ttc after a d&c

Angel hows hubbys arm? I hope u both are okay!<3
Jess men could never handle being pregnant nor will they ever understand what we go thru but its cute when they try :)

all day today she has been kickin/punchin/elbowin or whatever shes doing. Its reassuring to feel her. I cant wait til ur all there. Laura i also noticed the movement slowing down but stronger.

Angel jan 9 laura jan 24.... Jess when is ur next scan?
As for dh it is what it is. I took backseat seeing what he does... No job attempt what so ever. He is plying fantasy again and betting more money he was like its $5. Idk if i believe him because a 100 of or christmas gift disappeared outta his wallet i questioned it and he lied right to my face saying he never had it but i know he did. He lost in pro and college so i know it paid for that or maybe something else idk and idc. I woulda liked it for food.

Oooo talking about food my parents bought us omaha steaks for christmas! I made one tonight when they arrived. Feel like i ate like a princess for a night. Wish i coulda had asparagus and roasted red potatoes with it though instead of mac n cheese from a box n peas. All well that steak was amazing!!
Oh Jen, I can't believe your boss! And did he actually tell you that they want to hire this other hygienist? I'm so sorry about dh too Hun :hugs:
hi guys i had a catch up but im being a big selfish baby tonight :)
i think its half hormones, half realising im so sick of not working but i know i cant work cos its not good for me or baby being sick all the time. kinda just realising that im not gonna have any money till june really, Oh still not helping even though i said how i feel a few times, he just said if u want money just ask.
i cant ask, ive been independant too long, im finding it so hard to try and rely on someone else, i cant do it and im putting pressure on myself that doesnt really need to be there.
i know im being silly but sometimes i just feel like i have way more interest in bub than he does, which is and isnt fair to Oh :) he is interested but it doesnt consume him all the time like it does me, cos i can feel it .
sorry for rant, i am so gratefull and glad im pregnant and really really want my bub and i know will be worth it in the end :) just struggling a little right now :)
silly me after such a nice day and all. i know im being spoiled brat but i cant help it :)
i wish my job didnt make me sick, id love to be back at work for few months.

jess i know its not right they dont help but i work in a hosp and people have collapsed in the canteen surrounded by docs and nurses and its us the canteen staff who help :)
shocking but its same for them, they have to be called in like professional capacity before they personally cant be sued for what may go wrong, its society is messed up really .

angel glad ur still spotty ,h ee hee joke. xxxx im stil totally spotty :) but its agood sign, fx for good scan wed im looking forward to ur good news xxxx

bethany urgh silly trafiic, im after gettin used to country living ,im allergic to traffic now ;) no patience for it :)

amy hurray for baby making trip :) lovely :) xxxxxx

hi to al and hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxx
Laura i know what u mean about independence and feeling to proud to ask but he told u to ask so he will help! i think its nice of him. He probably just doesnt know what u need would he take over a bill or two for u that way u dont have to always ask?? As for rant rant away! I know lately i sure have to.

Actually here goes my next one :( my husband told me he refuses to believe we are having a girl and doesnt want to feel baby move or anything. He has no interest at all. We have two scans left this pregnancy and then im due "may 17" but i refuse to go by that date dur to babys measurement i rather go by what i set it at "june 1". Top it off my mom just asked if she can have a baby shower for me with my mil. She has off everyother weekend and its march 2 16 30 then middle april for her days off... 16-17 st patricks day ppl celebrate.... 30-31 easter another holiday. I feel mid april is too close for a shower as ill be uncomfortable possible of bedrest have little time to shop.for.extra stuff ill need. My mom wants march 2 my mil said its too.early for a shower and wants it in april. She doesnt think mid april is to late at all. Id rather not have one at all. I really dont have much family in my side so its akward for me. Well after talking with my husband my mil wants to wait bc she doesnt think we will have the baby. Wth ill be in my third trimester. Im very upset not only with that but with her doubting my pregnancy. My husband is now doubting it and it made me very upset. My husbands fam influences him and he wont even look at baby stuff talk about baby names or acknowledge her. Infact we cant have a sexual life last three weeks due to my surgery. I have a 35% chance of delivering early. According to measurements i have about 134 days to go and i was feeling confident about her and excited and he throws all this at me. Idk what to think. I refuse to let him family walk on my moms wishes. As my mil said what she wants doesnt count bc she doesnt have many family to.invite. As in my mom is trash?? Okay i dont have the mom of gold but she is a person and to walk over her is down right wrong. Im so upset. My wedding was ruined by my fam my husbands brother and now his mil and him are going to ruin my babys celebration? I just want it to be about ME for a change. Does anyone ask what works for the one pregnant? What if im put on bedrest again or anything. Why risk it? I already need surgery i cant get and am practically on bedrest as it is since i have limited restriction. Im so frustrated. I thought my high school graduation was ruined bc i couldnt control it then i thought i could control my wedding i was wrong then my son now my perfectly healthy daughter due in may and my mil n husband want to ruin my excitment? Like appendectomy not working being able to do what i want is not enough on me?? Im starting to sink and i shouldnt have to feel this way. If i wasnt on restriction id work my butt off buy everything for my child and prove them all i dont need anyones help! But in all honesty i do need help and i HATE that. Laura this is where u and i can relate. We must learn to allow for help when its offered as hard as it is to ask. Okay im done ranting its 2am i just couldnt stop.crying or sleep and im soo exhausted. Im hoping now that i vented i can.

Sorry for all that. I feel like a downer lately when i shouldnt be.
Amy as far as hiring temp yes i over heard them talking about danielle and possibly hiring her for mondays and some weds. But weds is my day so only way they can do that is rid me :/ he doesnt have space for two hygienists in his office. All well i cant stress over it. I hope he isnt mad at me about alarm i set when i left :/ i really like where i work. I think im gonna be going to ulta for a makrup lesson and learn to do my eyebrows nicely and find coverup for acne. Also get a cute hairpeice. I work with a beautiful girl thats single and i noticed she been given lessons to my coworkers so i gotta keep up to stay in the game. Why are looks everything in the dental field for woman?? Unless u work for older boss that is. This is least of my concern though. I have tons of makeup just need a lesson on how to apply it! :) maybe itll give me a confidence boost. Gotta get a haircut n my eyebrows waxed too but i know that will have to wait. I thought about on my bday im gonna get a few highlights whether i gotta charge it or not :) itll be in may so ill be ready for baby pics then! No one.can stop me from doing that!! Gonna get pedicure too and my six weeks off to heal im painting my nails!! Things i never ever get to do for myself. I AM doing whether i have the money or not. Ok im being greedy maybee.
Jen, I have so much advice I would like to give you, but at the same time I know its a touchy subject when people give marital advice and it can be hard to accept. And I also know you just want to vent at times. But I will do this with the best intentions, and having the thought of you and your babies well being. What is going on right now with your husband and family is so unhealthy for you. The stress can affect your pregnancy, and I don't want that to ever happen to you. Right now the most important people in your life is you and your baby (of course I know you already know this!!). I pray that your husband comes around and changes his attitude, but it seems like his problems go deeper than just his family. He should put you on a pedestal. All that you have gone through, many women have never had to go through. You are a strong woman Jen, I feel as you are much stronger than me and I admire that about you. I say this with the best intentions, but is it good to be around him right now? Is there any way you can get away? Just so you can have a break and just be able to focus on your lo and not have to worry about him and his family and their absurd opinions? Jen, you don't deserve any of this. I could understand if he was very young like 18 or ealy 20s and maybe just immature, but what worries me is that he is already older than that, and acting like this? I just wonder what it will take for him to change? He needs a wake up call. I hate seeing you going through all of this. I want your 2013 to be full of joy, especially with your little beautiful baby girl that your expecting. But they are sucking that joy out of you and its so wrong. I wish I could help you in some way. It sucks that we all live so far away. Or else I wish I could be there for you to have a shoulder to cry on. :hugs:
jen that was me exactly during the nt hence my rant :)
i couldnt stop crying and couldnt sleep so i had to get it out.
i wasnt fair to Oh really, its my fault i suck at askng for help, not his :)
im gonna be more proactive today and see will my mortgage protection pay my mortgage, if it will i wont need much help, but im not sure if they will. il just have to see. :) im more pos today anyway with some sleep under my belt :)
jen have ur shower the date u want, its ur shower and its ur baby xxxxx hugs x
feck Mil , she sounds like interfering ole bat anyway , sorry thats harsh but she does xxxx hugs xxxxx
when i frist old Oh he i was preg he wasnt excited much really, it wa sonly after 12 weeks when he began to not be scared and thought we would hev this baby that he got excited, i did make make allowances cos i knew it was just cos he was afraid,
maybe ur Dh is still afraid jen, xxxx but he should still support u and be there for u chick xxxxxxxx arghhh men xxxxxxxxxxxxx hugs xxxxxxxxxxx
ur not being greedy jen, ur busy making a bub and makin lots of sacrifices to do so u deserve treats xxxxxxx
Grrrr Jen! I agree with these ladies. I don't understand how your husband can be this way with you. I too wish we lived closer... I would love for my dh to talk some sense into yours. Are you able to stay at your moms for a few days? Maybe the reason he treats you like this is because he thinks you'll just put up with it and that he can. I understand that you are financially strapped but it doesn't sound like he is helping there anyway right now. And your mil just sounds horrible! Hugs to you hun and I'm really praying it gets better for you!
Jen, I agree with the other ladies. Is there any way you can stay with your mom for a bit? I think that your DH needs to start changing his attitude before your little girl arrives. You do not owe him a living. He is a grown man who can take responsibility and be there for the mother of his child. I understand how hard it will be. You love him. You want him to change on his own. But he really needs to make a choice between his family and you. If you allow him and his relations to treat you as though you have less worth, how will your daughter perceive her own status and worth in life? Be strong and demand change now- for her :hugs:
Right girls... I just said pages and pages and pages... And i actually cant remember what i read or what replies i was going to say to you girls, god im so not with it at the moment...

SO :) First off hope you are all okay?!

Angel, Laura,Jess and Jen how are you and baby bumps doing? All well i hope!

Bethany how are you? Where abouts in your cycle are you? Getting closer to a BFP?Ovulation?AF?

Amy how are you and the tests and the doctors going? Hope they are treating you well and getting you well on your way to a 2013 baby :)

Horsey not seen you in a while hope you are okay?!

ILOVEHIM How are you doing chick? Hope your body is geting back to normal and its not giving you too much bother!

Anyone ive missed ? :S Sorry if i have girls im getting so away with the fairies these days but if i missed you i love u still!

I remember someone mentioning something about reading books, i got a new book for christmas called Fuck It by John Parkin... And i must admit, it is a daft book it really is, but honestly its making me look at things alot more clearly and optimistically, its a humorous book that really relates to how i am as a person and my life.. As you can judge by the title it is basically saying that when you say Fuck It about a situation, it relieves the tension etc :)

Update about me :

Well im currently 13dpo, temps are still high , cervix is high soft and closed, BFN yesterday and dont plan on testing again, too much heartbreak each time i get a BFN, plus its wasting money buying all these FRERS. I have stocked up on knicker stickers and ice cream and everything so i am prepared for AF. Going to keep checking cervix until it opens so i know when AF its on its way.. Its due tomorrow or Saturday.

Not had a good day today :( Ive done nothing but hiccup all day, ive felt sick as hell and thrown up twice, hurt so much my spine felt like it was going to break with all the wrenching (SORRY)... Part of me suspected OOHH maybe ur having early pregnancy sickness?!?! But then i thought rationally and was like, no tash, theres a bug ging round work so that would make more sense...

But the only other thing thats got my suspicions up is the fact everytime ive drank tea today thats made me feel even sicker... Which only has ever happened with first pregnancy..

BUT i REFUSE to get my hopes up because when AF turns up it wil make it even more unbearable...

Even that feeling of me being pregnant and having a fuzzy belly, i put down to this stomach virus that is going round

Was my first day back at work since 19th December today.. was awful too, i hate being shouted at down the phone, really upsets me... And i cant stop crying lately anyway so all i ahve done is cry and be sick today..

OH and ive had the hiccups since 11 o clock this morning, its now 7pm.. still not gone :S

Love u all sorry for the long post xxxx
Hi Tash, Im sorry you had a rough first day back at work today. Im hoping the fact that your cervix is still nice and closed is a good sign. If AF was suppose to come tomorrow and you dont have symptoms, that too sounds very promising. I still say you arent out until AF shows :)

AFM~ Drs are just waiting for my + OPK at this point. They gave me lab orders already and want me to go and get my progesterone checked the day I get a + OPK. If its low, they already sent me home with progesterone meds so I would just start taking them that day. If its not low and in the normal range, then I dont need to take the progesterone and will just hang on to it incase I need it down the road. :)
Oh thats brilliant! At least they are helping you out before hand rather than waiting til its too late to help! Im so glad for you :) What CD are you on now then? Any sign on a + OPK yet?

Yeah i mean i do have some odd stomach feelings but definitely not AF cramps, got to be careful not to get my hopes up...

I have one FRER left and i refuse to use it..

I have a new method, have you heard of the Q Tip Cervix test?

Aparrently , you get a Q Tip ( we call them cotton buds in england lol ) And u swab your cervix, apparently if AF is near, the cells picked up from the Q Tip will be pink red or brown, and if its clear, you are still in with a chance, BUT the only problem with that, is you are meant to test every 4-6 hours for it to be accurate, as thats how long it can take for AF to be seen through the cervix wall cell before you start to bleed, so it IS accurate but its not at the same time..

BUT i just keep thinking if it saves me peeing on tests and getting BFNs its worth it aint it .. At least if i keep waiting for AF its more bearable than waiting for a BFP.. Waiting for AF is inevitable, waiting for a BFP seems wishful :)

I dont think im being negative... I just think im trying to look a bit better at these things :)

So.. random thought :huh:. I know I have been on my phone alot on here when I read/talk :coffee: but I have REALLY been lagging :shy: on the emoticons :saywhat:!

Yes, I am much happier with this new dr and how they are going about helping dh and I :awww:. I have a good feeling about this cycle [-o&lt; but that may just be because I am in good hands now so we shall see :shrug:. I am using a digital OPK right now :loo: and am on CD13 at the moment so still got a little while before I O :brat:.

I hear about people feeling thier cervix and what not all the time but I am such a chicken :oops:. The only thing that ever goes up there are tampons... well and DH :blush::haha:.

I wish we lived closer... I would bring you over some of my HPT.. I ordered 50 cheapies :shhh:!. After the last time and me having to take so many tests before anyone would believe me (Old dr, not new dr) I figured I should get the BIG pack for that reason and just incase we dont get pregnant this month. :nope:
Haha Amy I still have my cheapies too! I'd happily share :)

Tash, are you planning to do the cotton swab thing?
well just done the cotton swab thing, clear, no pink or red or even a hint of colour.. but i also did a test and was bfn... i mean at 13dpo, id have a positive by now wouldnt i :( I am slowly being drained of all hope and happiness, i refuse to buy any more tests, ive had enough i feel so uselss :( xxx
Natasha, I never got a BFP until I was pretty late for AF so there is always hope until the witch shows her face :hugs:

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