TTC#2 for the 4th month

Nlb that cake is awesome.

Misscalais sounds like you should be great this month for a bfp fingers crossed and good luck.

Afm I had been having a very light almost spotty period til yesterday and it hit like a monsoon. Today I had to get dh to get some super + tampons for me it got so bad. Hopefully it slows down soon or I'll have to start provera so I'm not bleeding through vacation. I've also had a upper respiratory infection for over a week now so I'm praying that gets better soon.
Thanks Hun I hope so :)
Oh no! Hopefully it slows down for you soon.
Ok girls I'm in for my monthly vent/sook/feel sorry for me post.
I'm so fed up with TTC I'm pretty sure I say this every mth, but I'm finding it tougher every mth. I don't think I've ovulated. Going from CP and CM ( lack there of ) I just don't think it's happened no pains either. I'm just over it. I'm CD18 and just feel like this cycle is taking forever its absolutely doing my head in.
I think it's because I'm at home pretty much 24/7 I'm not working ATM and I have no family or friends that live here so I can't even just go visit anyone :(
I never thought TTC could be this hard or have so many heart aches.
I just want a healthy baby is that too much to ask for?
:cry: feeling really down.
Ok girls I'm in for my monthly vent/sook/feel sorry for me post.
I'm so fed up with TTC I'm pretty sure I say this every mth, but I'm finding it tougher every mth. I don't think I've ovulated. Going from CP and CM ( lack there of ) I just don't think it's happened no pains either. I'm just over it. I'm CD18 and just feel like this cycle is taking forever its absolutely doing my head in.
I think it's because I'm at home pretty much 24/7 I'm not working ATM and I have no family or friends that live here so I can't even just go visit anyone :(
I never thought TTC could be this hard or have so many heart aches.
I just want a healthy baby is that too much to ask for?
:cry: feeling really down.

I know girl all I want is a healthy baby too. i'm hoping that this month or next will be better since im not as stressed from work as I was. And i've been so busy with every thing such as tee ball and my brothers wedding. Don't give up we are here for you.

I took my little boy to his first dental appt. today and he had no cavities. I am one proud momma. He did really good. and Thursday I have to take him for his 4 yr checkup. He is going to have to have 4 shots. I hate to give him shots. but I know he needs them. :(
athena, I hope the bleeding slows soon. I hate bleeding that much. All I want to do is sleep when it happens.

Misscalais, I don't blame you, but don't give up. I know the months seem to go by so slowly. I have become so busy they seem to fly by before I am ready for them to. I hope that you find a way for them to seem quicker for you. Trust me, if we didn't live on the other side of the world from one another, we would be hanging out all the time venting in person! lol Hang in there :hugs:

nlb, I hate having to take DD for shots. I believe she has to have them this year, but we got a break last year when she turned 7. I have someone else go and hold her, so I'm not such a bad guy and once the shots are over I can hold her and comfort her. Now that she is older she tries to be brave, but shots are always hard. I hope they go okay for you and there aren't too many tears.
Thanks girls :) must be all the babies that have been born this month. Seeing them all just makes me want another so bad. All their cute squishy cheeks, tiny toes and fingers :)
I had a dream the other night we had a baby girl and it was one of those dreams where you wake realising its not real. She was perfect had really dark blue eyes and a full head of hair. She pretty much looked like I did when I was a baby just with thick black hair :)
*sigh* anyways I wish I lived closer too cause hanging out with you girls would be awesome!
I need to find a hobby or something lol!
Misscalais be glad you have experienced having babies, I know you will have your rainbow baby. I'm still trying to have our first, been almost a year. Will be in July. It is so frustrating especially when it seems so many other people have it happen quickly. I'm trying to just keep my faith that it will happen but the longer it takes the less likely it seems. I have so many friends that have either just had babies or are pregnant and it makes me want to scream. Like why is this happening to me, why can't I have a baby, why do I have to feel so broken? This article hit home for me.
Please don't get me wrong I'm VERY greatful for my boys and feel very blessed that we had no trouble becoming parents with them.
It doesn't change the way I feel though I'm still desperate for another, more than I ever have.
I really feel for people like yourself that have struggled the whole time and still don't have a baby. I have one friend that won't ever have a biological baby because he's shooting blanks so to say, his wife was my DS1 day care mum when he was little so she finds her comfort in her day care kids and niece and nephew. But it's still not the same as having your own. And another that is 33 tired for years to have a bub, but also has pcos and a few other issues and she wasn't actually even able to have a baby they did IVF 1st one failed 2nd one she MC twins and the third one finally stuck she had a bleed and other issues though but her bub is just over a year now and I know she's super clucky and knowing that she can't 'just try for another' definitely makes me grateful that I don't have that struggle. So I'm well aware of how lucky I am. It just still hurts. Having lost two has just really gotten me down and I really don't want to seem like a negative nelly and I'm not always like this just having a tough time with no friends or family to go talk to it about so it's nice to be able to talk to you girls because you know want it feels like.
My mum had 5 of us kids all but me were accidents so I can't even talk to her or my dad about it because they have no idea.
Misscalais I know it hurts, I know it couldn't have been easy to lose those two babies. I pray for you to have a healthy baby and I know it will happen for you. I wasn't trying to be mean or anything, I just read what I posted and it felt kind of harsh.
Thanks Hun. At the end of the day all I want is to see all of us girls get our bfps more than anything. And I'm really hoping it happens soon. :) my post wasn't meant to come off that you were being mean lol just that I am extremely greatful for my boys and don't want it to seem like I'm rubbing it in anyone's face that doesn't have kids by feeling upset about being so hard to have another if that makes sense.
Anyway hows you're bleeding going I hope it's settle down and out of the way by your holiday how long now?
It has settled way down. I think it has almost stopped. I can't wait to leave Sunday I am so excited.
Yay that's awesome! Fingers crossed for that vacation baby! I don't even know if I've ovulated :-/ I think my cycle must be messed up from the chemical.
Thanks I hope so too. Sometimes you can have an annovulatory cycle when you've had a chemical or mc but I hope that isn't the case. Just said a prayer for all of us. We need some bfp's in here.
Hey girls! I didn't have time to get on until now. I hope everyone is having a good day today. I am feeling the frustration a bit myself. DH went to the dr yesterday and today he is taking his first sample into the lab. I feel bad for him having to drive over an hour, in traffic I'm sure, trying to get a semen sample there in time. I'm grateful to have a DH that will do anything for our family :) The dr won't really know what's going on until he gets the results from that, but he did tell DH that we need to only BD when I'm ovulating. Um...let's see...we've tried that! Plus doing it only then is pretty unrealistic anyway. BUT that being said, DH has asked that we try the OPKs again and try to hit the right day(s), so I am going to go buy some today and see what we can do. I hope the dr gets the results soon. I am so anxious! My mom seems to think that now that I have had this huge awful AF out of no where I am sure to get pregnant. We'll see. I am really just trying to resolve to the fact that maybe God has a plan and not being pregnant yet is part of it. I have had so many opportunities come up lately with work and academy, that maybe I am not pregnant yet because of that. If I get pregnant this month that will mean I am pregnant all of academy and will deliver pretty much right after graduation. At least I would hope it would be after graduation lol I will make whatever work though if it means we get our baby.
We do need some BFPs around here and I have a good feeling about this month for us all!
Thanks I hope so too. Sometimes you can have an annovulatory cycle when you've had a chemical or mc but I hope that isn't the case. Just said a prayer for all of us. We need some bfp's in here.
yeah ive read that too. Will just have to see what happens :)
Im also praying for everyone. xo
Hey girls! I didn't have time to get on until now. I hope everyone is having a good day today. I am feeling the frustration a bit myself. DH went to the dr yesterday and today he is taking his first sample into the lab. I feel bad for him having to drive over an hour, in traffic I'm sure, trying to get a semen sample there in time. I'm grateful to have a DH that will do anything for our family :) The dr won't really know what's going on until he gets the results from that, but he did tell DH that we need to only BD when I'm ovulating. Um...let's see...we've tried that! Plus doing it only then is pretty unrealistic anyway. BUT that being said, DH has asked that we try the OPKs again and try to hit the right day(s), so I am going to go buy some today and see what we can do. I hope the dr gets the results soon. I am so anxious! My mom seems to think that now that I have had this huge awful AF out of no where I am sure to get pregnant. We'll see. I am really just trying to resolve to the fact that maybe God has a plan and not being pregnant yet is part of it. I have had so many opportunities come up lately with work and academy, that maybe I am not pregnant yet because of that. If I get pregnant this month that will mean I am pregnant all of academy and will deliver pretty much right after graduation. At least I would hope it would be after graduation lol I will make whatever work though if it means we get our baby.
We do need some BFPs around here and I have a good feeling about this month for us all!
Fingers crossed all is well with his swimmers.
I have a feeling you might be right, sounds like your uterus is doing a big clean out. FX for you.
I cant believe th Dr would say you only need to BD at O time we all know that, that isnt the case for everyone lol.
Even when you do okps you know youre getting a surge but it might be anywhere from 12 to 36 hrs before u actually ovulate so i guess we really need to try at least once a day for three days after the 1st okp or even once on the 1st day of smiley skip the next day then go again the day after etc.
TTC is too confusing :brat:
I do believe that everything happens for a reason, and i leave it all up to God. He knows im ready when he is so im hoping thats soon lol!
Cjgirl my dh is going to get tested if we don't get a bfp this cycle, so I can start Clomid. Funny story actually, we were keeping it quiet that we are ttc, my parents and sister and a few friends know, but dh's family will be told it was a "surprise" baby because they think we should wait til we are in our 30s because that's what they did. Well they are pretty old now and who knows how long his dad has left as he has a lot of medical conditions. So dh was talking to them and his mom thinks that I've been going to the doctor because my cycle is out of whack which is tru but they don't know it's because we are also ttc and that's why im trying to get it back on track. Well dh mentions that they may put me on Clomid not thinking that they would know what that was and his dad blurts out they put women trying to get pregnant on that and dh covered with it was to help my cycle and my mother in law agreed that if they use it for women trying to get pregnant then they probably use it for that. Lol he left out the part about covering and I was like so they know now and he was like no and told me the rest lol. I'm 25 dh is 23 will be 24 in June, so we aren't super young and we've been married fir 3 years so I don't see what the big deal is, my mom started telling me to have a baby last summer lol
That's funny athena! I don't think that is too young, but maybe that's because I had DD at 25. I felt ready though and I think that if you feel ready for it, then that is what matters.
Hey girls! I didn't have time to get on until now. I hope everyone is having a good day today. I am feeling the frustration a bit myself. DH went to the dr yesterday and today he is taking his first sample into the lab. I feel bad for him having to drive over an hour, in traffic I'm sure, trying to get a semen sample there in time. I'm grateful to have a DH that will do anything for our family :) The dr won't really know what's going on until he gets the results from that, but he did tell DH that we need to only BD when I'm ovulating. Um...let's see...we've tried that! Plus doing it only then is pretty unrealistic anyway. BUT that being said, DH has asked that we try the OPKs again and try to hit the right day(s), so I am going to go buy some today and see what we can do. I hope the dr gets the results soon. I am so anxious! My mom seems to think that now that I have had this huge awful AF out of no where I am sure to get pregnant. We'll see. I am really just trying to resolve to the fact that maybe God has a plan and not being pregnant yet is part of it. I have had so many opportunities come up lately with work and academy, that maybe I am not pregnant yet because of that. If I get pregnant this month that will mean I am pregnant all of academy and will deliver pretty much right after graduation. At least I would hope it would be after graduation lol I will make whatever work though if it means we get our baby.
We do need some BFPs around here and I have a good feeling about this month for us all!
Fingers crossed all is well with his swimmers.
I have a feeling you might be right, sounds like your uterus is doing a big clean out. FX for you.
I cant believe th Dr would say you only need to BD at O time we all know that, that isnt the case for everyone lol.
Even when you do okps you know youre getting a surge but it might be anywhere from 12 to 36 hrs before u actually ovulate so i guess we really need to try at least once a day for three days after the 1st okp or even once on the 1st day of smiley skip the next day then go again the day after etc.
TTC is too confusing :brat:
I do believe that everything happens for a reason, and i leave it all up to God. He knows im ready when he is so im hoping thats soon lol!

It is confusing! When he said the doctor said that, I was like tell me something I don't know! I mean really, is that how it works?! lol And I don't know about that doctor, but I like to BD at other times also, not just to make babies lol I find OPKs to be more of a headache than anything else, but since DH asked I am going to use them. We are going out of town for memorial day so hopefully a little time away will help too.
I'm doing good I don't think I'm going to catch the egg. But I haven't been trying to much this month. I am loving my new job so I'm hoping me having less stress helps. I made cupcakes for my sons end of season tee ball party. I will post a pic. I think they came out really cute. Has anyone had a bfp yet?

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