ttc after a d&c

Jen, sometimes you have puked so much that it makes you ravenous :D
Yay for being propped up!

He hasn't really got the time to be popping any pills or taking any weird powdered crap. At least not while he is gone. But I sent him the link to that book and he encouraged me to purchase it so I did. And if it says that he can't, I am sure that he will quit for at least 3 months. He has extreme baby hunger from church.
Haha the softcup thing would be brilliant :)
:brat: I had a post ready for quick reply and my iPad died before it posted!


Bethany I loved The Girl Who Chased the Moon! The characters were fun and I want a mood room...and a sawyer! What book do you suggest I read next?

Jen ~ Sorry you are still struggling with keeping things down. :hugs:

Tash ~ Glad you got rid of one witch, AKA your cousin! Now to get rid of the witch we call AF! Your AFs seem so heavy. Are your Drs aware of how much you bleed? I hope it clears out very soon! :hugs:

Only 15 days until Christmas ladies!. :xmas16: :xmas6:
15 days?! No way Angel!!
As for books...what are you in the mood for? More magical realism? Something else? I loved the wallpaper too and Sawyer did seem like a really cool guy. I couldn't not like him. :)
Are all of the books by this author similar? I wouldn't mind reading something along the same lines. Whatcha thinking of for me? Really, I'll read almost anything.
Her books are very similar! I think you would enjoy Garden Spells. I wasn't super crazy about Sugar Queen or The Peach Keeper. The Peach Keeper was good but I was more interested in one aspect than the other.
The problem with me recommendig books is that I read most everything too :)
What I really want to read right now is a book that my husband ordered for me that still hasn't arrived yet! A kid book lol. :)
Aww. How sweet of your DH!

I often times get hooked on an author and insist on reading everything they've written...until their writing becomes predictable and the book starts to bore me. I'm on to Garden Spells! Thank you!
hi guys i had 5 lovely hrs sleep :) yey :)

jen sorry ur sick honey, xxx i agree with bethany sometimes u get hungry and sick just cos u have been sick xxxxxx :hugs: hope u feel better soon xxxxxx
glad ur nice and rested and propped up , im gonna take a leaf out of ur book for next few days on minding bub and me xxxxx
ur so right though, what is a wee pain in the butt now is all for the greater good :)

tash so sorry ur still sore and sick,xxxxxxxxx
i totally agree with bethany, one witch gone , one to go xxxxxxxxxxxxx
that does sound heavy babe.
before i was on the pill i used to get 7 to 8 days of heavy enough af but i only used to use 3-4 pads a day and one at nt, but the heavy flow kind iykwim :blush:
did u mention to ur doc how heavy ur flow is, it does sound draining.
u could be bit anemic from it. i used to be really dizzy and sicky from mine sometimes and mine werent as bad as urs, no wonder u feel crappy xxxxxx
hope ur puppies and oh r giving u lots of love and cuddles xx

bethany i love ur angel pic of her as a mermaid :) too cute :)
hurray for books from dh :) and its a yes from me too on the other book. xxx
ur Dh sounds really nice babe, xxx
how much r home sperm testing kids, u sure u couldnt persuade him for a sample?
i know though its a hard enough thing to ask since u def dont wanna sound like u think it is him xxxxxxxxxx and guys can be very sensitive about their little guys :) xxxxx

amy hi sweetie, any new with u? xxxxxxxxxx
fx for quick blood tests results for u. xxx
u hoping for clear r something small and fixable fast? xxxxxxxxxx
hoping silly af comes so u can get to work over xmas and new yrs with lots of sticky baby making xxxx

angel i talk to my bub and tell it to be sticky too, have done for quite a while , it worked :) hoping it continues to do so for us all xxxxxxxxxxx
must check out that book u and bethany were talking about :)
l wait and see cos i know Oh got me book as part of xmas pressie so il see what he got first :) i have lots to keep me goin in the meanttime.
my local charity shop does 3 books for e1 , its great they laugh at me cos i usually get about 12 books at a time :)
i also borrowed the latest game of thrones off my friend. so i must get back into that .
but its been a good bit since i read the others and its giant book so im reluctant :)

horsey fx for u with docs appointment, i must google prolactin cos i know ive heard of it but cant think what it is and what it ddoes xxxxxxxxxxxxx

jess hope alls well with u sweetie, fx for u to get ur referral xxxxxxx

i feel lots better after rest, not as dizzy and good bit less crappy :)
my tummy feels bruised to touch and achy but i looked it up and they said that docs told um it was from stretching and from bub head butting them in the one place, ha ha
maybe im gonna have a hyper bub :)
Aww. How sweet of your DH!

I often times get hooked on an author and insist on reading everything they've written...until their writing becomes predictable and the book starts to bore me. I'm on to Garden Spells! Thank you!

i totally do the same thing, cos usually if u like one, you wil usaully like the rest and then they get boring for exact same reason :) xx
Angel, the only other one that I would ever reread would be Garden Spells. Those two are her best. She was fighting cancer but hopefully she'll have another out soon that will be a winner.
If you ever read YA you should try A Long Long Sleep by Anna Sheehan. It was very good. I don't read YA often anymore because it is usually riddled with lousy plots and love triangles. EEK!

Laura, exactly why I have to be careful about asking for a sample- he takes his zinc and feels like he is doing his part to have good swimmers. A test would insult him. They are like $30. Oh and I totally got that Making Babies book! You should also read The Girl Who Chased the Moon :)
Glad you are feeling better and have an active baby :)
i havent heard of her bethany , i am pretty crappy with authors names , once i have stuff read i will tend to forget till i see the book int he shop again :)
i could be in the middle of a book and have to check d cover if somone asks me who am i reading ha ha xxxxxxxx
i must look her up, im gonan have to write down ur tips cos sievy brain lols will forget :)
If you haven't then you should read Daughter of the Blood, Heir to the Shadows and Queen of the Darkness by Anne Bishop. Your fantasy reference made me think of her :)
Ilona Andrews writes excellent urban fantasy!
i just looked her up and read an extract from written in red :)
makes me wanna read more :) thanks xx
im gonna try and sleep again cos its half 4 ish in morn :) xxx
chat soon xxxxxxx
Hey girls

Yeah i rang doctors and told them that this is my 5th period since dnc and said they are still heavy and getting no better and she just said its normal and i need to stop worrying so much? I did say that its making me worse each month and that the pain is that unbearable it makes work hard... But they just said its normal and the only tablets they can give me to stop the flow being so bad arent any good for TTC so im stuck really :/
And its still clotting, im passing clots about 1inch big and i never clotted befire dnc only the odd small one ..Hmf lol

Yeah glad i got rid of one witch, i do feel better for telling her about herself yesterday she needed it .. And i dont feel bad AT ALL, normaly i do because i dont rally like conflict i just like the easy life ..

Well, the puppies are giving me lots of love, hard work but lots of love.. Whereas OH and I are at loggerheads, have been for a week, like this morning i got up for work and was shattered, and i let the puppies out of their bed time cage thing, and they started peeing everywhere and one did a poop, then the other tried to eat it so i just huffed and pushed one out of the wy so i could clean it and then pushed the other one out the way and he was like IF U WAKE UP IN A BAD MOOD DONT TAKE IT OUT ON THE PUPPIES..

I was like ?!?!?! I have just got up and all i did was push them out the way ive only just got up how can i be in a bad mood already :S And now we arent talking for another day and night... Seriously, the roomate is putting so much stress on this house, and ive given up doing his pots, so ive left every single pot on the side, let me tell you.. There are NO clean knives or forks in the house and no clean plates and only three clean mugs, and if i get home tonight and nobody does them ill be effing mad...

So basically im having a shit christmas so far lol... Hope it improves in the new year because i give up with it, i give up with trying to keep a clean house, i give up trying to sort stuff out with OH and i give up telling roomie to do his fair share... and mostly i give up on TTC, i cant bring a baby into this stressfulness anyway

ANYWAY, rant over, how are u all?! Good i hope, love u all xx
Morning ladies,

Tash, Im so sorry things have been rocky with you. This roomie of yours really seems to be throwing a wrench into your well oiled machine. I know you said that you didnt want to kick him out before the holidays but it really seems like he is taking advantage of yours and dh's hospitality and that isnt right. Here you are thinking that you dont want to hurt him during the holidays and he doesnt have the courtesy to do his OWN dishes and keep up after himself while he stays with you? Not cool! Hope if gets better hun!

Laura, How are you doing hun? How have you been feeling? Are you going to the dr soon for a follow up? Hope the infection is gone and you get to feeling better real soon!

Bethany, good morning little bookworm! heheh <3

Angel, Hows the mommy-to-be doing? Any symptoms yet?

Jess & Jen. hope you ladies and bumps are doing well! Jen, thinking of you doll and hoping that bed rest is helping you and LO.

Horsey, hows the tww? Any updates?

Good Morning/Afternoon to anyone else I have missed!

Ive been super stressed lately... between work, ttc/testing, and this whole thing with my bff's husband, Im a wreck. She is suppose to come over this weekend and we are going to tell her what we know about him. DH feels bad about doing it because she will be here with her dd but there is no other time that we will have. The following weekend my parents come out for the holidays and then he will be here in town. We want to tell her before he gets here because we dont want him in our house. DH keeps trying to prepare me to lose my best friend and its just eating at me but I would be a horrible friend if I didnt say anything. If it comes down to that and she chooses to write me off, then so be it :( . We didnt get the concrete evidence that we wanted but dh made a few calls to his old millitary buddies to just see if this guy's millitary stories are true and no one seems to be able to find anything on him. DH said that was enough proof for him but may not be enough for her. This guy is a con and tells all sorts of stories and is very convincing and as smart as she is, she just eats it all up. I dont get it... she use to be the best judge of character and always had her guard up and the one person she loves an marries is a crook... just kills me. I hope she knows where we are coming from but Im pretty sure she will chose him since they are married now. :(
Tash ~ I am so sorry you are having a tough time doll! :hugs: You and your OH were doing so well when it was finally just the two of you. There is some truth to 3 is a crowd, so its time to kick the roomie out.

Amy ~ I was wondering how things were progressing with your BF's husband...he isn't worthy of a "DH" title. Ughh. You really are in a sticky situation. Let's hope your relationship with her is strong enough to withstand the con. Whatever exchange takes place know that you will have planted the seed of doubt and hopefully she'll start to see things the way you do. I pray you are able to get through to her in a manner she will absorb what is said, instead of deflecting it! xoxo Not exactly the Hallmark moment you wanted with her :hugs:

G'morning ladies!
Thanks Angel, Im really trying to prepare for the worse. I hate to add to her stress plate right now. She just found out recently that her mom had/has skin cancer and under went surgery for it.. she just gave her 2 weeks notice and is moving back to CA (He is coming to help her move) and she has lupus and told me that it makes her sick when she gets stressed which was the reason she chose to move back to cali. I dont understand her anymore. She moved out here to CO because she wanted to be here so badly and I can see why. Its amazing out here which is why DH and I moved as well. Colleguezilla told me that she may feel bad seeing as how DH and I moved out here, rented for six months, had a house built, bought a new SUV, basically did what we said we came out here to do and thats settle. I cant imagine that colleguezilla is right. I would think she would be happy for us as was I for her when she moved. I love seeing people happy and I know she was happy here. When she first moved, she was still working for a company in Ca for a year. Then she took a year off and then went back to work. I think thats when everything hit her. She was no longer at home and able to just come and go as she pleased. Taking care of her daughter and working in an office was too much for her and understandbily. I cant imagine being a single mom but a part of me wanted to say "What did you think was going to happen when you moved here?". Here mom wasnt here anymore to help with her dd so that she can come and go when she wanted. Then she met her now husband in Dec 2011/Jan 2012 ONLINE and married this con in Aug/Sep 2012. I wanted to shake her and ask "What are you doing? Why are you making such poor decisions?!?! You have a daughter to think of here.. its NOT just your life, its hers too!". I feel horible for thinking this but going through all of this was one of the things that made me truely believe that everything happens for a reason. DH and I couldnt be happier in CO and we wouldnt have ever moved out here if it werent for her being here and us visiting her. We fell in love with the area. Again, I feel bad for saying this but Im glad she is moving back to Ca. So long as that guy is in her life, I cant be around her. :(

So sorry for venting about this but its eating at me during what is already a hard enough time for me in my life right now. Id rather have no friends then have friends like this that make poor choices and bring con artists into my home.

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