TTC #2, o'ing mid-January, first cycle!

Lite, I'm willing to bet the cycle you NTNP you get pregnant!
Justplay I can't help but have that feeling too! Maybe I could find a way for a Xmas baby to not seem so bad. I've just always felt bad for kids with xmas bdays. Maybe I could look up ways to make it special. On the plus side, we always have my son (stepson who lives out of state) for part of xmas vaca which means he could be here for this babies bday. He's never home in October for dd bday which is a bummer.

Haha I'm saying this baby like in pregnant! Oh jeez jumping ahead here.
Lite, I actually thought a Christmas birthday would be nice! Everyone is cheery, family is usually around, and a lot of people feel like it's the best time of year! I have a friend who's birthday is December 17th and he loves it. Plus, they could always decide to celebrate their half-birthday to spread the presents out a bit when they get older. And that's okay; I've been saying "this baby" since we started TTC! I don't think it's getting ahead of ourselves. We know there will be a next baby someday!

I got a darker FRER this morning and a digi "pregnant 1-2." My last few cycles were 31 days, but I ovulated late this cycle so I don't think my period is actually due until Tuesday. I'm preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best.
So exciting for a positive digi. I don't think a Christmas baby would be so bad. My mums birthday is near Christmas and she moans about it a lot but she loves a good moan, so probably secretly enjoys it.
There's not really any point in having extra scans unless the bleeding increases as they know what's causing it. Basically I'm likely to just bleed on and off throughout but it's still stressful as I'm always having to check and it just feels wrong to have bleeding while pregnant. They almost never do bloods in the uk and there are just 2 standard scans at 12 and 20 weeks. Last time I ended up having 3 more scans after that though because they were worried baby was too big and then too small and then too big.
I really don't like scans though so less is good by me. They just stress me out more.
Hi Ladies,

I hope you don't mind me jumping in here? Last time we were TTC #1 it took us 12 months and I had an amazing "home thread" with awesome ladies for support.

We are not trying for #2 (have been for 9 months) and I'm going a little nuts. I've been stalking for a while and you all seem divine so I'm hoping I can jump on the bandwagon :blush:

Lite, just before I got pg with my first, we had decided to not try that cycle. I remember being so annoyed that it was then that it happened because everyone used to tell me to stop trying so hard and I would get pg! :haha:

Good luck!! :hugs:
Justplay - a :bfp: congratulations :happydance:

Lite - I say NTNP :thumbup:

Hi welcome :hi:
Mrs_Bump, I see. Well, it sounds like you really do have a healthy little bean in there, despite the bleeding. I know it seems wrong to be bleeding in pregnancy, but it seems like it isn't affecting the baby. Still, I hope it stops soon so you can fully enjoy your pregnancy!

plastikpony, we don't mind at all! Welcome! :flower: How old is your first LO?

Twag, thank you! I'm so excited, but nervous too!

My test this morning is still getting darker. That makes me happy, but I'm a worst-case-scenario type of person, so I'm still quite worried about chemical pregnancy. I know that fear is natural, but I can't wait for 20 or so dpo to roll around and then I think I'll feel better. About cp, at least, but then there's always something to worry about with pregnancy and children, isn't there?! Sorry for blabbing away; how is everyone else! Lite, did af finally leave? Have you decided for sure what you're going to do about this cycle?
lite- I am the same way I like "planning" babies when they would be born but now I am just wanting to be pregnant right away so as soon as my period returns we are trying, well we are trying now too!
Justplay I'm so excited for you! It's hard not to always be in a constant state of worry but I agree you sort of hit milestones for each worry. First about chemicals. Then making it to first scan. Then second trimester. Then viability. Then full term. Then delivery...and you all know it doesn't stop there! Haha oh the life of a mother! Darker test is def a good sign though.

Mrsbump it's good that the bleeding isn't really anything to do with baby but I'm sure it would be best if it would stop. Hopefully it does and soon!

Twag sorry you're feeling so bad this pregnancy. How's dh doing? Things seem better?

Welcome plastik and to all of us ladies waiting I wish you all the xmas gift of a baby! We are going to ntnp this month. I won't check for ovulation or look at dpo or even test early. If we dtd that's great and if not well then it'll be a 2016 baby for me.
Everything is going very well with DH thank you Lite :thumbup:

Sounds like a good plan of action to me :thumbup:
Lite, I guess when we signed up to be mothers, we also signed up for a lifetime of different worries! I feel bad for my own mom now, some of the things I put her through when I was young! :dohh: Well, even though you're just NTNP, I'm still kinda hoping for an April BFP for you :haha:. If not, then on to 2016!
JustPlay-I don't think I realized you were prego, CONGRATS!!!

AFM-still no period and I am done breastfeeding, we aer still bding like 3-4 days a week. I will use OPK's again once my period comes, I am hoping to get prego this month so the baby would be born in Jan.! What a great 2016 present :)
Amolecci, thank you!! I hope you get your BFP this month! Fx for you! :happydance:

Lite, how's the ol' NTNP going? :haha: That must be so hard! That's what we were going to do this cycle (though I don't know if I would have been able to stick to it... :winkwink: )

How is everyone else doing today? Twag and Mrs_Bump, how are you two feeling?
I'm ok, super tired and symptoms are up and down. Don't think it'll fully sink in until the 12 week scan though. Just found out one of the other mums from my antenatal group is due 3 weeks before me which would be great except it's the same one who didn't invite me to her sons birthday party today but did invite my friend from the group. She's convinced it must be a mistake but I can hardly show up if I wasn't invited. Stupid mum drama, sigh!
So I have some exciting News!!! I kept waiting for my period to show and my husband kept telling me I was pregnant because the way I smelled things and every time I'd eat I would get a little I found out I'm pregnant!! Haha and since I've had a histor of ectopic pregnancy I had an ultrasound done right away and I'm over 7 weeks pregnant!!! I'm due Nov. 19th!! I had no idea!!!
Amcolecchi, wow that must have been so surprising! Congratulations!!!

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