TTC#2 for the 4th month

I went to the dr and I am so beyond frustrated. She tells me that she doesn't think my problem is a gyno issue. That the cyst is too small to be causing any pain or anything even though the er doctor told me it was big enough to give me problems. So she then asks me about ttc and where I'm at with that. I said its been over a year now so we were ready to give medical treatments a shot now and that she and I had talked about birth control for a few months or Clomid. And she all of a sudden doesn't want me to try Clomid. Well she didn't say that but I bring it up and she was like well your going to have to go through a lot of testing before we get to the Clomid. I'm like are you kidding me you pushed it for months I'm ready to try it and I feel like now she is back pedaling. Ughhhh..... I don't know what to do, but what I do know is that if I have to go to the dr 1 more time and sit in the room and wait and hear someone next door listening to their babies heart beat I am going to scream.
How annoying.
I'd see a new Dr if I were you, what tests does she want to do? I'd be telling her well if you're not going to help me run the tests so I can get on with it. Some drs are so insensitive.
I bought a cross trainer off eBay with some money I got for my birthday. It was only $149 reduced from $299 so I'm hoping to start loosing this weight and tone up. I want to wear a bikini on my holiday lol! I think that's wishful thinking but I'm going to give it a shot. :)
No this was my ob-gyn. She is sweet as can be, but she is always so frazzled. She never remembers me and doesn't really look at her notes to see what is going on. I've been talking to dh about it and looking into our options.
No this was my ob-gyn. She is sweet as can be, but she is always so frazzled. She never remembers me and doesn't really look at her notes to see what is going on. I've been talking to dh about it and looking into our options.

I'm so sorry you are having to deal with that :hugs: My hematologist is like that. He NEVER remembers me and I have been seeing him forever. When I asked him if I could TTC (I was initially told that having a baby with my disorder was dangerous and I was divorced then so I slowly got use to the idea of just having DD) he said yes, we will just put you on injectables. Seemed easy enough, so we waited a bit until the time seemed right. Then when I told him I was ready, he said he needed to think about what to do. This went on for months! By the time he had decided months had passed, so we had been ready and waiting forever before we even really got started. That is one reason it was extra hard for me every time I go t a BFN. Last time he wanted to do a ultrasound of my neck because I have a lump there. He didn't remember that he had already sent me to do that. Then his nurse called the other day and I told her that I needed to cancel my appt because I was no longer pregnant and that was why I had the appt. She said she would talk to him and call me back. She called back and said that he said since I wasn't pregnant to start my oral medication again and stay on the injections for 3 more days and come for a blood test...really?! I was so pissed. I had to explain everything that had happened, which they should have already known! Sorry for the rant...I just really feel your pain.
I bought a cross trainer off eBay with some money I got for my birthday. It was only $149 reduced from $299 so I'm hoping to start loosing this weight and tone up. I want to wear a bikini on my holiday lol! I think that's wishful thinking but I'm going to give it a shot. :)

Sounds like a good plan! I wish I had room in the house for a treadmill, but our house is super tiny. I get to go back to boot camp next week! Pray that I don't get so sore I can't move lol I hope everything works out and you get all the things done necessary to go on your trip! Little confession...DH and I have not used protection once so far. Just pulling out. I know it is so awful, but it seems so weird to do anything else.
Lol! We don't have room for my treadmill its in our lounge room and is a major eye sore lol the cross trainer is outside on our veranda though and I've just got it covered with a sheet.
I hope you don't get too sore going back to boot camp lol! It's amazing how sore your muscles can get.
Lol! Well the way I think of it is it took all of us so much time and effort getting pregnant I think we will be safe using the pull out method :) it's not awful at all.
Misscalais I'm starting to feel better. Dh and I are doing all organic food. I started taking raspberry ketones, it's supposed to help with weightloss. I'm down 12.6 lbs. I'm not focusing as much on ttc more on losing weight and hopefully it will help. I'm thinking about seeing a doctor here that uses herbal medicine and vitamins to help rather than meds.
Doing good here. Trying to get things in order, but have 0 motivation. Still have so much to do. 3 weeks till c section and I keep having panic moments about it, but can't wait to meet her.
I have treadmill in the basement that my friends mom gave to me. I used to use it frequently pre pregnancy, but haven't done a thing since getting pregnant. I am dreading getting back in shape.
Decided against getting the cow and just buying grass fed beef from the grocery store only negative about that is all I can find is grass fed ground beef. I will have to see if I can find other cuts at higher end stores, although there really aren't any by us. Don't get me wrong I have by no means been a super healthy person, but really want to change my habits. My husband has high blood pressure and now also high cholesterol. His dad at age 55 had a heart attack, his uncle died at 52 of a heart attack (I think there was more involved to that) I really want him to get heathy because the thought of having those kind of health problems terrifies me. I feel like I've let it go on long enough and now is the time to get our eating habits in order. Plus after reading about all the added crap and gmo's, it's hard to just look past it. It is more expensive and I think that of I save in other areas ie crap food I can put that towards eating healthier. I know it will be hard to get hubby 100 % on board, but if the majority of what he's eating is healthy (breakfast, lunch and dinner) then that's a start.
I feel in a funk lately eating the same old stuff. I really need to look into cooking different foods. What are your favorite recipes? Favorite thing to eat?
Also I have been thinking a lot about what I want to be "when I grow up" lol. I have my bachelors in elementary education, but don't want to do that anymore. I will be a stay at home mom until the girls start school and then I think I'd like to work. It would be nice if I could go to school for something while I am at home. I have some time so it wont have to rush to get classes done. I was thinking something having to do with healthcare. I have a hard time with blood so nurse is out. Then again I just don't know. I want to do something that I will enjoy, but can't decide what. Obviously I have some time, but would be nice to have a plan. Two years of school could take 4 or more going at a snails pace, lol.
Athena, I like the idea of looking into alternative medicine. I haven't had any experience with it, but its worth a shot especially since doctors these days don't seem to have any answers or compassion for their patients.
Dragonfly do you have a Kroger near you? They have a Kroger brand called simple truth and it is cheaper than the other brands, they have meat eggs and all kind of other things.
Misscalais I'm starting to feel better. Dh and I are doing all organic food. I started taking raspberry ketones, it's supposed to help with weightloss. I'm down 12.6 lbs. I'm not focusing as much on ttc more on losing weight and hopefully it will help. I'm thinking about seeing a doctor here that uses herbal medicine and vitamins to help rather than meds.
That's great Hun :)
How much weight are you aiming to loose.
I'd really love to get down to 60kg so like 132lb but I'd be happy with 65-70kg. I'm roughly almost 90kg ( 198lb ) ( my scales broke so I have no idea how much I am ATM. ) so need to loose roughly 20-30kg it's sooooo hard. I love food so it's difficult for me lol but I needs to be done my body can't tolerate the extra weight it's so uncomfortable, I look horrible and I'm just over it.
I'm down 13 lbs now. To get back to where I was comfortable right at 100 lbs but to get to my ideal weight 120-140 lbs. I'm tall so I don't look like I have that much to lose. I topped off at 280 and I'm down to 267 now.
One thing I've found that helps is mini goals. I'm doing 5 lb mini goals and once I reach each one I mark it off. My first big goal is when I'm out of the obese range. Which will be at 208. I'm starting insanity tomorrow. I'm thinking I may take off ttc two months so I can complete the 60 days. A friend of mine lost over 30 lbs in 60 days and she wasn't eating healthy. I don't know though the thought of missing out on getting pregnant for that long sucks lol.
Sorry I haven't been around. We went out of town and got back yesterday. Travis screamed all night and I missed boot camp and then had to go back to work. I don't know how we are going to work out our crazy schedule. And we found out that there are no legal papers granting guardianship or custody to anyone for Travis. It's a big mess! Anyway, I know we will figure it all out eventually.

athena, you are doing such a great job and I think setting small goals is a great idea!
No no Kroger here :( I've been going to farmers markets by the cheapest, but good seasonal food. Athena sound like your asking the right approach to losing the weight. When I was in the past working on losing weight setting small goals with rewards really seemed to keep me motivated.
Hope you had a good time out of time. So what does it mean for you guys that there are no papers? Is his mother in contact with at all? Hope he sleeps better for you. Are you taking classes this semester?

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