TTC#2 for the 4th month

I am really irritated right now. The ultrasound tech said it was very obvious we are having a boy. Well my sister says that's not a penis and 2 girls have commented that 3 lines is a girl. Well that isn't necessarily true. Boys can have three lines and girls don't have the space between their vagina and legs. It pisses me off that people want to make us doubt it when we are so excited.
I'd say definitely a boy. My girls never looked like that. Don't pay them any attention, your going to have a beautiful boy. Seriously, that is a boy, don't doubt it at all!
I can't believe I only have 13 weeks left to go. Before the baby comes. Only 12 if they will let me get induced. How is everyone. Athena how exciting about you having a little boy.
Congrats misscalais, Boston is absolutely adorable! I hope you are home and able to get some rest!
Holy moly nlb, 3rd tri, woohoo!! How have you been feeling?
Athena, how are you doing? I see you have the nursery started, yay!
Cjgirl,how are you? are you officially finished with school? Will you get anytime off over the summer?
I've been getting really tired again lately. But bother than that everything has been going good.
:) glad to hear your doing well. Has it been really hot by you yet? Lucky you get to spend 3rd tri in the heat. Hopefully you can spend lots of time in the water., that's how I survived. Well that and ac, lol.
It's so hard to believe Jaynie is almost 9 months, the time has truly flown by. She is no longer a baby. She's been crawling for 3 months now and walking along furniture for two months and it won't be long until she takes her first steps. She's standing by herself and just needs to gain the confidence. Jillyan had been pretty beastly lately. Its pretty tough to handle sometimes. She still won't poop on the potty, which is soooo frustrating. She will go to preschool in the fall, which I'm excited about but makes me sad at the same time, she is my baby, but I know it will be good for her. Emotional for me. Dh is working a ton, most nights not home until after the kids go to bed which is difficult for me, but I'm just thankful he has a good steady job. All in all I'm doing very well. Definitely keeping busy. I hope you ladies are all good. Seems so quiet on here now.
Hey ladies! Sorry I've been MIA again, I of course keep up with you guys on FB and love all the pics! Misscalais, Boston is so gorgeous and I can't believe the other babies are almost due nlb and athena! So exciting! I'm good. Busy taking my last grad class and have had a little time off work for it. I am so ready for it to be over. Just 2 more weeks. The new development here though is weird. At the end of June I started getting upset all over again about my ectopic pregnancy. I figured it was because it had been a year and it was normal to feel that way, but it didn't go away. In fact, with my sister law talking about beginning tcc soon I had started thinking about maybe trying again. I ignored it and said nothing to DH about it. I didn't want to be irrational and bring it up for no reason and upset him. Then a couple of weeks ago I walked into a party and had a group of people in my face telling me that the mean girl, who said some things to me after I lost the baby that were rude without thinking, was pregnant. All of this happened before they even said hello to me. I don't know what came over me, but I quickly walked into the bathroom and began to cry. I couldn't handle it. Mean or not, I should have been happy for she and her DH. Her DH is my DH's best friend. I cried for days after that. Finally I realized what it was. I need to try again. I can't stand the thought of not doing it. I finally decided to tell DH. His reply shocked me. He said no. I understood his fear of losing me or losing another baby, but I am more confident about it now than I think I even was before. I feel like I am in a better place and that now is a better time even. It crushed me. After a lot of talking he finally agreed to think it over. It has been over a week and he is still thinking. I try not to bring it up too much and be patient, but I am losing patience. I told him I just want a small chance. I just want to try until my birthday in march. I will be 35 then and always said I wouldn't get pregnant past 35. I just want another chance. I feel like I didn't get a fair one, even though I know that's ridiculous. I hate that I have come to y'all after so long with this and don't want you to feel that I don't care about the great joy of all of your babies! I have talked to my sister in law about it some and she seems sympathetic and understanding, but I feel like y'all understand this better than any other people on earth. I have been praying hard for my chance. I just hope DH ends up feeling the same way.
Awe cjgirl. I think it's great you want to try again. I hope your dh will try also. And I hope the two of you get the beautiful baby I know you want. Good luck on everything. I'm always on Facebook if you need to talk or anything. Just message me sometimes I don't get the messages from this sight anymore for some reason unknown. Xx and lots of baby dust for you.
Aww cjgirl. I secretly hoped y'all would change your minds, even though I knew there were risks, I know how much y'all wanted it. I hope he agrees, fxed for you.
Thank you so much girls. He and I talked about it a little more at dinner last night. He has concerns about how much he works now and at crazy hours, his shift is from 6:30am-3pm and 5:30am-4:00pm when he is on overtime. I told him I might quit my second job eventually to help with the time thing, but that all in all I think we can work everything out and everyone be happy. I hope he gives me an answer soon. WIsh me luck with dinner tomorrow night as well. We are celebrating DH's bday and mean pregnant girl will be coming over. I will be nice and happy for her, but she generally ends up saying something hurtful at some point. I am going to try and not let her get to me.
Since we hadn't been posting in here I hadn't really told y'all except nlb and I talked about it one night. At the 20 week ultrasound, there were some abnormal findings. Basically his kidneys were enlarged. My doctor and I talked about it at the next appt. she said since he is a boy it is 3 times more common, which I looked it up and found out that boys can absorb too many of the mothers hormones and cause the kidneys to dilate early on, but usually by now the problem is corrected. So I figured there must be another reason since they wanted to check his heart too. I found out it can be a marker for Down syndrome, which makes sense as to why they checked his heart. I looked at the screen very carefully while they were looking at his heart and it looked perfect, 4 chambers, valves opening and closing like they should and no holes. Well his kidneys are apparently still slightly enlarged but they are within normal range and my dr said it's very obvious to her that he is catching up with them like she said he probably would. The part that irritated me though is now they RE saying they couldn't get a good pic of his lips and nose so the couldn't rule out a cleft lip. The tech and I were looking at his lips and nose for at least 5 minutes. I guess the ditz was distracted by him opening and closing his mouth and never took a good picture, but the kicker is she went to the radiologist showed him the scans and he said that she had all they needed and I could go but then says in his notes that they didn't get a good picture of his face. I told my dr what happened and she was already mad when she read the notes but then was mad that that happened. So now we have to go to a specialist on August 11 for another ultrasound, possibly a 3d/4d scan which hey I'll take it for basically free to rule out a cleft lip and to further look at his kidneys.
I'm so sorry you are having to deal with doctors like that. It can be so frustrating not knowing what is going on and feeling like no one is working hard to figure things out. I will pray for you that all is well with baby and that in the next scan they are able to see all they need to. Sometimes the back and forth and poor communication between doctors is so bad! It is amazing that they can't all get it together.
I hope things are going well for everyone! Athena, I will have you in my prayers regarding your scan on the 11th :hugs:

I have some news I would like to share. I was going to write y'all on FB, but as stupid as it sounds I wanted it on our board where we have shared so much for so long. I'm sure you already know what I am going say...

DH wants to try again too! I have already ovulated this month, so I guess we will formally get started after AF is over sometime end of next week. I am excited and scared and happy :happydance: I will keep y'all posted on the progress, but if I do get a BFP we won't be telling a soul until about 12 weeks and we know everything is okay. The doctor told me that I must have an ultrasound very soon after a BFP to make sure the baby is where is should be. However, I will have to send y'all a pic of a BFP immediately!
Cjgirl I am so excited for ya. Keep us posted. I hope you get a bfp soon.
Cjgirl, yay! I'm so excited for you and dh, I too was secretly hoping you would. With your previous ectopic, they should closely monitor things this time, so you both should feel at ease and not stress (yeah, I'm sure that's impossible).
Athena, I'll be praying that all turns out well at your ultrasound, but I'm sure it is fine sounds like the tech was a flake. Which is very disappointing to cause all the unnecessary worry. On the plus side your get to see your beautiful boy again :)
Nlb, can't believe how close your getting can't wait to hear of your sweet girls arrival and see pictures. Is your some getting super excited to be a big brother?
Misscalais, boston is absolutely adorable, I love all the pics you post. I can believe how fast he's growing!
Cjgirl, yay! I'm so excited for you and dh, I too was secretly hoping you would. With your previous ectopic, they should closely monitor things this time, so you both should feel at ease and not stress (yeah, I'm sure that's impossible).
Athena, I'll be praying that all turns out well at your ultrasound, but I'm sure it is fine sounds like the tech was a flake. Which is very disappointing to cause all the unnecessary worry. On the plus side your get to see your beautiful boy again :)
Nlb, can't believe how close your getting can't wait to hear of your sweet girls arrival and see pictures. Is your some getting super excited to be a big brother?
Misscalais, boston is absolutely adorable, I love all the pics you post. I can believe how fast he's growing!

I know im starting to get more nervous. Only 2 weeks till my due date. She could come at any time. So far I am only 1cm.But I know I could be here a long time. I feel like she is never going to come out. lol. My son is very excited. but he is sad because he starts kindergarten 2 days after my due date. How are you doing?
Doing good. Planning Jaynie's first birthday, holy crap has the time flown by. Jilly finally has started pooping on the potty! About a month ago she just decided she wanted to, so that is totally awesome, now just need to work on the nighttime. She starts preschool on the fall. I'm excited and sad at the same time. I know it will be good for her but serious I can count on one hand the times I've been away from her so it will probably be hard on is both, I'm sure more me than her. My sister is pregnant 13 weeks after trying for over a year so I am super excited for her and dh. This will be her 3rd. She has a 13 and 11 year old from her previous marriage so she was very down that she was having such a hard time with new dh. They had the 12 week test ultrasound and the tech told them a boy. So woohoo a new nephew on the way. I was shocked they told her so must have been obvious. She is doing a personal ultrasound in a few weeks just to be certain. Other than that same old same old. Keeping busy for sure :)

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