ttc after a d&c

Im so sorry tash :hugs: My husband does same to me never cleans but trazhes house in minutes. It sucks cleaning up after pigs. Ur roomate needs to get his own place or help clean up his mess after me makes it. Why do they smoke in the house??? Its not healthy for u or future LO. Kick them outside to smoke. Sound like he needs yo pay ent if he isnt so he can learn to budget forhis own place. Not to sound mean but when i lived at my mil i payed her rent out of respect even though i was a college student and only worked two half days a week. I didnt want to lose budgeting for my own place..i hope ur feeling ok. So sorry for ur temp drop :( i wish i could hug u right now and talk together. Christmas is 23 days away!!! Youll have ur fur pups soon and get to spoil them with love!!! I hope they relax u enough and ttc becomes not such a chore. I know u and dh have fun but i mean with temping worryin about temp rise for next day opks what u eat drink etc. Will u be tryin to avoid caffine tea next cycle? Im still rooting for u this cycle thiugh bc its not over shows her ugly face. Sohang in there sweety. Try to think of positive things and im hoping that helps you!<3<3<3

Bethany oh no you think so too :( I hope ur wrong also. How are you doing with dh being away? I hope he comes home and he finishes thee training. Your cookies sound delicious i wish u could email one too me :) sadly that doesnt work. To bad we couldnt he a travel maxhine that can teleport uso we can visit eachother easily. Oh what its like to dream.

Im send loads of :dust: your way girls!!

Angel amy laura horsey hope ur enjoying ur weekend and all is well!
Thanks so much Jen...

It is becoming a chore, and ive said to Chris today that at the moment i feel like we are like ships in the night, only passing to BD... I havent even done that for over a week, and i know it sounds awful, but i just feel disgusted by it at the moment and im too tired.. Plus waiting for roomate to fall asleep takes ages and i just feel knackered anyway...

I am truly stressed out and had enough this cycle, im dead set that if AF comes on time on 10th December, i am literally going to put my thermometer away, along with my OPKs and my charts and anything baby related, i think my body and mind need to just sit back, and enjoy christmas, I feel terrible at the moment, my doctors want me to go for ocunselling, but i dont see what good that will do, will just bring up all the memories and hurt i feel :(

And roomate does pay rent, but he seems to think that it includes me cleaning up after him and doing his washing....

Jen.. How are u and LO? Are u getting a bump yet? How are u feeling? xxx

Thinking of all u girls xxx
Aww well i would set tjings straight and tell him u cant be cleaning up after him. Tell him he must do it himself. As far as bd and christmas i think relaxing would do u a world of good. To be honest the month i got my pos hpt i dropped everything felt hopeless and only used a digital opk one time a day. Bd on + and few days after.... That was it. So stress free just might help. Its no good that ur exhausted when u bd either. Kinda sad u have own house and have to tip toe .... U should dress up like mrs claus for dh for christmas once roomie goes away to his friends. Make a northpole breakfast (dont even have to.cook to have one) use mini choc donuts with small pretzels for reindeer with antlers ... Use strawberries and bananas make (red white red) on toothpick for candycanes.... Frenchtoast sticks with toothpicks in em and write fun messages to dh to stick to toothpick as flags.... Um use mini frost donuts or white frosted cookies for snowmen faces too... Whatever food u like make it christmasy and if u want bd fun related. Could add some spice and excitement. Get ur mind on something exciting to.look forward to also. Just an idea. I think since its my last christmas with privacy im going to spice up my saturday night with dh before christmas day (too much fam around sun-tues). Just try to enjoy ur christmas and enjoy the thought of ur pups. I hope ur okay!!!
Jen that is really sweet, i actually feel a whole lot better just for that post you put :) I think i might do, when roomate goes away, i think i might buy some pretty Mrs CLaus outfit, and like you say, i wont cook, but ill get loads of treats and such and just have a fun christmas :)

Plus im off work from the 21st December until the 2Nd Jan, and roomate is away 21st to the 28 or 29th i believe, so hopefully , will be good time for me and chris to just be a couple, it does kinda suck having to tip toe around and think of everyone else all the time...

On the upside like u said, i am going to look forward to my puppies :) Im looking at christmas treats for them now and stuff :) I will baby them and then when i have my LO i will have three babies :) Two furry ones and a screaming pooping one hehe :)

Are u doing okay?

Im fine i just, i need a break if you know what i mean, i need something good to happen right now just to keep the faith! xx
Natasha, time to go all Southern girl on your cousin and say "I WILL kick your ass if you continue to act like a twat, twat! How funny do you find THAT?"*
And bah on the men for being filthy pigs. When I think of mean revenge ideas I shall let you know!
Now, come on over and eat some cookies with me eh? And we will go swimming! Or just sit in the pool and bitch about men :hugs:
You will have your puppies to snuggle soon <3

Jen, I have reached maximum laziness with DH being away :D but I believe he gets back soon! I am a little bummed though because he will eat my cookies and that means less for me!
And the best chocolate chip cookie recipe is on the back of the bag of chocolate chips :) I just add slivered almonds. I have made many varieties but the one so easily provided seems to be the best to my mind. Though soon I may start trying out vegan desserts and let you guys know how that is :)
I say that someday we all meet up and have a girl vacay together! <3 :kiss: love you Jen!
Glad ur feeling better and grtting back in the spirit :) christmas music usually helps too! Everytime dh leaves me and my pup turn tv off and play it! Also christmas movies on tv now too!! Love family channel this time of year!! :)
Ooooh Bethany, i would love to chill by a pool and have a good ole bitching session!!

Yes think of some revenge ideas hehe :D

Do u watch coronation street? I do but a girl has just gone for her scan on the show, and i had to switch over :| Thats how i know im not coping at the mo normally i can cope ish but i had to switch over :(

How are u Bethany? xxxx
Bethany glad ur enjoying ur lazy days :) I miss having the desire to bake and cook. I lost it my husband thinks its permanent. Ive been sooo lazy. Swimming sounds lovely. Its cold here brr lol :) im sure u wont mind sharing ur yummy cookies with dh :) he can then cuddle u and u can watch movies together! But for now enjoy ur cookies and relaxation :) <3 Love you too bethany!
Jen, you are not lazy honey. You work! When I had a job I never wanted to cook. You spend the majority of your day dealing with people and then you come home and really just want to spend your time doing whatever will relaxes you and requires the least amount of effort. Make him bake something ;)
Jen, I bet it is cold where you are at! It is 82 degrees here! *faints*

Natasha, the bet revenge is tit for tat. You clean the house and they trash it? Trash something of theirs that they care about ;)
I have never seem Coronation Street but don't feel bad for avoiding anything pregnancy-related! I have had a birthing documentary in my Netflix queue for ages that I am dying to see...when I am pregnant and won't be depressed. Do what you can :hugs:
Yes, pool and bitching...great pastime! I'd feed you American food but you have probably tried it all before :D *maybe I could find some great Mexican. Mmmm! :kiss:

Well guys...he's here. I uh...may be...away for a bit :blush:
Haha Bethany ;) Im guessing oyu mean away for a bit to BD? ;)

I dont think ive really tried American Food... But syaing that, when i think of american food i think of burgers and corn dogs lol! So not really sure what to think of when i think of american food hehe :blush:

Now i need your guys opinion.. Do i...

1) When AF comes on 10th December, do i temp through december until O is confirmed so i know when AF is due in January, or

2) Not bother at all

See the only thing thats stopping me temping is, judging by my last cycles i havent od til late, and if that happens again this cycle, i realllllly dont want to be temping early morning during christmas, yet if AF comes on 10th as it should, then O wont be til at LEAST christmas eve, and i really dont wanna temp.. Hmf im sick of TTC..

Whod have thought, ive spent most of my life up until now completely preventing reproducing... And now its consuming my every waking ( and sleeping for that matter ) thought!

God i feel like a stalker who is obsessed with some celebrity

Natasha, I snuck away! He had to call his mum for her birthday hehe.
American food...corn dogs and hamburgers for sure! Do you like BBQ brisket? That is a piece of yumminess to eat in TX. A BBQ sandwich or...just a pile of BBQ brisket with a side of pinto beans :D and banana pudding. Mmmm.

About temping...if you don't do it, will the uncertainty just eat at you? If you can deal with the vagueness of when you ovulate then skip. If it will bug you that you aren't sure, maybe keep the temping :flower:

And yeah, it IS mind blowing to think it would ever be this much work to get pregnant right?
hi guys xx
how ye all doin xxx
tash glad ur feelin a bit better, if i was u i woudl just quit it all for a month and see if it helps. xxx i knwo its hard when u r used to doin it all. but im same as jen, i didnt think when i was tryin that i would catch first moth and all i did was start bd on cd 12 and bd a few days ina row and then every second day for a little bit , i know its an old cliche but sometimes it does work if u just relax. i know not easy but a month off might do u the world of good and have good results xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

bethany enojy dh ''s return xxxxxx

jen hi babe, hoope alls good with u xxxxxxx

hi to horsey, angel, lamb , kaylee and all. hope i didnt miss anyone xxx

jess hope alls well xx

we satyed at our friends house last nt and had great fun :)
i wa sup till 3 this morn, wrecked today :)
i slept till 1 today, bad idea sinc eim back to work tomor. :)
but im not sleeping great at the mo either and i did last nt so should be fine
oh and bethany hanging out in ur pool sound sgreat :)
its very cold here these days :)
Hi ladies! :dust:

Bethany ~ Have fun with DH! Your your peanut butter brownies sound delicious! As for my Christmas tree. No theme...I just like blown glass ornaments, mostly Santa's. I found a few shaped like purses...they're this year's favorite. Oh, and I bought one that looks like a bottle of True Blood! :haha:

Amy ~ Hope your visit with your Mom went well and your spirits are lifted. Safe travels home today.

Jen ~ Glad your work party went well...midnight, OUCH! I'm not even preggers and that would exhaust me! Your plans for Christmas sound great. Tomorrow is MONDAY! Crossing everything for your visit tomorrow.

Tash ~ Fx you have all of these worries for nothing and you get your BFP! In the meantime you need to remove the negatives from your life...I'd start with telling the cousin not to be in contact, that you'll text her when you are ready. Secondly, I thought the roomie knew you were TTC. You are helping him out, I would've thought he would try to be invisible as a way of showing his thanks! Maybe there is a reason his gf left him? Sounds like a PIG! Tash, if the stress of everything is getting to be too much, then a counselor can't hurt. I went to one after each of my miscarriages. My theory: If your body hurts, you see a Dr. If things seem hectic, overwhelming or cloudy in your mind, see a Therapist (a Dr for your mind)! :friends:

Laura ~ Hope the market was fun! Bet you are putting that Doppler to use! Edit: Good luck tomorrow!

Horsey ~ Thinking of you...hope these next few days are alright for you. :hugs:

Jess and anyone else I may have missed, hope you are all having a lovely weekend!

xoxo :dust:
ive only used it that one day, :) angel ,
i dont like the idea of it annoying my baby so im tryin not to use it much,
maybe once a week r if im havin a wobbly day :) xxx
we didnt get our tree yet :) oh reckons its too early and tree be half dead by xmas :)
your tree sounds lovely xx
amy hope u have a lovely weekend with parents xxxxxxxxxxxx
Bethany hope you enjoy DH :) Your 80+ degree weather sounds lovely it was 32 here today. We actually had a warm front move in too...


Angel how are you? How was your weekend??


Tash I know it would drive me crazy to start temping and then try to drop it. Do you recall this cycle you where stressed because you couldnt figure out your O date and you thought you didnt? I dont want that to ruin your christmas. Perhaps not knowing would be less stressful?? Plus you will be out of work so just BD often sleep in and dont stress so much :) Your call though its only my advice do what makes me comfortable! :)


Laura I hope you have a great day back to work tomorrow :) Your having sleeping issues too?? Aww I hope you find a way to sleep well so you arent tired. My doctor told me for my headaches i can take tylenol pm one at night to help sleep and help with headaches. I only take it on nights i work and its the best sleep i get all week is tuesday night. I refuse to take meds any other time since i was stuck on zofran for so long. Now im using Tums for acid reflex. Did you enjoy your night? Assuming you did since you where awake til 3am :)

Tomorrow 12hrs from now... I am NERVOUS.... Sure all is okay but still its scary... Its been about a month since i seen or heard babys heartbeat. Such a long stretch... Well hopefully ill sleep tonight so I feel okay tomorrow.

I am on a cheese kick today idk why.... I had a (dry yucky) bagel w/ cream cheese, rice broccoli w/ cheese, cheese filled pretzels today and i want more... Sooo odd and fatty to crave cheesy stuff... Though I did have a nacho and cheese craving for a day two weeks ago. Wonder what ill want tom... Yesterday i couldnt get enough lucky charms w milk and pepperoni hot pockets... so crazy. Sorry for the craving rant but i had to clear my head..

Hoping to get a Gender reveal tomorrow... FXD baby doesnt cross its legs.... I have no intuition what so ever and have no preference either. I mean I want a boy because I lost my son but I always wanted a girl too.... so we shall see

... Any gender guesses before I find out??
I meant to say my parents came over for a bit with my niece... she was sooo hyper. My pup got to play with my parents doggy too!! They loved seeing eachother! Kobe is out like a light now! It was really nice seeing my parents but its really hard because they have no control over my niece and she is very bad.... I know she is a kid but she doesnt listen at all and my parents dont correct her. I wish I could enjoy my parents company sometimes without her craziness once my baby is here but my mom always has my niece and will probably have custody eventually. So I will cross that path when I come to it. Great day though seeing them! :)
Angel just looked at your chart I hope the drop is wrong and you get your BFP! Fxd for you still!! IDK how accurate temping truely is to be honest.:dust:
Laura, apparently it doesn't get cold here lol! It is oddly warm in my hometown too. Depressing my family who always look forward to bad, icy weather hehe.
Get plenty of sleep for work honey :kiss:

Angel, the ornaments sound beautiful! My husband loves True Blood :D are you a fan of the show? The books? :)

Jen, BRRRR! Hehe :)
Sleep well, I am sure baby is healthy! And can they detect gender that early? Thought you had to be 20 weeks or so :D
Aw how sad your niece doesn't get disciplined :(

AFM: I feel that AF is close! My back hurts like crazy! I have reached a point now where with every AF I can smile and go "well, that much closer to seeing a specialist!"
I kind of want to drag my husband in and have his swimmers tested now. Jerk that I am I feel like maybe he is holding things up. He's older and he takes workout mixes/supplements/crap that probably kills his swimmers.

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