ttc after a d&c

I'm so furious right now.... I know my rant yesterday was cursing central but I normally don't talk like that. When dh and I have an argument, we never name call or curse... Ever! Long story short, colleguezilla noticed I was quiet this mid king and it was really me trying to ignore her because I didn't want to say something I would regret. She got some printouts from the printer for me and I broke the silence and said thanks and that I was having a tough morning with my project. She then says us I was wondering you were being a bitch......

Really?!?!? So then later during the day I was thinking about it and I asked her "did you really call me a bitch earlier? Because I told dh when we were dating that I would leave him if he ever talked to me like that. I don't talk to others that way so I gong like to be talked to like that. She tries to say that she didn't say that and stumbles on her words and said "maybe I said you were acting like one or something... Ugh I don't know, I don't remember" and had a whatever you're being sensitive attitude towards me. She then tells me that I wouldn't last in her house because apparently they do talk like that. Ugh I'm home now with knots in my stomach. I so don't want to go to work and sit next to her all day.
Hi ladies. Hope you all are doing great.

Jen, I hope you are ok. If you keep leaking, I think you should go back to emergency just as a precaution (or at least call the advise nurse for advice). I know its not desirable at all, but one day you will have your sweet little girl in your arms and think back at all you went through, and you will have a greater appreciation for life. You are so strong. I admire you so much for that.

Angel, wow your parents raised 4 children!! So hard, especially nowadays! I don't know how some parents do it. Glad they had a great vacation! My mom is 67 and unfortunately still working hard and doesn't like to take time for herself. I wish I could do more for her, but its so hard with my 2 daughters and 1 on the way. I wish I were rich and could take care of her like she deserves.

Amy, so excited for your upcoming bfp, whether it be this cycle or the next (fx for this cycle). Your bfp is coming, that's all I know. :hugs: And as for your rant. It made my day, you needed to get all of that out!! Its ok to be a little foul mouthed once in a while. I usually don't curse in front of anybody but my husband. I can curse all I want when him and I are alone, and it feels great!! lol. Just to get all the stress out. hehe. Oh, and all of the symptoms you mentioned, sounds very promising. I can't wait!!

Laura, tash, hope your bumps are doing well. Can't wait until your 12 week scan Tash!!

Hi Bethany!! Miss you tons!! :hugs:
I'm so furious right now.... I know my rant yesterday was cursing central but I normally don't talk like that. When dh and I have an argument, we never name call or curse... Ever! Long story short, colleguezilla noticed I was quiet this mid king and it was really me trying to ignore her because I didn't want to say something I would regret. She got some printouts from the printer for me and I broke the silence and said thanks and that I was having a tough morning with my project. She then says us I was wondering you were being a bitch......

Really?!?!? So then later during the day I was thinking about it and I asked her "did you really call me a bitch earlier? Because I told dh when we were dating that I would leave him if he ever talked to me like that. I don't talk to others that way so I gong like to be talked to like that. She tries to say that she didn't say that and stumbles on her words and said "maybe I said you were acting like one or something... Ugh I don't know, I don't remember" and had a whatever you're being sensitive attitude towards me. She then tells me that I wouldn't last in her house because apparently they do talk like that. Ugh I'm home now with knots in my stomach. I so don't want to go to work and sit next to her all day.

Ewwwwwwwwww. I really don't like this lady. That is so unprofessional for her to even tell you that. That lady is toxic. Somethings gotta be wrong upstairs, if you know what I mean. You wouldn't last in her house? Well tell her she wouldn't last in your house either, because in your house everybody has respect for each other!! Do you actually have to work with her, like do work with her? Or she is just a colleague who irritates you, because you could just ignore her and pretend she doesn't exist. I know its not in your nature to be like this, but this ladies personality is no good for you to be around. She is toxic. And you are so sweet and don't need that Amy. :hugs:
I'm just sitting here in tears (maybe a bit more emotional than I normally am) but I just can't believe it. I sit right next to her do there is no avoiding her. Of all the people I work with, I just thought she had her moments but was a nice too like when she took me home. But I have heard her talk so badly about people and then will say that she knows she said mean things but she would hate to see anything happen to them. There definitely is a reason why her and her husbZnd don't live together and I see it now. She might be legitimately crazy but it just hurts that she isn't the person I thought she was. When she's nice, she is great to be around but she is just so self centered and is really an adult brat. Sorry just a mess right now.

How are you hun? How's your bump and everything going? I hope it's all well :)
I'm just sitting here in tears (maybe a bit more emotional than I normally am) but I just can't believe it. I sit right next to her do there is no avoiding her. Of all the people I work with, I just thought she had her moments but was a nice too like when she took me home. But I have heard her talk so badly about people and then will say that she knows she said mean things but she would hate to see anything happen to them. There definitely is a reason why her and her husbZnd don't live together and I see it now. She might be legitimately crazy but it just hurts that she isn't the person I thought she was. When she's nice, she is great to be around but she is just so self centered and is really an adult brat. Sorry just a mess right now.

How are you hun? How's your bump and everything going? I hope it's all well :)

I'm doing ok. Just worrying as usual, but I don't think that will ever end unfortunately. I am more worried about you though. I am a lot like you, try to respect people and be as nice as I can be, but there are just certain people out there that make is so hard to get along with. It seems like it is always going to be up and down with this lady. Some days she shows her kind face and the other days the ugly one comes out.

Maybe she is jealous of your youth and how her life didn't turn out like she wanted it to turn out. I could be completely wrong. But it is seriously hard figuring out this lady out. The way you could get back at her ( I don't really mean getting back at her but rather showing her her insult didn't affect you) is by talking about how wonderful your husband is, how happy he makes you etc. This is showing her nothing she can do can bring you down or affect your life. One thing I wouldn't tell her anything about is your ttc right now. I am worried she will make trouble if you tell her anything personal. And when you do fall pregnant, she should be the last to find out, or even if you have to, maybe you can keep it on the hush as long as your can from work, just to protect you from her finding out. Just some suggestions here, if you feel any of them would help you or not.
Thanks Hun. Ya I don't really want to tell her anything. When she asks I know it's her way of trying to get back in with me if that makes sense. You can't ever talk about yourself around her. Anytime I hear people come to her desk and talk to her or when I talk to her she turns it back to herself. That's just how she is. If I say "oh my hubby was so sweet today he did...." She stares. At her screen like she's in the middle of something but if someone did that to her, she would have something to say or she will cut you off and tell you how great her and her stand are. She just told me they had this huge fight recently and they both told each other that they were unhappy and then she says that the next day they made up but who says things like that to thier spouse even when you're angry? I could never imagine my life without my husband so I would never even say someone like that. Sorry I know this isn't what we are here for.... Thanks for listening Hun :hugs: I'm ok :)

I totally understand you being nervous. It's only natural given everything that has happened. When is your next scan?
Hehe thanks angel. Dh came home made me feel better. I was balling telling him what happened to the point now I have headache. He was rubbing my head and hugged me and said I wasn't being unreasonable. I told him everything and he too doesn't want me to stress. Don't know his tomorrow is going to go but I see a full day with headphones on. :)

Going to try and sleep, my head is pounding and I'm trying to stop the tears. I have no idea why I'm crying so much but hoping its a great sign. Have a wonderful night ladies and thank you all for your kind words and for listening to my ranting. :hugs:
Amy i was the exact same.. Main things i noticed ( but brushed off to wishful thinking or pms ) were i seemed to switch between sobbing my heart out and being so angry, and believe me when iw as pregnant it was F*** this F*** that reh reh reh Lol!! I really was! I dont swear an awful lot unless im angry, and i was horrible in my last TWW.. All good signs amy, i dont blame u for being a bit hesitant to put it down to preg, i seemed to have so many symptoms during the others tww's, all i had this time, was sore back, leg hairs growing, mood swings and crying at anything... Oh and the *feeling* of being pregnant, i bet chris a fiver that i was pregnant and when i got hte positive he gave me a tenner lol!!!

Jen my rash is actually getting better!!! And ive not heard from the doctors about my results and the doc said no news is good news! So im hoping the rash settles down and goes, its nowehere near as bad, it gets worse when i get hot or after ive had a bath, so im trying to have baths with no products like bubble bath in it which seems to be helping, to be honest chriss mums partner did buy me a really fancy bubble bath set for christmas that ive been using, and im starting to think maybe its that that gave me the rash, im not sure, all i know is the rash has gone down since ive not been using it ! How aer youuu??

Thanks jess, i cant wait either <3 How areu doing?

All u other ladies how are you?


Well its officially impossible to get through to the midwives!! I think i might leave it until im 8 weeks and then ring her and start my appointments, i know alot of people say oh no u must go as soon as u find out u are pregnant so u get proper prenatal care... But.. My way of thinking ( and i really dont mean this to sound horrible and vile but ) is, i am taking prenatla vits, im looking after myself, eating healthily, and i dont see what more the midwives can do at this stage? If im meant to keep this baby i am if not, the midwives cant stop anything bad happening, ive got no prog problems or anything like that, so its literlaly in gods hands now .. So i dont think it will make a difference if i go midwives now or in two weeks, plus, i think if i go to the midwives now, it will just make time drag cos ill be forever waiting for appointments and looking forward to them lol! I feel like time is draggng, last time i was pregnant, it seemed to go so quick, i found out i was pregnant then all of a sudden was 12 weeks! this is dragging!

Going by conception date i am 5 weeks 5 days pregnant, so i hit my week marks every friday :)

Im tired, puppies are being very very well behaved for me lately, i think it might be a combination of them growing up, and knowing htat mummy needs a bit of help at the moment cos shes carrying a tiny baby. Duchess especially, doesnt want to leave me, even this week she has been lying with me on the sofa, and when chris shouts them in for dinner to the kitchen, duke will run to chris and get his dinner, duchess will just get up and then sit her bum on my knee and when chris ocmes to get her she wont move she buries her head into my belly, its so sweet!!! So i have to get up and go and sit with her while she eats and she stares at me the whole time as if to say * dont go mummy im coming in a minute* so i sit with ehr while she has dinner then she coems back to the sofa with me, shes sat with me as we speak and duke is chasing his tail in a not so orderly fashion near my feet lol!!!

Wow i ramble on dont i lol!! love u all xxxx
amy last thing u need right now is colleaguzilla, does she think u would want to last in her house and live with a rude, insensitive pushy cow, i think not., be gratefull u know how to treat people properly and have a lovely Dh who does the same to u and ignore that wagon !!!!! xxxxxxxxxx im sure ur home is a gazillion times happier than hers, with her mean , selfish streak a mile wide xxxxxxxxxxxx hugs xxxx
amy could u ask ur boss to move u? she sounds like a nightmare xxxxxxx

angel ha ha about ur parents drive , so cute :) x
great they r able to enjoy themselves now :) xxxxxx
enjoy ur rest xxxxx

tash glad ur rash is going hon , they r a pain :) xxxxxxxx
most likely is the bubble bath, it prob has ingresient in it ur skin doesnt like :)
hurray for well behaved fur babies, :) xxxxxx
mine just went out for first time since his fight, i told Oh not to let him out but course he 'forgot' and left bathroom window open, off meow goes, cant help but worry about d little idiot :) meow that is not Oh :) hee hee
im feeling so much better, i feel more normal again, think meds r def working, hurray :) xxxxx
thanks laurs :) im glad you are feeling more normal! time is dragging, im only 5w5d and i just wanna hit the twelve week mark, once ive passed the stage i was where i lost cole, ill feel alot better, im sick of having dreams of miscarriage and horribe things lie that, i just want to be pregnant, properly pregnant, with symptoms and a baby bump, all i have at the moment is the utter emotional sobbing, and bloatedness .. i was going to buy more pregnancy tests today at asda just to check it was all real and i havent dreamt it out of wishful thinking :S is that pathetic? i didnt buy any, but i was very tempted lol!!

and i need to clean cos the house is a state but i really dont dare and to be truthful i just havent got the energy, i just tried to do the kitchen, i got as far as filling the sink full of hot water and then ive come and sat down again, i think im gonna have to just do litle bits at a time, but will take me forever! xxx
Thanks girls... I feel a bit better this morning. We did hash things out this morning via IM (which is silly because we sit right next to eachother). Im actually glad we did that otherwise it wouldve turned into something else Im sure. She told me that she was sorry but that she doesnt feel like she called me a B... maybe said I was acting like one. I just wanted to say either way I dont talk to you like that so why do you think its ok for you to say that to me? Whatever... there is still tension but Im glad its all out and we can just move on. One thing I found funny is that she said that she has been hurt by me latetly because she feels I am always upset with her and am stand offish. I totally see how she thinks that because when I am annoyed, I dont like to argue so I just put on my headphones to avoid saying something I dont want to say. Isnt is better to calm your nerves then to just yell at someone? She def is that way... just reacts how she wants to and thinks there is nothing wrong with that. I dont work that way. I live by the "say what you mean and mean what you say" rule. Ugh... so stressed and am just going to burry myself in work teday. Got knows I have enough to do!

how are you all doing??
11 dpo, negative hpt and I just wiped and say a few spots of bright red blood. Wiped a few more times and didnt see anything and it was clear so I dont know what to make of it. Its too early I think ofr AF but I think too late for IB.
Hey ladies, dropping by to send more love.
Congrats to you Natasha on your BFP :)
Will officially be back Amy if I can ever manage to kick this infection- it is a superbug that the doc said I probably got at the hospital during D&C :-/
oh no!!! I hope you are able to kick it too! :( Are they hopeful that after this time and with treatment that it wont come back?
tash i was the same for ages :) i had lots of tests cos had bought lots of internet cheapies and i kept testing away :) but be careful about doin it cos sometimes tey dont get darker as time goes on due to lot sof different things and that would cause worry . i stopped after i read that . xxxxx hugs hon. u be at 12 weeks before u know it , :) ok who am i kiddin it feels so long while waiting but is so worth it xxxxx hugs xxxxxx
also about house work if u r too tired dont bother, it will wait for u xxx my house suffered for a good few weeks but there wil come a more energy phase that u can clea away in :)

amy could stil be Ib honey, Implant is 7-10 day after Ov so could totally be sweetie xxxxxxxxx

bethany hi hope u feel soo much better soon hon xxxxxxxx

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