TTC #2 for 9 mo.

Bet you'll get preggo this cycle too since I seem to have that effect on people. :rofl:
Well everyone else on my thread has gotten pregnant except me also.... so maybe we can rub off on each other LOL. I don't remember if I asked or not, where are you at in your cycle. I am 2 DPO today. I am home with my son who is sick today with an ear infection and cold. Hope you are feeling better today.
Thanks!! I bought the maca at Super Supplements. I didn't do anything else different either. It's supposed to balance hormones naturally in women and can skyrocket a man's sperm count in a matter of days, so it's good for you both. I had zero side effects except extra energy, which was not a bad thing for me. You can take it anytime during your cycle, so it wouldn't hurt to start now if you wanted.

I hope it works for you both!!
I'm CD7 which is lucky because neither me nor DH are in the :sex: mood now both having had this nasty vomiting sickness. I'm exhausted having had to look after him and DS today while still sick myself. :(
Not been feeding maca to DH just yet because his SA came back excellent when we had it tested before and he's already on Zinc/Vit C. I know our problem is my dodgy blocked tubes. Was supposed to call and book to see the doctor this week but just didn't get a chance to think of myself. Now DS is asleep I have to catch up on some work I got behind on on Friday, mop the floors and a million other things I bet I have forgotten.

Sorry to be such a downer it has just be one very looong lonely frustrating day. :cry:
So day 3 on Maca and I've got a twitchy left eye and itchy left leg. Like crazy twitchy. Did you notice any side effects? I'm worried cos I had a similar effect with B vits and they shortened my LP to 3 days which was a total waste of a cycle. I also read you should start on 1/4 dose for the first 2 weeks. I'm wondering whether to stop now or not. :shrug:
I didn't have any side effects. The only thing I noticed was more energy. I never read anything about different dosages like that. I did O a couple days earlier than normal, but I wouldn't know about the LP since I got pg the first month. It isn't an actual hormone, so it shouldn't affect your LP or make it too short. If it balances correctly, it should probably lengthen it if that's a problem for you normally. It does say it can take a few months to even out your system, so I wouldn't quit already. Give it time unless you have awful side effects or something.
Thanks for replying. Maybe I will just reduce the dose a bit...
Annabelle did you ever find out if it is safe to take while pregnant?
I've asked some other girls on this website that took maca whether they continued through pregnancy, and they said no. There aren't any studies that say it's unsafe, but there isn't anything saying it is safe either. I did find a couple websites that say it's okay, but most say no. Since it's a vegetable, I don't see how it can be unsafe, but I stopped taking it yesterday and will see how I feel. I'm thinking of making an appt with a naturopath and ask her opinion on it since most ob/gyn probably won't know what I'm talking about.
Ok I am only 5 DPO and I was trying to decide if I wanted to start taking it now. I could use the extra energy. I just didn't want to do anything to hurt my chances if by chance the Clomid worked this cycle.
Ok I am only 5 DPO and I was trying to decide if I wanted to start taking it now. I could use the extra energy. I just didn't want to do anything to hurt my chances if by chance the Clomid worked this cycle.

I did read that maca is not supposed to interfere with Clomid like Vitex can, so you might be okay to start taking it. It did change my cycle slightly, so maybe wait until the next cycle just in case. GL!! Hope the Clomid does the trick for you!
Well the itching legs and twitchy eye were driving me crazy so I didn't take the Maca all of yesterday to see if that helped. No more itch or twitch today! I think for whatever reason it didn't agree with me. Might start it up again at some point but will go for 1 tablet (500mg) rather than 3 tablets (1500mg) as the bottle suggests.
It just reminded me too much of the effect b vits had - 50mg shortened my LP from 10 to 7 days, 100mg shortened it further to 3 days!!!! Imagine how shocked and disappointed I was when AF arrived at 4dpo and I realised I had caused that to happen. Don't understand it as it seems to help so many women on here guess my body is wired differently. :shrug:

angelria...if I were you I'd wait until your next cycle then consider starting it. I am seriously expecting you to be pregnant though so you won't need it. When are you testing? :dust:
I am going to try and hold out until Tuesday or Wednesday. I will be 10-11 DPO then. I know if I do it too early I will get that negative and get depressed. I am usually spot on with a LP of 13 days. So AF should arrive a week from tomorrow I think. Oh I hope you are right about this being my month. I hope that we are both pregnant. Has that ever happened? An entire thread where everyone got pregnant LOL. Wouldn't that be nice. I am just trying not to get my hopes up too much. 13 months of AF always showing when I didn't want her to has really started to do a number on my emotions. Have you tried Clomid? What are your doctors suggesting for you? I am sorry if you have already mentioned it once. My memory is not the best.
Would be very nice to all sail off into the pregnant sunset. :thumbup:
My emotions are worn out too. Every month of the combined disappointment of AF with the stress of wondering if there's an ectopic pregnancy.
I haven't tried Clomid but several doctors say it wouldn't help because I always ovulate. I always thought it wasn't *just* for non-ovulaters (my mum took it after having a few BOs and early MCs and conceived my sister with it).
I went to my new GP this week and it was pretty abysmal TBH. I told her I was having bad ovary pains throughout my cycle, not just at ov time, and was concerned because they make me stress more if it's ectopic or maybe another massive bleeding cyst like I had back in 2009. She said my options were:
1) Get sterilised so I don't have to worry about it anymore.
2) Go on the pill for 6-12 months for the same reason.
3) Take very strong painkillers for the pain - does ignoring the problem help?
4) Go on anti-depressants (because I dared to shed a tear when remembering the two ectopic losses which, apparently, I shouldn't feel sad about anymore!)

I told her taking a break from it all wouldn't help because I would start to worry again as soon as I started TTC again because, for me, TTC and pregnancy has been and will always be stressful. As I stared at her pictures of her 4 kids and as she told me she had never experienced a loss, I knew I was on a hiding to nowhere. Only because I pressed the issue about the pains she reluctantly referred me for a scan. I expect that to happen 6 months from now knowing NHS waiting lists. I told her I would like my tubes dye tested but she said there's no point cos DS is proof something can get through.

At least I have acupuncture tomorrow, though after an entire week of DS suffering with gastroenteritis, I am wondering if I can hack this whole second child thing. Perhaps life would be so much easier if I just quit now? But a part of me won't give up....I just know I would regret it. DS is more than enough for us but something inside me is saying I am destined to have another child.
I am sorry about your two losses. I know there are no words that will ever make that pain feel better. And I understand your fear and concerns. You would think that your doctor would be a little more understanding and helpful. Ever think of switching doctors? I thought that I ovulated also. I was getting positive OPKs prior to going on Clomid so I would assume that I was. I guess it can help your body release more than one egg so that your chances increase. My doctor did not hesitate to give it to me. He actually gave it to me months ago, but I was scared to do it because of the risk of multiples. Now I don't care what I have to do and if I have more than one then God decided I needed more and i will accept it with open arms. I really would seek a second opinion from someone. They don't really seem like very compassionate people and probably have no clue the pain and heartache you are going thru.
I have the same thought as you about one being enough sometimes, but I know in my heart I am suppose to have another. I love being a mom and I wouldn't feel complete without having more kids. Plus I don't want my son to be an only child. I for some reason think this is not going to be my month. I am going to try and just wait until AF comes on Friday and not test.
It's not quite so simple to go see another doctor over here. There are about 10 doctors at the practice but all share the same electronic note system. Any onther doctor I go to will read the biased opinion written by the first doc and mess up my chances. Besides, I went to this doc cos she was fantastic the other day when I took my son. She is obviously great with children but has no sympathy with infertiles. :dohh: I don't know any of the other doctors so it would just be another quess and pot luck where I might end up with the same outcome. It's all government funded so you just have to put up with what you get.
If I don't get any joy in a few more months, I have started saving now to go pay to see a private FS. :thumbup:

There is no reason why this isn't your month but I do understand wanting to wait to test. BFNs, month after month, are just so depressing. I do remember feeling "out" when I fell preggers with DS though and have never been pregnant when I "had all the signs" or "was convinced I was pregnant". :dust:
I caved and tested yesterday and of course it was BFN. No a shock. I had some mild cramping and back pain but it didn't last long. I am feeling bloated also. I just know in my heart that I am out this month and I am not going to bother to test again. AF should be here on Friday. I am just going to hike up my big girl panites and move on to next month LOL.
Sorry bout the BFN angelria. :hugs: I still hope AF stays away.

I've been freaking out cos I should have had my opks start to fade in from CD12 but they were very blank even yesterday! Then today I get a very dark almost positive. Probably oving in 2 days then. I know I won't last past 9dpo to test. AF comes 11dpo anyway. Can't remember if I asked you before - how long is your LP?
LP is 13 days for me. I should start on Friday. I am feeling kinda woozy and a headache this morning, but I usually get that before my monthly. Every pregnancy symptom you can think of I usually get with my period. I am out of tests so I am just going to wait it out until Friday. I don't see spending the money when I have a gut feeling it isn't going to happen this month. If it doesn't show by Saturday morning then I will get a test. I would try and BD for the next 3 days if I were you. Since you need little swimmers in there before you ovulate to catch the egg and it appears you are going to Ovulate in the next couple days. Good luck.
Well we did keep BD, mainly because taking Ginseng and the accu has turned me into a nympho for the first time in my life. Then yesterday no fade in just BOOM an almost positive OPK an def +ve today. :happydance:

Also found out my scan date has been allocated and it's next Thursday! :yipee: I will be 7dpo by then so am hoping they can measure my lining while they are at it! :thumbup:

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