TTC#2 for the 4th month

One thing I've found that helps is mini goals. I'm doing 5 lb mini goals and once I reach each one I mark it off. My first big goal is when I'm out of the obese range. Which will be at 208. I'm starting insanity tomorrow. I'm thinking I may take off ttc two months so I can complete the 60 days. A friend of mine lost over 30 lbs in 60 days and she wasn't eating healthy. I don't know though the thought of missing out on getting pregnant for that long sucks lol.
Small goals sound great, I might have to do that's well :)
I know what you mean about not wanting to miss out, I feel the same. It feels so un naturall not TTC after doing it for a year, I'm a bit emotional about it actually but we need the break from it and loosing weight will only help I guess :) maybe that's all we need.
Sorry I haven't been around. We went out of town and got back yesterday. Travis screamed all night and I missed boot camp and then had to go back to work. I don't know how we are going to work out our crazy schedule. And we found out that there are no legal papers granting guardianship or custody to anyone for Travis. It's a big mess! Anyway, I know we will figure it all out eventually.

athena, you are doing such a great job and I think setting small goals is a great idea!
Aww I hope he settles for you soon poor things.
Must be frustrating knowing that there's no legal papers for your little man. The system seems to fail alot with all these loop holes. I hope it gets sorted out soon :)
Sorry I haven't been around. We went out of town and got back yesterday. Travis screamed all night and I missed boot camp and then had to go back to work. I don't know how we are going to work out our crazy schedule. And we found out that there are no legal papers granting guardianship or custody to anyone for Travis. It's a big mess! Anyway, I know we will figure it all out eventually.

athena, you are doing such a great job and I think setting small goals is a great idea!

Hang in there CJGirl. It will get better. It will just take a little time to adapt to everything. I saw pics of him he is so cute.
I don't know I'm changing my mind, dh is getting tested Friday. And I have an appt to talk to my doctor next week to get all of the tests I need and hopefully our next cycle we can try Clomid.
Glad to hear you are getting tests done, has af started?
Misscalais, have you made any appointments for tests? Pap?
Nlb, did you and dh use anything (clomid) this cycle?
Not yet but I think it will soon. I stopped the provera now I just have to wait. Lol
No I haven't yet the only day I can get in the drs is a Monday when both my boys are at day care so I'm hoping to very soon :)
Hope you had a good time out of time. So what does it mean for you guys that there are no papers? Is his mother in contact with at all? Hope he sleeps better for you. Are you taking classes this semester?

No papers means that no one has legal custody of him, which means we were eligible for child care assistance if we had papers. But we found an awesome daycare today and we will just have to tough it out to pay for it. Once he is one, the weekly fee drops quite a bit and that is in Oct, so not too bad. I can't remember if I already told y'all about this, but Travis' mother had her girlfriend call Jesse's mother the other day and ask for money and a copy of her license because she lost hers. She didn't even ask about Travis. Of course she won't be getting any money. That is the only contact anyone has had with her and she is homeless so it is unlikely we can contact her. I am taking one class this semester and start Forensic Academy in Oct. I am teaching 2 days a week and have been working all this week getting things ready for the students at Crime Scene City. I am exhausted! lol Thank goodness DH can take care of a baby lol

Hope everyone else is doing well!
No papers means that no one has legal custody of him, which means we were eligible for child care assistance if we had papers. But we found an awesome daycare today and we will just have to tough it out to pay for it. Once he is one, the weekly fee drops quite a bit and that is in Oct, so not too bad. I can't remember if I already told y'all about this, but Travis' mother had her girlfriend call Jesse's mother the other day and ask for money and a copy of her license because she lost hers. She didn't even ask about Travis. Of course she won't be getting any money. That is the only contact anyone has had with her and she is homeless so it is unlikely we can contact her. I am taking one class this semester and start Forensic Academy in Oct. I am teaching 2 days a week and have been working all this week getting things ready for the students at Crime Scene City. I am exhausted! lol Thank goodness DH can take care of a baby lol

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Oh no, is there anyway it can be sorted out so you can get papers for him?
That's so sad that his birth mum didn't even ask how her son is. What sort of person forgets they have a child. It's truly heart breaking that a 'mother' not matter what she has gone through cant not care about her child. I hope she doesn't ever have any more children.
Sounds like you are very busy :)
Nothing new for me.
Not liking this no TTC business lol! It was so cold this morning I had to remind myself why having a winter baby would be so much harder than a summer baby so that will keep me going. It's too hard getting up to a new born in freezing cold weather lol!
We are heading up the coast to my mums again this weekend my sister and bil are up there on holiday so going to see them.
I agree, I absolutely have no idea how anyone can have such a disregard for a life they created, it makes me sick! I'm glad you found a daycare for Travis. How has his sleeping been? Hope it's getting better for you.
Misscalais, I completely forget that you are opposite seasons. I'm am happy(lucky) that it has been a pretty mild summer. Dh took the day off Friday and we are going to take dd to the zoo. I'm so excited! Dd is going to love it and we haven't had an opportunity to this summer. My c section is scheduled for 1230 on September 6th. Holy moly! That's just over two weeks away. Can't believe it.
Oh wow dragonfly that is so soon. I'm excited for you, we want pics :)

Cjgirl I hope you get it all sorted out. It makes me sick also that someone would have such disregard for their child. I have a cousin that has an 11 yr old with one woman, an 8 year old with another, and 3 kids 6,4, and 3 I believe with his current gf. The 11 yr old he has been in and out of his life. The 8 yr old he signed over rights to the mother. And the last 3 he is with their mother but he is on drugs. He went to rehab last year turned his life around went months being clean but now he's failing drug tests again. My aunt is in all of the children's lives, she actually has visitation with the oldest because she had custody of him for a while. And went to visit the 8 yr old in Colorado where the mother moved and the 3 youngest she takes care of a lot.
Misscalais you threw me off with winter too lol it's so hot here.
Omg dragonfly! So soon! I'm so excited for you!
Lol yeah it's strange that our seasons are back to front. :)
Oh wow dragonfly that is so soon. I'm excited for you, we want pics :)

Cjgirl I hope you get it all sorted out. It makes me sick also that someone would have such disregard for their child. I have a cousin that has an 11 yr old with one woman, an 8 year old with another, and 3 kids 6,4, and 3 I believe with his current gf. The 11 yr old he has been in and out of his life. The 8 yr old he signed over rights to the mother. And the last 3 he is with their mother but he is on drugs. He went to rehab last year turned his life around went months being clean but now he's failing drug tests again. My aunt is in all of the children's lives, she actually has visitation with the oldest because she had custody of him for a while. And went to visit the 8 yr old in Colorado where the mother moved and the 3 youngest she takes care of a lot.
:( that's really sad.
athena, I hope all the testing goes well and you get the answers you need.

dragonfly, I am so excited for you! DD was born September 16th so I think it's a great month to have a baby ;)

Misscalais, I'm sorry that not TTC in so hard. Hopefully time will fly for you and you can start again soon.
I hope y'all don't think less of me, but Travis will be going back to Jesse's mom's tomorrow. We discussed it and with all of the legal issues at the moment and the fact that at any time really his birth mom can take him away if she decides to and me basically starting a new job (I am taking over as head TA) and it being Jesse's last semester before graduation and him starting a new job, the overwhelming feeling is too much. I know that it would be hard if we had just had a new baby. If our baby had of made it he/or she would have been born in the spring and we would have some time to plan, but it would still be hard. I feel terrible about it, but I also feel terrible that everyone in our house seems tired and a bit unhappy. Jesse's mom was happy that he is coming back and hopefully she will follow the schedule we made for him a bit. Jesse's sisters understood too. Once we have sorted some of this legal stuff and feel more prepared we are going to consider him coming back. He will still come here at least once a week to stay. I hope y'all don't think I am ungrateful and just as bad a his birth mom. I love him, but right now we need what is best for everyone and I think I was hasty in my decision to take him because I needed to fill the "hole" that losing our baby left. I didn't really think through what taking on a 10 month old full time would be like.
I absolutely don't think anything less or negative about your decisions. And I don't think you should feel bad about it. You know what is best for you and your family. Having Travis was practically thrown at you and that would be hard on anyone, especially considering all that is going on I'm your life right now. Hopefully they can get things in order for Travis's sake, but I don't think you should ever feel pressured into taking him. :)
So dh had taken the day off so we can go to the zoo and we decide that instead we are goig to go to the wilderness waterpark resort in Wisconsin dells. I have been wanting to go for a while now and we figured since we will have a baby and will be hard to go and enjoy with dd then we should just go. I haven't been this spontaneous in a long time, I'm super excited, dd is going to have a blast!
So dh had taken the day off so we can go to the zoo and we decide that instead we are goig to go to the wilderness waterpark resort in Wisconsin dells. I have been wanting to go for a while now and we figured since we will have a baby and will be hard to go and enjoy with dd then we should just go. I haven't been this spontaneous in a long time, I'm super excited, dd is going to have a blast!

That sounds so fun! I hope y'all have a great time :)

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