ttc after a d&c

Gosh! Took me 8 hours to get everything packed and into the car and to the new house.. THATS JUST MY CLOTHES SHOES AND TOILETRIES/COSMETICS phew, thats enough for one day haha now to dye my hair!!

At least its keeping me distracted from TTC, especially since me and DH havent :sex: in almost two weeks :|

Im bit annoyed actually, everyones out the house, and earlier i came back from taking some clothes to new house, and i was being all seductive etc, and then he said no cos matt will be coming back in a minute to get his tele... Its like two hours later and his friend matt still hasnt been back to fetch the tv... It feels like he just wants any excuse to get out of having sex with me :( Im actually quite upset and feeling very down about myselfand my looks right now xxx
Amy good news about NO AF!!! YAY!!! I really really think IB happened to you!! Fxd im still praying this is it. Youll know in a few more days!!!


Angel yay for Ovulation!!! Get dh in bed!! You can do it!! :)Fxd youll catch that egg! Its amazing how the doctors know this stuff. I wouldnt tell dh its now or never though too much pressure would be put on him! Us girls must keep them relaxed.


Natasha your still early in your cycle. No symptoms is a good thing! I had none for the longest time. Fxd for your bfp soon!!!


Laura so your scan went well? Yay!! So glad to hear all is going smoothly for you!!! :) How far along are you know? The doctor says in 5wks and edd is june 1 2013 but my family doctor is saying she doesnt know. Im sticking with my obgyn. She is the specialist.

Jessica how are you? Have you tested yet? Fxd for your bfp!!


Bethany hi!! Have you ovulated yet? Or your probably not keeping track of that! Fxd this is it for you and dh also!


Unfortunately you are correct. DH is pretty much saying this is it for "trying". So praying this goes well. I am trying to stay calm relaxed and stress free. I told the dental offices I do not want to be around NITROUS OXIDE anymore and that I dont want to take more then 4 xrays on a pt (sometimes we take 18 at one time) and I do wear my lead apron but my back isnt covered so I still feel some scattered can get through. I am actually turning down work secretly because I dont want to risk anything. I know we will be hurting for a while financially but once the baby is just growing I can pick up more hours. Its just the baby is forming now and I want a healthy heart and organs... Praying is my main comfort.

So my sister called me today in tears. My parents summoned her to court for custody of her daughter. Go figure... My sister (tiffany) asked If I would take custody for her dd (amber) and I told her sorry tiff but im expecting. She started going off on me about how mom is trying to take her daughter and that my parents might take mine. I told tiff I dont think so and she said thats right your perfect you have a house and a husband... I wanted to say something but kept my mouth shut because I didnt want to say anything to fire her up. I think amber will be better off with my parents. I have no idea why my family is soo crazy in the oddest way (disfunctional). But all well.

:dust: LADIES!!!
Amy, I actually knew what naan bread was! I have had it at Thai restaurants before :)
You will make beautiful babies! We all will
And sounds like a good day. If AF comes, have a hot bath and some chocolate. :hugs:
Oh I also wanted to tell you that my first period was 32 days and my next was 38 but that they have gotten shorter and shorter since so maybe this is your long one and next time (hopefully NO next time) will be shorter!

Natasha, Kate Hudson would be a better choice! She seems odd and girly :D
Haha I have a ton of toiletries too. And clothes!

Angel, why can't you BD now? Though she is an expert :-/

Jen, I may be ovulating around now but it is true that I am not really paying attention :D
And while you things may be tough financially, you are doing what is best honey :hugs:
Sorry you got hit with family drama! :(

AFM well we were supposed to go to the state fair but it has been postponed until tomorrow- was raining today and we want to get on rides. But DH bought me a sims game so I am at home gaming :blush:
Well, I am 10dpo today, my af is due in 5 to 6 days and I got a bfn again this morning. I am sure this means I am out. I took the frer test and I was thinking if I was pregnant at this point Wouldn't I get a positive 10dpo and 5 to 6 days before af?? Especially with frer that says it can detect up to 6 days before af? I tried to wait as long as I could.

Jen wil have fx and praying that your hcg levels start doubling. As for hubbies comment, Like I have said over and over, men are weird creatures. Sometimes I don't quite understand them, they tend to say the most untactful things at the worst times. I am sure he really doesn't mean what he says, he is probably just very worried. Because even me being a woman and ttc I can imagine saying that same very thing out of frustration. Of course I don't want to stop trying for a healthy baby, its just sometimes we get into a funk and we think and even says things at the time that we do not normally feel.

Here in my house everything is going down hill. My little 6 year old. She has a non specified mood disorder. Doctors think she is bipolar and we also think that, as she gets older she gets manic for days and then slips into this horrible depression. I home school her, but it so so trying. Some weeks I can't even teach her, and she just won't comply. Today was a bad day, my mom was trying to help me with her. She was misbehaving and caused my mother to fall down and get hurt. I was actually taking a nap and woke up to my mom crying in pain on the floor, and daughter was right next to her screaming and crying. I was horrified I had no idea what had happened. I was so worried my mom broke her leg or hip. She seems ok, but I feel so guilty that I took a nap and all of this happened now because of it.

Then hubby and I got into a big fight last night. He is working 2 jobs right now, and I told him how hard it has been taking care of our daughter and all of the stress, because when he come home from work he goes right to his laptop and acts like he has no responsibility. And I told him I am sick my problematic life. He had the nerve to say, "Problems? What problems do you have?" He made me lose it so bad. I told him what problems do I have? He acts like the miscarriage alone meant nothing. The nerve to ask me what problems do I have? I told him, imagine being a woman carrying a baby, who you feel everyday moving and kicking inside you, loving the baby so much and to lose him in a matter of 12 hours after finding out there is no heartbeat. Then almost bleeding to death. And finding out you are having your first son. Sure he went through this too. But he never had the connection that I had with the baby.

Something else I haven't told all of you out of embarrassment, my husband lost his job 5 days into my pregnancy. I couldn't work because I am the one that stays at home with my mentally ill child, he has no patience with her, and also my pregnancy was very high risk. We had to have my mom help out and it was so humiliating. There were days during my morning sickness where I was so sick and everything made me throw up and I was forced to eat many foods that I hated and made me sick. I was never able to indulge in any cravings, I use to crave red meat a lot and felt slightly anemic, I could never even eat a steak, because we couldn't afford it. for those 4 1/2 months of my pregnancy he could never find a job and then I lost the baby and the next month he lands a job. Sometimes I feel so guilty that possibly I wasn't giving the baby what he needed. So to ramble girls, sometimes I feel like I am to the end of my rope.
Jessica, don't even worry about those tests- they only detect pregnancy six days early if you had implantation on the early end of the spectrum. If you implant late then your BFP will take longer to show.
And yes, he should understand that you work and work dang hard too. And that everything has been stressful and you are reaching a breaking point and just need him to be there for you and to step it up. Sounds like it has been rough :hugs:
Don't be embarrassed about him losing his job- it is so common these days. The economy is rough. My BIL lost his job months ago and just now got another thank goodness- they have five kids. You are strong and you are doing the best that you can. Take pride in that :flower:
Thank you ladies!

Jessica i second what bethany says. You work just as hard and been through so much. Im sorry for dd though. She sounds very hard to take care of but she is love and thank god you have patience for her. Men never have patience. Least i dont know any who do. :hugs: your going to concieve again and have healthy baby. You could have tested early im sure that your bfp will come. As for jobs this is a very tough time and u shouldnt be embarrassed it happens. Also remember you didnt do anything to cause your mc and your son knows that you took care of him best you could. :hugs: we are here for you. Im glad dh is working but i hope he understands and listens to you. He gets out and is around other ppl to talk with you arent. I hope your okay.


Amy how are you?
Bethany and Jen have said it best Jessica! :hugs: I hope your mom is ok. Bipolar Disorder is hard to detect at such a young age, so I imagine treatment is just as difficult. You are a great mommy and your children are lucky to have such a devoted mother! Thinking of you and fx for your BFP!

Danni? You lurking out there? Drop us a line...I looked back and I think your birthday is coming up :cake: or is it?

Another weekend almost down ladies...

Awe Jessica, don't be embarrassed. I so sorry that you have had to endure stomach pain. I hope everything is ok with your mother too. Don't feel guilty, nothing was your fault with the mc. I second what Bethany said. I'm praying for you.

I'm ok, think I'm catching a cold or something. Been sleeping all day and af came so been feeling cramps as well. Thanks for checking on me girls :)

Hope you ladies are doing well!
:hug: im so sorry amy that AF showed :( Lots of baby dust for you think cycle.

Everyone else hi! We are missing alot of ladies. Horseypants, Danni, Laura how are you?

Angel which cd are you now?
I am so upset I could cry but I know it wont help anything. I am burning up have a fever. Just found out that the hospital never billed us for a service so we had no idea we owed it and they sent it to collections instead of billing us. They will get an ear full on monday. Im very scared. I thought being pregnant was suppost to be a happy time. I also have no symptoms what so ever and my sil goes to me thats not good. She said that a healthy baby means multiple symptoms and that i should be sick but not have a fever like i do. Ugh what a terrible day. I WANT TO BE HAPPY but between my family, my hcg levels low, and no pregnancy symptoms plus that collection notice i cant help it. I really pray things get better. And my sister says my life is NORMAL AND A BREEZE... helllo everyone has their own troubles... Its just I have no one to talk with about mine. So again I appologize
I am so upset I could cry but I know it wont help anything. I am burning up have a fever. Just found out that the hospital never billed us for a service so we had no idea we owed it and they sent it to collections instead of billing us. They will get an ear full on monday. Im very scared. I thought being pregnant was suppost to be a happy time. I also have no symptoms what so ever and my sil goes to me thats not good. She said that a healthy baby means multiple symptoms and that i should be sick but not have a fever like i do. Ugh what a terrible day. I WANT TO BE HAPPY but between my family, my hcg levels low, and no pregnancy symptoms plus that collection notice i cant help it. I really pray things get better. And my sister says my life is NORMAL AND A BREEZE... helllo everyone has their own troubles... Its just I have no one to talk with about mine. So again I appologize

Omg Jen :(, take a deep breath Hun. First off some people don't get strong symptoms in the beginning to don't listen to your sil. Second I am so sorry you arent feeling well. Is the fever due to you maybe just catching a cold or something? Again,don't stress.... Mommies to be catch colds and what not too. I would call your dr just to check and make sure you both are ok. Grrrr to the hospital not billing you guys! If you guys have insurance, was this a bill they sent after insurance responded to them? I ask because our hospital told us that we wouldn't get a bill for a month or so after since insurance has 30 days to get back to them. THEN they send a bill and let you know what portion you owe. So if you do have ins, make sure they covered what they were suppose to. I also compare the statements that I get from ins which my ins calls "explanation of benefits" to the statements that I get ok drs offices and hospitals because I have caught differences before and have gotten refunds from hospitals and clinics. Hope that Italy works out Hun and keep your chin up! Big hugs to you babe.
Jessica, don't even worry about those tests- they only detect pregnancy six days early if you had implantation on the early end of the spectrum. If you implant late then your BFP will take longer to show.
And yes, he should understand that you work and work dang hard too. And that everything has been stressful and you are reaching a breaking point and just need him to be there for you and to step it up. Sounds like it has been rough :hugs:
Don't be embarrassed about him losing his job- it is so common these days. The economy is rough. My BIL lost his job months ago and just now got another thank goodness- they have five kids. You are strong and you are doing the best that you can. Take pride in that :flower:

Thank Bethany, I needed to hear that. I went to the mall today, I don't know if it is just me, but everywhere I went I kept seeing adorable babies, especially baby boys. I finally left because I could no longer handle it. On cd10 and got another bfn. Oh well, I am gonna wait a few more days. But I have a feeling this month is not my the month. On a good note, went and ate some delicious mexican food with the family. That cheered me up a little. I guess a little comfort food can do the trick. lol. Thanks for the encouraging words. You girls are the only people in this world that I feel can understand me. :hugs:
Jessica, don't even worry about those tests- they only detect pregnancy six days early if you had implantation on the early end of the spectrum. If you implant late then your BFP will take longer to show.
And yes, he should understand that you work and work dang hard too. And that everything has been stressful and you are reaching a breaking point and just need him to be there for you and to step it up. Sounds like it has been rough :hugs:
Don't be embarrassed about him losing his job- it is so common these days. The economy is rough. My BIL lost his job months ago and just now got another thank goodness- they have five kids. You are strong and you are doing the best that you can. Take pride in that :flower:

Thank Bethany, I needed to hear that. I went to the mall today, I don't know if it is just me, but everywhere I went I kept seeing adorable babies, especially baby boys. I finally left because I could no longer handle it. On cd10 and got another bfn. Oh well, I am gonna wait a few more days. But I have a feeling this month is not my the month. On a good note, went and ate some delicious mexican food with the family. That cheered me up a little. I guess a little comfort food can do the trick. lol. Thanks for the encouraging words. You girls are the only people in this world that I feel can understand me. :hugs:

Chin up and glad you had some great Mexican food! :)
Thank you ladies!

Jessica i second what bethany says. You work just as hard and been through so much. Im sorry for dd though. She sounds very hard to take care of but she is love and thank god you have patience for her. Men never have patience. Least i dont know any who do. :hugs: your going to concieve again and have healthy baby. You could have tested early im sure that your bfp will come. As for jobs this is a very tough time and u shouldnt be embarrassed it happens. Also remember you didnt do anything to cause your mc and your son knows that you took care of him best you could. :hugs: we are here for you. Im glad dh is working but i hope he understands and listens to you. He gets out and is around other ppl to talk with you arent. I hope your okay.


Amy how are you?

Thanks Jen. I feel much better now. You are right about men, most seem not to have much patience. The weird thing is my husband is actually a very patient person but when it comes to my daughter and her behavioral issues, he has no patience. You are right about him getting out though. Even though he has to go out and work, he gets to separate himself from the stressful environment and get a breather. That is something I haven't had these last 6 years. I can't even leave my daughter home to be babysat because I don't trust anyone else with her but me. My daughter can act very wild and make even a safe environment unsafe. She is very accident prone. I rarely even leave her with my mom, for reasons like what happened today, when my mom got hurt. I just hope to God that one day she gets better, because people out there in the real world are not going to have the patience with her like I do. But on another note, she an incredibly affectionate little girl, and can be so sweet and considerate and very intelligent. Its just when she gets in this manic type mood where there is no control.
Bethany and Jen have said it best Jessica! :hugs: I hope your mom is ok. Bipolar Disorder is hard to detect at such a young age, so I imagine treatment is just as difficult. You are a great mommy and your children are lucky to have such a devoted mother! Thinking of you and fx for your BFP!

Danni? You lurking out there? Drop us a line...I looked back and I think your birthday is coming up :cake: or is it?

Another weekend almost down ladies...


Thanx Angel. I really do wish I were a better mother though, I know I have a lot to improve on, but I try, especially under these stressful circumstances. Thanks for your well wishes. I too hope you get some good news :baby: :flower:coming up after ttc this cycle. Looking for October to be a lucky month for us all!!
I am so upset I could cry but I know it wont help anything. I am burning up have a fever. Just found out that the hospital never billed us for a service so we had no idea we owed it and they sent it to collections instead of billing us. They will get an ear full on monday. Im very scared. I thought being pregnant was suppost to be a happy time. I also have no symptoms what so ever and my sil goes to me thats not good. She said that a healthy baby means multiple symptoms and that i should be sick but not have a fever like i do. Ugh what a terrible day. I WANT TO BE HAPPY but between my family, my hcg levels low, and no pregnancy symptoms plus that collection notice i cant help it. I really pray things get better. And my sister says my life is NORMAL AND A BREEZE... helllo everyone has their own troubles... Its just I have no one to talk with about mine. So again I appologize

Aww Jen i really hope your fever goes down. On a good note, at the beginning of my last pregnancy I too had a fever and sore throat I think it was my immunity going down a little because my body was working so hard for the little baby. And your sil?? Really?? That isn't true, everybody is different. My mother virtually had not symptoms with all 3 of her pregnancies. She only got some morning sickness but that was at about 8 weeks. And my first 2 pregnancies I never got sore boobs, although I did end up with almost no milk and had a lot of troubles breastfeeding. But it is very possible to not get breast soreness. My mom says she didn't get that either. So no symptoms can also be a good sign that you will have a trouble free pregnancy. I follow something I learned when I was young, If you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all. Your sil shouldn't have said that to you, because in the end, she really doesn't no what is going on with you or how your body will react to this pregnancy. The doctor has told me many times, some women barely get any symptoms, some are sick their whole pregnancy!
I hope and pray your hcg will continue to rise.
Jess, i third what Bethany said. Couldnt have put it better. You do work hard, and i have had the same thing where i feel that, not that i hurt more than DH, i know it hit us both very very hard but i feel that i had that connection because he was in my belly, you know? I was the one who got stretch marks, i was sick every evening when the soaps were on while he was watching them, i was the one who couldnt drink tea, your not alone hunny chin up it will get better xx

Hope your all okay.

Jen ive heard of women who have every symptom under the sun, and have healthy babies, and i also have a good friend of mine who never had one symptom, not one, and didnt find ot she was expecting til 5 months! And even then it wasnt because she had symptoms she just kept getting flutters in her belly and her belly seemed to grow the size ofa house within a few days, even i didnt guess! Every pregnancy is different i wouldnt worry about the symptoms! You never know, give it a few weeks and you could have every symptom going lol!!

12dpo for me, not a sniff of a bfp on frers, hmf..x
Jess, i third what Bethany said. Couldnt have put it better. You do work hard, and i have had the same thing where i feel that, not that i hurt more than DH, i know it hit us both very very hard but i feel that i had that connection because he was in my belly, you know? I was the one who got stretch marks, i was sick every evening when the soaps were on while he was watching them, i was the one who couldnt drink tea, your not alone hunny chin up it will get better xx

Hope your all okay.

Jen ive heard of women who have every symptom under the sun, and have healthy babies, and i also have a good friend of mine who never had one symptom, not one, and didnt find ot she was expecting til 5 months! And even then it wasnt because she had symptoms she just kept getting flutters in her belly and her belly seemed to grow the size ofa house within a few days, even i didnt guess! Every pregnancy is different i wouldnt worry about the symptoms! You never know, give it a few weeks and you could have every symptom going lol!!

12dpo for me, not a sniff of a bfp on frers, hmf..x

thx for understanding hon. Who understands better than you girls. :hugs: So are you still moving?? How is that going? I am 11dpo right now, Im not gonna check until I am 12 or 13 dpo. I don't want to see anymore negatives for a couple of days. :cry: Oh so you use the frers too. Hopefully we can get our bfps sooner than later. It is soooooooo hard waiting!! I just want to have a :baby: baby in my tummy again.
Me too! Cant wait to sit knowing theres a baby in there! I really think im out this month so im just preparing to TTC next month, may be easier with us moving etc :)

Yeah we are packing today im just sat relaxing for two minutes with a cuppa tea, been up since 6 packing! We are geting everything moved today etc, and i think the strain of BDing may ease now that we are in our own house with no parents and brothers in the adjacent rooms :) hoping it leads to stress free TTC :)

Yeah using the frers and got some 10miu tests on the way for next month, lets hope we get bfps soon :)

Im just sick of seeing negatives, ive got enough to last me til 16 dpo, and then if no positive by then im just going to wait it out for af next week :)

how are you? xxx
Me too! Cant wait to sit knowing theres a baby in there! I really think im out this month so im just preparing to TTC next month, may be easier with us moving etc :)

Yeah we are packing today im just sat relaxing for two minutes with a cuppa tea, been up since 6 packing! We are geting everything moved today etc, and i think the strain of BDing may ease now that we are in our own house with no parents and brothers in the adjacent rooms :) hoping it leads to stress free TTC :)

Yeah using the frers and got some 10miu tests on the way for next month, lets hope we get bfps soon :)

Im just sick of seeing negatives, ive got enough to last me til 16 dpo, and then if no positive by then im just going to wait it out for af next week :)

how are you? xxx

Doing much better now, thanks :) Glad that u and dh are going to be on your own. Now ttc will get funner!!:thumbup: So even if you don't end up getting bfp this month, you will have more ttc fun next month. :happydance: I am also expecting af. I just have a feeling. Can you believe its 2:30am here and I am still up. I better be getting to sleep. Its just hard to sleep when I feel so anxious with all this waiting. I hate tww!! Well I am off to bed now hon, glad you dropped in to say hi. Take care and enjoy your new place with dh!! :hugs:

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