ttc after a d&c

I want to play a game with you ladies and it is one that I often play with my oldest sister because we are escapists at heart:

If you could go anywhere today, where to? What would you do? Would you use an alias?

Mine for today is Barcelona, Spain. I would take pictures of buildings and eat amazing food. And call myself Querida ;)

hmmm I would go to Paris. Find a beautiful hotel, explore the city and eat my heart out (some nice exotic cheeses and wines hehe.). lol. As for an alias a nice French name, like Adrienne.

Sorry about what you went through with the ex. :( :growlmad: . I am so glad you got away from him and have a much better life now. I was also cheated on from right to left by my first love. He was/is a VERY bad guy. I was very young and naive. I have been married to my hubby now for 7 years and been together for just about 10 years. Oh and so sorry about what your mother had to go through too.:( But I am sure she is very happy that you got away from the ex and now have found a good man! :hugs:

Oh Adrienne! I like it :D yummy cheeses, fun shopping and great music (I listen to French rock myself :) )
You and me are both ladies who are better off! Relationships are always hard but we did get pretty good guys out of it didn't we? Reminding ourselves from that may stop us from beating the hell out them :D
[All I have to say is... WOW!

These are sooo dead on! Yes, I have been REALLY tired lately. I was doing great for a while with going to the gym and swimming but then I stopped with all the different things I had going on between people visiting and my emotional state of mind. I really have been fearful lately of the idea of never having a lo. I keep thinking "what if it doesnt happen" I would just be so devestated. Although I have had these fears, after I got my bfn and af came, I felt this wave of pos energy come over me and thought maybe Oct is going to be the month! In regards to colleguezilla, she has been fine yesterday and today but Im sure that has to do with the fact that she is leaving Fri morning for her trip. I have been told that I can be a very submissive person when it comes to people like her. Im not good at hiding my feelings so you def know when something is wrong but at the same time I dont really confront or get into arguments. I tend to keep things pretty zen and just walk away from situations like that. My last boss actually told me during one of my reviews that she wanted me to stand up for myself more and have a stronger back bone and that Im too nice. I dont know that I believe that but thats what Ive been told. So all these cards you pulled hit the nail right on the head for me! Thank you so much for doing that, it really made my day! :hugs:

i love when they work out well :) there is nothing wrong with being nice amy, thats why we like u xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
im the same i hate confrontation and il always apologise first cos i hate being cross :) lifes too short xxx
it will happen for u honey xxxx but its nice to have confirmation xxxxxxxx
Hi ladies! :howdy:

Amy I loved Laura doing the cards for me! :flow: My Granny passed away a year ago and DH's mother 17 years ago this past weekend. Funny how we've prayed together to them and now these signs! Gave me chills! Again today I looked up and the clock read 11:11 and I just smiled!

Jen will you get the results today?

My Dr visit went well. She is pretty sure I ovulated since there is only a shadow left where the dominant follie was. I am not getting my hopes up though. Even with DH coming back on the 26th, I went ahead and got the kit (aka nondescript white bag with specimen cup) for :spermy: deposit! Dr said because this is my 1st cycle we don't know for sure what second one will be like and what If I ovulate early while he is away? Playing it safe with my back up plan! :cold: + :spermy:= Operation Angel Wants her Rainbow! So next Wed at 10dpo they'll draw betas, if not pg, then Thursday DH's swimmers will be frozen! (Bethany, something else we can freeze! I asked if i could freeze 'em at home and she said no :wacko: I tried!) How likely are the bloods on 10dpo to show hcg?

Laura glad today is better!

angel im skitting laughing , i love how u put things :)
hurray for covering all bases :) ur docs are great, i may have to move there if god forbid i have to ttc again. :) xx
thats lovely about ur granny, were u close? u must of been since u obvs care about her and her for u to give u signs xxxxx
hurray for cold spermies :) thats one to tell the grankids ha ha xxxxxxxx
ur so right babe, i would so do the same . but hopefully no need for it cos u will hopefully get ur bfp in mean time xxxxxxx :dust:
Aw Angel reckon that we would need a special freezer? :) or they don't trust us with sperm ;)
Aww bethany hope some stuff these ladies.said help u with your kitty issue. I only have a dog and he loves sleep and to play but when we awake. Maybe a companion would help? Esp once u have a baby.

Bloodwork was finished by 715 :) another 4 1/2-5 hrs left of work. Tom is my friday again. Dont like to say it but i think one office chucked me bc im pregnant. Ill try to get the office back to temp again after the pregnacy. Sad some offices are that way.

Dh and i hopefully are celebratin out anniversary this weekend. Im very excited. I want to go to country junction pumpkin picking and. Then to dinner and a movie monday. Hopefully we can. I have tons of coupons so itll be a cheap fun dates.

Back to work... <3 hope your all havin a good day! Oh amd laura any time ill love for u to pull some angel cards for me! Thanks!

argh stupid office, so illegal asses!!!! it be really worth it for ur LO though xxxxxxxxxxx
sounds like nice anniversary plans hon, :) enjoy .
il do some cards now for u hon, x

1 Go for it : your prayers and positive expectations have been answered. we have been working on this with u and will continue to watch over u and everyone involved. stay on ur present path , it will take u very far indeed.
the angels reassure u of a positive outcome.

2) Time to go : the sun sets and rises on each day and its the same with avenues in ur life. see the beauty in each sunset and know the sun will rise again tomoro. endings r merely the start of new begginings.
surrender and release, call on angel azrael for help with grieving and arch angel micheal for help with courage.

3 Wedding : marriage signifies a desire to deepen love over time. your wedding day is a testament to your well founded faith in loves power. continually breathe life into that faith and love. keep romance alive , this card is surrounded with love and positive energy so u do not need to worry about its message. you will recieve a romantic or business proposal soon.

so positve hon :) all good xxxxxxxxxxx
As for results not sure :/ probably friday since i cant have my phone with me at work... Boo
:brat: We really learn patience while ttc or pg, right? Guess its proper prepping for a baby!

I want to play a game with you ladies and it is one that I often play with my oldest sister because we are escapists at heart:

If you could go anywhere today, where to? What would you do? Would you use an alias?

Mine for today is Barcelona, Spain. I would take pictures of buildings and eat amazing food. And call myself Querida ;)

Today I'll join Jess in France. I'll go to a private chateau to sunbathe topless! You can call me Duchess (or Kate since we're friends!). :haha:

That poor girl! I really am just kidding! I am a huge fan and hope those tabloids get what's coming!

DH not too thrilled about the freezing :spermy:'s not like HE is going to feel it! :haha:

So there is a way to freeze them on your own? Or is this done at the docs office? I like the sound of this prospect, it is a good back up plan. In case the hubby is not around when you need his swimmers. hehe.

Def has to be done at the Dr's! At first when she said we can freeze them I was like, what? At home? With my newly frozen veggies? Lol. Turns out they do it! Storage fee is $50 a month (cheaper than diapers!) Fx we don't have to use 'em, but good to know they can be there. :thumbup:
Aw Angel reckon that we would need a special freezer? :) or they don't trust us with sperm ;)

Hahaha! I envision you trying to figure out how to wash and freeze your DH's :spermy: in your kitchen. Cracking me up! "But honey my bnb friend said we can freeze it!"
Call you Duchess eh? ;) what is going on with the tabloids? :)

Kate Middleton photos of her sunbathing topless were out about 3 weeks ago. Her and the Prince were on vacay.

PS I like Jen's angel cards Laura!
Laura, you are feeling vulnerable right now. So don't blame yourself for being hormonal because you are just hormonal, you are probably a tad *(or more) worried about your baby. Which will happen to us all when we join you and Jen :flower:
You can always come here to talk about getting upset or things like that! Doesn't make you an unhappy girl. But talking to us can make you happier :hugs:
And men aren't perfect. And if there is one that is then he would probably annoy me :)
Thanks for complimenting my signature :D I never hear from my former TTC buddies so time to put my real buddies on there!
Hehe you are mostly like male ROFL!
This morning my husband just threw kitty in the bathroom and closed the door. :-/ he wants attention but on his terms. He must be going through a brat phase.
Thanks for the cards Laura. I love em and they are always spot on! :hugs:

Guys I have been a lazy bum all day. I haven't even gotten myself a drink or eaten anything. Just slept. Darned cat. Now I am on the couch and he is sleeping beside me like he did as a kitten. He does like to be near mommy :)

thanks sweetie, i was fretting for nothing but was stuck in that phase for a few days, worry will do nothing but upset me so it can feck off :)
it wont stop anything from happeneing and could cause something bad to happen so im gonna do my utmost to just enjoy my bfp :) xxx cant wait for u to join me, wont be long i think xxxxxx
ur so right if someone was too perfect they just be irritating :)
and ur right talkin to ye def amkes me happier :)
yeah he will grow out of it, meow had that too, multiply cat age by 5 and thats human age, is he a teenager? :) ( with dogs it by 7 ) :)
aw my cat is in early 20s and so well behaved now, mostly :)

lazy days r good and needed :) i often am too busy readin in bed to feed myself ha ha
i had a lovely day, i went to my sis with my 2 fave smallies for a while and then i went to my other sis and god daughter who is a hair dresser and she cut my hair, so happy day :)
i am feeling so much better , i didnt realsie how sicky i feel when around all work chemicals . my sis said it too today she said often when i call up i look awfull and its frst day i look better in a while :) i like :)
I want to play a game with you ladies and it is one that I often play with my oldest sister because we are escapists at heart:

If you could go anywhere today, where to? What would you do? Would you use an alias?

Mine for today is Barcelona, Spain. I would take pictures of buildings and eat amazing food. And call myself Querida ;)

i would so sailing on great barrier reef, i would go snorkling and rub all the fish :) and then have barbeque fish from the sea :) id be rachael. :)
i have done this and was great , would love it again :) (havent called myself rachael though ha ha )
how about if you could be anyone or have any profession, (doesnt matter bout qualifications )

id be a singer but i wouldnt tour , i would just make albums that sold loads :)
maybe id be like the gorillas and have a cartoon character as my 'face' :)
I want to play a game with you ladies and it is one that I often play with my oldest sister because we are escapists at heart:

If you could go anywhere today, where to? What would you do? Would you use an alias?

Mine for today is Barcelona, Spain. I would take pictures of buildings and eat amazing food. And call myself Querida ;)

hmmm I would go to Paris. Find a beautiful hotel, explore the city and eat my heart out (some nice exotic cheeses and wines hehe.). lol. As for an alias a nice French name, like Adrienne.

Sorry about what you went through with the ex. :( :growlmad: . I am so glad you got away from him and have a much better life now. I was also cheated on from right to left by my first love. He was/is a VERY bad guy. I was very young and naive. I have been married to my hubby now for 7 years and been together for just about 10 years. Oh and so sorry about what your mother had to go through too.:( But I am sure she is very happy that you got away from the ex and now have found a good man! :hugs:

Aw Angel reckon that we would need a special freezer? :) or they don't trust us with sperm ;)

Hahaha! I envision you trying to figure out how to wash and freeze your DH's :spermy: in your kitchen. Cracking me up! "But honey my bnb friend said we can freeze it!"

Never underestimate my hatred of waiting at the doc's office ;)
Oh topless how scandalous for a European! (no offense meant Laura ;) )
ha ha bethany, poor girl though they r really hounding her, they wont be happy till she bloody crashes as well. just cos they r famous doesnt mean they dont deserve a life . she seems genuinely nice :)
Laura he may be in his teens!
Sounds like you had a great time with family and YAY for haircuts! What is so powerful about hair? I don't know but it can make or break my day heHe
ha ha bethany, poor girl though they r really hounding her, they wont be happy till she bloody crashes as well. just cos they r famous doesnt mean they dont deserve a life . she seems genuinely nice :)

Honesty I never see the fascination with British royalty. The Swedish ones are much easier on the eyes (because what else is there to pay attention to? I don't know anything about them as a person)
and bethany u would prob manage to come up with a home sperm freezing method that works ha ha
all u need is a little liquid nitrogen :)
Laura he may be in his teens!
Sounds like you had a great time with family and YAY for haircuts! What is so powerful about hair? I don't know but it can make or break my day heHe

moew had a really bratty phase with loads of biting and scratching if he didnt get his own way :) he bites very rarely now but still will sometimes when vexed :)
me too, my hair can alter my mood haha was a lovely day :) thanks
how about if you could be anyone or have any profession, (doesnt matter bout qualifications )

id be a singer but i wouldnt tour , i would just make albums that sold loads :)
maybe id be like the gorillas and have a cartoon character as my 'face' :)

Rachael! Howdy! So where did you do those things and tell me more! :D
What kind of songs would you sing? Would you have a stage name? :flower:

I would host a show on the travel channel. Like No Reservations, where I can travel all over and eat good food and meet fabulous people. And swear occasionally ;)
ha ha bethany, poor girl though they r really hounding her, they wont be happy till she bloody crashes as well. just cos they r famous doesnt mean they dont deserve a life . she seems genuinely nice :)

Honesty I never see the fascination with British royalty. The Swedish ones are much easier on the eyes (because what else is there to pay attention to? I don't know anything about them as a person)

i know they dont really do anything but r in all the papers :)
she seems to be associated with lots o charities though so not too bad :)

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