Laura, Oz! How fun! Did your accent start to change a bit?

Would you wear crazy costumes too like Gaga or would your persona change with each album?
Stinky that you can't use Rachael. Maybe something similar but would that be too confusing at family gatherings?
Top five places...
Shanghai, China
Barcelona, Spain
Reykjavik, Iceland
Seattle, Washington (I just love Seattle)
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Just remember Laura that Kate signed up for that lifestyle. She will be a tough cookie! And as for beheadings and having spats and declaring war, orgies, downfalls, betrayals, sleeping with your son's betrothed...I love it all!
Does your hair grow quickly? I also hate when y hair has two tones. Oh and do they use special scissors for your hair since it is so thick? Are ponytails quick to fall down?
Angel, I'd do a sailing episode and go stalk you! And catch one of Laura's concerts in...Japan!
Try reading The Motion of the Ocean- it is a travel book that you may like! Helicopter pad on a what- GLAMOROUS!
Mallory sounds like a ritzy trust fund name for sure