Good Monday ladies! Can you believe it's October? Yay!! Fx for everyone!
Bethany or Jen or soft cup long do I need to leave it in post BDing?
Amy, the first thing I told the specialist was my hormones, PMS symptoms and AFs were back to like being a teen! Now why can't my fertility be the same?!? Just sayin...
I know!!!! geeez.. oh well, Like Bethany said, I would hope this all means that my body is working hard to make a happy home for a lo this cycle! What cd are you now? SO so so so so excited for you!!! This is going to be your month!
Oh, mominlondon, I THIRD what these girls say about the conflicting info regarding being fertile after a d&c. I think everyone is different and I have heard of some having no issue post op and some taking a little longer. I got pg on my first time trying before my mc and this time I am on my second month. I know it isnt a huge difference but none the less its a difference.
So on a side note.. my little work buddy was at it again this morning. I brought in my big bottle of advil since these cramps are just brutal and we got to talking and everytime I mentioned something about cramps, she had to one up me. I just really hate that! Grrr
Her: How was your friend? Did you go to Denver to check on her? Did you stay the weekend?
Me: Thanks for asking, she is doing ok. We didnt stay too long. Just checked on her and took her daughter to dinner so that she could rest since she didnt want to go anywhere. I started to feel dizzy and then af came so I guess that why I felt that way.
Her: OH, I have passed out when I got my periods all the time.
Me: OMG, thats horrible. Ive never gotten to that
Her: I have passed out so many times in the bathroom and was alone
me: Oh geez sorry to hear. I kind of was prepared for this. The drs told me that I might be a little more sensitive post op but just fees like I am back to where I was when I was 16 and
Her: Well I am 50 and I have had this my whole life...
...This is my day to day with her lol. She asks you how youre doing just to try and get you to start talking so that she can chime in and talk about her. She did it to a girl that came to my desk that was showing me a video of her little girl (So freaking cute) hugging her older brother and I was like "Oh your kids are sooo cute" and the other girl was like thank you and then BAM! She got cut off by this lady and she started talking about how her girls did something like this and blah blah blah... oye. People cant just be happy and interested in someone else's lofe, always about her. Ok Im done hahahah.