Wouldluvabub: I know they can be addictive both opk's and hpt. Have you ever used digital opk's? I was sceptical about them because heard some bad reviews but I used them only one cycle and they were good for me, I know everyone is different though, I just found it easier knowing with a smiley face rather than me trying to guess the line.
Mel: Thank you
Mattsgirl: Gosh that's awful, it must of been so difficult for you as well

does your sister have other children?
I was going to leave it until next Wednesday to ring midwife but I was then thinking what if they are pretty booked up and I should of rung sooner, so I rang today and I'm waiting for the midwife that will be dealing with me to ring tomorrow when she's in.

you're not out until AF shows her ugly face. Each earlier pregnancy symptoms can be different for each pregnancy, I was for sure AF was on the way for me this time with the feelings I was getting. I'll have my fx for you, lots of baby
Mouse: Thank you for the update on first post