I won a free reading from the psychic that did my last reading. It really sounds like this next cycle will be it for me. I'd be due in August.
When I connect with your energy, I feel your aura is mainly orange at this time. Your aura is the energy center that makes up who you are in a sense, and can give a lot of insight into what your personality is like, or anything that is going on in your life. The color orange represents creativity and joyous emotions. People who have orange in their aura are often very independent, personable, and open minded. They are also very easy to communicate with. Orange is about spreading happiness, joy, and emotional pleasures, as well as the vitality that is associated with those things.
With your current TTC path, I see that you need to really put a focus on your heath, and preparing our body for pregnancy. One of the things they are indicating, is getting sleeping patterns more under control in that you need more balance, and better “restful” sleep without it being too long or too short if that makes sense. I also see that with TTC, that you have all the tools you need, you just need to take a refreshed look at TTC and not look at it as a stressful situation, or feel like it is a chore. Make sure you take the approach as a connection with your partner, and to try and focus on making a baby as a romantic thing, not a chore lol.
With timing, I am being shown the month of August as being significant to this baby. All of us do not have cycles that begin and end in one month, so anything relating to your cycle of conception (start, conception, or BFP) can definitely be tied to that month that I see. It can also be birth timing. Please note that my predictions usually are for the current year, or next, as there is no such thing as timing with spirit. I see the number 4 associated with this, which can be that you will ovulate, or find out you're pregnant on this date, or it can be the number of cycles before you’re pregnant. I know that seems like a wide range of things, but numbers are just that-numbers, so it is hard to pinpoint significance, but keep those in mind. I do feel you will have a girl.
When it comes to pregnancy, I am seeing that you’re going to have quite a challenge with nausea and being tired. It is going to take a lot out of you in the first few weeks of pregnancy. I also see you are going to prefer salty things, and that ginger ale will be your beverage of choice. Lol There is so much that is going to excite you about being pregnant, but I also see a lot of learning, and that you’re going to our over books and things to really learn more about what is to come, and what is next with regards to the changes and the new phases in your life as parents. They are also indicating that you do not need to buy so much at once. You’re going to want to indulge, and buy so much and all at once. Take a look at what is needed, vs what is wanted, and save some of those items for your baby shower, as you will get a lot of things for baby then as well. Make a budget and plan out what you want to buy in phases if that makes sense. Overall, pregnancy is going to go really well, and I see it being something that will really bring your mind body and soul this sense of comfort and beauty that did not exist before. The number I see associated with birth is 7. This can be your due date, the date or time of birth, or the number of hours you labor.