ttc after a d&c

jessica a big family is nice :) i have 37 nieces and nephews and 4 gran nephews too :) so lots o people :)
how come they told u no sex for all preg, did u have low lying placenta?
i donno if i wont for all preg , i think il wait till 12 weeks scan alright though and see then.

amy hon big hugs, its bloody tough and takes a lot of time to get over xxx it will always have little sting in it but it does get easier i think xxxxxxxx
Good outlook Bethany...they say about the time you get on with life, then boom! You're pg! So for sure Amy, book nonrefundable tickets to Thailand and go with Bethany! Haha! The beauty of October, Nov and Dec is there is so much to look forward to---it is going to fly by!

Re: Our movie. Bethany would Katherine Heigl, Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock work? I think I'll take Alicia Silverstone, I've missed her on the big screen! We need a star studded cast---I'm totally casting Joe Manganiello (True Blood and What to Expect movie) as my movie DH!

Isn't Joe Manganiello from Magic Mike?? I just made dh watch it with me. I didn't enjoy it that much to tell the truth, but he was pretty hot. lol. He was a very believable stripper. It actually looked like he enjoyed those stripper scenes! lol

I didnt watch that movie but all I know is Channing Tatum was in it and when the commercials would come on, I would stare at the tv and drool! Ive seen his interviews.. he isnt the sharpest tool in the shed but boy is he greaet to look at!
Oh as far as actors that look/sound/act liek us? My old boss told me that I reminded him of the character Kelly Kapoor from the office. He said that I looked and talked like her but wasnt as ditsy or dark complexion. Im pretty sure he just said that because all of us Indian just look alike, right? *Insert sarcastic smirk*

Actually from your pic, I don't think you look like her at all. But she is funny. lol. Are you full Indian? As in east Indian or native american?

I dont think so either! I mean she is really sweet and pretty but I dont see it :shrug:.

Yup, Im full Indian! Both parents are from India... actually my whole family is and my brother and I are the only ones that were born in the US so we have no accents at all but my parents do esp my dad. Kind of throws people off when they talk to me on the phone and then see me in person. Esp before I got married, my maiden name was Patel (which is like the Smith's of the Indians) so they knew I was Indian lol. Now I have a greek last name (dh's dad is greek and mom is Irish, english, a little of everything lol but it blonde hair blue eyed) so I now really throw people off!
i agree amy and i havent seen it either , he may be dumb but least he is very pretty :)
ha ha amy, my like ability is gone cos post at same time so
Amy, I would friend him on FB except my husband totally knows how beautiful I (and everyone else) think that he is. And yes, I was totally guilty of following him around once. Used to wish that he would have asked me out. He was so brainy and sexy. Mmmm!
LOL on going white and doing right! My family decided that I had a type and that it was "Sephardic Jews". But my husband is of Sephardic Jewish descent :blush: so maybe they aren't far off. I have dated all kinds of guys but the ones I got serious with mostly looked similar :blush:

ohhhh I want to see a picture of him Bethany, do you have one???!!!! Your husband is Sephardic Jewish? Does his family reign from Europe or middle east maybe? I am a huge racial mix. I am Irish, English, Dutch, Native American from dads side (although he was mostly Irish and looked like an Irish lad). From my moms side I am Salvadorean, Arab (I think Palestinian, not sure), Spanish and also native Indian. So funny me and my brothers looks totally different. Oldest is dark hair, olive complexion and green eyes. The middle is platinum blonde very fair and blue eyes, and I am brown hair fair with brown eyes. People always commented on how different we look. And when I tell them my racial mix, they never believe me, they think I am pure white. I am like no, I am just very mixed up. lol
Good outlook Bethany...they say about the time you get on with life, then boom! You're pg! So for sure Amy, book nonrefundable tickets to Thailand and go with Bethany! Haha! The beauty of October, Nov and Dec is there is so much to look forward to---it is going to fly by!

Re: Our movie. Bethany would Katherine Heigl, Julia Roberts or Sandra Bullock work? I think I'll take Alicia Silverstone, I've missed her on the big screen! We need a star studded cast---I'm totally casting Joe Manganiello (True Blood and What to Expect movie) as my movie DH!

Isn't Joe Manganiello from Magic Mike?? I just made dh watch it with me. I didn't enjoy it that much to tell the truth, but he was pretty hot. lol. He was a very believable stripper. It actually looked like he enjoyed those stripper scenes! lol

I didnt watch that movie but all I know is Channing Tatum was in it and when the commercials would come on, I would stare at the tv and drool! Ive seen his interviews.. he isnt the sharpest tool in the shed but boy is he greaet to look at!

You know what is funny. Believe it or not every time that commercial for Magic Mike came on, my little 6 year old girl would stare at it with her eyes wide open, and I would tell her not to look or I would just change the channel. I was thinking, this girl is gonna be trouble when she becomes a teenager. She already had a crush on Justin Beiber, and some English guy from this group they like called, "The Wanted" lol.
jessica a big family is nice :) i have 37 nieces and nephews and 4 gran nephews too :) so lots o people :)
how come they told u no sex for all preg, did u have low lying placenta?
i donno if i wont for all preg , i think il wait till 12 weeks scan alright though and see then.

amy hon big hugs, its bloody tough and takes a lot of time to get over xxx it will always have little sting in it but it does get easier i think xxxxxxxx

They told me because I had been spotting from the beginning that it was better to not have sex, that it could cause premature labor and other problems with the pregnancy. I don't know if they were just being paranoid, but either way it made me super paranoid. A couple times I just couldn't take it, seeing as how my dh is just so irresistible!! But I was very careful
max fomr the wanted i presume :) she has good taste, he s also very pretty :)
jessica a big family is nice :) i have 37 nieces and nephews and 4 gran nephews too :) so lots o people :)
how come they told u no sex for all preg, did u have low lying placenta?
i donno if i wont for all preg , i think il wait till 12 weeks scan alright though and see then.

amy hon big hugs, its bloody tough and takes a lot of time to get over xxx it will always have little sting in it but it does get easier i think xxxxxxxx

They told me because I had been spotting from the beginning that it was better to not have sex, that it could cause premature labor and other problems with the pregnancy. I don't know if they were just being paranoid, but either way it made me super paranoid. A couple times I just couldn't take it, seeing as how my dh is just so irresistible!! But I was very careful

when i had spotting they didnt tell me no sex but we didnt anyway just in case . i think all docs differ, its so had to know what we r supposed to believe x
did ye hear not to eat deli food? in case of food poisoning. what do ye think?
would a good place be ok? or would ye avoid them all?
im not worried, i just wanna do it right :)
Oh as far as actors that look/sound/act liek us? My old boss told me that I reminded him of the character Kelly Kapoor from the office. He said that I looked and talked like her but wasnt as ditsy or dark complexion. Im pretty sure he just said that because all of us Indian just look alike, right? *Insert sarcastic smirk*

Actually from your pic, I don't think you look like her at all. But she is funny. lol. Are you full Indian? As in east Indian or native american?

I dont think so either! I mean she is really sweet and pretty but I dont see it :shrug:.

Yup, Im full Indian! Both parents are from India... actually my whole family is and my brother and I are the only ones that were born in the US so we have no accents at all but my parents do esp my dad. Kind of throws people off when they talk to me on the phone and then see me in person. Esp before I got married, my maiden name was Patel (which is like the Smith's of the Indians) so they knew I was Indian lol. Now I have a greek last name (dh's dad is greek and mom is Irish, english, a little of everything lol but it blonde hair blue eyed) so I now really throw people off!

Amy, I live close the the Silicon Valley, as a matter of fact my husband has spent a lot of times working there, and Indian people, they own Silicon Valley, Literally. My best friend was from Gujarat, her parents were wonderful people. But back to Silicon Valley it is a melting pot for people of all races. That is what I love about Bay Area it is so diverse. So the fact that I am so racially mixed, people are so accepting and you see a lot of racial mixing. So me being multi racial is totally accepted and people think it is cool. Your children are going to be beautiful. Just by looking at your and dh children. Maybe they will be like me and my siblings, all will have cool and exotic features. :flower:
max fomr the wanted i presume :) she has good taste, he s also very pretty :)

Can you believe it? She is only 6, she loves makeup, she wants to dress with skirts and dresses, and like high heals. lol. I tell her she is way too young to wear any high heals. Every time we go shopping she looks at these mini high heals for little girls, and I tell he she is way too young. lol. I can't wait until she is a teenager!! lol.
did ye hear not to eat deli food? in case of food poisoning. what do ye think?
would a good place be ok? or would ye avoid them all?
im not worried, i just wanna do it right :)

I have heard that, but I think I still did. lol. Have you heard about the corn tortilla warning. Supposedly if you eat way too many corn tortillas it can cause birth defects.

I don't eat many corn tortillas, but something about this makes me wonder. People in latin america eat corn tortillas like every single day, so did my mom. So I don't know if I am buying this story too much. But just in case don't eat anything over 301 tortillas during your first trimester. lol. I think that is really hard to do by the way. I would be sick eating corn tortillas every day.
LOL :) how cute is ur daughter :)
ive never eaten a corn tortilla i dont think. is that the same as a wrap?
i would eat a wrap about once a yr :) so id say im ok :)
some of the things we r meant to stay away from is a bit much alright, its hard to pick the right bits out of um all :) i know i still had some deli s/w last time and didnt get sick :) il avoid if i can but better than eating junk if im out :)
So far our cast includes:
Kelly Kapoor as Amy---DH Channing Tatum
Jessica Alba as Laura---OH??
Alicia Silverstone as Angel--DH Joe Manganiello (yes from Magic Mike! Hubba Hubba!)
Sandra Bullock as Bethany---DH??
Natasha, Jen, Danni, Horsey??

Amy your DH is a doll! What a sweet IM!

Jessica don't rush those teenage years my niece is making my sister nuts at 16!

Laura they say there is a bacteria that grows on deli meats, so you have to heat it before you eat it! I think back and it amazes me that we are all alive considering all of the new rules for pregnancy! The kicker is the seafood...what do people in Japan do while pg?

Oh and I wish all Dr's scanned everyone after a know, after their 1st AF as a follow up to let them know their body is back in the game! Our insurance doesn't cover it, but its a small price to pay for my sanity! DH said we'd have to dtd before football, now look who is "squeezing" me in and taking the fun out of it? Friggin Karma!
OH could be russell crowe but the rus from gladiator and la confidential not from other films :) or mel gibson 25 yrs ago ha ha (lethal weapon time ) or the blond guy who plays suki stackhouse other love interest in true blood , the vamp who owns the bar :) is it alex sarsguard r something like that. :)
Oh I like these guys! We should cast a vampire in the mix to interest younger Eric Northman is now your movie OH! Hehehe!

Edit: real life actor playing his True Blood character in our movie!

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