ttc after a d&c

Amy, we like what we like! You like blond hair and blue eyes, I like dark hair and big schnozzes I guess :D
Have you ever been to India and did you like it? Also, I have never tried Indian food but when I do, what would you recommend? My husband has told me that Indian food is incredibly popular in Thailand :)

Jessica, I have thought that one word before too! Well said it out loud. My husband got mad. I have to call making love or something funny. Or sex. But that word is apparently off limits :s
Thanks for sharing about no sex when pregnant! And also, you will have that big family :hugs:
Your DH's family sound like a bunch of pricks anyways. :hugs:
I will have to post a pic of my DH
He has Nordic, Spanish, and Native American ancestry.
I am glaringly pale* know what makes me sad about this picture? Was taken just last year. I was working out every day and so thin :(

Angel, my movie DH would have to be... Zack Braff. I think he is Jewish ;)
And football over sex? What? :o

Laura, no clue on deli. But if you ever visit Texas I will take you out for Mexican food (and corn tortillas) hehe.
Amy, we like what we like! You like blond hair and blue eyes, I like dark hair and big schnozzes I guess :D
Have you ever been to India and did you like it? Also, I have never tried Indian food but when I do, what would you recommend? My husband has told me that Indian food is incredibly popular in Thailand :)

Jessica, I have thought that one word before too! Well said it out loud. My husband got mad. I have to call making love or something funny. Or sex. But that word is apparently off limits :s
Thanks for sharing about no sex when pregnant! And also, you will have that big family :hugs:
Your DH's family sound like a bunch of pricks anyways. :hugs:
I will have to post a pic of my DH
He has Nordic, Spanish, and Native American ancestry.
I am glaringly pale* know what makes me sad about this picture? Was taken just last year. I was working out every day and so thin :(

Angel, my movie DH would have to be... Zack Braff. I think he is Jewish ;)
And football over sex? What? :o

Laura, no clue on deli. But if you ever visit Texas I will take you out for Mexican food (and corn tortillas) hehe.

Aww Bethany!! Love the pics. You can see your husbands mixed ancestry and the blue eyes. And Bethany all I can say is wow, you are beautiful. Is that your natural hair color? That is my exact hair and skin color!! lol. Except I have honey brown-hazelish eyes. Actually I am not sure what my hair color is anymore, it use to be light brown and got kinda darker as I got older. And Bethany, when I met my husband I was a size 5/6, now I will not even mention what size I am. lol. I gained a LOT of weight from the last pregnancy when I had the large ovarian cyst. I could never lose the weight. In fact, that is why I waited so long to have another child, because I kept trying to lose the weight. I supposedly have pcos, but I am not even sure I do have it because I do get pregnant pretty easily, well not now it seems. :(
Can you believe that my husband was born a blond? I love how exotic he looks. Those blue eyes and those cheekbones- incredible. He is so beautiful :)
My hair is naturally a little lighter than in that picture- a very ashy brown that will shine red in sunlight :(
As for is hard isn't it? Why can't exercise be enough? I don't eat crap but I do eat a lot. I have tried drinking water, because I read that a lot of times you are really thirsty instead of hungry. Yeah, no. My stomach will growl. I am hungry damn it. All we can do is be healthy and love ourselves :flower:
Can you believe that my husband was born a blond? I love how exotic he looks. Those blue eyes and those cheekbones- incredible. He is so beautiful :)
My hair is naturally a little lighter than in that picture- a very ashy brown that will shine red in sunlight :(
As for is hard isn't it? Why can't exercise be enough? I don't eat crap but I do eat a lot. I have tried drinking water, because I read that a lot of times you are really thirsty instead of hungry. Yeah, no. My stomach will growl. I am hungry damn it. All we can do is be healthy and love ourselves :flower:

Isn't it funny how we change so much as we grow. I use to have light brown-blonde as a baby, then I went to auburn-red as a toddler and it got darker. I think for the most part hair usually darkens as we get older. As for my husband, he is from El Salvador, has olive skin (much darker than your husband) and Japanese style eyes. Oh and his hair is JET black. My daughters hair is brown and her complexion is very light, but not white. She is an exact mix of me and my husband. As for my baby boy that I lost, from what I saw, I think he was going to look like me:( . I always wanted a little mini mi.:(
I looked pretty much the same as a kid, but less cute because I had short hair :(
Perhaps your next babies will look like you :hugs:
I looked pretty much the same as a kid, but less cute because I had short hair :(
Perhaps your next babies will look like you :hugs:

Doubt it lol, my husbands genes are really strong!! But you never know. As long as I make it through the next pregnancy and the baby :baby: is big and healthy!! Thats what i wish for all of us!
Amy so no AF today! that tiny pink spot i still think can be good news. Fxd that she stays away and it leads to something. Lots of baby dust to you. I hope you had a good day. :hugs:

Bethany you and your DH will make beautiful babies!! Very lovely pictures! :) Im glad that bd is going well for you and dh this cycle!

Angel sounds like your having fun this cycle also :) So nice to hear! Remember to go one extra week of bding even after you know or think you Ovulated. first off itll make the tww seem shorter and second just incase you have a second surge! I want to see all you ladies with bfps sooon!!! I am praying for you ALL!!

Laura hi!!! Im okay a little concerned about my bloodwork today my HCG is 14 im also very crampy.... I go back monday to see whats going on. How are you feeling? Did you create an account on

:dust: Ladies!! You are all in my prayers and I cant wait for all of us to have bfp's and our newest LO!!!

I thought today was going to be relaxing turned out to be extremely busy. Our dishwater had to get fixed food shopping other errands etc. My pup is now whining becausei finally sat down and im paying attention to my laptop (yay!! DH finally got me a charger for it) and not to him. Def cant blame him. Its cuddle time and bedtime anyways.

Talk with you all tom!!!
I wish also :( i was there today at my fam doc and reviewed bloodwork results and had physical.... Go back for bloodwork again monday then office visit after results come in... Im prayin this is a viable pregnancy and my numbers increase like then should. I thought i was ok so dh knows so.does my parents n mil....dh tried to call everyone i let him have an ear full. All well. He told me this is his last try for healthy baby. I need this to work
You can add my prayers to yours :hugs:
Why would your husband tell you that would be his last time trying? He shouldn't make you feel even more vulnerable during an already vulnerable time. We love you Jen and all will be well
U chat bags! I didnt come on last night cos been busy moving out and i have ten pages to catch up on hahah!!! I better get started!
Storked, thinking of the movie idea, i took a quick glance at your photo and the first thing that came to my mind ofwho could play you, is Kate Hudson :)
Im thinking of a character who could play me and its a toss up between the woman who plays Grace Adler in Will and Grace ( the way she acts and looks )
Or Isla Fisher in that film enachanted i think its called, DH always laughs and says i act exactly like she does in that movie haha!!

Angel i agree with time flying by these next few months, always seems to go quck from october to christmas, we had better all have beans inside us by the time christas comes or
im having words with the TTC God..

Amy im glad your DH is being amazing! We need our amazing other halves at these times, just shows how you can truly love someone :) Im glad
we have them <3

Laur's glad you got an early scan chick! Keep checking up on that sticky bean! Knowing our luck, we've all gone from having unsticky
beans, and now we are asking for sticky beans, we are all gonna have labours where baby just doesnt want to come out haha!
Too sticky and comfy in there lol! BRace yourselves for 40 hours labour :D HEHE

And NO ANGEL Channing Tatum would be MY husband haha!! Im obsessed with him, and DH doesnt mind, he made me laugh the other day, he said
"If Channing Tatum came to our door and said he was in love with you and wanted you to be his wife what would you say"
i said... " Id say no i love my other half too much, i mean, id think about it for a miniute but id still say no" He was in stitches haha!

And Jen ill be praying for you! You and Laura ! Everything will go fine! Im sure of it!

So, im currently 11dpo, bfn this morning, definitely feel out , af due 8th october , so will just have to see, dont feel pregnant or have any symptoms, got creamy yellow tinted cm
and quite alot of it :( feel very wet down there keep thinking af is coming week early !!! Oh well, it will soon be next month and i am charting my temp every morning now
so will see how it all tallies up , am not gonna lie, im a bit hurt this month i really thought it would be a good month xxx

hope youre all okay xxxxxxx
Good morning (or afternoon).

Jen. Fx Betas more than double for you! My last pg DH said the same thing. I agree with if we aren't vulnerable enough and they throw "this is it" in the mix. As time has unfolded, he has confessed the pain it caused him watching ME worry myself sick. Perhaps your DH is feeling the same...they tend to say the wrong things when they are scared and can't "fix" it. I keep you all in my prayers...

Natasha good character picks! I love them both! If Amy is willing to give up her movie husband, CT, then he can be yours! :haha: Hope the move goes quickly for you! Sorry you feel out this do have a lot to look forward to though---like christening the new place! Ideal for baby making! :baby:

Happy Saturday ladies!
Psst...Amy, Jessica any news? Have either of you caved today and poas?
Yikes! The Dr said I'd get a positive OPK today, so sure enough all 3 brands are positive (to include CBFM). She also said we only need to dtd on Sunday and Monday. It goes against everything I've read to NOT BD today! DH is out hunting and I'm not sure I can convince him we should BD today...ughh! What if the Oracle was wrong, what if my follie grew faster than she expected?!? If only I hadn't poas...all of these what if's! I just need to trust the doc who does IVF and IUI's for a living (even though we are natural), right?

Just venting my fears...
Hi girls, hope everyone is doing ok. I think af is for sure on her way. I guess my cycles are not at 30 days anymore post op so she might come today. Bethany you and your hubby are going to make beautiful babies! I'm sure all of you are! As for Indian food, I'd say chicken tikka masala with garlic naan (which is bread) and rice. It's my hubby's favorite! Or tandoori chicken. Both items usually come with rice and and are really yummy! Angel, no news just waiting for af. Laura, Jessica, Natasha, horsey... Hope you guys are doing well. We just got our furniture delivered this morning so I'm watching dh hook up all his gadgets and game systems and I'm on the couch with my blankets and kitties. Really cramping today and don't feel very well so just going to enjoy a quiet weekend with the hubby until next week when his parents get here.

Jen, is hubby serious about this being the last time you try? How come how said that to you? I hope this one is a nice healthy sticky bean Hun.

Hope everyone is well and I'll and be better about catching up more the next time in on. My head is still kind of all over the place. Lots of love to my girls!

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