ttc after a d&c

thanks bethany :) im a much happier lady today, i just realised i still have lots of preg symptoms and things r goin ok for now so that is all can ask for and hope it continues :) thanks for reassurance :)
have a new fave dinner, white fish with stir fry veg and beans, yummy and sooo filling. :)

jessica it is hard to find a good man, no one is perfect unfortunately, :) i know my OH has his flaws but he is a good decent guy and i know i too have equal flaws but we just learn to work around it :) xxxxxxxx
our Oh s sound a bit alike bethany and jessica, genuinely good and nice but a bit crap at dealing with emotions and talking :) oh well we cant have everything. least my OH has a nice bum , (joke, but he does , ha ha )

For smiles! Which are you guys? :D

HAHAHAHAA! Well, my bathroom and guest are traditionally top left box...sometimes my husbands bathroom is the bottom left, but because I refuse to hang it for him! I don't use his bathroom, so I don't want to be bothered with it!

Jen, fx for rising betas and lovely hormone levels!

(PS love the signature too! xoxo. PSS About showers, it takes me an hour to get ready, so it takes an act of congress to get me motivated (or DH coming home for lunch)!

Happy Hump Day!

I'm off to make sure my eggy dropped!
il do ur cards there now amy xxxx
il just finish my catch up first xx

bethany i didnt notice till amy drew my attention to it but <3

jen best o luck sweetie , it will go great xxxxxx

bethany how awfull, what a dumb man to cheat on u, he isnt gonna find better than u xxxxxxx but ur right its better cos u have ur hubby now and he is a million times nicer xxxxxxxxx big hugs xx

my meow went through a phase of that, when he was doin it i used to pull him under the blankets and rub him and he usually either settled down cos only wanted attention or he wriggled away and ran cos didnt wanna be caught, :) it got him out of that habit anyway ha ha. and i got cuddles, forced or not ha ha
whoops loo roll says im most likely male ha ha

angel hurray for eggy and hurray for good doc , monitoring xxxxx
amy hon, heres some cards for u :)

1) Exercise is key : being active is a key component to life and health. even if schedule gets in the way try and find alternative exercise. get outdoors in the fresh air adn sun for optimal health. exercise will help u reduce stress level and give u more energy.

2)Increased energy : your energy is increasing as a result of recent positive change. this is ur validation that ur current path is ur right one. energy levels are vital to health and healing. energy healing work can be helpfull for this situation . eat a high energy diet and avoid food and drink that drain you. call on archangel micheal for help to clean ur energy .

3) Child : u care deeply about children and they readily respond to ur love. all children even ur inner child need love. have chldren been on ur mind lately, this card says that what ur considering is valid. a child in heaven is saying 'i love u' and pregnancy or adoption may be a part of ur life.

4)Assertiveness :) (see angels expanation too ) in short it means u need to speak the truth gently and with confidence . communicate ur needs to others ina situation where u feel victimised. :)

the first 2 are from my healing with the angels pack and the second 2 are from the same pack as i used with the girls.
have u been tired lately r changed food or exercise?
its good news, i kept gettin the child card for few weeks before my bfp xxxxxxxxxxx
id say assertiveness might be colleaguezilla, would u try saying something like 'let me finish my story woman ha ha' if she interupts u again? nice and jokey but she doesnt get to ride over u all the time? if u think it might work x

bethany i couldnt leave u out :)

ooohhh i excited by ur first card :) its another i got loads the week of my bfp xx

1) Family : this situation is rooted in an emotional experience with a family memeber that we can help u heal , in your mind and heart surround this person and urself with calming blue light and many angels. be open to the gifts of this situation adn feel the peace. a new addition to ur family is entering. release old unwanted hurts and forgive urself and ur family.

2) Steady progress : we acknowledge u for the progress u have made in rememberin love in ur daily activities. we can clearly see ur contribution to the world through your thoughts, feelings and actions of love. your r ont he right path even if it feels u r moving slowly.

3) See only love : look for the love and goodness in evryone and every situation, including in urself. your resolute focus on love brings healing in undreamed of ways. forgve and release any anger r hurt to the angels. affirm what u desire instead of what u fear.

they are lovely cards chick, all good :) xx
jen if you want cards just let me know, dont wanna force um on anyone xxxx
best o luck today x

For smiles! Which are you guys? :D

LOL!!!! I love this!! All three bathrooms are top left. Im VERY anal about that! Hahah, anal.. sorry had an immature moment... toilet paper/anal... ok sorry! lol How are you doing this morning hun??

Jen, Hope they get to you soon hun!! Let us know how it goes!

Laura, sooo glad you are feeling good and pg are nice and strong hun!

Angel, fx your eggy dropped!!!!

Jessica, Natasha, Horsey, Danni, and anyone I missed... :wave:

Daily dust to all!! :dust:
amy hon, heres some cards for u :)

1) Exercise is key : being active is a key component to life and health. even if schedule gets in the way try and find alternative exercise. get outdoors in the fresh air adn sun for optimal health. exercise will help u reduce stress level and give u more energy.

2)Increased energy : your energy is increasing as a result of recent positive change. this is ur validation that ur current path is ur right one. energy levels are vital to health and healing. energy healing work can be helpfull for this situation . eat a high energy diet and avoid food and drink that drain you. call on archangel micheal for help to clean ur energy .

3) Child : u care deeply about children and they readily respond to ur love. all children even ur inner child need love. have chldren been on ur mind lately, this card says that what ur considering is valid. a child in heaven is saying 'i love u' and pregnancy or adoption may be a part of ur life.

4)Assertiveness :) (see angels expanation too ) in short it means u need to speak the truth gently and with confidence . communicate ur needs to others ina situation where u feel victimised. :)

the first 2 are from my healing with the angels pack and the second 2 are from the same pack as i used with the girls.
have u been tired lately r changed food or exercise?
its good news, i kept gettin the child card for few weeks before my bfp xxxxxxxxxxx
id say assertiveness might be colleaguezilla, would u try saying something like 'let me finish my story woman ha ha' if she interupts u again? nice and jokey but she doesnt get to ride over u all the time? if u think it might work x


All I have to say is... WOW!

These are sooo dead on! Yes, I have been REALLY tired lately. I was doing great for a while with going to the gym and swimming but then I stopped with all the different things I had going on between people visiting and my emotional state of mind. I really have been fearful lately of the idea of never having a lo. I keep thinking "what if it doesnt happen" I would just be so devestated. Although I have had these fears, after I got my bfn and af came, I felt this wave of pos energy come over me and thought maybe Oct is going to be the month! In regards to colleguezilla, she has been fine yesterday and today but Im sure that has to do with the fact that she is leaving Fri morning for her trip. I have been told that I can be a very submissive person when it comes to people like her. Im not good at hiding my feelings so you def know when something is wrong but at the same time I dont really confront or get into arguments. I tend to keep things pretty zen and just walk away from situations like that. My last boss actually told me during one of my reviews that she wanted me to stand up for myself more and have a stronger back bone and that Im too nice. I dont know that I believe that but thats what Ive been told. So all these cards you pulled hit the nail right on the head for me! Thank you so much for doing that, it really made my day! :hugs:
Oh Bethany, we had the same issue with our little Spaz. He was ok when we first had him for the first month or so. We use to have a mirror glass sliding door on our closet in our apt and he starting playing with himself and a few times ran into the mirror. He just looked so sad when he realized it wasnt another kitty he was playing with so thats when we got Leo. They had a hard time adjusting the first 3 weeks (More so Spaz than Leo) but now they go everywhere together. Its soo cute.. Leo is so the little brother and when they are both laying down and Spaz decides he wants to walk around or go down in the basement, Leo follows and does the same thing. Or if Spaz goes to get a drink of water, Leo does too.. too cute! <3


  • Leo and Spaz 1.jpg
    Leo and Spaz 1.jpg
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Hi ladies! :howdy:

Amy I loved Laura doing the cards for me! :flow: My Granny passed away a year ago and DH's mother 17 years ago this past weekend. Funny how we've prayed together to them and now these signs! Gave me chills! Again today I looked up and the clock read 11:11 and I just smiled!

Jen will you get the results today?

My Dr visit went well. She is pretty sure I ovulated since there is only a shadow left where the dominant follie was. I am not getting my hopes up though. Even with DH coming back on the 26th, I went ahead and got the kit (aka nondescript white bag with specimen cup) for :spermy: deposit! Dr said because this is my 1st cycle we don't know for sure what second one will be like and what If I ovulate early while he is away? Playing it safe with my back up plan! :cold: + :spermy:= Operation Angel Wants her Rainbow! So next Wed at 10dpo they'll draw betas, if not pg, then Thursday DH's swimmers will be frozen! (Bethany, something else we can freeze! I asked if i could freeze 'em at home and she said no :wacko: I tried!) How likely are the bloods on 10dpo to show hcg?

Laura glad today is better!
Aww bethany hope some stuff these ladies.said help u with your kitty issue. I only have a dog and he loves sleep and to play but when we awake. Maybe a companion would help? Esp once u have a baby.

Bloodwork was finished by 715 :) another 4 1/2-5 hrs left of work. Tom is my friday again. Dont like to say it but i think one office chucked me bc im pregnant. Ill try to get the office back to temp again after the pregnacy. Sad some offices are that way.

Dh and i hopefully are celebratin out anniversary this weekend. Im very excited. I want to go to country junction pumpkin picking and. Then to dinner and a movie monday. Hopefully we can. I have tons of coupons so itll be a cheap fun dates.

Back to work... <3 hope your all havin a good day! Oh amd laura any time ill love for u to pull some angel cards for me! Thanks!
Angel fxd for that bfp! I was 12dpo maybe with my hcg 14... So maybe possible...

:dust: love they can be freezed!
As for results not sure :/ probably friday since i cant have my phone with me at work... Boo
Laura, you are feeling vulnerable right now. So don't blame yourself for being hormonal because you are just hormonal, you are probably a tad *(or more) worried about your baby. Which will happen to us all when we join you and Jen :flower:
You can always come here to talk about getting upset or things like that! Doesn't make you an unhappy girl. But talking to us can make you happier :hugs:
And men aren't perfect. And if there is one that is then he would probably annoy me :)
Thanks for complimenting my signature :D I never hear from my former TTC buddies so time to put my real buddies on there!
Hehe you are mostly like male ROFL!
This morning my husband just threw kitty in the bathroom and closed the door. :-/ he wants attention but on his terms. He must be going through a brat phase.
Thanks for the cards Laura. I love em and they are always spot on! :hugs:

Angel, I am top left too! You had to give DH his own bathroom? :D
It is ok- my DH has TWO closets of his own. Weird man.
Thanks for complimenting my signature :happydance:
You know, I'd suggest that maybe we give baths a try but I just hate the thought of sitting in my own dirt. And bet hair build up would be cray cray!
Yay I hope eggy dropped!

Amy, I am "anal" about my TP too! ;) have you ever used someone's bathroom and changed it? Guilty here!
Be assertive girl! I don't think that you are submissive, just that you don't want to involve yourself in situations that may escalate into drama that will make situations that are already stressful all the more so :) and THAT is just being cautious and wise!
I will suggest another cat to DH. When we did laundry the other night we saw our cats doppelgänger and tried to coax it into coming home with us with no luck. So think we want another :)

Jen, that is sad that they would discriminate against you :(
Your date plans sound great! Hope it all happens :D
Hope those results come quick :hugs:

Guys I have been a lazy bum all day. I haven't even gotten myself a drink or eaten anything. Just slept. Darned cat. Now I am on the couch and he is sleeping beside me like he did as a kitten. He does like to be near mommy :)
Bethany. Too funny bathing in your own dirt! So you'd have to shower, then bathe...prob not worth the effort. Haha!

DH not too thrilled about the freezing :spermy:'s not like HE is going to feel it! :haha:
Angel, it can be done. It is work and you get pruney but fun :)
Why are DHs so weird about their fish sometimes? They don't mind the mouth but the cup for freezing is wycked and ebyll? :p
I want to play a game with you ladies and it is one that I often play with my oldest sister because we are escapists at heart:

If you could go anywhere today, where to? What would you do? Would you use an alias?

Mine for today is Barcelona, Spain. I would take pictures of buildings and eat amazing food. And call myself Querida ;)
I want to play a game with you ladies and it is one that I often play with my oldest sister because we are escapists at heart:

If you could go anywhere today, where to? What would you do? Would you use an alias?

Mine for today is Barcelona, Spain. I would take pictures of buildings and eat amazing food. And call myself Querida ;)

hmmm I would go to Paris. Find a beautiful hotel, explore the city and eat my heart out (some nice exotic cheeses and wines hehe.). lol. As for an alias a nice French name, like Adrienne.

Sorry about what you went through with the ex. :( :growlmad: . I am so glad you got away from him and have a much better life now. I was also cheated on from right to left by my first love. He was/is a VERY bad guy. I was very young and naive. I have been married to my hubby now for 7 years and been together for just about 10 years. Oh and so sorry about what your mother had to go through too.:( But I am sure she is very happy that you got away from the ex and now have found a good man! :hugs:
Bethany. Too funny bathing in your own dirt! So you'd have to shower, then bathe...prob not worth the effort. Haha!

DH not too thrilled about the freezing :spermy:'s not like HE is going to feel it! :haha:

So there is a way to freeze them on your own? Or is this done at the docs office? I like the sound of this prospect, it is a good back up plan. In case the hubby is not around when you need his swimmers. hehe.
Aww bethany hope some stuff these ladies.said help u with your kitty issue. I only have a dog and he loves sleep and to play but when we awake. Maybe a companion would help? Esp once u have a baby.

Bloodwork was finished by 715 :) another 4 1/2-5 hrs left of work. Tom is my friday again. Dont like to say it but i think one office chucked me bc im pregnant. Ill try to get the office back to temp again after the pregnacy. Sad some offices are that way.

Dh and i hopefully are celebratin out anniversary this weekend. Im very excited. I want to go to country junction pumpkin picking and. Then to dinner and a movie monday. Hopefully we can. I have tons of coupons so itll be a cheap fun dates.

Back to work... <3 hope your all havin a good day! Oh amd laura any time ill love for u to pull some angel cards for me! Thanks!

FX all your blood work comes about fantastic! And even though this a little early, Happy Anniversary!! Oh and since we are on a budget here, there are plenty of amazing things you can do together for less!! And it is just as fun!

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