ttc after a d&c

hi guys :0 how ye all xxx

angel i dont mind at all hon, ask away :)
it was routine bloods first done when pregnant with lile, they have been elevated for a long time now , since at least march of last yr . i think it was just routine pregnancy bloods they were doing. they probably checked urs too at the start did they?
peoples often get elevated for a while but if they go up by a lot or for a long time or the wrong combination of things elevated , it flags liver damage.
thats why they were testing me loads after mc , to see what caused the damage. they ruled out the worst things and came back with fatty liver. docs say it can just happen whether skinny or heavy . but i unfortunately do have weight to lose, it happens often ish if overweight but can be reversed if not scarring caused. they couldnt do biopsy cos i was preg again. they may want to do one after, im not sure.
but for now im hoping diet and exercise keep it down til after bub and beyond :)
how r u keeping hon?
all good i hope :) xxxxxxxxxx

jen thanks hon, im hoping its just the antibs threw my levels off, fx for next mons blood tests, im not worrying anyway cos it does no good :) what will be will be, worry will only make things worse so im gonna stay zen :)
hope ur more comfy now sleeping on ur back xxxxx

amy dont avoid us, u are allowed be sad, u have had soo much to deal with, praying for u for tomor hon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i second jen, we love u and dont want u to feel u have to absent urself unless ur sunny. we are all allowed our bad days and it does good to let it out, here is the best place to do that chick xxxxxxx hugs xxxxxx

hi , love and hugs to all
hope everyone is well xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Laura, my mind is just a blurr these days. I cant even keep up with whats going on with everyone... just feel like a zombie for lack of a better refference. Thanks everyone for your kind words. <3
amy its understandable you have alot to be concerned with and to keep track of. i am praying for this to be your cycle for an incredible bfp and for good news tomorrow. :hugs: i will be here for you every step of the way you know that!<3

mommylov,you said it. it has been hard for me too. :hug: we should be facebook friends. all of you - if we're not already, we should be.

amy, what test is it you're having tomorrow? i'm doing an hsg friday and a saline sonogram shortly after that (dont know what day yet)
Thanks Jen :hugs:

Horsey, they are doing a sonogram to check my follicles. To be honest I don't know exactly what they will do all I know is there are liking to see when I'll ovulate and see if I good follicles. I hope the hsg makes you super fertile like it did with angel! Are you still taking clomid?
I'm taking femara instead of clomid now. The generic name is letrozole.

Tomorrow should be fun for you actually. I like that type of sonogram because you can see mysterious things actually happen. xo
Oh awesome! Hopefully the combo hsg and femara dies the trick!

Yes, tomorrow will be interesting in that respect. Still kind if scared though. I ovulate just fine so hoping the clomid works. I forget, did you have problems with ovulating?
i wasnt having problems before but am now : ( maybe it is cause i got down and gained more weight : (
Oh so sorry to hear :( I did read that clomid can lead to infertility but that's if you take too much. I hope the hsg gives you some answers :) I didn't know that you were regular and then had issues after the clomid. I'm kind of scared now :(
Amy ~ Cannot wait to hear how your appointments goes for you today! Fingers crossed for that lucky eggy!

Horsey ~ :hugs: It seems so unfair...I'm rooting for you. Hopefully the HSG and changing of meds will be your golden combo!

Laura ~ I'm so glad routine blood work was able to catch the problem with your liver. My brother in law had fatty liver disease and beat it with diet and exercise...glad they caught it before it progressed into something worse! AFM I have NOT had any prenatal bloods drawn, aside from progesterone and HCG...I've been seeing my RE and the last time they ran test on me was in June. I will discuss this with the High Risk Dr Monday when I go.

Jen ~ How thrifty for the places you've registered at to send coupons! I hope your DH managed to scoop up the diaper deals for you! How has work reacted to your news of bed rest?

Hi to the rest of you! Hope this finds you all doing well! xoxo
Hi girls, well appt went ok. They saw two 1 cm follicles on the right side and saw a bigger one on the left. I forget what the size was on the left. She said that it was less than 2 cm on the left which she would like to see it at 2 and she said that I can get there within the next few days. She thinks I will ovulate on or before friday. She gave me an estrogen patch that I have to wear for the next 4 days or until I ovulate. Endo lining was at 7 and she wanted to see it at 10 again said that I still had a couple of days to see if it got to that point but I think the estrogen should help with that too if I understood right. So in a nutshell, EVERYTHING is borderline. Sigh. I dont know how I feel about this... I told dh that I feared havign another apt with bad news and he said well this wasnt BAD news, just not great news. Looks like I am going to O from the left and I just hope that follicle grows and my endo lining thickens up. She also advised against pree-seed. I dont know why but she wasnt happy when I told her that I had used that in the past. Since I didnt use it with my 1st pregnancy, Im hoping that I will be able to get pregnant without it again. I just felt like I needed it since all the procedures and everything. She also wants to run a progesterone test on me 7 days after my + opk again this cycle. She also wants me to use the crinone again so we'll see.
Amy this would all be great news according to my RE. While your Dr uses cm as measurement, mine uses mm. Your follie grows approx 2mm a day and burst between 20-22mm (2-2.2cm). So this is promising!! And my RE said the uterine lining only has to be at 7 for implantation..guess every Dr has their preference (mine will do IUI at 7, but no less). I'd say everything looks great and you are on track to O within a few days! (I'm sorry if your Dr had a different spin on things...honest, you should consult Dr Google)

AND I have a friend who is on estrogen and the Dr told her that it would render OPK's useless :shrug:

AND did I say I personally think all of this looks good. Did they draw blood to conclude you needed estrogen or to check where your LH is at?

One more and...I know it's too late right now, but I used "Yes Baby," the organic lubricant---no parabens.
Amy, I agree with Angel, especially because she understands very well what you are talking about. I am not familiar with what follicle size and what the endo lining should be, but it sounds like the doctor didn't seem concerned. It sounds like your endo lining is thickening so that's good. As for the pre-seed did you ask the doc why she was against you using it? Does she have a specific reason? Maybe she doesn't even know much about it. I would ask her to clarify why she is against you using it, I mean it doesn't hurt to ask, right? Or maybe there is something we don't know about it that can be harmful? Now I am curious. Fx that you ov when the doc says you should and that this will be your month. :hugs:
Amy this would all be great news according to my RE. While your Dr uses cm as measurement, mine uses mm. Your follie grows approx 2mm a day and burst between 20-22mm (2-2.2cm). So this is promising!! And my RE said the uterine lining only has to be at 7 for implantation..guess every Dr has their preference (mine will do IUI at 7, but no less). I'd say everything looks great and you are on track to O within a few days! (I'm sorry if your Dr had a different spin on things...honest, you should consult Dr Google)

AND I have a friend who is on estrogen and the Dr told her that it would render OPK's useless :shrug:

AND did I say I personally think all of this looks good. Did they draw blood to conclude you needed estrogen or to check where your LH is at?

Good questions Angel. That is what I was thinking, if they drew Amy's blood to conclude she needs the estrogen?

So how are you feeling Angel, how is the ms going? Is it easing up a bit? Has it gotten really bad? How are you coping. And you are almost into your 2nd trimester... yay!!!!!
Thanks Girls! I talked to DH and he said that the folli on the left (The bigger one) was about 1.7 or 1.9. He said he remembered the dr saying that it was close to 2. She didnt do any bloodwork for the estrogen and just gave me the patch this morning and said that I should put it on before I left the office. I assume if it affects the OPK's, then I wont get my + until fri? Is that how it affects it? Or will I get a false +? She said that the endo being at 7 wasnt horrible but she would like to see it at 10 so I have a couple of days until I O so it might happen by then. She gave me the estrogen to help with that I think and said it wouldnt hurt anything. I dont think she knew what I was talking about when I mentioned the pre-seed. I think she thought I was using just any old lube so Im pretty sure I can continue to use that. She wants me back on fri if I dont get a + OPK for another scan but said that we will not need to scan if I do surge before then. Kinda dont know what to do about that now that you mentioned the estrogen can affect O tests.

I hope you ladies are doing well with your bumps. Im so sorry again .. feeling so selfish but all this testing and clomid and folli stuff is so new to me :oops:
You are not selfish at all Amy. You have gone through a lot and this is your outlet to let everything out and come here for support. We will never think you are selfish, even if you were to obsessively talk about yourself (which you don't!) :hugs: We are also here to give you advice how ever we can. Like Angel here who has a lot of experience with seeing her re, she gives very valuable advice and info. She knows so many things I can say I know nothing about. Then you have me for instance, this is my fourth pregnancy I am on, so I can give advice about those later pregnancy issues and childbirth. Hence my warnings about the dangers of the overuse of pitocin. I share that info because I don't want any of you to suffer the way I did when giving birth. I have learned that it is so very important to constantly question our docs and have them explain everything very well, and if you don't feel right about something, do your own research (dr. google) or ask us!
Sorry ladies, I have been so busy with my family. I am home schooling my daughter and have so much to catch up on. My older daughters grades keep slipping and I recently found out part of the problem. I found out she is being bullied by some psycho girl who use to be her friend. So this girl is trying to turn everybody against my daughter and making tons of trouble for her, spreading rumors etc., and I think this is really affecting her school. We just found out a couple of days ago. Thank God she told us, the majority of kids being bullied don't speak up, so I am so glad she did. It took us constantly asking her what is going on at school, so she finally told us. So now we are being very careful and planning on how to approach this the best way possible. I have been researching on the internet how is the best way to handle when your child is being bullied. I just want to help her and not make things worse, if you know what I mean.

I hope all of you ladies are doing great and have been thinking about all of you!
Thanks Jess :hugs:

Just got a call from the dr's office to confirm those measurements. Left Folli was 1.6cm and the right two follies were 1.19 & .88 cm so we are rooting for the left one! Im considered cd11 today so my next scan this fri with be on cd 14. Hope the follies grow. :( So from what I read on google, clomid is an anti-estrogen which is why it affects the unterine lining thickening. Im now thinking that the clomid has kind of done its job with the follicles so she gave me the estrogen to help with the lining? This is all so overwhelming. I just hope that it ends on a happy note.

Jess, Im so sorry to hear about your daughter being bullied. I dont know whats wrong with some kids sometimes. Sounds like you are doing a great job in figuring out how to help her (With googling and making sure you take the right approach). I hope she has some peace and that bully leaves her be. Are you thinking about maybe contacting the school or this child's parents? Praying for you....

EDIT: I did ask the nurse about the estrogen patch affecting the OPK and she said that it wont so Im hoping she is right. I dont actually have a kit this month and just have the O test strips from Amazon.
amy hugs xx ur not selfish , id be the same if goin for testing, anything new is scary xxxx
it all sounds good hon and ur gettin loads of help from docs so fx this is ur lucky cycle xxxxxxxxxx u more than deserve it to be xxxxxxxx

angel yeah its time they took ur blood :) they prob just take mine more often cos ive had past problems, they need to keep an eye . but it does no harm to have blood check up anyway for u hon xxxxxx

jess hugs about ur DD, my niece was being bullied in school recently , there r 3 classes in her yr, they got her changed to another class and its grand now again. hope ye can solve it soon. i was bullied in school myself when 12 and its not nice at all. at least ye caught it now and can try to stop it , good luck xxxxxxxxxxxxx
its usually jealousy but that doesnt help much to know at that age xxxxxx

tash where r u , hope ur good.

horsey , fx ur tests go really well and they can help u get sticky bean xxxxxx

bethany hope ur feeling better xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

jen how u doin honey? good i hope :) xxxxxxxx

hope i havent missed anyone , love to al xxxxxxxxxx

i went to physio today, different lady, i wasnt as pleased with her as last lady, she had a student in room with her and she started askign her about her nt out last fro nt while working on my back and totally ignored me while hurting me :) i know htey have to hurt u but she could at least act interested while doing so :)
she was in2 s minds for ages anout brace or no. she decided to bring me back in 3 or 4 weeks and decide then, so for now no brace.
my tubi bandage is gettin tight thought so i asked her can it restrict bub, cos i think bub moves more when im not wearing it. she said it can do if too tight.
now i dont know what to do cos it helps a lot but if it touches bub in any way id give it up.
she said i could get maternity support vest instead so im gonna see if i can find um. might be better but if its tight enough to give support will that not restrict bub too?
waht do ye think?
Sorry I'm in and out...DH had some laser treatment done on his eye (long story), so we are waiting for him to be released. I asked of 44 is when all old people fall apart :haha: <3 my old man!

Amy...anything over 1.2 is def a contender, aka considered the dominant follie. Wouldn't it be super great if the 1.6 AND the 1.19 release? I talked with my gf and she is on estrogen around the clock, so that explains why she would get false +ves on an OPK. You are so on track! I really appreciate you sharing your journey with us...a second what Jess has said.

Jess ~ Holy ms! I thought it was supposed to get better, not worse! It took me the better part of the morning to finally keep food down! And I'm so sorry about your oldest...thank goodness she opens up to you.

Hope you all are well!! xoxo

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