jen maybe its better if amber goes to ur parents alright, fx it works out for the best in the end , i know it will be messy fo a while alright but it will be ok in a while xxxxxxxx
um thats kinda mean of ur DH, we have enough to worry about at the mo, maybe the girls r right though, maybe he doesnt want u to go through too much and its his way of 'fixing' it. hugs honey, hope all goes really well for u xxxx
im 5 weeks today,

june 2nd be my dd

fx xxxxxxxx
im down money by being out of work too but it will be so worth it if it works xxxx fx x
im still playing catch up, my brain is sluggish today i dont sleep well in hotels xxxx
natasha honey, ye will love the house now when ye unpack and settle in, moving is hard xx
amy how u doin hon hope

bethany, i love naan bread expeacially the one with garlic and mince in it
so bold but lovely, havent had it in ages now
angel thats great for pos opks xxxxxxxx best o luck catching eggy xxxxx
jessica hon i just read ur long post, hope ur mom and daughter r ok honey. xxxx big hugs xxxx
i went to liver consultant last week and she told me not to over eat, she said loads of women do when preg. im telling u this cos she told me that no matter what i eat my baby wont starve. that the baby gets anything ur body has first, so dont be worried bout that, it is ur body that suffers from not getting all the nutrients not ur baby cos ur baby will take it from ur stores or ur tissues or anywhere . xxxx so u have no fault sweetie , xxx
my Sil threw up constantly while preg, she couldnt even keep down water and she had 2 healthy babies while puking all the time

so rest assured ur baby was not mal nourished babe xxxxxxx big huge hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
its still too early for ur bfp babe, il keep my fx for u xxx
amy hon so sorry for af xxxxxxxxxxxx big hugs,
ur body is waiting to be perfect and u will catch next month , i can just feel it xxxxxxx
jen its only 5 weeks, tons of people dont even know they r preg now, let alone have symptoms xxxxxxxxxxxx
and dont apologize , we love u and r here for u xxxxxx