TTC 30s/40s Club

if that is the case then it is probably his life choices that have made them bad (i.e., ciggys, alcohol, etc.) That is good news though, b/c he can undo will take about 3-6 months but he should be able to make his results better in that time, if he sticks to a good diet and has a good multi. The IUI might work for you then, and is not as invasive as the IVF. Check it out online. I think they pick out his good swimmers and inseminate you with them around OV time.
thanks springflower...let us know how dh labs come back! fxed that is it great!
Hi, so so glad to have found this thread. I am ttc my 6th baby. I am 42 and if i am lucky it will be my last. I had my other 3 older sons when i was much younger. I have 2 young children. My dd is 3 and i had her at 39 and my ds who is 2 and i had him when i turned 40. Not sure if my luck will still be in. Heres hoping!!!

im new aswell, ttc#2, been trying for 4mths...currently 7dpo and waiting
Hello all. I am 38 and hubby is 36 (my toyboy he he he) and we have been ttc since 2000, when we got married.

In 2006 discovered my thyroid was not working - so put on pills and 6 months later fell pregnant with my first angel (lost at 11 weeks). Then lost twins at 10 weeks and yesterday had confirmation that we have lost our 4th baby.

Am all over the place, but feel biological clock ticking very loudly!

Docs all said I can't ttc until tests are back... am scared I could miss the boat for IVF or IUI etc as the cut off is 39...
Oh, so sorry to hear about your losses Padbrat.

Forget about any ticking clock!! I know women in their 40s who have had babies. But that won't be you God willing! I pray you a very big fat :bfp: this year 2010!!!

Welcome to our group!! :hugs:
Hi Isi

Thank you for welcoming me... any prayers, PMA, good vibes etc are always welcome! LOL :haha:

Funnily enough when I whinged about the age thing to the sonographer yesterday who told me I had lost my baby again she laughed and said exactly the same thing! That she sees ladies in their 40's pregnant with their first all the time.

Gives me some hope. :flower:
Aw PadBrat - I'm SO sorry for all your losses and anguish. I have thyroid issues too - I had papillary carcinoma and so mine was removed in 2007. I really hope that your TSH and T4 numbers are good and will support a healthy pregnancy soon. Loads of support and baby dust coming your way....
Thank you Jaimie...

Am concerned that my thyroid is causing my m/cs... no one has tested me for my levels in any of pregnancies....

asked the gynae at A&E and she told me that the thyroid would not cause m/cs... I don't believe her as she looked about 12 and was horrible to me!!
Do you see an endocrinologist? Are you getting your TSH and T4 levels tested regularly? That gynae sounds like an idiot because improper levels definitely can cause mc and trouble with ttc. Seems to me like the good news is that you can definitely conceive, you might just need your levels adjusted. And that is no big deal hon - just need some good care from a specialist. Hang in there hon, my heart is breaking for you too!
No, i didn't only my GP... my levels get tested about every 6 months, not sure if that is regularly enough?:shrug:

The Gynae was a complete IDIOT and really shouldn't have been caring for me, but in the UK our healthcare isn't as good as the US and when you go to A&E on a holiday weekend you get what you are given.... usually not good! I even specifically asked to be tested for my thyroid and guess what? They didn't bother!! And as for seeing a specialist.... well, eventually I will get to see a consultant at the recurrent m/c clinic... but that will be months away... and I have been told ABSOLUTLY NO TCC until I have seen the consultant, otherwise they withdraw specialist help...


sorry... essay... got carried away... LOL:wacko:

PS My heart is breaking too :cry:
Aw PadBrat! Every 6 months is definitely a good interval for thyroid level testing, and your GP should know enough about thyroid issues to determine if your levels are adequate. What does A&E stand for? This website is great for information about thyroid issues and ttc:

Definitely hope you get help and support from the recurrent mc clinic! Would your GP be willing to refer you to an endo with fertility experience in the meantime?

No need for apologies about getting carried away, that is what bnb is for!
Thanks Jaimie for the website... there is loads of info on there, will take me a while to rad through, but at least I will have a bit more of an idea about what is going on.

A&E stands for Accident and Emergency - it is like our version of an Emergency Room.

my GP will not refer me to anywhere without the hospital agreeing to it. She has completely washed her hands of me and left all of my care to the hospital. When I get my letter from the Recurrent M/C Clinic I will ask them if they will refer me. Thanks for the idea.

I can get into rant mode very quickly and get a bit carried away... sorry! LOL
padrat so sorry for ur losses and the docs being awful to you. will defiantley be keeping u in my prayers!!

I am currently in my 2ww and no unusual sypmtoms other than the refular af ones I get so hoping they go away and I get a BFP!! lol hope we see a bunch of BFP on this thread!!
Hello, my name is donna , married for 5 1/2 years, been trying for over a year, currently attending infertility clinic, just at the initial testing stages we were diagnosed as unable to have kids middle of last year. were meeting the consultant in next few months to work out what route is available to us.
Reeds am hoping for a lovely BFP for you... let us know how you do x

Donnas, welcome, I am new here too x
Hi Ladies,
I am 31 years old, hubby is 40 years old, live just outside london, UK.
We're trying ttc baby 1 for the past 18 months....
Welcome donnas and MsWishy!!

Good luck in the 2ww reedsgirl!! I'm also "kinda" in it as well. My DH and I had a rough patch last week, but made up Friday we were only able to BD from then....and into the weekend too. But, even though I was predicted to o on Saturday, I can almost swear that it happened late Thursday/early not sure if we were able to catch the eggy. But I've decided not to worry about it too much and just wait patiently to see if God will surprise me this cycle :). Good luck to you hun, :thumbup:

How's it going Padbrat? Hope you feel much better today :hugs:
hi Isi

Yep, feel much better today thank you... no more cramps now, so that makes a hell of a difference! Went out at the weekend and had a drink for the first time in 10 weeks... raised a glass to all of our angels and hoped for earth babies for us all soon x

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