TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

My appointment was interesting at best... I had the usual pap done, and brought up my questions. She hadn't really dealt with someone who has had 5 days of positive OPK's... uterus is very retroverted (tipped) so that explains pain when DTD in certain positions...

They decided to do a vaginal ultra sound while I was there... They said my lining looked beautiful, but they couldn't find my right ovary... Then, they found it and dr looked at it and she made a face. Then she says to the technician... Why is she bleeding every month? (Talking about me). I asked her what was going on, but she just said let's wait for the blood tests.

So... I go next Friday for fasting blood work and then the Friday after that to meet with the dr and hopefully I will get some answers.

Wow, not a very good bedside manner. Talking about you as if you aren't even there when they have a probe up your who ha?! Then to make remarks as if something is dreadfully wrong and not explain? I'm sorry you had to go through that! I hope whoever sees you next is more professional and kind.

Thanks for you query :) I'm testing on Tuesday. As of yet I have no symptoms...not even the usual post IUI cramping showed up. I'm hoping that's a good thing. At the very least it's a nice break from spending half the month cramping.
Thanks Kat... Yeah, def wasn't easy! Bloodwork next Friday and meeting with the doc the Friday after that...

FX'd that the unusual is an awesome sign!
Thanks, Carybear! You know, if I try to confide in my real life friends about possible symptoms, they immediately poo poo me and say it's nothing. I know it *could* be nothing, but it could just as easily be something, too, right? Why can't they help me be positive and say what you said instead of acting like the possibility of me being pregnant is ridiculous. It really hurts my feelings. If they think they are helping by never hoping with me, they are wrong.
Welcome to all the new ladies. Lovely to see you here. Hi to everyone. Hope ur all doing ok.

small confession. After our little oopsie the night of our engagement I went right back into crazy lady mode in this (now!) 2ww. Convince myself I had implantation bleeding. Sore boobs for a week. 2 bfn and af showed yest. Seriously do I need help!?! At the mo I can't imagine going back into this in sept. Look at the state I got in over a little slip up! Can't tell the fiance as he'll think I'm crazy! Obvs its a gd thing that I'm not pg cos of the mmr but I can't even get knocked up by accident!!! Sos about the pity post. Have a great weekend everyone.x
Aw nessa. We try not to get overexcited, but it never works. I thought I had implantation bleeding for the last three months, but then it always turned into AF. I think your body knew that this wasn't the right time for a BFP, and is waiting until everything is safe. Just try to relax a little - all the stress isn't good for you. :flower:

Kat - I don't even try to talk to my friends about symptoms (mind you, only two of them know about us TTC). They wouldn't understand how stressful it can be if something twinges differently, or if your CM alters slightly. So that is why we post here! It's so good to be to say things and know that other people who 'get'.

Carybear - fxd for your test results, and for the visit to your doctor.

Maddy - please keep visiting! I love to hear your news.

Hi to everyone else :hi:.

AFM - went to the doctor's on Thursday, and there is progress. She has referred me for an ultrasound, which should happen in the next couple of weeks, and I'm having another CD21 test in two weeks. So when I get the results, we can see where to go next. She also told me to stop temping and using OPKS, to reduce stress. That's going to be tricky, as my obsessive tendencies enjoy numbers and graphs! :haha: Oh well, I'll see how long I last.

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend. It's a bit toasty hot here.
Thanks small...

Ness I know what you mean... I convince myself every time!

Kat... People just do not get it... But I'm hopeful for you...
Thanks, guys! I actually had a talk with my three closest friends (two of which are nurses, so they are always asking me "how do you feel today?") and explained that they are hurting my feelings by trying to keep me from getting my hopes up. They've been more supportive since then.

Smallhelen, good luck with your testing and ...NOT testing :haha: If you find it more stressful to not do the opks, I say do 'em. Whatever makes you feel relaxed is the right thing to do. However, I can tell you that the blood tests the doc performs are so much more reliable than opks, which is why I stopped using them myself. The doc told me every woman has many surges throughout her cycle and it's sometimes hard to tell which is THE surge.

Nessaw, I'm so sorry this is getting you down. Believe me, going through this month after month after month is exhausting and draining. It helps me so much to remember that at my age (41), I don't drop a "good" egg every month anymore, so if I keep getting bfn, it's not because I messed up, but because the good egg hasn't shown up YET. It will. IT WILL!! So remember that your good egg will show up, too.

AFM, I'm 8 dpiui. The AF symptoms I've had for the past two cycles have not yet appeared- yay! I usually have sore boobs, acne and diarrhea days 7 & 8 and this time I have none. The change could be due to using Femara and only 2 days of injectables (or was it 3? I forget now.), but I'm hoping it's a good sign anyway. My right hip has been achy since I woke up. I didn't do any exercise or lifting/squatting yesterday to account for it, so hoping that's a good sign, too.

Other unusual symptoms I don't usually have are
~I've had creamy white cm 5, 6 and a little on 7 dpiui. I'm usually dry as a bone until day 8.
~I woke up to my arms asleep days 5 & 6 (twice on day 6 since I woke up at 4:30 am and then again at 8). That's exciting because that happened to me when I was pregnant before
~and I woke up at 4:30am on day 6 with night sweats.
Again, these could all mean nothing, but I'm hoping otherwise. Staying positive!!

The last time I was pregnant, I felt implantation pain at 9 dpiui, so that's tomorrow. I test on Tuesday. I figure it's not too early as I've been getting my period anywhere from 10-12 dpiui. I can't test any earlier because of the trigger shot.
Good luck Kat, everything crossed for you.

I saw this in the paper, was interesting reading
LadyH - wow, that looks basically the same thing as intralipids? (which is a fat emulsion made up of egg yolks & soybean oil & some other stuff). Except they are charging 7,000 pounds!? :saywhat: Maybe its more concentrated? (but crichey! :dohh:) I paid $160 for each intralipid infusion & the nurse even came to me in the comfort of my own home. But they seem to have did them more per this article - 2 pre-ov/IVF & 3 post, so maybe those w/unexplained IF, they can just do more intralipids than what is suggested? I think in all cases they are out of pocket/private pay anyway, but you may need your Dr to order them. I had done 1 pre-ov (every month) & then if BFP, one at 4, 7, 11 wks. Very interesting though as it supports the intralipid theory too :). :thumbup: Thanks for that!

Owl - Ohhh :happydance: do we have a date? - roll on August!

Smalls - FX you get some good answers soon! :flower:

Cary - welcome & I hope you get some answers soon too. hate when Dr's do that & don;t explain it, too. :growlmad: Oh yeah, almost all insurance will cover the IF testing, at least as that is more medical & diagnostic vs ART (which very little will pay)

Kat - GL w/testing tomorrow - one of my pregs came with a total lack of symptoms. :thumbup: Hope the :witch: stays away! You are very lucky your ins even covers IUI - that's great & very hard to find.

BF - 3+ silly girl!

Where is everyone? Jeez, catching up here is way too easy!

had a really major scare last week. Woke up to a toilet full of blood, baby wouldn't move & they couldn't find her hb in the L&D ER :cry: I thought for sure she had passed. :sad2: Thank God it was that the machine was broke (WTF seriously :saywhat:) & after my utter hysterics, they rolled in a new one & found it. Anyway, Dr's sent me home & I'm not to be alarmed unless I bleed a whole lot again then they may have to do emergency c-sec or keep me in the hosp til delivery. I bled another 2 days & now I'm ok so just taking it day by day on full bed rest (but can work from bed).:shrug: Just when you think surely we've all been thru such hell in getting that BFP, our pregs should be easy right? Not! :growlmad: :grr:
Thanks for the welcome... Dr said she didn't see any follicles on cd14 so... I guess I'm out this month... Just relaxing as there is nothing I can do...

Glad everything is ok sluz
Lils have been trying to catch up on ur journal. Am thinking of you.xx
Oh love, what a shock. You poor thing, you must have been terrified. Thank God Lil Flo is ok. And you're right. When we struggle to get BFP's, the least we deserve is a nice easy pregnancy. Anyways, so glad all is ok :hugs:

3 wks plus, woo hoo, way to go girl!! So happy for you. I hope you can relax a bit now and enjoy your pregnancy

Congrats to you, I'm not on here that much at the moment so I'm sorry I'm so late with my good wishes. Praying this bean really is third time lucky for you

Small Helen, good luck with your tests, hope they get to the bottom of things for you.

Dwrgi, thinking of you lots :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Ness, I convince myself lots of months that this month is the one, its all part of this process. Your time is coming :flower:

Afm, no real news. NTNP again. Yawn! No hope really but still praying for a miracle.

Hello to everyone else and :hugs: to those that need them.
So sorry Kat :cry::hugs::hugs:

Door thanks, I wish things didn't have to be like this for you :nope::hugs:
Oh Kat I am so sorry. :-( :hugs::kiss::hugs:

Nessaw - you know I am just like you... and am always symptom spotting. It is so hard not to. September will be here before you know it. Just another month and a half. :hugs:

Carybear - are you sure you ovulate on/near CD14? You can ovulate much later... in which case maybe the follies are just starting to grow. Hoping that that is the case this month - you have a later ov and you catch it. :hugs:

LadyH - really great article. I bookmarked it so I have it for future info. I am honestly more convinced that my miscarriages have been from either a chromosomal problem or immune system issue, rather than MTHFR. I know I have the MTHFR gene mutation, but with what I learned during the last couple ultrasounds I had during the last pregnancy (slow growth, fluid in the spine, the dr. had a harder time seeing all 4 chambers of the heart, etc.), it just seemed like that was more of a bad egg, or egg that had been attacked (by my immune system), rather than a blood clot killing it. But, of course, who knows. My whole point is that that article had some interesting info and I'm keeping it in mind in case I have problems in the future. :flower:

Lils - I am SO glad you and Lil Lils are ok. :flower:

Butterfly - LOVE the new avatar!! Very cute little catepillar. :cloud9:

Hi to all the other ladies here!! :wave:

Doorbell - GOOD LUCK - NTNP is so much more stress-free. :hugs:Hope you are doing well. And thank you so much. :flower: I haven't said anything on this thread yet, but will do now:

I got a BFP a week and a half ago. I'm feeling very cautious about this one. If I make it until next week I will have surpassed my first m/c date (which happened on the night between 5w6d and 6w0d, so I just count it as 6 weeks), but to surpass my 2nd m/c date I will have to go to 14 weeks, as that is when I found out. I had had an u/s at 12.5 weeks and the baby was fine then, so I don't know exactly when it passed. So, just keeping my fingers crossed. I am extremely tired this morning, with sore boobs, so that is a good sign. I am still pregnant for now. Really hope I get to keep this one!
Thanks ladies.

sorry kat. Big hugs.x

Am taking action. Made appt with fert clinic which was deferred due to mmr. Going in last wk of aug. Seeing the consultant who said my lining was thin so hopefully he'll do something about the clomid sending me into 2/3 day afs.

hugs and sticky sticky stickiness to our pg

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