TTC#2 for the 4th month

dragonfly, I can't believe Jaynie is turning one! I can't believe how fast time has been flying. Congrats on the new nephew!

nlb, I can't wait to see pictures when the baby arrives! I hope you don't have to wait too much longer.

AF arrived right on time yesterday. It is so weird to be doing this again and looking at my chart and all. I am so nervous and at times think that I'm crazy for trying this again. At least I feel like I am in a good place to not completely fall apart if it doesn't happen for us. At least I hope I don't.
I can't imagine the range of emotions you must be going through., but I will continue to be here for you through your journey.
Thank you dragonfly! I am due to ovulate next week, so hopefully we don't have to try very hard this time.
How are you ladies all doing? Congrats Athena,,Eli is absolutely adorable! I am so happy for you!
Cjgirl. How are you doing? Thinking of you and hoping all is well.
How are you ladies all doing? Congrats Athena,,Eli is absolutely adorable! I am so happy for you!
Cjgirl. How are you doing? Thinking of you and hoping all is well.

Thanks dragonfly! I am doing okay. I really feel like things will be okay. AF has come and gone and I will start my OPKs soon and hopefully I will ovulate normally. I am worried this cycle because I usually go back and forth between ovaries with my ovulation each month and I always know when I ovulate on the right because it is very painful now because that is where the tube is detached from my ectopic and I should ovulate on that side this cycle. The dr said I can still conceive ovulated on that side even though it is not attached, which I don't understand, but it may be less likely. I guess we will wait and see. My experience at the doctor's office was horrible though. I may switch doctor's. I like my doctor, but she wasn't there and the nurse and PA were not very good with dealing with us in such an upset state. They said things like MC aren't a big deal and stuff like that. I know that the PA meant it is not dangerous and we can try again, but it was the wrong way to say it. Some people are just really insensitive and it is a bad way to be in that type of profession.
People are insensitive and it drives me nuts! It's unbelievable the things that come out of people's mouths sometimes. How are you getting along these days? Any news on the ttc front? I have no idea why but this stinking site did not notify me of your post :( how's work going?
People are insensitive and it drives me nuts! It's unbelievable the things that come out of people's mouths sometimes. How are you getting along these days? Any news on the ttc front? I have no idea why but this stinking site did not notify me of your post :( how's work going?

I'm on CD25, but I'm really confused this cycle. I have been using the clearblue advanced digital OPKs and I got a solid smiley face CD13, which is when I usually ovulate, but I didn't have a EWCM really or cramps like usual. Then on CD18 I got ovulation pains so I took another test and got a positive again. I don't really know what to think, but hopefully I will know soon. I have started testing and of course got a BFN today, but it is still early especially if I Od on CD18. I have been checking my cervix and the first and second time I had a BFP it was so high I could barely reach it. It is like that again, so maybe that is a good sign.

Work is going okay, just so busy and tired as usual. Hope everyone else is doing well.
Good sign Witt the cervix. Mine was high too when got pregnant with Jaynie. I will be praying and crossing my fingers you get your bfp!

I took Jaynie for her 1 year checkup and we had noticed a ridge on her head prior so I asked the doc to take a look (feel she as a bunch of hair so can't see it) and the doctor thinks the plates fused too early and referred me to see neurosurgeon for what is called crainiosynostosis. She also has a small head circumference in the 6%. So I was able to get an appointment for Thursday, but am a complete wreck!!! My side of the family all have relatively small heads so in hoping that she is just taking after me in that sense. But I am so freaking stressed out about this. She doesn't have an odd shaped head or any deformities. She doesn't have any developmental delays, ie crawling walking, sitting all at a normal time if not earlier than normal. She feeds herself well and has great fine motor skills and says about 20 words. So I am praying everything is fine and feel that everything is fine. It's just the referral to see a specialist that has got panicked! Dh doesn't think anything is wrong so thinks I am crazy for worrying so much and I don't think anything is wrong but think he is crazy for not worrying. I just need Thursday to get here so they can tell me nothing is wrong and I can relax :(
I'm sure you are right and that nothing is wrong. I will be praying for y'all! Please let me know how the appointment goes :hugs:
dragonfly, have you gone to the appointment yet today?
I did, and everything is fine, thank god! I felt instant relief when he said it. The doctor was awesome. He said some times when the plate spread for head growth the new growth forms a ridge and there is nothing for us to worry about. I feel like I have been run over by a bus with all the stress and worry though.
How are you doing? Did you test again? What will your dd be for Halloween. I have completely slacked and have not gotten any costumes yet., but Jilly wants to be Sofia from the Disney channels Sofia the first and I'm not sure about what Jaynie will be. It's coming up fast so I really need to get a move on it.
Have you seen any scary movies lately? Been thinking I'm ready for a scary movie night. It's been quite a whole since I've seen one I was kind of out off by them after I had Jaynie for some reason, like was really scared to watch them, lol.
Oh and I really think I have worry and anxiety issues because I am completely freaked out about this whole ebola thing. I really need to get a handle on it. I feel like all I ever do is worry. Aye.
I'm glad everything is okay. What a relief! Ally is going to be Catty Noir from Monster High for Halloween. She was going to be Elsa, but changed her mind since she wore her Elsa costume for her bday. If she wasn't worried about what her friends would say she would probably be Doc McStuffins. She loves Doc and Sophia, but her friends tease her saying they are for babies :( Kids are mean sometimes. I have been testing, but still BFN. I am not too hopeful this month. I don't know if I told you, but I got a pos OPK on CD13 and CD18, so I'm a little confused. If I stay on track and did O on CD13 AF will arrive tomorrow, but if I Od on CD18 AF will be due Tuesday. I ovulated on the side where my tube isn't attached and although the doctor said it was still possible to conceive from an egg on that side she didn't seem very hopeful about that. If AF doesn't show and I don't get a BFP by Saturday or Sunday I'm probably out this cycle. As far as scary movies I haven't watched one in forever either! DH and I are planning on watching some on Saturday. We are going to watch What Lies Beneath (one of my favorites) and the new remake of Carrie. I want to watch The Orphanage again if I can find it on DVD. It is really good!
I'm sure there will be a lot of Elsa and Anna's running around. And your right kids can be mean and I just don't understand it. I personally at 30 don't mind watching doc mcstuffins or Sofia, lol.
Opks are confusising, especially when you get positive more than one day, days apart. What do they mean by the tube isn't attached? I recall you saying they said that wouldn't have an effect on conceiving but not sure I really understand how it's not attached. I will be praying that you get your bfp.
Is what lies beneath with Kevin bacon? I also have the new Carrie to watch :) I don't think I've seen the orphanage will have to check it out.
I like to watch Doc and Sophia too lol

When I had the ectopic pregnancy the baby attached in the opening where the tube is connected to the uterus. It makes me so said that just a few centimeters and it would have been in a safe place :( Anyway, when it ruptured the doctor had to take out part of the tube when removing the baby and then sew everything shut to stop the bleeding. So basically I have a tube on my right side, it just isn't a direct connect to my uterus, from what I understand. The doctor said that she had a patient with no fallopian tube connection on either side and a fertilized egg still made it into her uterus and grew properly. No AF this morning and still BFN, but like I said if I O'd later than I normally do it's still early. I have still been checking my cervix and yesterday I could touch it easily and it seemed to be open and I was sure AF would be here this morning. This morning when I checked, it was completely out of my reach. I don't want to get my hopes up or anything though. I'm also frustrated with having a longer cycle than normal. If there will be no BFP I'd rather just start AF now! lol I am so impatient!

What lies beneath has harrison ford and michelle phiffer. The one I know of with Kevin bacon is stir of echoes and that one is really scary.
Did you test? Did af show?

BFN this morning at 13dpo. No AF, but if I ovulated late when I got the second pos OPK AF is due Tuesday. I'll let you know what I get when I test in the morning. I am hoping for a "late" BFP because my 2 early ones did not stick.
AF showed this morning. I expected to be out this month, but of course hoped I'd be wrong. At least we can get started again soon and this time I should ovulate on the side that doesn't have issues.
I hoped you were wrong too. But like you said any least you will be ovulating on the other side. I will be praying for your bfp. How have you been? Are you still taking classes or have you finished?
Still completely slacking and haven't bought Halloween costumes yet. Getting close. We got invited to a couple parties. Not sure what we I'll do. If we decide to go I need to come up with something good and comfy. Can't decide what I want to do as far as going. Hard to keep the kids awake and they don't start until after their bedtime. And all my sitters will be there. The second one is at a friends of a friends so not sure about that one at all. And probably no kids since no one there has kids. Still haven't had a chance to watch any scary movies but the U (a channel by us) started playing the walking dead from the beginning 2 episodes on Wednesdays so I got Ito that. I now want to just go rent the seasons. Nothing new to really report here.
Sorry it took me forever to respond. How was your Halloween? Did you decide to go to any parties? Ours was good, but there weren't a lot of tricker treaters which always kind of bums us out.

So I am days away from AF due to arrive on Monday. I have been testing since Monday of this week, even though I know it is too early. I have never gotten a BFP before 11dpo CD25...which is tomorrow! I have gotten indents on my last 3 FRERs. I know I shouldn't take them apart, but I think I have gone over to that TTC "bad place" where I am obsessively testing and taking apart tests and can't think of anything else. I am convinced I am pregnant this time, but terrified that I am wrong. I guess I'll know soon enough. If I'm not it is going to be so hard. DH didn't want to try again this month. He thinks we need to move on and be content and happy with the life we have. He says he can't take the thought of losing another baby and even though I know he is right it is soooo hard to give up. I had to promise him that this would be the last time. I just wanted to try since my cycle was so screwed up last month bc of the mc and I ovulated on the bad side. I need prayers and crossed fingers! I have not talked to a soul, not even DH the past few days about what I'm thinking or that I'm testing. I know he knows I'm testing, bc of all my trash in the can, but I haven't said a word to him about what I am thinking and that I am obsessing. I am at work right now and in between teaching classes I have done almost no work! I am just obsessively googling hpt images and posts about indents, evaps, and symptoms. I think I had forgotten how crazy TCC can make a person! Hopefully I will have some answers soon!

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