Hi, I'm new here too. I'm 30 and my DH and I have been TTC since Jan '08. I had an HSG in April of this year and I have one tube blocked, we think that they were both blocked and that the dye unblocked one (it was extremely painful). My husband has average sperm count but poor motility so Dr told him to lay off the beer and chicken wings. Last cycle we had an appt to go in and get my other tube unblocked but when we got to the hospital the receptionist had booked us for an HSG again and with this procedure you need to be put under so they ended up not having a bed available for me. Because the procedure has to be done on a certain day of your cycle, we were outta luck until next cycle.

So, here I am.....waiting. I'm meant to get AF on the 11th but have been having cramps off and on for a week, sore bbs, heartburn and im so tired. Could this be the month? I never cramp until the first day of AF. I'd love to be pregnant right now but if not I just want AF to hurry so I can book my appt to get other tube unplugged!