ttc after a d&c

Hey girls..

Laura- Yeah im well ahead on the wedding planning, i have found my dress!! And i have the invitation designs and stuff sorted, got a photographer and sorted out the guest list, to be honest the main thing is actually booking the venue ! Im so picky with the venues, its typical , inkow how i want it in my head but all the ones i want are so expensive! And the ones i can afford are HORRIBLE, i need a happy medium! Something thats slightly over priced but is gorgeous! Im so excited!

Angel- Yeah i am kind of ignoring roomie, plus hes been gone since Friday night and hasnt been back or let us know or anything! But, we have made use of the fact we havent got him next door to us in the bedroom if you know what i mean ;)

Really irritated though, Chris younger brother stayed round on Saturday night, i told him to stay at home (hes 16) because he will just be bored any annoy me. And all he did was sit saying im bored im bored, and then when he left he just walked out and iddnt say bye, or thanks for having me , or thanks for spending 11 quid on dinner for me last night :/ And to be honest his whole family have irritated me too.. I told his mum we were getting married and the first thing she said was Well im not wearing anything smart im wearing jeans yeah? I was like :/ Well id like u to look smart this is my only wedding?! And then she said cna i wear white jeans, i said no only the bride iwll wear white, and she was like well i guess i cant come then :S I was like WTH?! ANd then she was like oh i think chris should have his brother as best man i was like well im sure he wil ask his best friend?! She was like well i think he should ask his brother..

I felt like throwing the wedding planning book at her head and just syaing do what u want .. Am i bridezilla or something? I told her once im married im married, for better for worse, im not getting married again, and i want it how i want it, why doesnt she just respect that? She got married twice, the first was full blown wedding, the second was just a registry office, and she was like oh u dont need bridesmaids i didnt have them at my second wedding..

i was like YES 2ND wedding!! im not doing it twice!


Anyway, how are u all? ive not caught up properly because between being ill, looking after puppies and planning a wedding and trying to deal with christmas , im a bit scarce on everything! Hope u are all okay xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
My dress :) Only problem is is if i fall pregnant, its virtually impossible to alter the top half without ruining it, but im no seamstress so i dont know about that :/ And guess how much it is ....

£52 !!!!

$84.20 in dollars i worked it out :)


EDIT: I have just contacted the seller who stated that she can make the dress to my measurements at no extra charge, so she said if i do happen to be pregnant, she can make it around the bump and make it still look nice :D
Hi Tash! Yay for roomie being gone! you and dh need time together and glad you made the best of it heheh And oh wow regaring you future MIL! Is she serious??? If she cant wear white or jeans she cant come??? Thats just insane! Have you told your finace about that??? I just cant believe some people... so selfish. I LOVE the dress! Im sure you are going to make the most beautiful bride!

Jen, how are you recovering hun?? I hope you are feeling much better and again.. I SOOOOO glad you went in when you did! xoox

Angel, Jess, Laura... how are you ladies and your little beans doing???

Horsey, any wedding plan updates???

Bethany, hi hun!! Did you finally get your package????

Hi to anyone Ive missed! Daily :dust: and <3 to you girls!
Hey ladies i hope everyones doing well.

Angel laura jessica hope ur LOs are doing well and content! Mine i beating my stomach up after having my appendix and a hernia removed :( now they are concerned with preterm labor and me getting pnemonia. Im taking care myself best i can. I can tell dh is already getting annoyed bc he is exhausted. When i get on pc ill post my 3d pic of my daughter on my website page if anyone wants to see it. Might fb it too but idk yet. Amy im sorry for pregnancy announcement :( you will be annoucing urs soon to us i really hope! Tash ur wedding plans seems to be coming along love the dress! Horsey ur getting married soon arent u?? Hoe exciting for weddings!! My meds are really strong and laura i now know how strong and nasty antibiotics can be. I hope ur off them now and feeling better.

Bethany did u get ur shewee?? I coulda used one in hospital i am officially ordering one! Its a necessity after what i been thru i coulda used it to stay comfortable and stop botherin ppl. How are u?

<3 u all sorry im spacey and all over place. Im in alot of pain and not myself.
Jen glad to hear you are recovering ok and sorry DH is annoyed. Im sure he is tired from not getting much sleep but this was something out of your control and not your fault in any way. I hope you rest and have a speedy recovery hun. Also, I am praying that everything is ok with your LO.
Laura, :hugs: for yesterday. A day of remembrance as Angel said.
Oh and the tree isn&#8217;t tacky LOL! It is cute :D

Angel, still sending my Ursula shouts! Authors..well I really like Ilona Andrews. Oh and you may like Tanya Huff since you like Charlaine Harris. The Princess Bride. Oh and The Fairy&#8217;s Return by Gail Carson Levine is super cute; my mom always begs me to read the stories to her! Doubly cute if you end up with a little girl :D
WOOHOO for NY!! Have a blast! EEK :happydance:

Amy, sorry you weren&#8217;t able to tell your friend. What your mom said could be right. She may be living in a state of denial. When I finally divorced my ex I was surprised by how many of my friends told me &#8220;ah, there is the Bethany I remember&#8221; because I was constantly defending him and his cruelty.
Oh and I am so sorry about abother pregnancy announcement :hugs: do you ever go from being ok to being hurt? It is such an emotional roller coaster.

Tash, yeesh future MIL is already becoming domineering no? Oh and the dress is lovely :thumbup:

Jen, ask for some pain pills darling :hugs: I don&#8217;t want you hurting! Oh but wait are they not ok for baby? I am a dunce! No shewee yet. Will contact Amazon on Wednesday when it isn&#8217;t here and ask that they ship another!

Horsey, how is Monday treating you?

Jessica, HI!

Psst! I have eaten almost an entire bag of gala apples. :blush:
Oh and I just love my cat. We napped earlier and when I woke up I started petting his sweet whiskered face and he started petting mine with his paw. <3
Amy- Roomie came back today, didnt say where hed been or owt , just came in n started cooking, n he was like, place looks clean tash, i was like thats cos ive spent hours cleaning it, and it wants to stay that way, so for once he washed his pots after himself lol!
Boo for another pregnancy announcement :( Ive completely deleted my cousin of FB, had a go at her via text and told her exactly what i think about her, and then she got a new number, which is fine, im glad! Im sorry we are still here and not pregnant :( I hope u get a baby in your arms by next christmas, im hoping for me too!

Bethany- Hope youre okay! Thanks ,i love the dress, its beautiful, and she said if i do happen to be pregnant she will make it to measure 3 weeks before my wedding and make sure its there in time, i said i would pay extra to make sure it was a perfect fit and be there on time, and she said she wouldnt take any extra charge for it, bless her! Lovely woman! This is how positive i am at the moment, i copied the picture of the dress onto photo shop, and filled in an imaginary baby bump, just to make sure it still looks nice :/ How pathetic lol!

Jen- Hope youre feeling better :( If not get plenty of rest and get well soon!!

As for MIL to be , i said well you will have to wear something nice, she was like, well ill buy new jeans, i was like no i mean smart, im only getting married once, and i dont mean to sound like bridezilla..but at the end of the day, its my day, if i wanted everybody there in wonderwoman and superman suits they should do it really, its my day, not my chance to make sure everyone else is happy day... do u know what i mean?

Only thing im struggling with is venue, i want smething nice, but cheap, i cant find anything like that, only to be expected really, but i wouldnt mind finding something that is gorgeous, but is a little over priced...

Gosh, i feel better now, having the wedding to focus on keeps me calmer and less focused on TTC, i havent even taken my temperature properly once since chris asked me to marry him, i keep getting out of bed and not remembering and then doing it, so its half hearted i guess but still

Sorry for the long as posts! Hope youre all okay what u all doing xxx
amy and bethany thanks i like my tacky tree, the more colour the better in xmas :) ha ha
tash ur dress is amazing how r u gettin it sooo cheap? its fab xxxxxxxxxxx
u wil be beautifull, xxxxxx tell MIl she can wear jeans, she will look yucky beside princess tash and be sorry :) she sounds like a big baby. what person says will if i cant wear jeans im not ocming to ur weddin and who wears jeans to a wedding , espeacially ur sons :) xxxxxxxxxxx
forget about her and focus on u , she must just be looking for attention hon xxx

amy how u doin babe? last day of tablets? hurry up af, :witch: really is a dumbass who cant get it right, where is she when we want her and always there when we dont xxxxxxxxx

jen u poor poppet, big huge hugs. xxxxxxxx
ignore Dh , tired my ass, how would he feel if he were u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
big hugs again cos u need lots and cyber hugs wont hurt u xxxxxxxxxxxx
hope ur pain is gettin better every day babe xxxxxxxxxxxx
lookin forward to pics of ur DD xxxxxxxxxxxxx

bethany so not fair they r keeping ur shewee!!!!!! hurry up shewee.
i love when my cat does that to ur face with paws :) they can be so gentle sometimes :)

horsey where u at?
jess hope ur good. xxxxxxxxx

i rang my doc today to get notes for work and they said they would givve me one for this week and then review it. what r they playing at?
one day im told yeah its ur choice cos we cant tell teh future and only i can decide blah blah. then they r saying we will review it!!!
there r 3 docs there and main one is on hols so maybe that is why.
i go see her on wed when she gets back anyway.
they r doin my nut now cos i hate not knowing :)
i had a lovely day today, iw ent to killarney with my mom and did some shoppin and went for dinner. :) i am perpetually starving last 3 days so im making up for 5 pounds i lost :) they r rnearly back already :)
my boobs and bump r gettin really big now, eeekkkkk, im only 4 months. im gonna be huge !!!! :)
Hi Bethany! We actually ended up calling my BFF yesterday because I couldnt take it. I was in tears when I told her and so I think she knew that I was sincere. She claimed to knwo about it but and she said that she had questioned him and that he said it was all his ex gf. She seems to buy his stories so there is nothing I can do about that. I told dh this and also said there was so much I wanted to point out but didnt think about it until after I hung up and he said "Let it go. You said what you needed to say and what she does from here on out is on her. We will just have to keep our distance so that we dont have to be around him too much and that will be that. Atleast you guys are still cool so you didnt lose your friend in that respect. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make them drink it". He was right, I have to let it go. I can rest easy knowing that I told her and whatever she wants to do is now on her. I pray that he doesnt hurt them with his lies but cant help that its inevitable :( . Oh well. Im sorry you werent able to get into see the dr. Are you going to try again to get in? Im glad you have a plan in the event you arent able to get the answers you need when you want them. Im really hoping that you will and that you will be pregnant soon! AFM, I started on all my meds. Neevo DHA, 1mg of Folic Acid 3x a day ( mg of it already converted is in my precription prenatal), and 81mg of asprin daily. In addition to all of this, I was taking progesterone for the past 4 days and have one more pill to take tonight and then I should get my period within the 5 days after that. If I dont get my period by then, the dr still wants me to come in and see if my uterus is thin enough to do the uterine procedure they wanted to do (Inject dye into the uterus to check it). PRAYING this all happens before the year end so that we can ttc before my due date which is feb 13th :(
Tash,,, grr for roomie coming back and not nice of him to atleast tell you guys if he will be coming back or what he is doing. How do you go missing for days and not tell anyone? Just rude! And for your MIL, sheesh! She sounds like she just wants to be difficult!

Angel, I hope you are enjoying NY!

Laura, thank you babe! How are you feeling?
amy glad u were able to tell her, Dh is right u have done ur bt, there really is no more u can do and least us til hve ur friend and she can some to u when and if she wises up :) xxxxxxxxxxxxx
hurray for tcc meds :) xxxxxxxxxxx
it wil be a good new years for u with happy baby making me thinks xxxxxxxxxx hugs xx

horsey big hugs honey xxxxxxxxxxxxxx hope ur ok xxxxxxxxxxx

im good just tired , stil hev some pains regards bladdar but i will see my proper doc on wed and she is gynae doc so i will ask her too, she knows better than the other doc me thinks :) xxxxxxxxx
bethany sorry forgetful laura . xxx
i forgot u said u were unable to get to doc, hopefully there will be no need, it would be pretty typical if u got preg to stop bangkok. :) :) heres hoping :) xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tash, that isn&#8217;t pathetic; that is AWESOME! Post it :D
And you aren&#8217;t being a bridezilla for wanting her to dress nice for a NICE event. Gah. I think she is being rude in the extreme to try and bully you in such a way! Bad future MIL!
It is nice to not focus so much on TTC isn&#8217;t it? :D

Laura, hurray for hungry mom and baby! You will love being big and pregnant- can&#8217;t wait myself <3
I hope it just has to do with one doc being on vacay. They best not be jerking your chain!

Amy, so many pills! I hope the aspirin really helps. Another friend on this site took the aspirin after I recommended it (she had had losses too but it was unexplained) and she not only became pregnant immediately but also learned that she is having a girl. I bawled happy tears when she sent me the PM. Amazing <3 gives me hope for myself!
I may put off the doc. Everyone is sick this time of year. I don&#8217;t know. Also hate to put it off. TTC has made me a nut.
Your DH is wise :hugs:
Do you still want me to tell AF to come your way love?

Horsey, you know you can vent here if you want. We love the hell out of you <3
Yes please! :) COME AF!!!! I need her to come to start my monitoring.
i love you guys too. im just so annoyingly sad. my longest time friend got her bfp from ivf, im happy for her, but we're the same age and always kind of did things the same, so i feel like either this means ill get prego too or if i dont im the only one who failed at life.

i just got retest results back for the hormones and they're all normal now?! who knew. somehow that makes me sad anyway though?

i have two friends who are having twins.

work is going really bad. my coworker completely flaked on a huge project and im overwhelmed.

i gotta read up for a bit. xo

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