TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

No Test needed AF arrived this morning, 2 days late. I think if she is going to turn up the least she can do is be on time.


For some reason I had a really good feeling about you this month. So sorry, Chicken.
Ness, :hugs: to you, too, but as you say, you're still early! I'll keep FX for you!
Maddy – hope your damage with the flooding isn’t too bad! Yay re: IUI !!! Good luck hun!:thumbup: sorry about the FS mess....

Dr. H – Yikes 40 cm of water!!:wacko: Crap! That is awful… does your insurance cover the damage? Hope you are ok!

Ipen – so sorry hun….:hugs: Hope you get good adoption news soon!:thumbup:

Twiggers – good luck!:thumbup:

Pebble – hope the UTI is getting a bit better? :hugs:Good idea re: soft cups…. :thumbup:Sorry about the manuscript rejection….:nope:

Owl – how are the meds coming? Are you almost ready to start the stims?:hugs:

IamTrue – hope you caught that eggy ! and good luck with all the appointments!:thumbup:

Keziah – welcome!:flower:

Ness – sorry re: BFN… hope it’s just too early….:hugs::hugs: Fx

Moon – yes I agree – Hobbit-ville is gorgeous and love the music –but the orcs are so damn nasty! Oh my- we have to wait until Feb 12??? Hope you’re ok!:hugs::hugs:

Chicken – so sorry AF arrived hun… :hugs::nope:Nasty witch of a b!tch!!:grr:

Lils - hope you had a nice time with DH last night on your B-DAY!!:hugs::kiss:

Dwrgi - how are you hun?:hugs::kiss:

Purps - need to check your journal.... sending :hugs::kiss:

Hello and hugs to everyone I missed!:hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:

Finding it harder to keep up on here lately!

AFM - 10DPO today -still feeling bloated and don't know why... I am starting to worry that I have something like ovarian cancer or something (cause I hear that is a symptom) I've never had bloating from ov onwards like this. Anyway maybe it's all the DHEA/CoQ10 and stuff....IDK. Been feeling really faint/dissy today and a little nauseous but that happens when AF is on her way in a few days. No sore boobs at all this month though?:shrug: that is weird cause I'm using progesterone cream (but only once/day this time as I'm running out) and that always gives me sore bbs... but not this time. Going to reiki tonight again!! hope it balances me out some more! Still doing yoga in the morning....
No Test needed AF arrived this morning, 2 days late. I think if she is going to turn up the least she can do is be on time.

Aw, that really sucks! :( :hugs: I'll have a word with Aunt Flow about punctuality. It seems I've been scolding her on behalf of a lot of BnB friends lately. :hugs:
Hey all!

Welcome new ladies!

entirely possible you are feeling baby! I first felt Pickle at 17-18 wks, felt like fluttering inside and now it is full on! How exciting for you!

your scan is the day after mine! I am so hoping you get to see a lovely blob and fluttering lil HB!

Chicken... boo to AF! Bugger off AF for all the lovely ladies here!!

Dash am counting down to March for you! What date is the big day?

Ness it is early to test... hopefully those symptoms are indicating something lovely!

Pbl are you feeling better now?

Maddy got all crossed for the IUI!
Owl – how are the meds coming? Are you almost ready to start the stims?

AFM - 10DPO today -still feeling bloated and don't know why... I am starting to worry that I have something like ovarian cancer or something (cause I hear that is a symptom) I've never had bloating from ov onwards like this. Anyway maybe it's all the DHEA/CoQ10 and stuff....IDK. Been feeling really faint/dissy today and a little nauseous but that happens when AF is on her way in a few days. No sore boobs at all this month though?:shrug: that is weird cause I'm using progesterone cream (but only once/day this time as I'm running out) and that always gives me sore bbs... but not this time. Going to reiki tonight again!! hope it balances me out some more! Still going yoga in the morning....
Dash - :test:
Dwirgi - how are you?
Ness - good luck! It's still early :hugs:
Chicken -sorry about :witch: I hate her... :flower:
Mirium - :hug:

Afm - still on BCP. Pharmacy will ship meds next week. I almost fainted when I read the list of all the meds I will have to inject. Yikes! But I'm not too worried yet. I'll just take it one day at a time. I won't let it stress me out. That's my mantra and I keep telling this myself every time I get overwhelmed. Works well so far. Baseline appt next Wednesday and if all looks ok I start stims a week from Monday.

:hugs: I hope everybody is doing well :kiss:
Pad - thanks hun:hugs: Well I'm thinking if all goes to plan and my cycles remain 25 days then I'll start going to clinic around March 1st! and this time it will be a short protocol so a few days of Femara and then start stims around CD5 or something... thinking if all goes well that the ER would be mid-March (I'm hoping cause that's the week I've requested off!)

How is your little pickled-eggplant doing there? BTW I love pickled eggplant!!:haha: Fx that your next scan comes quickly and all goes well which I'm sure it will!:hugs::kiss:

Owl - yay re: almost done the BCP....:thumbup: I know it's very crazy when you look at that long list of meds/injections... That is one of the reasons my clinic doesn't tell you everything at the start and takes it one appointment at a time (plus you don't know how much of each med you'll need until you are going through it and how body reacts -so they persuaded me to purchase the meds through the clinic -as they promised to charge me the same (price match) as the cheaper place I was going to order from... It worked out well - I would ask your clinic if they'll do that too - it's much easier for you as well in that sometimes they can do the injections for you (on certain days when you're there) Just take it one day at a time like you said!:thumbup: Good luck hun!!!!:hugs::hugs:

AFM - had reiki last night again and LOVED it...:cloud9: (thanks Lils for your expertise!) That combined with the yoga I've been doing is really helping to shift things physically, emotionally and spiritually and i feel so much better! (more in my journal)

Hugs and kisses to all!:hugs::hugs::hugs::kiss::kiss:
Thanks for the lovely words ladies I'm OK but it tell DH broke my heart. He looked so upset and disappointed. Up until now I have never told him when I'm due on and he has never really tracked it himself but he new I was due on at the weekend because it had come up in conversation and when he realised I was late he really got his hopes up. Bless him I love him so much XXX
Oh Chicken I'm so sorry. I hate it when it's late...
Your DH sounds like such a sweetheart.
Take care this weekend. Take some time to yourself :hugs::hugs:
Chicken, so sorry. :hugs: OH sounds like a gem. :awww: I can't remember--are you seeing a FS now or soon? I know you're coming up on the one year mark. :nope: :cry: Big huge :hugs: for you!

Dash, so glad reiki was wonderful! :thumbup: Tell me: should we be getting excited for you? That bloating sounds promising! :happydance: But I will do as you tell me. :blush: I think I saw earlier that your expertise may be wanted on Kismet's journal. :winkwink:

Owl, good luck to you!!!!!!!!!! When do you go off BC? You have a whole team here rooting for you!!!!! :hugs:

AFM, I expect I'll be 3 dpo with crosshairs tomorrow. I'm a bit bummed, because the two best "chances" were my softcup nights, and I'm just not confident I did them well enough to work. :nope: Who knows? :shrug: Sperm definitely got in the general vicinity of my cervix during the right time this month, so we'll call it a possibility, but I'm not optimistic. Sigh. ](*,)

Hope all you ladies are doing well!!! :hugs: :kiss:
Ipen, I'm so sorry this one didn't stick. I'm glad you're proceeding with TTGALTGYAB plan.

Happy belated birthday, LilS!

DrH, glad it's not too bad, but I'm sure it's still stressful. I haven't had flooding but have had other weather-related home issues and it's never fun.

Pebble, glad the cups are helping! I don't know that you can screw them up too badly, unless you think you may not have actually gotten the sperm in you (I spilled some this month and hope it wasn't too much). It holds the sperm close to your cervix, so I don't think it's all that different, functionally, from BD as long as you get it in you pretty fast. Hope you are less miserable. Sorry about the article. I hope this is your month. It sounds like you are ready for some good news!

Chicken, sorry for the BFN. I am really regular so if I were two days late I'd be really optimistic too!

Welcome, Keziah!

Moondust, yay! Looking forward to more good news.

Dashka, I think lots of things other than ovarian cancer can cause bloating. Yoga and reiki sound better than freaking out.

AFM - spoiler tag just in case, but I don't have a BFP. I'm only 5 DPO.

I hope I get a BFP this month because if not, I think I'd better take a few cycles off. I can't talk about this with anyone else so I'm really glad I have all of you. My sister is pregnant. I am really happy. She only has one child, my only nephew. It took her a long time to conceive him and she needed Clomid. I didn't ask her if she needed it again, but probably. If I get a BFP we're going to be due three weeks apart. That will be amazing in all kinds of ways. This will be my only kid, so though he or she won't have siblings, a cousin born within weeks? How great! But If I'm not, I don't think I should try next cycle. If we already are at the same time, great. But if we're not, I don't think we should be due seven weeks apart. Still too much chance of giving birth within a few weeks of each other. I really don't have any support but my family. My friends either have little ones of their own, or have the kind of careers where they travel eighteen days of the month. So I am not expecting more than a visit here and there to be social. Not actual help. With my sister having her own newborn, she obviously won't be able to help, and I can't have my 65-year-old mom running back and forth between her and me constantly with each of us with a newborn. (My dad will hold babies, but he's not a lot of help.) My sister's inlaws are on the other side of the country, so it's really just her and her husband, and she's kind of in the same boat with plenty of friends, but every single one of them is pregnant or has an infant right now. Mine are a little older and have toddlers and eight-year-olds who need to be driven all over the place. We live in the same large metro area, but not in the same town. I live in the city and she's out in the suburbs. Mom is near her. So if I am already pregnant, I'll figure it out. But if not, I think I should probably hold off a cycle or two so that we both don't have newborns, plus her with a three-year-old who needs to be babysat. I hope I can still hang out with you even if I hold off until March or April before trying again. It hurts a little, but I need their help, and I want to be there when they could really use mine too. If I get a BFP on Feb 10th, though, well, come October, we'll just a lot of craziness in the fall!
pbl_ge-Is there really a wrong way to use softcups? Just put it in and let it catch the "juice" :thumbup: I started using them for AF once I started using them for TTC. I like them a lot. Good luck!

emily- thanks and good luck

dashka- my uncle credits reiki with helping him recover from lung cancer in a spectular manner

I'm still trying to learn everyone, that will take me awhile so, forgive me for a slow start.

AFM- AF came to visit today. I spent $2300 for pre-pay at lab for sperm extraction. Ugh. This stuff is so expensive.
Just thought I'd do a quick post to say that I am still here really!
Had a difficult time in December, as I didn't ov (thanks to the pressure of too many Christmas gigs), but then AF was waaaaaay late in January. So had a messed up head for a while. :wacko: I think the vit B supplements have actually started working, and my LP is no longer the pathetic 9 days that it was.
I've stopped temping and doing opks, as I now know when I usually ov, and I'm trying to be as stress-free as possible.
Had a CD 21 test last week, which came back as normal (46, yay!), so that was groovy.
Am just waiting around now, seeing what happens this month, and lurking to check up on all of you!
Good luck ladies! :thumbup:
Pebble yes we have our FS appointment on the 21st. I was really hoping we wouldn't need to go. Hay go. X
Just popped in to say hi and I'm still lurking and praying for you all. Thought maybe we were overdue for some....
pbl_ge-Is there really a wrong way to use softcups? Just put it in and let it catch the "juice" :thumbup: I started using them for AF once I started using them for TTC. I like them a lot. Good luck!

emily- thanks and good luck

dashka- my uncle credits reiki with helping him recover from lung cancer in a spectular manner

I'm still trying to learn everyone, that will take me awhile so, forgive me for a slow start.

AFM- AF came to visit today. I spent $2300 for pre-pay at lab for sperm extraction. Ugh. This stuff is so expensive.

Hello again, keziah :flower:

Oh yes, it's so bloody expensive! If we were able to go with straightforward IVF/ICSI we'd be looking at around £5k, but because we also have to go down the mTESE route (testicular sperm retrieval - AND there's no guarantee they'll find any!!), it's easily double that! You really wouldn't mind so much if you had decent odds of it working. I wish, wish, WISH we could just try naturally...

:hi: and :hugs: to all.. going back into lurkdom before I depress you all!

C xx
Hi Ladies!

Big surprise here this AM. They had predicted 3-5” of snow, and we woke up to at least a foot! :shock: :shock: :shock: Lots of shoveling this AM. OH and I were the only ones out there with shovels; all the neighbors around us were outside with plows. Trying to decide who was feeling superior to whom. :haha: This is the first place I’ve lived that’s snowy, so I’m fascinated by lots the behavior of people with regards to snow. :haha:

Tiger, you do not depress us! On the contrary, I think your humor and grit are totally admirable. :thumbup: And I love your avatar, so I’m always glad when you come around. I peeked in your journal, and it looks like you’re gearing up for IVF in just a few weeks! :happydance:

LadyH, thanks for all the dust! We’ve had no BFPs since Moon’s so we’re in need!
Congrats on hitting the T minus 100 day mark!:yipee:

Chicken, sorry you need the FS appointment after all. Good luck to you! :hugs::hugs:

Small, good to hear from you! Glad your CD21 results were good. :thumbup: Hope your stress-free approach works for you!

Keziah, you have definitely come to the right place. This is the amazing thing about BnB—even if you have a rare situation, you’re almost guaranteed to connect with people who have had the same problem. When I turned 35 the same week as hearing that my pregnancy was an ectopic, I was devastated, and sure that my chances of a successful pregnancy were extremely low. Then I poked around here and found lots of women my age or older with the same experience, many of whom were well into successful pregnancies. I can’t imagine what my mental health would have done without that experience. Sorry all this is so expensive, although it looks like your insurance is decent. I hope DH gets good results!

And thanks to Emily and Keziah for the reassurance about softcups. I definitely spilled some, but I’m not sure how much—it’s hard to put a cup of something into a space that isn’t a space, if you know what I mean. It also seems like the bulk of the stuff is at the edges, instead of being near the cervix. I probably should have practiced more, but I took a long time and a lot of pharmacies to locate them, so I didn’t have much of a chance.

Emily that’s great news about your sister! :happydance: So sorry you have to worry about limited support from family members, and trying to time your TTC with respect to her pregnancy. What you’re saying makes sense, but I don’t know if I’d worry too much about it. Too many things could happen between now and 9 months from now that would affect needed support levels. Who knows? You might have a new partner with a large family just down the road by the time your LO came around. Or you or your sister might not carry to term. I hope that’s not true for either of you, but the m/c rate our age in about 1 in 3. That’s just my thought, but you’ll make the best decision for you and your whole family. :hugs: I guess the best thing is just for us to hope that you get your BFP this month!!!!

Dash, looks like you’re in need of big hugs today. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Did the bloating go away? I might have tons of progesterone cream to pass off to you soon, but more on that in a sec. Are you buried in snow, too? Bring on the IVF!!!!

Kismet, honey, how are you? Did you use override on your chart? I’d wonder if you had O’ed between 4-6 dpo. Hope you’re doing well. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Shopping sounds like so much fun! I can’t wait. :happydance:

Moon, thinking sticky things for you!

Mirium, if you’re reading, we’re thinking of you. :hugs:

Maddy, are you around? Are you my TWW buddy again? I think you’re a few days ahead. How are you feeling? :dust:

Hope all others are doing well, including our UTD ladies. I have some journal posting to do! :dust: and :hugs: as appropriate. :kiss:

AFM,UTI passed as soon as the fertile window shut. :dohh: I have an old requisition for a progesterone test that I’m going to cash in this coming week. How important is it to be 7dpo, as opposed to 6 or 8? Tuesday is busy, so a slightly different day could be good. I’m really nervous it will be low, but I still have progesterone cream on hand, if need be. Aside from that, I’m just waiting waiting waiting. :coffee:

Since we've been talking a lot about supplements, I'm wondering if we could list the things that we should STOP taking once we get a BFP. From my list of supps, I'm thinking just the CoQ10 and B100. What others should people not take once they've gotten the line?
How do I stay motivated and positive when everyone I know has Children and several are pregnant with their 2nd, 3rd or 4th child? Not to mention I am dealing with a very stressful and crazy situation unrelated to my husband and I TTC (NPD parent). Not that you guys would, but please, no one recommend that I relax or lower my stress level! LOL! we've been ttc since late '09. I'm not even motivated to workout. I try to talk myself into being motivated and positive, and do laugh at myself and at life, but it's so difficult to see a future without kids. I reached my career goal, so not much interests me here lately. I know God has a plan, just wish I had a clue or feeling as to what that was!
Hope you all are having a great weekend!
Hi be honest I am not very good at staying motivated either. And compared to you I have only been actively TTC a relatively short time. I do worry that I'm not as devoted to the process as perhaps I should be...but everyone has their limits. Sometimes I think we just have to step back and do other stuff for a while until we feel energised again. Hugs to you xx

Hi everyone else, happy weekend!

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