TTC #2 for 11 months now...and need a buddy!!!

Took her to the doctor ... they also say night terrors. I'm just not totally convinced, because it is every night. I think she has a fear of waking up alone and cries to make sure we are there. Now she is waking up every hour on the hour. So tiring!

Anyhow, I just wanna be prego, but I am sure that I am out this month. Just don't have "that" feeling! :(
I feel your pain. My daughter has never slept well. I don't think I have had a good night of sleep in almost 3 years...and no one will keep her overnight, because of her sleep issues, it is very very tiring!!! If you find a solution, let me know, and I will do the same.

Don't give up hope yet...the month I conceived, I thought I was out too remember??? So anything is possible, just try to keep faith, and I will be praying!!!
I feel your pain. My daughter has never slept well. I don't think I have had a good night of sleep in almost 3 years...and no one will keep her overnight, because of her sleep issues, it is very very tiring!!! If you find a solution, let me know, and I will do the same.

Don't give up hope yet...the month I conceived, I thought I was out too remember??? So anything is possible, just try to keep faith, and I will be praying!!!

Thank you!! I really do hope so, I am so tired of being on this roller coaster of emotions.

I'm feeling achey in both ovaries ... gosh I hope I don't have cysts. I wouldn't be surprised though. I'll probably be getting an ultrasound next week if I get a BFN anyways.

Are you feeling any better??
I am praying for your BFP, and no cysts!!!!

I am feeling some better. I regained some hearing in my left ear, but like they said, I still lost quite a bit of hearing that I probably won't get back. BUt thank God the horrible pain is gone.
And now that I am in 2nd trimester, I am feeling a lot better as well. Some of my energy is coming back, and I am not a walking zombie 99% of the time.
Sad to report :bfn:

I'm going to see if I can get in tomorrow for a scan. My ovaries feel like ticking time bombs...OUCH!
I have an appt at 3:30 today to check out what is causing all this havoc.

Of course the first and only thing she suggests is possible ectopic so we will definitely need to scan you! SAY WHAT?! Why can't she just say..."ya it's probably just a cyst". I mean really, I don't even have a positive prego test..what would make her jump to that conclusion??? Sheesh!
I'm so sorry about the :bfn:
And also for the doctor's possible cause off your pain. I am praying so hard that it is nothing major, and definitely not an ectopic!!!!
Please update me ASAP!!!
They ran a BETA on me today ... they will call me with the results tomorrow. I pray pray pray it comes back negative!!!

I also have a 3cm cyst on my right ovary ... peachy!

I'm out again for July! :cry:
are they not going to let you do IUI for July because of the cyst?

I am praying beta is negative as well. I know the cyst is horrible news for you, but a cyst is definitely better than ectopic. I know the cyst is bad news, but try to think of it that way.

Have they mentioned how they are gonna treat the cyst this time.

I just want you to know I pray so hard for you everyday. And to keep your head up. God will answer all these prayers very soon. He just answers them on his time not ours. And that's not something we ever want to hear when we are going through a struggle in our life.

For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. Romans 8:24-25

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24
I am just heart broken for you...I am in tears right now, because I know you have been through so much. Especially in the last year alone.

And I know you feel so weak and broken right now...but just know that you are such a strong person.

This year I know has taken a toll on you menally and physically...and you still carry on and have so much faith and courage and strength. And I look up to you for that. There are not many that could say the same. Honestly, I would have lst it a long time ago.

Just keep the faith, and keep praying. And I will do the same. This IS going to happen for you...I KNOW it!!! God blessed you with a beautiful daughter already, and he WILL bless you again!!!
Wow, you made my day!! Thank you, seriously, a whole hearted THANK YOU!!

I wish I felt strong ... I feel pretty beatin down ... like an old broom against a ragged rug. Maybe God knows I need a break...some room to take a deep breath.

My AF started today, I'm assuming thats good news (my doctor still hasn't called with the BETA result). I suspect if I'm bleeding that is a good sign. She did tell me yesterday, that they want to put me on birth control ..AGAIN. I hate that, I wish I could just pray it away. I really hate the ups & downs of hormones. It really takes a toll on my body. I feel like I'm 40 years old, all achey, sore and tired. Life shouldn't be like this.

I hope July will bring some solace ... I just want to go to sleep and wake up when I'm good and pregnant :) ---although I wouldn't mind surpassing the morning sickness stage :)

I really hope you are doing better!! Can't wait to see more pics :)
You are very strong. I think sometimes we just get so down and feel so defeated that we sometimes forget how strong we are. I have been there so many times.
And TTC sucks!!! Especially when you have problems. It makes you feel so betrayed by your own body.

And it isn't fair at all. My husband has a cousin who is 25 years old, pregnant for the 6th time, when she doesn't even take care of or want her other 5 children. Yet it is so easy for her. I remember telling my husband "Gosh, she don't even want this baby, and all she has to do is just thinks about sex, and bam!! she's pregnant. Then there is us, who desperately want a baby so bad, and I have to fill myself full of hormones, and do everything possible, and still don't get pregnant!!!" It is just crap!!!

And boo on BC....that stinks!!! Maybe we can pray really really hard. and that cyst will disappear!! And AF starting sounds like a good sign. Does it usually start on it's own??

And I sure hope July lets you relax a bit. All those hormones can make you feel like you're losing it. So maybe a break will be good.

I am definitely looking forward to July. We are leaving for vacation next week, and I am on cloud 9!!! We haven't had a big vacation since before my daughter was born. So this has been a long time coming!!!
Hey...sorry I have been MIA for the past week. We decided to take a little vacation to the beach to get away and relax, since we have 2 babies coming, and probably won't get to take one for a while. My daughter absolutely loved the ocean. We took her once before, but she was too little to remember, so this time was so much fun with her.
How have you been???

I went back to the doctor a few days ago. Eveything seemed to be fine at the appointment, but then they called me unexpectedly yesterday to tell me that the babies had tested positive for spina bifida. I have been a wreck ever since, but trying to have faith that everything will be okay. I have to call back monday to schedule an appointment with a specialist, and see where we go from here.
Hey...sorry I have been MIA for the past week. We decided to take a little vacation to the beach to get away and relax, since we have 2 babies coming, and probably won't get to take one for a while. My daughter absolutely loved the ocean. We took her once before, but she was too little to remember, so this time was so much fun with her.
How have you been???

I went back to the doctor a few days ago. Eveything seemed to be fine at the appointment, but then they called me unexpectedly yesterday to tell me that the babies had tested positive for spina bifida. I have been a wreck ever since, but trying to have faith that everything will be okay. I have to call back monday to schedule an appointment with a specialist, and see where we go from here.

1st--OMGosh, I am so sorry about the news from the doctor!:hugs: I hope this can provide you some hope -- during my sisters 2nd pregnancy they diagnosed him with Spina Bifida through blood work & ultrasound. She was around 14 weeks or so prego. I remember her calling me crying, and I went to her house. She questioned if she should terminate the pregnancy or not. She was obviously super attached to the baby but just was so shocked by the news. Anyhow, we sat down together and watched the ultrasound video the doc office gave to her, and she pointed out where the hole in the babies back was. She was just a mess. Needless to say, 2 weeks later she decided that she was going to go on with the pregnancy. She gave birth to a PERFECTLY HEALTHY baby boy!!!! I have no idea how they diagnosed the baby 2 different ways and yet, he was as healthy as can be .. NO spina bifida at all!!!!

Even if it turns out the babies are born with Spina Bifida, there are SOO many things that can be done. Of course, we (the family) researched it like no end when my sister was given the news. It really all depends on how "bad" the case is. I AM GOING TO PRAY FOR YOU AND YOUR LIL ONES!!! SERIOUSLY...I WILL PRAY HARD!! :hugs:

2nd--Where did you go on your vacation?? We are thinking about driving over to California either the end of this month or next month.

I have an appointment July 20th to check on that cyst. I know it's not gone as of now, because the pain is pretty brutal. I'm kindof scared that it has grown because the pain is increasing. I just hate the ups and downs every month. It's so much different then when we were trying to conceive our daughter ... I never had these cysts and the meds didn't really bug me as much as they do now. I guess it's because I'm old now. I am actually getting a little hestitant on the whole baby front because each passing month makes me that much older ... The age is really showing in the quality and depletion of my follicles. Scary.

Anyhow, I will be praying for you. I go to church tomorrow and I will make it a point to pray there too!! Try to keep your chin up -- I'm always here if you wanna chat!! :hugs:
Thank you so much for sharing that about your sister. It puts my mind at ease a bit. I know God can perform miracles, so I am just keeping faith in prayer that everything will be fine. They scheduled me for a pretty extensive ultrasound in about 3 weeks, and asked me if I wanted an amniocentisis, but I have already decided against it because with twins there is a double chance of miscarriage. Me and my husband sat down last night and decided that no matter what we will go on with the pregnancy, because it took us so long to get here, and we already love these babies so much.

We went to Myrtle Beach on vacation. It is really beautiful there!!! I would absolutely love to go to California....but since I live in Virginia, it would be quite a long trip. But maybe one day.

I'm so sorry things are so tough for you. I hate to hear about another cyst, but maybe by your appointment it will have shrunk. There is power in just keep the faith, and I will be praying so hard that things turn around for you soon. Don't give up just yet!!!
Me and my husband sat down last night and decided that no matter what we will go on with the pregnancy, because it took us so long to get here, and we already love these babies so much.

I am so happy you made that decision. I would be the EXACT same way. I also believe that the babies deserve it too :) Plus nothing is ever certain until the babies are born!

I keep looking at the ultrasound pic you have up ... always makes me smile! How precious they are!!!! They are going to be so blessed!!!!
WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!:happydance:

Sorry I have not posted in a while. We have spent the whole week remodeling our much fun....NOT!!! But I am glad that things will hopefully all be done before these babies get here, it will be one less thing I have to worry about. But it has been really exhausting and quite hectic!!!

So, when is the next IUI??
I first have to start my period ... hopefully that'll start in the next 2 days (crossing every finger and toe). Then on CD3 I will hopefully go in for an ultrasound to make sure everything looks ok. In the past I have had my IUI's around CD14-CD17 ... so my guess would be somewhere around Aug 4th-7th'ish. That's assuming everything goes well and the follicles grow as they should.

They switched up my medicine this time around, so I am really nervous as to what dose I will be injecting. A girl using the same meds had 9 follicles ... WHOA! I would LOVE lots of follicles but 9 is a little more than what I am comfortable with...I'd be STOKED with 3 or 4.

Regarding the remodel, we just finished doing our kitchen a few weeks ago. Remodeling is sooooo draining! What all did you guys do??? Since we bought our house in May 2010 we replaced all the carpet, put in a bunch of tile, remodeled the kitchen, redid the front landscaping, painted and put in fans. SOOOO much work in a little amount of time. Plus kindof expensive when paying for fertility stuff too. But that's what happens when you buy a used house, I guess. It's all worth it when it's done.

I can't believe you are almost half way through the pregnancy! Where is time going. I feel so behind. :( Hopefully I can be prego soon ... hopefully!!!!!

Hope you are doing well!! Let me know how your gender scan goes ... can't wait to find out what your having!!! When is your scan BTW?
The new medicine sounds really promising!!! I have a feeling that this time will definitely be a success for you...and I am definitely praying hard!!!

So far, we just replaced our kitchen cabinets and countertops, ripped up all the carpet and replaced with hardwood (This has been a 6 month long process, but we have all of it done except one room), new tile, vanity, and toilet in our bathroom, all new lighting and chandeliers, replaced all the doors, painted the whole house (and now due to some drywall work neededin our bathroom we have to repaint), and we are hoping to add a larger walk-in closet in the master bedroom...we have a decent sized closet, but I swear, my husband is like a woman when it comes to clothes, and he is a major pack rat, so we definitely need more closet space. And finally, I have to paint the babies room, once we find out the genders, and decorate it as well...shewwww it never ends!!!
When we bought this house, I never would have imagined we would put this much work into it...but I am just ready to have it all back together again. I am a major clean freak, so living in the middle of a construction zone is driving me crazy!!!

I can't believe I am almost halfway through either...but I am definitely feeling it. I think my butt and hips have spread to the size of Texas :haha: I am just one of those people that seems to get pregnant all over. And with these twins, I know I am gonna be a beached whale before too long. Everytime my husband passes by me he says "WOW!!! You really are getting big all of a sudden!!" I finally had to tell him it was definitely not a compliment anymore after the 10th time!!! lol

I go for my scan on August 10th. I am very very nervous about it. They called the other day and said it would be an hour long scan, which shocked me. But as long as they check the babies out thoroughly is all that matters. Plus, with a scan that long, hopefuly we wil get some good pics, and definitely find out the genders.

Keep me posted on how things go this cycle...I am eager to see how this new medicine will work. If it works as well for you as it did the other woman, you might be headed down the path of multipes with me!!! :haha:

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