooh! I only see First Response so I’m assuming its that? Apparently there’s a lot of people saying don’t bother as they had gotten subsequent bloods & found out the First Response was totally wrong: And then here’s an article about it: I’m bummed – I was so ready to buy it too… But, hey, if you already bought it, pee away & see what it says??? Let us know - I'm curious!

Chicken - how you doing hun? When's test date? :flower:

Mirium - how are you? :flow:

Have a great night ladies - only 1 more day til the weekend! :happydance:
owl-hoping there's a positive outcome from the nurse.

purps-any signs?

hi to beyond tired after parents eve so its hi and bye and a proper hello to all next time.x
OK, so holy smokes, for anyone in the USA or Canada, or across the pond that want an IVF-vacay combination, Cancun looks really good. I talked to this British (I think?) girl in Cancun about this IVF center, just for curiosity's sake & this is what's included when you go to Cancun (I asked about IVF & IVF/DE just in case anyone was considering DE; which could be me in the future too):

Our IVF with egg donation package includes the following:

• Medication
• Monitoring
• Oocyte retrieval
• Medical fees
• Donor Fee
• Embryo transfer
• Vitrification of remaining embryos with six months maintenance
• Warranty.
• Private transportation (airport-clinic-hotel when needed)
• Cell Phone
• Hotel Accommodation

IVF w/ICSI: $6500
DE IVF w/Gender Selection: 7600 USD

***The warranty consists of: all remaining frozen embryos or eggs being used in the next IVF cycle. The only charge will be for the medication*** (2nd cycle on the house except meds, which are way cheaper there)

:saywhat::saywhat::saywhat: I'm hoping that murphy's law will kick in so that after I've researched all of these places & get a plan together, I get a sticky BFP, but hey - just in case my eggs are just getting up there :jo:, this sounds like it may be a plan to me.:thumbup: I can get there for like $170 round trip & in 2 hrs...

Group IVF Vacay to Cancun in January anyone? :haha: Really, I may actually just skip IUI if I can get 2 cycles for $6500??? Everything - hotel included? Beach 1 block away? You get your own cell phone???

Na, really, if anyone is interested, PM me your email & I'll forward the info. to you. Here's the site/success rates/info:
Thank you all so much for your support and kind words ladies :hugs: Nurse called and gave us the "go". She said the focus is on the 24mm follicle and mentally get rid off the 29 one because that's probably too big to do any good :winkwink: E2 is 1400 and the lining is ok. They want to see 6mm or more but the most important thing is that it's layered (which it is). Will trigger in 2h and go for my iui's tomorrow morning and Saturday morning. I'm not super confident that this will work but it made me feel a little better. It is what it is...

So thanks again for listening to me whining.

Have a wonderful evening. :kiss::hugs::flower:
Thank you all so much for your support and kind words ladies :hugs: Nurse called and gave us the "go". She said the focus is on the 24mm follicle and mentally get rid off the 29 one because that's probably too big to do any good :winkwink: E2 is 1400 and the lining is ok. They want to see 6mm or more but the most important thing is that it's layered (which it is). Will trigger in 2h and go for my iui's tomorrow morning and Saturday morning. I'm not super confident that this will work but it made me feel a little better. It is what it is...

So thanks again for listening to me whining.

Have a wonderful evening. :kiss::hugs::flower:

Keeping everything crossed for you lovely!! Good luck!:hugs::hugs:

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