TTC a Soy baby!

so sorry sheila....but your still not out....chin up x

reenie....any news???

mamaof4n1more....your chart looks good

im 8 dpo today bfn again!! im losing hope 2 this temps just keep going not due my period till next friday.....they are going down a little early!
my luteal phase is usually 11-12 days.....that would be next wed and thursday!
ok rant over and feeling better!
iam now on cd 13 and still getting negative ovulation strip tests, i sound so impatient lol.:shrug:
i really hope we all get our bfps this month :dust:

I'm cd10 and have the start of a second line on my opks. I have never had a +ive opk so I'm really praying this is our month.

I took soy cd3-7 and now have bad headaches and loads of cm. I'm impatient too, I hate waiting

hiya bluebumble, i hate waiting lol, especially when its the first month of my trying soy isoflavone, i want to see if it work for me and everyone else trying it.
i have just done another ovulation test strip and iam starting to get a faint second line. i hope it gets darker on the next ovulation test strips that i do.
Hi everyone!
I was out all day yesterday so didn't have internet. Sheila I so hope you're not out!

Well my temp dropped quite a bit this morning. I'm 10 dpo so it could well be a sign that AF is coming. I really don't know what to think...thought I might have seen something very faint on my HPT this morning but I could well be imagining it. I guess I'll just have to wait and see but I hate waiting too!
oh reenie i hope not, mine took a dip too....dam it!
I'm SO frustrated. I thought I had O'd but I didn't. I had SO many symptoms of ovulation-more than usual actually. I ran out of OPKs two days ago & I don't feel like buying some more so I'll just order them. They seemed to be getting darker again so hopefully it will be soon. I'm on CD16 now. I don't have anymore cramps, my EWCM has turned creamy, nothing :( The ONLY thing is that I'm emotional as heck and my breasts are tender. I'm trying so hard not to stress because I know it will delay it even more. My cycles were always somewhat regular (27-32 days) with the longest being like 45 and that happened ONE time. Since I had an early m/c they have gone haywire. Ughhhh :( I don't know if I'm going to continue Soy next cycle or just up the dose. I was taking 80mg for 4 days then ended it with 120mg.

Sorry for my rant lol. Good luck girls, wish you all the best :hugs: xxx
Well.. AF got me this morning like clockwork :cry: It was light but I know it's coming on strong later this evening. So I am considering Soy cycle #1 as a failure :cry: I just don't understand!
Soo sorry Sheila!! :( Are you going to give soy another go?
Yea I will do Soy again. I just don't understand. I feel that I ovulated and :spermy: should have been there. UGH! It makes no sense.. I have never wanted anything so bad :cry:
Oh hun :hugs: TTC really messes with our emotions!

I think you O'd just from your CM. Now I don't know much about home insem so can't help much there but I read the other day that even for couples who have abolutely no fertility problems the chance of them getting a BFP in a cycle is only 20% To me that says that the eggie can be there and the :spermy: can be in the right place at the right time but something still stops that BFP and it is still based very much on luck.

I know it won't make you feel any better right now and how heartbroken you must be at seeing the :witch: arrive. What I'm saying is don't give up, it will happen for you and hopefully very soon!

Good luck for next cycle, I'll have my fingers and toes crossed for you. And I'll probably be joining you in a few days...
dont give up sheila, good luck you will get your bfp on your new cycle.
I have been hysterical today.
I am so disappointed. My husband's 30th birthday is next week and I can't even give him a child. I am so heartbroken- this month hurts worse than the others cause it was our last chance before he turned 30. His sister had 3 kids by this time and his parents had 5- we have 0!
Life just seems so unfair sometimes doesn't it? I'm really sorry you're going through all this and can only imagine how hard it is for you at the moment.

I know how much it hurts to see other people around you get pregnant seemingly fairly easily when you're struggling. You just have to have faith that it will happen for you (easier said than done I know!)

Are you in the US or UK? Have you tried any medication and monitoring (eg: IUI, Clomid, etc)? I wonder whether this would help you at all?

I hope you wake up tomorrow feeling a bit more positive and that your husband's birthday isn't too hard on you.
I know how you feel Shelia. Its just that I was expecting to have a baby or at least be pregnant when I was 25. I turn 26 in less than a month so this is my last shot!
I am in the US. My doctor refuses to help me because I am still young. There are only 2 offices in the area and the other one only takes pregnant patients at the moment, so I can't switch. Two more people I know announced their pregnancies yesterday. I just cannot take this anymore. :cry:
Oh no, that annoys me so much about doctors! It doesn't matter how old you are when all you want is to become a mum...grrr!

The announcements yesterday will have made things doubly painful for you today... Last cycle AF arrived on the day that a friend of mine announced she was expecting and she'd started trying for her second at the same time as me but got pg straight away. It was so hard to be happy for her when all I wanted to do was cry!

Sheila I really feel for you hun :hugs:
sheila i hope your feeling a little better today xxx

i think im following you....i woke up at 6 and took my temp...97.47 (way below coverline.....means af is on the way) then corrected on FF to 7.30 and it brought it up to 97.75....... so i added it.....surely there cant be that much of a difference???

if i get my af, it means the soy has shortened my lutheal phase......its only cd 26

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