ttc after a d&c

Amy, hope you get to feeling better :flower:

Jen, give the hospital hell. How stressful :hugs:
Also, your SIL is an inconsiderate idiot. Ignore her and just do your best to break that fever and have happy thoughts. Don't ever apologize for venting- we are here to uplift you honey.

Jessica, I love me some Mexican food. And if this isn't the month then next month will be :hugs:
Don't be too hard on yourself.*

Natasha, the rainbow is coming :)
Wow.. Im a bit annoyed...
Im struggling to bend down repeatedly since the DnC, seems to give me massive pains behind my belly button, and yet me and Chris have got to pack our whole life up out of this house, load it into the van, take it down to the new house, load it out, and start again. The only help weve had is our best friend Kenny.

All of his family seem to have just f****d off for the weekend and not even offered to help us, yet expect me to look after the dog all weekend at the same time as trying to pack the house up?! They could have offered! They know i struggle with bending down and moving stuff i still cant even put the washing out because bending down to the basket for every clothing item hurts my stomach!

So annoyed, im so annoyed im not going to clean the house when i leave.. Sorry to moan,rant over.. I mean is it me? Why not offer to help instead of just going out on motorbike rallies all weekend?! Wouldnt have hurt them for one weekend would it! xxx
Wow.. Im a bit annoyed...
Im struggling to bend down repeatedly since the DnC, seems to give me massive pains behind my belly button, and yet me and Chris have got to pack our whole life up out of this house, load it into the van, take it down to the new house, load it out, and start again. The only help weve had is our best friend Kenny.

All of his family seem to have just f****d off for the weekend and not even offered to help us, yet expect me to look after the dog all weekend at the same time as trying to pack the house up?! They could have offered! They know i struggle with bending down and moving stuff i still cant even put the washing out because bending down to the basket for every clothing item hurts my stomach!

So annoyed, im so annoyed im not going to clean the house when i leave.. Sorry to moan,rant over.. I mean is it me? Why not offer to help instead of just going out on motorbike rallies all weekend?! Wouldnt have hurt them for one weekend would it! xxx

I know what you mean. My body doesnt feel the same since the d&c. I feel almost as if I have gone through a whole pregnancy and given birth. I get aches and pains that I didnt have since pregnancy. Its ok to be annoyed, you are probably going through a lot of hormonal changes and who knows what else. I know that at times everybody here pisses me off. Just little comments that wouldnt normally bother my annoy the hell out of me now. Hon, you are probably fatigued. Try to take a breather, have a nice cup of relaxing tea and put your feet up. Maybe that will help. Oh yeah, and as you see I got up again, now I for sure need to back to bed. Insomnia really sucks.!! Have a good day! Will be coming back here to check up later, after I have gotten some sleep. :hugs:
haha go to sleep jess you will be shattered tomorrow!!!

Yeah, i just feel like everytime someone asks me to do things for them i say yes without hesitation even if i dont want to, and then as soon as we need help nobody is there!!

Ahh, im having a cuppa tea, ill be fine lol sooner we get down there and stay there the better lol!

Got so much to do that im sat on the laptop lol typical..

And im still gonna clean the house :( not that it gets appreciated but i dont like moving and leaving mess behind, well not mess cos im not dirty but u know what i mean..

Just cant wait, to get into bed tonight with DH and have a good old cuddle and possibly bd and just start a family properly, you know what i mean, we been together years but living at his parents house always made me feel like we werent a proper couple, like we were just dating or something, but now we havea house together it feels like its the start of our own little family and life together, :) im so happy with him, i know we have our tiffs like normal people but god almighty am i in love with him :)

Everything is packed now, apart from the bed and the fridge :) Getting there! Il be on this today but then i may not be here for a few days as we have no internet at the new house yet until i get sky sorted, god help me on how much ill have to catch up on lol! xxxxxxx
Amy so no AF today! that tiny pink spot i still think can be good news. Fxd that she stays away and it leads to something. Lots of baby dust to you. I hope you had a good day. :hugs:

Laura hi!!! Im okay a little concerned about my bloodwork today my HCG is 14 im also very crampy.... I go back monday to see whats going on. How are you feeling? Did you create an account on

Talk with you all tom!!!

fx sweetie, could just be very early still, id say its hard to tell anything at this stage. fx for mon xxxxxx
i didnt make the count down preg thing, i went onto it and checked it out but i dont wanna do anything like that yet, its so early , im afraid il get way too attached and excited and then have something happen. i know it hopefully wont happen, but i have to protect myself a little this time :) xxx

my pully crampy feeling is gone, but my boobs still have pains.
im not crying any more either and i dont know if its good r bad!!
i know last time i had pully feeling for a bit and then didnt feel preg at all for fortnight and then got really queasy, hope its just normal like that . thank god i have scan 2 weeks tues, i be wreck waiting till 12 weeks .

had the wedding yest, it was lovely but i danced some ceili dance and got a twinge so i went back to hotel before 12 , i was glad to get back, i was tired anyway :) was lovely day though :) xxxx

jen maybe its better if amber goes to ur parents alright, fx it works out for the best in the end , i know it will be messy fo a while alright but it will be ok in a while xxxxxxxx
um thats kinda mean of ur DH, we have enough to worry about at the mo, maybe the girls r right though, maybe he doesnt want u to go through too much and its his way of 'fixing' it. hugs honey, hope all goes really well for u xxxx
im 5 weeks today, :) june 2nd be my dd :) fx xxxxxxxx
im down money by being out of work too but it will be so worth it if it works xxxx fx x

im still playing catch up, my brain is sluggish today i dont sleep well in hotels xxxx

natasha honey, ye will love the house now when ye unpack and settle in, moving is hard xx

amy how u doin hon hope :af: xxx

bethany, i love naan bread expeacially the one with garlic and mince in it :)
so bold but lovely, havent had it in ages now :)

angel thats great for pos opks xxxxxxxx best o luck catching eggy xxxxx

jessica hon i just read ur long post, hope ur mom and daughter r ok honey. xxxx big hugs xxxx
i went to liver consultant last week and she told me not to over eat, she said loads of women do when preg. im telling u this cos she told me that no matter what i eat my baby wont starve. that the baby gets anything ur body has first, so dont be worried bout that, it is ur body that suffers from not getting all the nutrients not ur baby cos ur baby will take it from ur stores or ur tissues or anywhere . xxxx so u have no fault sweetie , xxx
my Sil threw up constantly while preg, she couldnt even keep down water and she had 2 healthy babies while puking all the time :) so rest assured ur baby was not mal nourished babe xxxxxxx big huge hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

its still too early for ur bfp babe, il keep my fx for u xxx

amy hon so sorry for af xxxxxxxxxxxx big hugs,
ur body is waiting to be perfect and u will catch next month , i can just feel it xxxxxxx

jen its only 5 weeks, tons of people dont even know they r preg now, let alone have symptoms xxxxxxxxxxxx
and dont apologize , we love u and r here for u xxxxxx
oh natasha we will miss u til u get ur internet xxxxxxx
enjoy ur new home sweetie xxxxxxxxx
spoke too soon, just making chicken pie and i started crying again :)
im just wrecked and just found out my Sil who is due 2 days of liles date has her normal scan on day of my early scan to make sure not mc this time.
irrational but it makes me feel a bit jinxed to share anything this pregnancy with her .
stupid i know but its got me worried
That's girls! I kind of feel the same as Bethany did. Although I was by sad that af came, I was also relieved. She came right at 30 days so it seems like I'm cycling normally. I'm still going to use a opk this cycle just to ensure we are dtd at the right time. Cramps are horrible though, just like they were when I was younger. I suppose that makes sense since after a d&c we are all "cleaned out". Oh well, fx for this cycle.

Hope you ladies are having a good weekend. I'm watching some football and doing some laundry and watching my 49ners! :) :hugs:
yup angel tww :) hope it goes really fast and ends well xxxxxx

thank god ur back to norm amy, ifykwim xxx
Laura understand 100% what your saying. Your LO will be okay. FXD for your scan. I wont have my first scan for a while. I am excited that our dd is so close!! Maybe itll be same day! All will go well. I have faith :hugs:

Amy I am very sorry the witch came. She just cant understand she isnt wanted... Fxd for this cycle. Stay relaxed and start your opks on cd 5. Youll get your YES before you know it and then bd for the next 3-4 days after to cover all your bases. Also aim for days you start to see a second line appear on the insert stick. Those opks are amazing!! :dust:

Angel I would bd a few for days just incase! Cover your bases if you can. I am very excited for everyone this cycle and cant wait to see the outcome! We need some Late June and early July babys coming our way!! :dust:

Bethany Im so glad that your relaxed and taking it easy this cycle by doing what you enjoy. That bfp is coming for you and i cant wait! :dust:

Hope all you ladies are having a good weekend!
Thank you Laura. I know I only have a 1 in 4 shot of falling pregnant, so I won't hold my breath. Just glad to be back in the game! In the meantime :-= I wait and see...

Laura understand 100% what your saying. Your LO will be okay. FXD for your scan. I wont have my first scan for a while. I am excited that our dd is so close!! Maybe itll be same day! All will go well. I have faith :hugs:

Amy I am very sorry the witch came. She just cant understand she isnt wanted... Fxd for this cycle. Stay relaxed and start your opks on cd 5. Youll get your YES before you know it and then bd for the next 3-4 days after to cover all your bases. Also aim for days you start to see a second line appear on the insert stick. Those opks are amazing!! :dust:

Angel I would bd a few for days just incase! Cover your bases if you can. I am very excited for everyone this cycle and cant wait to see the outcome! We need some Late June and early July babys coming our way!! :dust:

Bethany Im so glad that your relaxed and taking it easy this cycle by doing what you enjoy. That bfp is coming for you and i cant wait! :dust:

Hope all you ladies are having a good weekend!

Angel, yay for the tww! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you Hun. I second what Jen said, bd a few extra days just in case. I really regret not doing that this last time. I think if I had, I would've caught the eggy so I don't want you to have the same regret. So excited for you!

Thanks Jen. I'm ok, coming to terms with it and just looking forward to trying again. I know dh is looking forward to trying hahahh. I'm going to really try hard to relax and use my opk. I think I'm going to count yesterday as my cd1 right? The other days were really nothing at all. Has your fever broke?
Thank you Laura. I know I only have a 1 in 4 shot of falling pregnant, so I won't hold my breath. Just glad to be back in the game! In the meantime :-= I wait and see...

yahhh!! tww, welcome to the club! It goes by faster than you think! I made the mistake of testing too early over and over again. lol. I am cd11 and still bfn. I really think I am out now. Oh well, I guess I am going to have to start using opks!! Good luck on your tww wait.
Laura understand 100% what your saying. Your LO will be okay. FXD for your scan. I wont have my first scan for a while. I am excited that our dd is so close!! Maybe itll be same day! All will go well. I have faith :hugs:

Amy I am very sorry the witch came. She just cant understand she isnt wanted... Fxd for this cycle. Stay relaxed and start your opks on cd 5. Youll get your YES before you know it and then bd for the next 3-4 days after to cover all your bases. Also aim for days you start to see a second line appear on the insert stick. Those opks are amazing!! :dust:

Angel I would bd a few for days just incase! Cover your bases if you can. I am very excited for everyone this cycle and cant wait to see the outcome! We need some Late June and early July babys coming our way!! :dust:

Bethany Im so glad that your relaxed and taking it easy this cycle by doing what you enjoy. That bfp is coming for you and i cant wait! :dust:

Hope all you ladies are having a good weekend!

I will be thinking about you and baby tomorrow when you go to get your levels checked.:flower: FX all well be just fine.! And good advice to angel to cover all bases. I failed to do that this cycle, but will follow your advice for the next. thx!:hugs:
Thank you Laura. I know I only have a 1 in 4 shot of falling pregnant, so I won't hold my breath. Just glad to be back in the game! In the meantime :-= I wait and see...

Laura understand 100% what your saying. Your LO will be okay. FXD for your scan. I wont have my first scan for a while. I am excited that our dd is so close!! Maybe itll be same day! All will go well. I have faith :hugs:

Amy I am very sorry the witch came. She just cant understand she isnt wanted... Fxd for this cycle. Stay relaxed and start your opks on cd 5. Youll get your YES before you know it and then bd for the next 3-4 days after to cover all your bases. Also aim for days you start to see a second line appear on the insert stick. Those opks are amazing!! :dust:

Angel I would bd a few for days just incase! Cover your bases if you can. I am very excited for everyone this cycle and cant wait to see the outcome! We need some Late June and early July babys coming our way!! :dust:

Bethany Im so glad that your relaxed and taking it easy this cycle by doing what you enjoy. That bfp is coming for you and i cant wait! :dust:

Hope all you ladies are having a good weekend!

Angel, yay for the tww! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you Hun. I second what Jen said, bd a few extra days just in case. I really regret not doing that this last time. I think if I had, I would've caught the eggy so I don't want you to have the same regret. So excited for you!

Thanks Jen. I'm ok, coming to terms with it and just looking forward to trying again. I know dh is looking forward to trying hahahh. I'm going to really try hard to relax and use my opk. I think I'm going to count yesterday as my cd1 right? The other days were really nothing at all. Has your fever broke?

Amy, I made the exact same mistake. I think I may be one of those who ov later, like close to day 20 of my cycle maybe. So I think we didn't catch little eggy because of that. I guess we all learn from mistakes, just have to do more bding next cycle!! lol. Good thing is that we can always look forward to the next month even if this month wasn't the month. I just hope I am oving normally. :growlmad:
Jessica fxd for that magical bfp. I really hope ur okay.hang in there hopefully ull know where you stand in a few days.


My temp is btw 100.6-99.4 now so its lower but still low grade. No er this weekend so a plus. I am patiently waiting for my levels and appt tom with fam doct it so hard. Thank you ladies!

Angel goodluck tom!! Fxd!!


Natasha hope your enjoying your new home!! :)
Thank you Laura. I know I only have a 1 in 4 shot of falling pregnant, so I won't hold my breath. Just glad to be back in the game! In the meantime :-= I wait and see...

yahhh!! tww, welcome to the club! It goes by faster than you think! I made the mistake of testing too early over and over again. lol. I am cd11 and still bfn. I really think I am out now. Oh well, I guess I am going to have to start using opks!! Good luck on your tww wait.

Thank you Laura. I know I only have a 1 in 4 shot of falling pregnant, so I won't hold my breath. Just glad to be back in the game! In the meantime :-= I wait and see...

Laura understand 100% what your saying. Your LO will be okay. FXD for your scan. I wont have my first scan for a while. I am excited that our dd is so close!! Maybe itll be same day! All will go well. I have faith :hugs:

Amy I am very sorry the witch came. She just cant understand she isnt wanted... Fxd for this cycle. Stay relaxed and start your opks on cd 5. Youll get your YES before you know it and then bd for the next 3-4 days after to cover all your bases. Also aim for days you start to see a second line appear on the insert stick. Those opks are amazing!! :dust:

Angel I would bd a few for days just incase! Cover your bases if you can. I am very excited for everyone this cycle and cant wait to see the outcome! We need some Late June and early July babys coming our way!! :dust:

Bethany Im so glad that your relaxed and taking it easy this cycle by doing what you enjoy. That bfp is coming for you and i cant wait! :dust:

Hope all you ladies are having a good weekend!

Angel, yay for the tww! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you Hun. I second what Jen said, bd a few extra days just in case. I really regret not doing that this last time. I think if I had, I would've caught the eggy so I don't want you to have the same regret. So excited for you!

Thanks Jen. I'm ok, coming to terms with it and just looking forward to trying again. I know dh is looking forward to trying hahahh. I'm going to really try hard to relax and use my opk. I think I'm going to count yesterday as my cd1 right? The other days were really nothing at all. Has your fever broke?

Amy, I made the exact same mistake. I think I may be one of those who ov later, like close to day 20 of my cycle maybe. So I think we didn't catch little eggy because of that. I guess we all learn from mistakes, just have to do more bding next cycle!! lol. Good thing is that we can always look forward to the next month even if this month wasn't the month. I just hope I am oving normally. :growlmad:

I think I for sure didn't calculate right. That's what I get for thinking I can so without an opk! Jessica, I really wouldn't rule yourself out hun. Just like the girls said, you're not out until the :witch: comes. I'm still pulling for ya! :) I'm definitely going to be using my kit I bought and hopefully will join you ladies next month :)

Jen, kup tomorrow and fx for you and lo.

Bethany, Laura, angel, danni, Natasha, horsey and anyone I missed have a great night! :hugs:

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