TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Good luck too Carybear.

Just recovering from yet another pregnancy announcement - feel so down this evening. I'm writing this cycle off - finally got ewcm for about 24 hours on cd20, lh surge on cd21 but no temp change yet (now cd 24). Managed to bd today and cd 21. Getting AF cramps today! WTF?!!!

It all feels so pointless even trying. Sorry to be so depressing today.
Hope you had some positive news Carybear. :flower:

We are in the middle of tests at the moment too. OH had his SA almost two weeks ago,and we are still waiting for the result. Hopefully we can get it on Monday. I had another CD21 test on Friday - the one I had in January came back ok (45 on UK scale, where 30 shows ovulation), but the GP said I should have another one. I also had blood taken for a rubella test (not sure why? Will ask Dr Google in a minute).**
But the most exciting (?) thing is that I have an appointment for my ultrasounds on 9 August. So I might finally get some answers about things, especially about these aches I keep getting in the ovaries at random times through my cycles The way this thread is going, I'm putting money on cysts (Hey, it seems like everyone else has them :winkwink:)

:hi: to everyone. Hope you have having a good weekend. It's actually raining here now, but it was still really sunny this morning.

** a-ha. Just in case I do eventually get PG, don't want to get rubella and hurt the sticky bean.
Small was going to Say the rubella blood test will prob be to check for immunity and if you aren't you'll need the jab. Are you uk? If so they'll give you the mmr. 2 jabs a month apart then my gp said wait 3 months after the 2nd one to ttc. The nhs website says wait 1 month. As you can see from my siggie we're waiting to try again. Good luck with the sa and us.

jazz we all know exactly how you feel. Its never ending esp on facebook. Maybe cramps are implantation. The cycle I got pg I had af cramps and thought I was out. Good luck.

hi to all.x
Small was going to Say the rubella blood test will prob be to check for immunity and if you aren't you'll need the jab. Are you uk? If so they'll give you the mmr. 2 jabs a month apart then my gp said wait 3 months after the 2nd one to ttc. The nhs website says wait 1 month. As you can see from my siggie we're waiting to try again. Good luck with the sa and us.

Hi ness. Yes I am UK, and had the rubella shot when I was 10/11, so I hope that did the trick. Also, I'm pretty sure I remember having measles and mumps when I was younger, so would they need to give me the jabs for that? I'm just praying that I am immune. [-o<
And your waiting is nearly over, isn't it? I hope you can find lots of things to distract you during the holiday - we're redecorating several rooms in our house (well, I say 'we', but that means 'me' really!). :haha:
Small they won't do them individually so all or nothing! Vaguely remember seeing u could get them done individually privately but that was back when there was the scare over the triple jab. Apparently even if you've had the jab you can not be immune. It was just the measles one I didn't get as a child because it was linked to excema- something to do with being cultured in egg albumen-and my older brother has excema.
It's all gone very quiet on this thread. How is everyone doing? I've written off this cycle due to late ovulation (cd24 eeek) hubby being too sick to bd that much and because I'm starting a new course of Chinese herbs next month.

Hope everyone is well and bding away :)
hi everyone. I have been away for a while. When I first joined this group I had started a bunch of supplements that are in my signature below. I have been on all these supps for 2 months and I just got a BFP. I am not even getting excited yet because I have had 2 losses in the last 8 months. I go for a blood test to check my levels tomorrow and prob Monday. if this is a viable pregnancy I want to share what I did that made a difference. I feel this cycle the Royal Jelly really helped. But I won't elaborate on that until I know this is going to stick. I know we are supposed to spoiler any pg announcements but I don't know how to do that so if anyone can let me know how I will gladly do that.
As you can see, my ticker is back at CD1 again, which gives you a clue about how I'm doing at the moment. Am just fed up , as it seems that nothing I can do makes a difference. The only time I've even managed to use a HPT in the last 11 months was in December, and I'm pretty sure I didn't even ovulate that cycle. Haven't been a day late since then. :cry:

A few tiny rays of sunshine are that OH's SA results were good :happydance: , so there's no problem there. My CD21 test came back fine again (41 on UK scale), and I had a positive result for the rubella test, so I don't need to have the MMR jab (thank goodness). Keeping my fxd that the ultrasounds show something up, something that can be sorted out. My GP has said that the next time I go and see her (Aug 19th), she will refer us on the specialist. Perhaps we are getting a little bit closer...
Sorry about af small. Glad ur tests came back great.

cary how r u?

suzi congratulations. To do a spoiler: [*spoiler]type ur text here[/*spoiler] but when u do it remove the *. Hope u have a happy and healthy 9 months.

afm not much to report. One month til we start trying again and fertility clinic appt 28th aug.

have a good weekend everyone.x
Update on that BFP. Beta Friday was only 12.1!! Not looking good. I go back for second beta today and will get the results on Monday. I am expecting the worst at this point and already getting a gameplan around for next cycle. Moving on to Femara! So frustrating!!!!
Hi everyone...

This was the first normal cycle I've had since my mc in November... Had a six day cycle and bled normally... No cramping, spotting, backaches, and very few clots...

Don't remember if I said this before - sorry if its repeated info- but I started drink smoothies with kale, spinach, carrots, orange juice, strawberries, blueberries, banana, pineapple, mango, and peaches... 1-2 x day and my cycle went back to 30 days with a very easy AF...

Just waiting now to o and then on to the tww... School starts in one week and then Im back to work...

Thanks everyone for the well wishes with the re... She was horrible. She never really answered my questions. Told me that the reason the physicians assistant asked why I was bleeding every month was because my ovaries were very small... Like I was on bc which I'm not... Then said it was nothing to worry about.

I never got straight answers and left frustrated...
Hi All. :friends:

I used to be a frequent flier on this thread, but have mostly moved to the LTTTC forum. Just wanted to drop in and see how everyone was doing. And to tell you all that this is the best thread on the internet.

Hope everyone is doing well, and that we get to see some sticky bfps soon. Sorry about your low beta, Suzi. :hugs:

:dust: to all.
Sorry I've been away for a few days. My mom came for another visit.

Suziq1, Oh NOOOOO!! Hon, I am truly so sorry. I still hope you get a miracle and it pulls out, but I understand your reluctance to go there. *hugs*

Carybear, glad your cycle is back to normal. Now I forget...did you end up going with a new RE after that very disappointing appt with your doc?

*waves* Hey, PBL...nice to see you :)

AFM, still hanging out on birth control. I'm sure my cyst is shrunk by now, but I have to take the full dose, so I have one more week to go on BC. It occurs to me that I might be having my next IUI the week my baby would have been born. THAT week is going to feel pretty nuts and I'm not looking forward to it.
No.. This RE was a new doctor... But I had to sneak my questions in with an annual pap visit... So I have no reason - as far as insurance is concerned- to go back...

That makes the visit even more disappointing...
Thank you for all the support guys. I really appreciate it. Good luck to everyone this cycle. Giving baby dust to all of you!!! :dust:

update: So I went for my second beta yesterday and was eagerly awaiting my results this morning because my hpts have remained the same since my super low reading of 12.1 If my level was going down I would have expected there to be no more line on my preg test. Right? So anyway the nurse calls and tells me the lab only did the simple yes or no test and she had to have them redo it....grrrrrrr!!!!!!! now I have to wait 3 more hours to find out if I'm having a baby or if I'm having a miscarriage!!

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