WOW Catalyst! Twins! (I missed the last page when I wrote my last post, so I hadn't seen yours!) How are you feeling?? Nervous? Over the moon? I had really wanted twins before I had one child, now I think I would be super excited about twins, but super nervous too! I hope you will have lots of help!
I'm a twin!Do you know if you have fraternal twins or identical twins?
I've just carried on stalking this thread and not posting.
Congratulations tasha on your baby boy
Wow twins catalyst! Congratulations!!
I'll have everything crossed for this cycle for you mouse
Good luck everyone else ttc!
I have less than 6 weeks until I'm due, but will have a max of 6 and half weeks left until I get to meet my little man as I'm only allowed to go to 41 weeks. It's gone by so fast!
Thank you CatalystAre you announcing to people yet or waiting to surprise?
Thank you CatalystAre you announcing to people yet or waiting to surprise?
We have told our parents. And I have let it slip to two friends bur no one els. Waiting til after 12 week scan. Goung to tell our siblings and grandparents after we tell our sons. Then ppl will just find out. Might put somwthing on fb when we have our gender scan.