Nlb has your dh had a sperm analysis?
I have small stones and sludge in my gallbladder and an enlarged spleen for some reason. I still feel absolutely dreadful and can't eat hardly anythingYay! Very exciting! What did they find on the ultra sound?
Um I don't think I've ever had that feeling but I do know a lot of people that have and they got BFP that very monthHas anyone ever just had a feeling that they were pregnant. I don't know what it is but I really think this is my cycle. I thought other people were crazy for saying the same thing yet here I am lol 4 dpo, dh really thinks so too he keeps asking me when I will test.
I've just booked my NT scan for the 11th of November ill be 13 weeks. And that's when we are going to tell our boys they are going to be big brothers. I'm excited to see their reactions.
1st MW clinic appt is the 6th. So a few exciting this for me in the next two weeks![]()
Not too sure yet, they have me on a no fat diet for three weeks then another scan.Happy Halloween!!!
Athena I hope your feeling is right! I'll be praying! Can't wait for you to test!
Misscalais, how awful, what do they say the treatment is?
As for me Jaynie is only waking up two times at night. Going to sleep at 9 and waking around 2 then 5 and up around 7-8. I finally feel like I'm getting some sleep. She started smiling a few weeks ago which is awesome but is super crabby at night anywhere from 5-9 which really is super stressful. Not sure what it is. Jillyan is a holy terror. Gets into everything she's not suppose to, had a complete attitude, constantly telling me no and just being naughty. Wears me out. Hoping it's just a phase, but it seems like it's been going on forever! Dh has been working a lot and doing side jobs on the weekend so I feel like its all on me and last week was feeling pretty lonely. Had some friends over on Saturday and that helped not feeling quite as lonely this week. I have been having major back pain for the last 3-4 weeks do I finally went to a chiropractor this week. Said I had a severe case if pinched nerves and that I will need to come in 24-28 times for treatment, I think just adjustments. Hoping it helps as I can hardly move when I get up in the morning and am in excruciating pain. I think this also is playing a big part in my patients with my dd1. Other than all that I'm doing well, lol. Super excited for trick or treating and it is unseasonably warm today 60, but of course rainy. But I'll take the warm weather![]()
I showed them a pic of an ultasound from off here. I said to Seth 'what do you think that is' he looks at it for a bit and goes 'looks like a tongue' lol!! I'm Like 'no its a baby' and he asked if it was himYay! I can't wait to hear how the boys react!
Hahahaha omg I would have been mortified, hilarious!Misscalais, I hope that they find a way to treat what you have happening and give you some relief soon.
athena, I hope your feeling is right and you get that BFP soon! I am praying for you and nlb that this is your cycle!
dragonfly, I hope they can help you with your back. I have a herniated disc and it gives me all kinds of trouble. I hope you get some relief from the adjustments. I'm sorry you are feeling lonelyBut if it makes you feel any better as far as DD1's behavior, Ally acted like that at that age. She could throw a fit like you wouldn't believe! I don't know if I have told y'all the story about the time the cop showed up at the house because we were at Wal-Mart and Al had a melt down over not getting ice cream. I do what I always did and I said that's it, we are leaving and I picked her up and walked out. She screamed all the way to the car and yelled, "I want my mommy!" So this did not look good to the folks watching all this I guess lol I put her in her car seat and told her we would leave and she could go to Mimi's (my mom's) after she calmed down and did she think what she did was right and all of the usual talk. We went to my mom's and a little bit later a cop showed up and said he had a reported kidnapping and looked up my plates. I explained and he said he figured that's what happened lol I am sure this is over the top compared to DD1 saying no all the time, but she will grow out of it! It may be at age 6, but she will